fix articles 2736, high Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : high


IMF Forecasts Low Growth, High Debts and Prices (tags)

Ahead of IMF, World Bank and G20 Meetings, IMF Head Delivers Views on Global Economy

Dear Mr. High Commissioner: Help Free Assange! (tags)

Mr. Assange is a defender of human rights; an innovative journalist and creative publisher; he is one of us. He should not be locked up but standing with us in our office. Is he not persecuted for doing what every serious human rights investigator should be doing every day: investigating allegations and promoting truth, accountability and justice?

IMF Says Historic Low Growth and Sluggish Economy Will Continue (tags)

The IMF forecast 3.1% global growth in 2024, a fifth of a point increase on its October projection.

From war to ecocide in Ukraine: these are the global consequences (tags)

Today peasants are fighting and dying in the war. They have lost everything. The processes of free land sale and purchase are increasingly liberalized and advertised. This threatens the rights of Ukrainians to their land, for which they give their lives. This portends that an industrial model of agriculture will prevail in Ukraine, based on large-scale monoculture farming.

Cacophony of Corporatism, Subsidies & Inheritance Tax (tags)

History is written by the winners. The Orwellian "memory hole" has long been a reality and could soon lead to subsequent generations no longer being able to develop any awareness at all of what it means to lead a free and dignified life.

Social division in the schools and 7 challenges to the welfare state (tags)

The most difficult task will be to redefine prosperity not only in philosophical concepts, but also in concrete tangible and experiential terms detached from consumption. Many are already working on this. The United Nations adopted a strategy for a blueprint for peace and prosperity

Who can afford capitalism anymore? and Why are prices rising? (tags)

When the state now debates the need to create relief packages for employees, pensioners, unemployment benefit recipients, trainees and families, this is official confirmation that the result of wage labor is also poverty. The majority of citizens find themselves in a dual role...

Energy crisis: market intervention by policymakers is necessary (tags)

We are in the middle of a multiple energy crisis. The supply of energy is in danger, and prices will continue to rise. This is not only a problem for private households and companies. There is a danger that persistently high inflation will become entrenched. Then severe economic depression

Those who benefit from Corona should pay too (tags)

It's a dangerous trend for a society that is already tending to drift apart and where tensions could become ever greater: Corona has caused the differences between rich and poor to grow, even in Germany. Those who have anyway will become richer in the pandemic.

Whistleblower Network on Assange (tags)

" If the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is still to be worth anything, all politicians in Western liberal democracies must stand up and speak out. Those who - quite rightly - stand behind Alexei Nawalny must also stand up for Julian Assange. The credibility of our rule of law is at stake here. "

ENMOD (Environmental Modification) Partial List Of Effects: (tags)

the vatican and its subsidiaries have been willfully melting the ice caps since hitlers time, and creating deniability in the media they control with a song and dance about global warming and climate chaos, which are real but being done on purpose so the elite can attack the people who own land on the coasts, and so they can get the new coastland before anyone realizes, and so they can get at what is under the ice.

Atomic gardening & Atomic gardening mutants (tags)

Atomic gardening is a form of mutation breeding where plants are exposed to radioactive sources, typically cobalt-60,[1] in order to generate mutations, some of which have turned out to be useful...

Top Economist: As Pandemic Recedes, a Chance to Rethink Unemployment (tags)

The Chamber of Commerce, for example, has pushed the U.S. to stop expanded unemployment insurance benefits so that people will be forced to return to low-wage jobs. Some Republican-dominated states have jumped on board with this idea.

The rediscovery of the soul (tags)

How apt are the words of Friedrich Schiller: "The world loves to blacken the radiant and to drag the sublime into the dust". And further he writes: "But fear not! There are still beautiful hearts that glow for the high, the glorious"

There is currently no alternative to national debt (tags)

A private economy left to its own devices is completely incapable of immanently combating the crisis. This is especially true for future-oriented investments for ecological modernization that serve climate protection. The vaccine against Covid-19, which will apparently be available shortly, would not exist without govt funding.

State Of Mayhem: The Not So Perfect Days (tags)

This material was taken from the book "Memories Of Oblivion", written by Michael Lupa Jr.

Crisis rent instead of debt trap (tags)

Store closings, event cancellations, slumping orders, short-time work and job losses, especially in precarious employment, have left many unable to afford their apartments or rented commercial space. Despite initial easing, there is no end in sight.

Superior Brain Function In Vegans, Vegetarians, And Fruitarians (tags)

Diets without animal or fish flesh, eggs or dairy are free of many neurotoxins

July 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags) As barricades and school occupations continued from having started at the end of April, repression against students continue to be severe, and the struggle is in the backdrop of a dengue epidemic that the Honduran healthcare system, denied of resources from the state, is not handling. In Choluteca where the social struggle is reputed to be the strongest, a heavy hunt for the ‘leader’ was confessed by the police, and also an 11 year old daughter of a social leader was assassinated.

United Nations Calls for Mozambique Disaster Aid as Country Wrestles with Illegal Debt (tags)

Washington, DC - On Thursday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for more relief aid to be sent to disaster-recovering Mozambique. The country is reeling from two devastating cyclones and wrestling with debts that Mozambique's high court calls illegal.

African-Americans Low in Magnesium - So High Blood Pressure - S.E. US (tags)

Stoke and heart attacks may be from low magnesium in the water!

Women’s History Month Book Launch for “High Voltage Women” (tags)

Megan Cornish – Electrical Tradeswoman speaks at book launch of High Voltage Women.

THE JESUS LIE . 6 (tags)

jesus is fiction

THE JESUS LIE . 5 (tags)

the jesus hoax

THE JESUS LIE . 3 (tags)

jesus never was

Marshall Tuck’s ethnocentrism contradicts Californian values (tags)

Marshall Tuck failed students in many ways, but none greater than his shuttering of programs key to their cultural identities.

Outstanding Report By RAMOLA D &Dr.Tomo Shibata (tags)

This stunning report could prompt action to stop fbi high tech crimes against humanity.

August 2018 Honduras Coup update (tags)

In August 2018, it was the students in primary school, high school and university who carried on the struggle against the increase in transport costs, since they and their families are hit hard by these. Students protested demanding the return of student transport allowances and the lowering of transport fees in general. There had been at least 12 days of road blocks throughout this month by the students and as many ruthlessly brutal evictions, and at the end of August, two high school students were removed by state investigative agents from one of their homes and their bodies found on the streets near their school afterwards. At the same time, there have been lots of attacks by the state against journalists who tell news of struggle and repression and corruption, while more HCH journalists who tell news that speak of police as the good guys and protesters as inconvenient and irrational complained of being abused by protesters in different contexts of struggle and confrontation. Campesinos, environmentalist and community struggles also continue as does the repression against these.

Crisis Regulation in Global Capitalism (tags)

The globalization euphoria waned with the 1997 Asian crisis. Hundreds of billions were needed to bailout bankrupt banks. The US with its high solvent demand stabilized the world economy for a long time. The US could become indebted in its own currency.

One Cup Of Toxic Brew: Side Effects Of Coffee (tags)

Coffee is correlated to pancreatic cancer, causes frequent urination, speeds up the heartbeat, harms the optic nerves, is a factor in placental abruptions, makes people angry in traffic etc. Coffee's dixoypurine is addictive. It acidifies the body causing ulcers. Nevertheless Tara Narula on CBS Morning News shilled for coffee industry related studies alleging up to 8 cupsof coffee a day are good for a person.

Fbi deletes this report on their atrocities (tags)

This is a report first-hand from the front lines of fbi's war on the people.

Insane Company Wants To Send Nuke Plant Waste To New Mexico (tags)

A radioactive waste company, Holtec, wants to send all the nation's high level radwaste, stuff like plutonium, from shut down nuclear plants, to New Mexico.


Actress/Singer/Philanthropist Ha Phuong Will Support an Education and Financial Assistance Program for Aspiring Women Filmmakers, From High School Graduation through Graduate Studies and Beyond

The true history of the fbi (tags)

This report reveals the true and real murderous agency that calls itself the fbi.

Our highest officials are criminals (tags)

The USA is governed by highly paid thugs and criminals.

Neoliberal Austerity Leads to Deeper Crisis (tags)

A high state share in the economy, developed social states and readiness to intervene actively and anti-cyclically prevent falling into a depression. Trump's demonizing regulation, Medicaid, public schools, Head Start, Meals on Wheels, taxation and democracy must be resisted

who, what, when, where, why, how (tags)

This post deals with:Occupy Movement Police

Insights (tags)

This report suggests the need to awaken.

Myth: The Public Service Sector is Inefficient and Much Too Expensive (tags)

Privatizations do not usually lead to lower prices. Privatizations often entail hidden costs. if a business saves by investing less in training, the state has to invest more. Privatizations mostly mean staff reductions, lower wage, and increasing work pressure.

Social Inequality in the Descent Society (tags)

The elevator effect is not true any more. This changed from the 1990s. People no longer move up together. A society of descent, precariousness and polarization has come ou9t of the society of social ascent. Ascents and descents have a collective and an individual dimension.

High crimes committed by fbi / cia in the name of Americans (tags)

Our government, their crimes: OUR CRIMES.

The fbi's psychological attacks on Target employ high tech equipment and low minded hoods (tags)

The fbi's psychological attacks on a Target employ high tech equipment and low minded hoodlums.

Specific evidence on fbi corruption of police, DA, etc. (tags)

This report seeks to bring together evidence that I have gathered regarding the fbi's corruption of police, DA, et. al., in the fbi's efforts to silence me.

Specific evidence on fbi corruption of police, DA, etc. (tags)

This report seeks to bring together evidence that I have gathered regarding the fbi's corruption of police, DA, et. al., in the fbi's efforts to silence me.

Examples of fbi heinous crimes against me and others (tags)

This report contains a summary of some of the high crimes against me and others by the fbi.

The usa is unconscionable and unspeakable (tags)

usa is the land of the enslaved and the home of the depraved.

AIPAC's War on Palestine (tags)


Israeli Fascist Brutality (tags)


Israel Protecting Killers of Immolated Palestinians (tags)


Western Support for Israeli State Terror (tags)


Israeli High Court Frees Muhammad Allan (tags)


Muhammad Allan Suffered Brain Damage (tags)


Secretive Glonvec weapons manufacturer in town (tags)

A high energy weapons development multinational corporation is visiting Southern California High Schools and Colleges, recruiting for mass murder and war crimes.

Modern Abomination (tags)

History will not be kind to this generation's elite ruling class , nor to the government that favors them.

Obama's Latest Demagoguery (tags)


UN Report on Israel's 2014 Gaza War Postmortems (tags)


The hidden costs of trade treaties (tags)

The free trade treaties with Canada (CETA) and the United States (TTIP) are not threatening European standards, the negotiators in Brussels assure us. Yet environmental and food safety regulations have already been weakened.

Ban Ki-moon Supports Israeli High Crimes (tags)


IMF Reports Debt and Human Crises Drive Uneven Growth (tags)

Global Stability and Economic Outlook Reports Released

March 2015 Honduras coup update - during high school students strikes: 4 students assassin (tags)

A monthly update of news in Honduras of political persecution, and new practices and laws imposed, etc. This month is especially horrible and full on.

Fbi commits high crimes under color of law (tags)

See evidence that fbi engages in unconscionable crimes.

Growth, Prosperity and Quality of Life (tags)

"Our understanding of a modern economic and social system is strongly influenced by the phase between 1950 and 1975 when the social market economy was created and democracy was re-stabilized. Since then conditions have changed. New answers are necessary."

Palestinians Suffer Horrifically Ahead of Israeli Elections (tags)


The Murderous Government of the United States of America (tags)

This is a report that should stir all human beings on earth to raise a fist in defiance of the inhumane tyranny of the USA.

USA Today Reveals Ukrainian Forces Include Nazis (tags)


Grand Theft Netanyahu? (tags)


Netanyahu: Symbol of Rogue Governance (tags)


Oil Prices: What Goes Around Comes Around (tags)


Haaretz Editors Urge Removing Netanyahu with All Urgency (tags)


Israel's Anti-Infiltration Law (tags)


Punitive Israeli House Demolitions (tags)


Rewarding Israel for High Crimes Against Peace (tags)


Veterans Against Foreclosures Marches in San Fernando Veterans Day Parade (tags)

“Homes for Vets Now!” pleads Occupy Fights Foreclosures

Starvation in Gaza (tags)

Starvation in Gaza? No, Obesity in Gaza.

Biased Human Rights Report on Ukraine (tags)


Remember Gaza: One of History's Great Crimes (tags)


Libya in Free Fall (tags)


Israel: Guilty of Genocidal High Crimes (tags)


Obama Launches Naked Aggression on Syria (tags)


Telling It Like It Is On Israel (tags)


Israel's Ruthless Agenda (tags)


Israel's Genocidal War on Palestine Without End (tags)


Israeli High Crimes Against Peace Examined (tags)


Ravaging and Destroying Syria (tags)


Pharma Corps Act as Mafia Dons by Suppressing Cancer Treatment Alternatives (tags)

The pharmaceutical corporations maintain their monopoly on cancer treatment with radiation, chemotherapy and surgery as the only FDA approved options for those on Medicare/Medicaid by constant harassment of alternative healers and ignorance about nutrition. These strong-arm tactics could be taken out of the script of the Sopranos, the fictional portrayal of an actual organized crime syndicate.

The Middle Class Continues Shriveling (tags)

A century ago people said a progressive income tax would never happen. Today it is reality. The top tax rate in the US between 1930 and 1982 was 82 %. That was a very interesting experiment because very high incomes were covered.

1983 children radiation seaman cadets sought toured uss Reid ffg 30 Quartermaster (tags)

High schoolers exposed to nuclear blast in 1983 from seaman cadet school. High school age toured my USN ship the uss Reid ffg 30 where I was a quartermaster and witness to a nuclear blast and later saw hot spot in pacific and have tumors and other radiation symptoms

Marijuana and the Adolescent Brain (tags)

Laytonville Healthy Start hosted Ralph Cantor in a new series of presentations on the topic of "Marijuana & the Adolescent Brain." Ralph taught at Laytonville High and then a public forum in May 2014. "Further Adventures with Ralph" consists of two 59 minute sections

Shift from paddy to other crops cultivation (tags)

shift from paddy to other crops

Impeach Obama! Do It Now! (tags)

police state

Caribbean Religious Leaders Demand Debt Forgiveness (tags)

Caribbean religious leaders gathered in Grenada last week to demand an end to austerity and debt policies harming poor communities in the region.

Philippines: Inclusive growth under Aquino no longer possible (tags)

WITH only two years left in his term as he now enters his fourth year in office, President Aquino could now be described as either unwilling or unable to make the country’s much-hyped economic growth inclusive.

Navi Pillay: US Imperial Tool (tags)


IMF Annual Meetings Focus on High Debt Burdens and Global Inequality (tags)

The annual International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank meetings are focusing on the role of high debt burdens in both global economic recovery and increasing inequality. At the onset of the meetings, the G24 released an IMF statement noting that the IMF's failure to implement quota reform and the outcome of the US Supreme Court Argentina/NML Capital case impacts global inequality.

One-Sided Human Rights Council Vote on Syria (tags)


Walking the New Broadway (tags), the journal of the carfree movement, generously allows downloading 40 past issues.

Olympic human rights in U.S. and U.K. (tags)

Who are they to preach to the world about human rights?

On MLK Day: Racist Bullying Cover-up In Riverside Dear Coach Rice (tags)

A campaign of bullying and racist attacks on students at the Riverside John W. North High School have taken place and a cover-up of these attacks.

UK War Crimes Exposed (tags)


"COINTELPRO" U.K.: Exposing the integral role of British human rights "lawyers" (tags)

The purpose of this article is to show (beyond the obvious of why), who & -how- the biggest “Human Rights”...lawyers in the U.K, not only, work hand in hand with, but are integral -to- COINTELPRO style, state operations, in the U.K.

Eulogizing a Mass Murderer (tags)


US Universities of Shame: Part II (tags)


Released Palestinian Prisoners Aren't Free (tags)


Israeli Rabbinical Scandals (tags)


To question Helen Clark regarding UN silence on global ethical human rights to rule world (tags)

Hope to question Helen Clark, head of the UNDP and considered one of the world's most powerful women, why the UN has failed to inform the global mainstream of new plan to rule the world, global ethical human rights, for over five years and despite the significant support it is receiving.

VIDEO: Noam Chomsky on Secret Trade Deals and Destroying the Commons (tags)

Laura Flanders interviews Noam Chomsky on June 18, 2013.

Supreme Court Colludes with Monsanto (tags)


Closing Guantanamo—Why it’s Symbolically, Spiritually and Materially Important. (tags)

President Barack Obama has made a clear and convincing case for closing Guantanamo! Mostly the same reasons finally articulated were just as true when he initially took office. Closing the stigma of war, crime and national shame has always been a high agenda item for many Americans. It is now the watermark battle ground that could begin to show who or what really runs this country. But think of the mindless excuses from war hawks (including complicity by the mainstream media) to try to stop any transparency about Guantanamo prisoners. But there is simply no way President Obama can close this base on his own without major and active U.S. citizen and world support. How can Congress possibly stand in the way of the reasons President Obama announced for closing the Bush Legacy? Where is the Free Speech movement, where are the campus protests at Madison and Kent State Ohio?

Are Reforms of the Financial Sector Enough? (tags)

This article focuses on seven errors and seven remedies of the financial crisis. The financial crisis was also a crisis of easy money. For years and again today, speculators exploited the situation that money was and is very easy to borrow in the US and Japan.

Philippine Supreme Court asked to lift TRO on Reproductive Health law (tags)

Akbayan Partylist would like to express its extreme disappointment over the Supreme Court's decision to issue a status quo ante order against the Reproductive Health (RH) Law for a period of four months.

Italians Reject Austerity (tags)

class war

Supreme Court Authorizes Lawless Wiretapping (tags)


South Central Activist Runs for City Council; Tells Radical Life Story (tags)

Ron Gochez: Life Story of a City Council Candidate from South Central, High School Teacher, and Community Organizer born to an undocumented mother who fled civil war in El Salvador. 33 Minutes Audio/Photography

Brazil: SEMI-ARID will be a thing of the past? (tags)

In this process truly poetic rather than scientific, in which consortia of species succeed in building an environment increasingly rich and varied, every plant, every animal, every micro-organism has its contributory role, being the man for the first time in history, leaving his sad protagonist role of stingy tormentor of nature and life and move creatively to assume the coordination of the construction process.

Impeach Obama: A National Imperative (tags)


Applications Due February 15 for Los Angeles Beat the Odds® Scholarship Program (tags)

The Beat the Odds Scholarship and Leadership Program provides outstanding Los Angeles-area high school sophomores with scholarships and one-on-one college preparation – applications are due February 15.

Israel' 19th Knesset (tags)


The high cost of new and improved (tags)

A relentless push to induce more consumer purchases is endemic. The weight and size of what we buy is bigger. And it is wrapped up in ever more packaging. The social costs of all this unnecessary consumption are high, and are paid for in environmental destruction.

Netanyahu: The Face of Israeli Fascism (tags)


Rare Israeli Justice (tags)


Philippine campaign against high electricity rates snowballs (tags)

QUEZON CITY, Philippines – Thousands of electricity consumers from 55 cities and municipalities from 15 provinces and 10 regions are expected to stage a multi-form protest on November 22, dubbed as “National Day of Action against Epira (Electric Power Industry Reform Act), high electricity rates and privatization of the power industry.”

Atonement: Not in Israel's Vocabulary (tags)


Fed Panic (tags)

class war

Impossible Test Scores (tags)

If you have magnet schools, it's impossible for the remaining students to achieve average test scores.

German High Court Capitulates to Bankers (tags)

class war


The whole of greater Manila region and its suburbs were hit by floods as high as one story building, caused by a 36 non – stop hours rain caused by southwest monsoon ( Hanging Habagat) from the south aggravated by three typhoons that brought torrential rains. Millions of people living in the National Capital Region (NCR) were affected. According to the EPCC NEWS, It has been raining non-stop in the Philippines for more than 11 days due to the arrival of three thypoons and the presence of the southwest monsoon. Millions of people were affected in 20 cities and 9 provinces in the main island of Luzon. Electricty and water were cut-off aggravating the situation. According to EPCC-LA Philippine sources, the floods were aggravated by 5 dams (like Angat, La Mesa, Ipo) around Metro Manila remained opened to avoid the dams from breaking. Add the high tide from Manila Bay, flood pronged areas like Malabon,Navotas, Quezon City and Manila became a lake and a part of the bay.

Gov. Brown's peripheral canal increases salinity in delta (tags)

The peripheral canal/tunnel proposal by Gov. Jerry Brown would increase salinity in the delta by removing too much freshwater from the river. The entrance to the tunnel/canal is too far east and would remove freshwater from the Sacramento River without allowing it to enter the delta. Removal of fresh riverwater combined with increasing sea level as predicted by climate change spells doom for the delta.

A medieval present of austerity, a future of feudalism (tags)

Financiers can’t tolerate losses flowing from their own greed and reckless gambling. Their solution is to have the state guarantee their stratospheric profits, bonuses and salaries. Governments can only do so through extracting money from their citizenry and facilitating the upward flow of wealth within corporate structures.

Destroying Susiya Village to Save It (tags)


Reason for Hope and Despair in Palestine (tags)


Fabricating Lies To Wage War On Iran (tags)

Turning Iran into a reliable pro-Western puppet state is a long-sought US goal. All options are considered, including war.

Israel: Profile of a Police State (tags)


Israel's High Court Spurns Justice (tags)


Riverside Celebrates May Day, Police Violence Mars Protest (tags)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012
RIVERSIDE (CA) - Several hundred people participated in a series of actions marking International Worker's Day in Southern California's Inland Empire. The day featured an Occupy bank protest, an immigrant rights march and rally, and a food and clothing giveaway hosted by an autonomous grouping. The day of community empowerment was temporarily disrupted, however, when police violently targeted students and arrested them.

Challenging Obamacare (tags)


The Keynesian past is past: Nostalgia is not the future (tags)

Keynesianism would be much better than austerity, but would do nothing to solve the underlying structural crisis of capitalism.

Ongoing Israeli State Terror (tags)


NGO Monitor Denies Truth for Israel (tags)


Khader Adnan Ending Hunger Strike (tags)


Racist Israeli Supreme Court Decisions (tags)


Better Instead of More (tags)

Economics could be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing self-determination and creativity. Economics changes with the times. Once saving was the elixir and then spending was the elixir. Frank Rotering in "Needs and Limits" discusses "ecological overshoot."

OWS: Too Big to Fail (tags)

class war

Comedy Museum Benefit (tags)

Comedians gather to benefit new Comedy Museum.

Domestic Criminals Under Influence of Drugs Allowed To Teach At Priest River Schools (tags)

High school dropouts with extensive criminal records and known drug use allowed to be substitute teachers in Idaho. Violent Criminals stripped of gun rights teaching our children should not be allowed anywhere in America.

Afghanistan: Eight police killed at Helmand checkpoint (tags)

Correspondents say that in recent months Taliban militants have carried out several attacks, some of them high profile, by infiltrating the Western-trained Afghan security forces.

Stagnation as a Trend-Life with Satiated Markets, Stagnating Economies and Reduced Work (tags)

45 years ago JKGalbraith was shocked at the public squalor alongside private affluence. In 2008-10 trillions were given to banks and Wall St. so private losses became public losses. By relieving corporations of taxes, neoliberal supply side strategy worsens growth and employment.

Hard Times Getting Harder (tags)


BTL:Communities Adopt New Cooperative Models to Cope with High Unemployment (tags)

Interview with Sarah van Gelder, co-founder and executive editor at Yes! Magazine, conducted by Scott Harris

Israeli Oppression Continues While Talking Peace (tags)

police state

Escalating Israeli Street Protests (tags)

class war

Riverside New School & Medical Center to Remain Closed (tags)

California Governor Jerry Brown has passed a new brutal austerity budget that reduces state spending by $15 billion, bringing it to its lowest level in 29 years. Among the casualties of these and previous cuts are a new high school and new hospital in Riverside, which were intended to relieve the disastrous overcrowding of the local school district and severe shortage of doctors for the region.

Violating Palestinian Right (tags)


Millionaires, Mendaciousness, and Miserable English Scores, the false Locke success story (tags)

Orchestrators of the Locke hostile takeover, Green Dot has in Arne Duncan's words 'Cracked the Code.' Cracked the code to poverty pimping that is. Marco Petruzzi is stacking major paper while 'graduating' students with single digit proficiency.

New Zealanders must ?speak out? about omitted human rights or be reduced to mere ?numbers? (tags)

NZ has been taken over by an anti-human rights philosophy, 'discriminatory collectivism, which aims to destroy individual and collective potential yet human rights regards the individual as a person (and spiritually has a 'name').

East Jerusalem Palestinians: Lawlessly Revoking Their Status (tags)


New Israeli Discriminatory Laws (tags)


Japan's Leaking Water Radiation 100,000 Times Above Normal (tags)

nuclear disaster

Protest Chief School Privatizer Arne Duncan at Fremont HS Today! (tags)

March 22, 2011 at 4:00PM Protest Chief School Privatizer Arne Duncan at Fremont High School.

Bad to Worse in Japan (tags)

nuclear disaster

Full Core Meltdown in Japan? (tags)

nuclear disaster

Gates' Yolie Flores lauded by LA Weekly's Yellow Journalists (tags)

Trashy masseuse and porn ad pennysaver (aka LA Weekly) has printed yet another homage to the princess of privatization.

People's Poetry Benefit for Jeremy Marks (tags)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

NORTH HOLLYWOOD - For the sixth consecutive year, the Community Rights Campaign, an initiative of the Labor/Community Strategy Center, held a night of youth expression of poetic resistance at the NoHo Actor's Studio. A standing-room audience, predominantly made up of youth of color, took part in the evening's poetry recital and open mic, which doubled as a fundraiser for the legal defense of Jeremy Marks, an 18-year-old arrested by Los Angeles Schools Police Department and charged with attempting lynching for filming an act of brutality by a member of the department against a fellow student.

BTL:Anti-Abortion Bills High on New GOP-Controlled House Agenda (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Big Finance and Big Business paying for corporate charter school advertisements (tags)

Most corporate charter-voucher schools have budgets for marketing advertising, but just in case, the well heeled bosses at the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce want to make sure you understand and act upon their corporate message.

Joshua Napier: Singer, Songwriter, Queer Activist Brings Passion to His Music (tags)

The first thing you’ll notice when you hear Joshua Napier sing is the sheer emotion and passion he projects with his music. Napier sings with an edgy intensity that makes you identify with him and his songs. What’s more, though he’s a political activist and writes topical songs, he has the knack of the best activist songwriters of combining the personal with the political and creating pieces that reflect his beliefs instead of hitting you over the head with them. Napier is equally passionate off-stage. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio and raised by a single mother, he was out as Gay in high school. One of the reasons he came to San Diego was to find an activist community with which he could work. Active as the membership chair of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.), he recently left that group’s board to join the board of Activist San Diego (ASD) because he wanted to work with a group that isn’t just focused on Queer issues. Catch him wherever you can — at fundraisers, coffeehouse gigs or the “Redfest” event of politically aware music he’s planning for this summer.

Crafty Camino Nuevo Charter Charlatans (tags)

A critical look at the nefarious corporate charter operator, Camino Nuevo, which is trying to pilfer yet another new public school site under LAUSD's corporate giveaway resolution

America Replicating Japan (tags)

stagnation here like Japan

Sanction Congress, Not One Member (tags)

high political crimes

OUR WORD IS OUR WEAPON: A Creative and Critical Response to Bullying & Suicide (tags)

One Imagination's OUR WORD IS OUR WEAPON is a multidisciplinary production centering the struggles of David, a gay high school student and writer, taking place Sunday, December 5th, 2010 at Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica.

French Students Mobilize: "Sarkozy, You're Screwed, The Youth Are In the Streets!" (tags)

From our correspondent in France

A biased test designed to help defeat Prop 19? Probably! (tags)

We don't need no stinking double blind test to prove that marijuana is a dangerous drug. We will do anything to keep the drug war which is really a jobs program for overpaid cops!

Green U.S. Senate Candidate: End Overseas Wars to Pay for Tuition-Free Higher Education (tags)

"If elected to the U.S. Senate, I will introduce legislation to establish a nationwide program to fully guarantee that every high school graduate living within the United States--regardless of immigration status--is eligible to receive a tuition-free education at a public college, university, or technical trade school of their choosing. We can pay for this program by immediately withdrawing all U.S. troops, private mercenaries, and independent contractors from Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan."


The time to stop the USA's war on the people is now; here is the way to begin.

Universal Jurisdiction to Hold Israel Accountable (tags)

UJ is a powerful tool if used

Gaza's Poisoned Water (tags)

Gazans are being suffocated and poisoned

High Court Injustice (tags)

Court destroying our rights and welfare

Illinois: A State in Crisis (tags)

Illinois a microcosm of America

Obama Picks Kagan, Backer of Indefinite Detention Without Trial, for High Court (tags)

Obama Picks Kagan, Backer of Indefinite Detention Without Trial, for High Court

5/13 CA State Superintendent Of Public Instruction Candidate Leonard Martin Backs LA Court (tags)

Leonard Martin, the only candidate for CA State Superinendent For Public Instruction opposing charter schools is backing a law suit against the illegal establishment by the LA Unified School District of Birmingham High School in Los Angeles and will attend the court hearing on May 13.


The US-Wide May Day Rallies in several major cities to defend immigrant rights and for genuine immigration reform was resounding success --In Los Angeles, the epicenter of the immigrant rights movement, hundreds of thousands turned out and filled 20 street blocks leading to Broadway and Temple St. Estimates range from as high as 500,000 to a low of 60,000.

The Hemperor Jack Herer Dies At 70 (tags)

RIP Jack.

Accelerating Fascism in Israel (tags)

Israel is a militarized police state

Indoctrinating Israeli Youths to be Warriors (tags)

Israel is a modern day Sparta

Free College Tuition with Scholarships and Grants for high school students (tags)

Finding free college scholarships and grants for high school students is not a simple task, however, thanks to some government programs available and with the help of the college or university that you expect to attend, there are some free college scholarships and grants available if you know where and how to research these programs.

Rebel Gen. Lim: Arroyo inviting military revolt (tags)

The EPCC NEWS learned through Manila media sources that a detained military rebel general said that the Philippine Palace is “concluding maneuver” to control the high court could invite a military uprising, warned a rebel officer seeking a Senate seat. “[President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo] is inviting a new military uprising,” said West pointer and Army General Danny Lim said in a statement. He said military officers and their men were disappointed with the Supreme Court ruling authorizing Ms Arroyo to name Chief Justice Reynato Puno’s successor.


“ A high court for an oppressive neo-colonial and semi-feudal system, breeds oppressive laws" The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) shares the bitter disappointment of Filipinos and the Filipino-American community outside of the Philippines on the recent decision of the Philippine Supreme Court allowing President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to appoint the next Chief Justice. For the Alliance, the high court decision signaled that the US-Arroyo regime final consolidation of power is complete. GMA in her nine years at the helm has consolidated her hold on the AFP and the PNP with the ascension of the PMA Class 1978 in power; the Congress packed by her psychopaths, and now the judiciary filled with her appointees.

Protests at Chaffey High School (tags)

Students, Teachers, and Administrators getting together at Chaffey High School to protest the budget cuts.

VIDEO: Tobin Tax on Bankers (tags)

The powerful new coalition of domestic and overseas charities, unions and church groups argue that a Robin Hood tax could generate $700bn (£450bn) worldwide. The tax would see 0.05% levied on each bank trade.

30 Gaza high school students visit the US (tags)

The U.S. Department of State sponsored a two-week visit to the U.S. focused on human rights and democracy for a group of 30 high school students from Gaza

fbi Agent Patrick Groves, Intelligence Officer (tags)

The fbi are offended that I report the location and identity of one of their own, especially as I documented his participation in or witness to many crimes.

The Next Crash is Brewing (tags)

The economic way of thinking enforced for a quarter of century is one of the structural factors that helped this "economy of depression" breakthrough. This dominant doctrine denies the role of demand and concentrates on the problems limiting the supply of goods & services

12/11/09 Update on Imprisoned People's Lawyer Lynne Stewart (tags)

Your holiday cards to framed and falsely imprisoned workingclass lawyer Lynne Stewart and financial contributions to her legal defense are needed now. Your letters are also needed as she faces a new sentencing hearing on April 22. Her high blood pressure at age 70 is sufficient grounds to free her as it is deadly. Here are the latest updates from her website.

New Study Shows Ten States Face Fiscal Crisis (tags)

Crises in states worsen

Trouble in U.S. Ranks and Not All Powerful Nations Bow to Israel (tags)

"Sixteen American soldiers killed themselves in October, an unusually high monthly toll that has senior military officers worried about the impact of sending tens of thousands of new troops into Afghanistan. WSJ's Yochi Dreazen reports. .The Army's top generals worry that surging tens of thousands more troops into Afghanistan could increase the strain felt by many military personnel after years of repeated deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. The October suicide figures mean that at least 134 active-duty soldiers have taken their own lives so far this year, putting the Army on pace to break last year's record of 140 active-duty suicides. The number of Army suicides has risen 37% since 2006, and last year, the suicide rate surpassed that of the U.S. population for the first time. The health of ground combat forces is emerging as an element of the Obama administration's review of its Afghanistan strategy. Conditions there have deteriorated in recent months amid lingering political instability and a worsening Taliban-led insurgency. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top American commander in Kabul, wants more than 40,000 new troops, in addition to the 68,000 that will be in Afghanistan by year-end, and has warned that the U.S. faces possible "mission failure" unless it adopts a new strategy and quickly deploys significant reinforcements." and "Ever since the 22 day brutal and merciless bombardment of homes, schools, hospitals and mosques in Gaza by the Israeli criminal regime, many Israeli tourists are receiving the cold shoulder in countries they visit and some do not want them at all. It is no surprise that high level Israeli government and military officials do not dare set foot in certain countries for fear of being arrested but snubbing the regular Israeli citizen is a relative new phenomena."

Fred Phelps Brings Road Show of Hate to San Diego; 500 Protest Against Him (tags)

Fred Phelps, founder and pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas and a man so far on the fringes of the radical religious Right even the late Rev. Jerry Falwell called him “a certified nut,” brought his nationwide road show of hate to San Diego the weekend of October 16-18. Along with a number of synagogues and Jewish community groups, one of his picketing targets was San Diego High School for its alleged tolerance and acceptance of Queer students. A counter-protest drew 500 people as opposed to the 10 or so Westboro Baptist Church members on the opposite side of Park Boulevard from the school.

Who Rules Money? (tags)

The climate- and financial crises have one thing in common. Both are consequences of a gigantic market failure. Nature and the future of humanity are not at the table when market actors negotiate conditions and aim at their advantages.

Is Growth Only Possible Through Inequality? (tags)

Does capitalism make the rich richer and the poor poorer instead of creating prosperity for everyone as promised? Inequality declined considerably between 1930 and 1970 in western industrial states.

Black and Brown Youth: Both the 'Expendable' Youth of Pomona? (tags)

Thursday of this past week, Pomona police officers arrested 11 Pomona youth with murder charges, including two current high school students. The murder charges are from April of this year where an 18-year old black male, Marquis LeBlanc from Diamond Bar, was beaten unconscious and then shot and killed.

East L.A. 's Garfield High for sale ? (tags)

one of the schools that spawned the Student walkouts to go on auction block ?

Pushing the Barriers: the Children of Immigrants in California (tags)

Yesenia Zamarripas is about to enter her sophomore year at Crenshaw High School. Her Mexican parents speak very little English, and so it's been hard for Yesenia to keep up with her peers. Now, the pressure is mounting, and there's no time to fall behind. But resources are slim in the Los Angeles Unified School District, and there are very few options for getting extra help. Getting through high school is going to be tough.

The Obstacles to Real Health Reform - Private Insurers and Big PhRMA (tags)

Predatory providers are the real problem

The Truth About Cocaine (tags)

Cocaine is one of the most dangerous drugs known to man.

The Truth about Painkillers (tags)

Once prescribed, painkillers open the door to a tenacious addiction and a life dependency.

Last Call for PAPEL's Summer School Program (tags)

With the budget cuts to our summer program now in effect, and with reports by community members of acts of vandalism throughout the different communities in Los Angeles by young children who should otherwise be in school, one community group is ready to take over what the LAUSD failed to do: save our kids!

Los Angeles Hunger Striking Teachers Stop Action. (tags)

Activists Resume Eating But Continue The Fight For 2500 Teaching Positions

Santee Students Walk Out and March in Support of Hunger Strikers Part 3 (tags)

Part 3 of a 3 Part Photo Essay.

Santee Students Walk Out and March in Support of Hunger Strikers Part 2 (tags)

Part 2 of a 3 Part Photo Essay

American School System is mostly a Warehousing/Daycare Op! (tags)

American children who suffer through these long,useless,boring years in school find out at the end ,when they graduate high school,that they're "Not Qualified" to do any kind of job or are trained for any kind of career! .....................................................


EveryOne Group, IRQR and a network of human rights organizations are asking the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the Turkish Government for international protection and asylum for Roodabeh and Ali, two Iranian homosexuals. Sign now:

Goodbye GM, by Michael Moore (tags)

"It is with sad irony that the company which invented "planned obsolescence" -- the decision to build cars that would fall apart after a few years so that the customer would then have to buy a new one -- has now made itself obsolete.."

Austria: Crash Instead of Cash (tags)

In 1978 the Bretton Woods system broke down since the US abandoned the key function of the US dollar to print money to finance the Vietnam War.. The liberalization of the financial markets started a mechanism in which the worldwide population loses.

The High Court Uphold Prop 8: ALL OUT TO THE STREETS! (tags)

t’s an outrage! Today, as expected the conservative California Supreme Court upheld the bigoted Prop. 8 in an overwhelming vote of 6-1. It dealt the LGBT community a judicial defeat but with a compromise that wishes to placate the community. It maintained that the 18,000 marriages remained untouched.

Was the Prez Obama bribed by AIG ? (tags)

see this informative article about the meltdown, the 25 main cheating money grabbers, and how much AIG, a huge bailer outed had contributed to Obama's recent campaign in 2008 =see

Report & Photos: Venice HIgh Walk out (tags)

LOS ANGELES, May 15, 2009 - An estimated 200 students walked out of classes today at Venice High to support the their teachers and demonstrate against continuing budget cuts and teacher lay offs. They hung banners from some of the buildings and chanted, “books not bombs” and “save our school” among other chants.

VIDEO: Student walk out at Venice High (tags)

VENICE - Short video of a student walk out at Venice High in support of the teachers. Police and school admin forced this reporter from campus shortly after this video was shot.

Friday 9:00 am - Teachers Stage Pickets Instead of Strike (tags)

LOS ANGELES, May 15, 2009 - There are reports of teachers picketing this morning at campus throughout the city. In place of a planned one day strike for today that a judge issued an injunction against.

Attac Catalogue for Democratizing the Financial Markets (tags)

The financial industry contributed over $5 billion in the last year in campaign gifts and lobbying to ensure that Wall Street oligarchs have their way in the media and congress. Attac is a global justice network committed to shriveling the financial markets.

Stupid USA: Federal Judge Attacks Teacher's Right to Criticize "Creationism" Gar (tags)

As this backward country declines at a snowballing pace, the decay spreads like wildfire. We now have allegedly educated people, federal judges, supporting fascist high school students' lawsuits against teachers who were secretly recorded correctly attacking "creationism," better known as contempt for evolution, under the stupid theory that it attacked religion, which should be attacked as it is superstition

Breaking May Day News - 11:40 am - Student Walkouts Have Started (tags)

Student walk outs at various high schools in the Los Angeles area have begun. There are reports of walkouts at Roosevelt High, Jefferson High and Lincoln High.

Putting Finance Capitalism "Back in Its Box" (tags)

Their scheme is permanent debt bondage


WHY KERALA,GRAMPA? is a recently completed 87 minute documentary about one of the most progressive communities on the planet.

fbi/cia criminal operations globally (tags)

See the following two reports on fbi/cia corruption and criminal activities globally. QUESTIONS! geral sosbee (956)371-5210

Guatemala and other central American countries becoming more violent than Mexico (tags)

Two armed U.S. DEA helicopters intercepted and fired on a smugglers operating from a light aircraft in far eastern Honduras, causing the aircraft to crash killing the lone pilot

Carpinteria votes on reinstatement of racist mascot (tags)

CARPINTERIA, California (March 16, 2009) – On Tuesday, March 17, the school board of Carpinteria, California will meet to vote whether or not to rescind their own 2008 decision to remove all imagery that stereotypes Native American peoples from Carpinteria High School. The town of Carpinteria is staging the meeting in such a way as to intimidate the Native people choosing to participate.

On the Psychology of Neoliberalism (tags)

The claim of non-wage benefits was stylized as social misuse, recipients of high incomes as achievers and unemployment as personal responsibility. According to this ideology, the optimal conditions for gaining profits lead to prosperity for all.

The California Budget and Class War (tags)

On February 19, the California legislature, after weeks of wrangling, passed a special budget to address the historically high $42 billion deficit. It represents an unadulterated washout for working people who are attacked on almost every front by the Democratic Party, which controls a broad majority in the legislature.


The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) scored the ambivalent and double standard Philippine Supreme Court’s decision that said that US Marine Daniel Smith could be continuously detained in the US Embassy while he appeals his case in court. AJLPP condemns the self- contradictory rule that has been the hallmark of the Supreme Court ever since time immemorial. The ruling that the convicted marine must be jailed in a Philippine facility that cannot be implemented just perpetrates the colonial status of the Philippines under the rule of the United States.

Racism and Intimidation in Carpinteria (tags)

CARPINTERIA, California - The small town of Carpinteria, California is the latest battleground in Native Americans’ fight against racism. The controversy over a supposedly “harmless” high school sports mascot has alienated the Native American population of Carpinteria, who have come to fear violent reprisals from the non-Native community.

Offe's Paradox (tags)

Klaus Offe, a left thinker, once proposed Offe's paradox, the idea that"while capitalism cannot coexist with, neither can it exist without the welfare state." Canada has done better than some countries in protecting social welfare. The welfare state is not dead; what is dead is econ security.

Rancho Cucamonga Youth Demonstrate Against Proposition 8 (tags)

October 25, 2008 RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Student leaders of local high school Gay-Straight Alliances banded together this Saturday to demand equality for LGBT people and spread awareness about the insidious proposition 8. They were joined by teachers, community members, and families. Prop eight, if passed, would eliminate the legal right for same-sex couples to marry. Earlier this year, the California Supreme Court decided that the right to marry was guaranteed by the state constitution, and could not be superseded by initiative.

Will Bailout Minimize FBI Investigation Who Might Have Sold Fraudulent Loans/Securities? (tags)

Some lenders might have lowered their “own mortgage borrowers’ home values” by continuing to make sup-prime loans to unqualified borrowers in their community—after having “knowledge” the community had high numbers of mortgage defaults and foreclosures.

NO MORE BAILOUTS....we have done too much already (tags)

It is FEAR MONGERING, by exaggerations and catastrophic depictions.. propaganda...selling us the 2% incomers version of how bad it will be for us if they lose any of their profits, capital gains, benefits, compensations, and lobbist powers, and government chummists [the revolving door club]

As Rome Burns, Nero Safe In His Tower, High Above the Flames, Sings Playing His Lyre (tags)

As Rome Burns To The Ground, Nero, Safe Is His Palace Tower High Above the Flames, Sings Gaely, Playing His Lyre, While Drunk on the Finest Greek Wine.

Mukasey to Congress: Defy the Rule of Law (tags)

More attempted administration lawlessness.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) today expresses outrage over the passing of the more than $ 628 B budget to fund the Iraq –Afghanistan war yesterday, June 26 in the US Congress while that the Filipino Veterans Equity bill that was languishing in the US congress for more than 18 years was not even discussed. Aside approving the war budget, the high profile legislative visit or the lobby by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo took precedence in the House of Representatives. It is high point in mendicancy for the president of the Philippines to let herself be stereotyped as “cooks” and “Philippine-Americans” by no less President Bush during their White House meeting.


Money for the Filipino Veterans, Not a Penny for the war in Iraq! Money for People’s Needs, Not for the War! The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) today expresses outrage over the passing of the more than $ 628 B budget to fund the Iraq –Afghanistan war yesterday, June 26 in the US Congress while that the Filipino Veterans Equity bill that was languishing in the US congress for more than 18 years was not even discussed.

How Much Democracy is Left? (tags)

Politics no longer determines the econmy; the mammoth econmy defines politics. The US has long been a plutocracy instead of a democracy and has prescribed this system of capital rule for the whole world. Capital rule is always central rule

"Oil Crisis Changes Globalization" (tags)

In the poorest hundred countries, the high oil price is intensifying hunger and poverty. "These people stand at the edge of a possible disaster," Jeremy Rifkin says. The high prices for oil, gasoline and gas change the rules of globalization.

Teachers Strike In LA (tags)

“ THEY SAY CUT BACK, WE SAY FIGHT BACK! They Say Our Way, We Say No Way! “ Thousands of teachers, parents,students and their supporters In a one-hour demonstration at the beginning of the day,picket outside schools in Los Angeles. Converging at the Los Angeles High, Belmont High School. Fairfax High School, Miguel Contreras Learning Complex and Gratts Elementary School in Central Los Angeles held an hour long demonstration this morning to protest proposed budget cuts. Banging pots, waving signs, shouting slogans to passersby and delaying the start of the school day as students in the nation's second-largest school district waited in gymnasiums and auditoriums and on athletic fields. Motorist hoked their horns in supports of the rallyist. By 9 a.m. most protests had wound down.

3 days to Save Rent Control; No on 98/Yes on 99 (tags)

LOS ANGELES COUNTY, You must pull through with a high voter turnout to save our homes. Southern California has 2/3 of the State's population and while Northern California, especially San Francisco, is working very hard to push tenants to the polls, Los Angeles County must lead.

Disturbing 2008 Global Peace Index Report (tags)

GPI unfairly targets Venezuela.

VOTE NO on Prop 98, YES on Prop 99 (tags)

even homeowners will be distrssed if voters dont realize they have DEREGULATED our LA City Rent Control, that protects us from evictions, from arbitrary rent hikes, from owners eliminating seniors and fixed income families they 'dont like' as tenants.

LA TRASH Fees ROCKETING again (tags)

LA Mayor and Council want to AGAIN raise solid-waste-trash-collection fees, a 'hidden indirect tax". This is an OPEN letter to them. Copy it or write your own, please. Don't stay mute and be beaten down, like trash.

Consolidated May Day Time Line: (tags)

Consolidated May Day Time Line:

Venice High School Students Walk out of Class (tags)

Venice High School Students Walk out of Class, Los Angeles, May 1st, 2008

2:15 pm - May Day Actions Across City (tags)

Current reports:

12:20 pm - 200 students Walkout at Venice High (tags)

Text message to newsroom report 200 students have walkout at Venice High and are hold a rally at the front of the school on Venice Blvd.

10:20 am - Scattered Incidents of Student Walkouts (tags)

Although nothing compared to the scale of the last two years, there are reports of a few small student rallies taking place at some High Schools in South Central.

Military Test is Mandatory in Hundreds of High Schools (tags)

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB provides the military easy access to more than a half million high school students nationwide. It is one of the military’s most successful recruiting devices. Although the military calls the ASVAB voluntary, many students are coerced into taking it and thousands of high school juniors are forced to do so.

Workers Pay for Their own Impoverishment (tags)

A whole series of factors are combining to undermine the financial position of banks. None of this happened by chance. It is only to be expected that brokers should seize every opportunity to line their pockets. They use innovations to kid themselves they can abolish risk.

Destroying Public Education in America (tags)

Privatizations schemes to destroy public education.

Psychology of Crisis (tags)

Psychology has a great influence on developments of the world econmy. In Tokyo, the G7 states agreed to avoid negative terms to not worsen the situation. Neither the extreme price drop of the dollar nor of the Yen were mentioned in the final declaration.

Roosevelt High Students Picket Recruitment Center In Boyle Hts. (tags)

BOYLE HIEGHTS, EAST LA, March 20, 2008 – Students from Roosevelt High marched from their school to a nearby military recruitment center today to demonstrate against the continuing war in Iraq and the predatory practices of military recruiters on their campus. The students staged a picket in front of the recruitment center. The protest was peaceful and there were no arrests.

ICE/Migra on High School campus in LA!! PROTEST!! (tags)

ICE is staking out SCHOOLS.

CDIR Expects Surge Of Anti-Immigrant Scape-Goating (tags)

The Coalition In Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR)-USA expects a high tide or a surge of anti-immigrant scape-goating in the face of the current economic recession in the United States. The CDIR-USA coordinator Arturo P. Garcia also expressed alarm over the move of anti-immigrant lobbyist Ward Connelly, the author of the infamous Proposition 209 in California to put into ballot initiative in five states propositions about race and gender equality. The ballot measures will have better chances of winning in those states like Arizona, Missouri and Colorado with high anti-immigrant bias and forces.

Transport group threatens to hold protests anew (tags)

Militant transport federation Pagkakaisa ng mga Samahan ng Tsuper at Operator Nationwide (Piston) yesterday denounced the Arroyo administration’s insistence that the government cannot suspend the 12-percent expanded value added tax (eVAT) on oil and other petroleum products in view of the high oil prices as it threatened to mount a series of nationwide protest actions.

Career Exploration or Child Exploitation? (tags)

Deceptive "Career Exploration Program" provides military recruiters with leads on 600,000 high school students yearly. Act Now to Protect Privacy of High School Students in Your Community!

Kauai to Superferry: Stay Away (tags)

Vowing that would not happen again, Governor Linda Lingle, a friend of President George Bush, purchased armored vests for Kauai police and machine guns. Legislative rumors have it that Lingle has a "special relationship" with wealthy Superferry financier John Lehmann. She is said to want to run for US Senator Akaka's seat.

PA: Hamas stealing Gaza hospitals' fuel (tags)

More crimes against humanity, this time, agaisnt their own civilians by the so-called "Palestinians"

Finnish gunman, Auvinen, on SSRI antidepressants. (tags)

Another case of ssri driven slaughter..but this one not reported by the english language press

Illinois Students Pressured by High School to ID 'Ringleader' of Anti-War Sit-In (tags)

As national outrage mounts against the threatened expulsion of dozens of high school students in the wake of a antiwar sit-in at Morton West High School in Berwyn, Illinois, parents who have attended private meetings with their suspended students and school officials report that their students were offered reduced punishments only if they signed a confession that singled out a student as the organizer of the protest.

Dozens of Illinois HS Students Face Expulsion After Antiwar Sit-in (tags)

Over 70 high school students participated in a sit-in against the Iraq War on All Saint's Day, Thursday, November 1st. The protest began when dozens of students gathered quietly in the lunchroom at Morton West High School in Berwyn, Illinois and refused to leave.

Focus The Nation: Global Warming Talk at CSULA (tags)

As part of the nationwide "Focus The Nation" effort, which will include over 800 high schools and colleges, Cal State L.A. will begin a series of events on Global Warming with a talk by plant biologist Dr. John Gamon.

1K High Temp Records Broken in Sept. (tags)

[Highlights of Sept. NCDC report] Last month's combined global land and ocean surface temperature was the fifth warmest September on record and the global ocean surface temperature was the second warmest since records began in 1880.

$2.257B for Iraqi Army Guns, Vehicles & Logistics (tags)

On Sept 25/07, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced Iraq's formal request for vehicles, small arms, ammunition, explosives, and communications equipment as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $2.257 billion.

Scandal in the Porn Industry - A summary (tags)

Now everyone be very very quiet...

Sept. 20: Protests Around the Country in Support of the Jena 6 (tags)

Watts, Los Angeles Locke High School Students Walk Out in Support of the Jena 6

Global wheat prices soar to new highs (tags)

Compared with initial forecasts of a near-record crop of up to 26 million tonnes, dry weather has shrunk expected output to 20-22 million tonnes, according to industry forecasts. reuters

Condi dances for peace (tags)

Taht's the only peace she will get

Small Town Love? (Not So) (tags)

Small towns are where people that have certain commonalities and are prefered over other other min

A "Slow Motion Train Wreck" (tags)

Financial market turmoil and the Federal Reserve increases it

Israeli army to recruit Jews abroad for hi-tech course (tags)

The IDF plans to use the resources of the Jewish Agency and the Foreign Ministry to identify candidates for the course. The army plans to begin advertising the new program, based at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, in English on its Web site.

Good Bye Bingo: Seniors Go High Tech (tags)

Whether it’s playing the latest Nintendo Wii game or sitting down for a hand of Bridge, seniors engage in a variety of activities – old and new – to exercise their minds. “Good-bye Bingo: Seniors Go High Tech” from the Home Instead Senior Care, serving seniors in Burbank, Long Beach and Hemet. It highlights recent trends as some seniors gravitate toward video games, but also focuses on traditional games and companionship/conversation as ways to challenge the brain.

Alberto Gonzales's testimony before Congress: a criminal investigation is warranted (tags)

Congressional leaders are calling for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate possible perjury charges against Alberto Gonzales. As we saw during the Watergate scandal, the executive branch cannot be counted on to investigate itself.

Gentrification or Development? (tags)

New infrastructure projects from both the public and the private sectors is prepping up Historic Filipinotown district. City Council President and Council 13 District Member Eric Garcetti made the announcements during the get-together breakfast meeting ?held at Remy’s on Temple Art Gallery last May 25. But still EPCC want to see more affordable and low-cost housing in central Los Angeles that will help the newly arrived immigrants and the low-paid workers living in Echo Park area.”?

Riviera Village Summer Festival (tags)

Riviera Village Summer Festival: Redondo Beach Event Celebrates The Season With Family Fun And Entertainment On June 23 & 24 - Free Admission!

The High Price of Cell Phones (tags)

Cell Phone technology has gone mainstream recently. Almost everyone, it seems, has a cell phone or similar device. The advantages of having this technology are readily available and promoted in the advertising for these products, but what about the drawbacks and dangers? This paper will shine some light on the dark side of widespread cell phone use, including possible radiation exposure and brain injury risk, increased risks of vehicle accidents, the disruptions caused by ringing phones and those who talk on them in inappropriate places, the financial costs of monthly fees and surcharges for services, the high turnover rate of phones resulting in large amounts of e-waste, hand muscle strains from using tiny keyboards, and the reduction of face-to-face personal contact.

Local Soldier, Joseph J. Anzack Jr., Killed in Iraq (tags)

After agonizing over an earlier rumor that their son had been killed in Iraq and then learning he had been abducted with two other soldiers, the family of Pfc. Joseph Anzack Jr. received the dreaded news Wednesday that his body was found in the Euphrates River.

A Chorus Line Returns To Hollywood High (tags)

The "Line" returns to Hollywood, CA at the World Famous Hollywood High Auditorium located at 1521 Highland Avenue at Selma. On June 8, 15, 16, 2007 at 8 PM and June 17, 2007 at 2 PM, A Chorus Line will hit the stage with stellar performances by the students from the Hollywood High Performing Arts Center, Tickets on sale now at Need more info? Contact 323-461-7139 or email

Local Soldier, Rhys W. Klasno, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Sgt. Klasno, 20, of Riverside, was killed Sunday in Iraq after an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle.

Local Soldier, William "Tony" Farrar Jr., Killed in Iraq (tags)

William Farrar Jr. was killed Friday after an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle. was driving the vehicle as part of a convoy patrolling an area in Iskandariyah, Iraq, about 30 miles south of Baghdad, according to his father and a Pentagon news release.

Local Soldier, Joseph J. Anzack Jr., Captured in Iraq (tags)

The Department of Defense on Tuesday named Pfc. Joseph Anzack Jr. - a 2005 graduate of South High in Torrance - as one of three infantrymen missing since their patrol was attacked south of Baghdad.

Bratton's history in Boston, NY and LA (tags)

The attacks on May Day at MacArthur Park are consistent both with ICE/vigilante attacks on immigrants and Bratton's long history of attacks on poor and oppressed people in the interests of global capital, colonialism and gentrification.

10:00 am - High school walkouts have begun (tags)

10:00 AM - High school walkouts have begun

New video: CSOMilano 0.1 (tags)

A group of activists from the "8 de Marzo" collective squattered the old wedding hall "Milano". One week later, and one hour before starting a neigbourhood afternoon snack organized for the neighbours and local people as a part of the "presentation working days", the police sealed the building and started a pressure campaign trying to nip the project in the bud before it could grow.

-- A Modest Proposal Concerning A Proper Use For High C -- (tags)

Or, How to Fight the Good Fight, Vanquish Darkness, Play the Trumpet, and Win the Revolution without firing a shot...

Protest Military Recruiting in East L.A. (tags)

A vigil and nonviolent civil disobedience are planned for Monday, March 19 to protest the targeting of Latino students in East Los Angeles for military recruiting.

Local Soldier, Rowan D. Walter, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Rowan D. Walter died Feb. 23 of injuries suffered a day earlier when a roadside bomb exploded in an ambush attack in Ramadi, west of Baghdad. He had left his tank to help soldiers in an earlier attack.

Tundra Disappearing At Rapid Rate (tags)

It's like it waited until conditions were just right and then it decided to get up and run, not just walk.".....This sets up a "positive feedback," the same process that is associated with the rapidly decaying Arctic ice cap.

Local Marine, Blake H. Howey, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Pfc. Blake H. Howey of Glendora died in Iraq on Sunday at age 20, becoming the second person from Glendora to be killed in Iraq. Howey was only a few weeks into his first deployment when his convoy was struck by a roadside bomb in Fallujah, said family friend Karen Butterfield.

U.S. one of worst places for kids (tags)

BERLIN -- The United States and Britain ranked at the bottom of a UN survey of child welfare in 21 wealthy countries that assessed everything from infant mortality to whether children ate dinner with their parents.

Local Marine, Jared M. Landaker, Killed in Iraq Helicopter Crash (tags)

Jared Landaker was piloting a CH-46 helicopter and had picked up a wounded Marine in Karbala, Iraq, and was taking him to a hospital when a support helicopter crew saw fire in the back. The helicopter spun around twice and crashed on its left side. Everyone inside burned to death, the pilot's mother said.

Local Marine, Alejandro Carrillo, Killed in Iraq (tags)

A 22-year-old Marine sergeant from Carson, who often came back to his high school alma mater to encourage students to stay in school, has been killed in combat in Iraq. Marine Sgt. Alejandro Carrillo, a Carson High School graduate, died Jan. 30 while conducting combat operations in Anbar. He was a driver with a combat logistics battalion.

Local Soldier, Cornell C. Chao, Killed in Iraq (tags)

U.S. Army pilot Cornell Chao, 36, formerly of Fullerton, died Sunday when his Apache helicopter crashed in Najaf, Iraq.

AJLPP Support The Petition to the Supreme Court To Declare VFA unconstitutiona (tags)

The Alliance for A Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) –USA militantly support the call of nationalist Filipinos led by Former Senate president Jovito Salonga, former Senator Wigberto Tañada, retired Court of Appeals associate justice Jose de la Rama; and lawyers Emilio Capulong, Harry Roque, and Florin Hilbay to declare as unconstitutional the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) for allegedly creating a "privileged class among criminals." The AJLPP –USA express elation that the Former Senate president Jovito Salonga led complainants in filing the 43-page petition before the high tribunal Friday. They said that the VFA had given the US soldiers "a class above all others" when it allowed the US to have custody of its erring

Feds Plan to Step Up Education Funding in South Central (tags)

The U.S. government is devising a plan to infuse much-needed additional funding into education and training programs for disadvantaged youth, a program that purportedly is designed to address the root causes behind the exclusion of some youth from these programs.

Dope dealing feds???? (tags)

What a novel way to recruit peole to kill Arabs? Offer them coke, and fake the results on their tests.

South Central Farmers’ Tianguis and Centro Open House Sunday (tags)

South Central Farmers’ Tianguis and Centro Open House Sunday South Central Farmers continue to move forward in pushing their mission statement of providing access to high quality, high nutritious produce and vegetables in South Central Los Angeles. While the politicians fail to address the growing trend of childhood obesity, cardio-vascular diseases in our community the SCF continue to push for local solutions through direct intervention with education and access.

Local Marine, Lance Cpl. Jeromy D. West, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Lance Cpl. Jeromy D. West, 20, of Aguanga, died Saturday while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar province, according to a Department of Defense news release.


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th The Lynwood City Council will vote this Tuesday on a proposal to build an NFL stadium. Homes and Businesses along Atlantic Blvd, Imperial HWY, Fernwood Ave, and Wright Rd would be demolished if this project is approved. Many property owners of the affected area are still not informed about this issue. Those who do know only found out recently. This decision would destroy a huge chunk of a city that is only 4.9 square miles. The newly constructed Firebaugh High School and Vista Continuation School will be torn down. This is a racist move by an already currupt city council.

Government schools flush the 1st and supress student blogging (tags)

I don't have a problem with this when private schools censor and supress the free speach of their students. But I do have a big problem with this when the government PUBLIC schools do it!

Mary Robinson Spotlights Human Rights Abuses in Darfur (tags)

Before the word “Feminist” became fashionable, Mary Robinson, a Barrister, legislator and educator, was shaking up the “conservative” establishment in the Republic of Ireland. After serving a term as its first female President, she became the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights. Today, human rights, on a global scale, is her cause. On Nov. 1, 2006, in a lecture at Adelphi, MD, she exposed human rights atrocities in Darfur and elsewhere.

Local Marine, Jason Franco, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Jason Franco had been in Iraq less than a month when he died Tuesday. He was the seventh Inland man to die in one of the war's deadliest months and the second Buena Vista High School graduate to die there this year.

Local Sailor, Charles O. Sare, Killed in Iraq (tags)

U.S. Navy Corpsman Charles Otto Sare, 23, was killed Monday in Anbar province when the M1114 High Mobility Multi-Purpose vehicle he was riding in was struck by an improvised explosive device. He reportedly was wearing body armor and other protective gear, including the military's new Kevlar helmet.

Local Soldier, Mark C. Paine, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Capt. Paine, 32, of Rancho Cucamonga, died Sunday when a roadside bomb exploded near his vehicle in Taji, just north of Baghdad, in Iraq, according to the Department of Defense. Paine was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment, 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division in Fort Hood, Texas.

Local Soldier, Kenny F. Stanton Jr., Killed in Iraq (tags)

A Hemet High School graduate who was a budding journalist and a youth leader at his church has become the latest Inland serviceman -- and the third from his school -- to be killed in the war in Iraq.

Stewart Alexander Addresses Health Care Reform (tags)

The U.S. has the largest and most expensive health care system in the world and the current system is on the verge of collapse; maybe not in 2006, however it will collapse. Today there are many signs that the system is already unraveling. Many companies are scaling back the health care coverage they offer employees; due to the lack of affordability millions of Americans are uninsured, the high cost will cause many U.S. corporations to close doors, and the future cost of health care coverage will force many local governments and public agencies into bankruptcy.

The Hidden Draft in Our Schools (tags)

With a vast majority of the US public disapproving of the quicksand war in Iraq, how can American educators continue to allow unchecked and unscrupulous recruiting in our high schools? A former Army officer takes a look at the problem of gutless school leaders who let their students be turned into Bush League cannon fodder -- then offers some suggestions on how to change things.

HS Students bike from Savannah to LA today (tags)

About two dozen High School students arrive today at Venice Beach. They bicycled 42 days from Savannah, GA- about 3,000 miles.

Operation "Save Israel's High Command" (tags)

"Israeli propaganda, except in the United States where there isn't any other kind, doesn't work its old magic."

Israeli strikes may boost Hizbullah base (tags)

Hizbullah support tops 80 percent among Lebanese factions.

4 may have drowned in illegal border crossing (tags)

If you sneak into the USA thru these tunnels please don't do it when its raining!

The Second American Revolution : High Places (tags)

Our ancestors had revolution after revolution because they did not knock down the High :Places

Feral Visions Against Civilization gathering in SE Arizona, Aug. 4-13th (tags)

Feral Visions Against Civilization - Announcing the 4th Annual Green Anarchist Gathering! August 4th-13th, 2006 (full moon on the 9th), in the high elevation Sky Island Mountains of Southeastern Arizona.

Christopher Leon, A Local Marine, Killed in Iraq (tags)

A 20-year-old Marine from Lancaster has been killed in Iraq, becoming the third young Antelope Valley man to die there since the 2003 invasion. Cpl. Christopher Leon, a 2004 Lancaster High School graduate, died Tuesday from wounds suffered in combat, Marine officials said.

Michael Estrella, a Local Marine Killed in Iraq, Honored (tags)

Relatives, friends and supporters bid their last farewell to Marine Cpl. Michael Estrella in emotional services Friday. Estrella, 20, a 2003 Hemet High School graduate, was killed June 14 in combat in Iraq, the 2,500th member of the U.S. military to die in that country since the war began, according to Marine officials.

Luis Santos, Local Soldier Killed in Iraq, Remembered (tags)

More than 100 family members, friends and supporters paid tribute to Spc. Luis D. Santos on Monday. Services were held at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Rialto then proceeded in a police-escorted motorcade to Riverside National Cemetery, where Santos was laid to rest.

Re-Regulation of the Economy (tags)

"Finance markets become judges over the economy punishing mistakes with (threaten-ed) capital flight." Resisting re-regulation represses blind spots and confuses the goat and the gardener, the market and the fire dept and the problem and the solution.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Army Spc. Luis D. Santos, of Rialto, who attended Fontana High School, died of injuries received when a bomb exploded near his vehicle during combat operations in Buritz, Iraq, June 8, 2006.

The REAL Assault on Marriage: Top 10 Ways Bush & Co. Have Undermined Marriage (tags)

This article was first published in July of 2003 when the US Senate first took the issue of a constitutional ban on gay marriage up as a diversion from deteriorating conditions in Iraq. And now, after three more years of the Bush cartel, it is even more relevant today.

How the State of Education Has Changed Over Time in (tags)

I think, when the school opens this June, it’s high time to send our officials back to school so that they would learn first hand the real sad state of our educational system. #

Death Penalty, $250 Million Tax Burden (tags)

California taxpayers will spend an average of $200 to over $275 million for each prisoner on death row; and most of that cost is related to the high cost of capital trials, housing the death row inmate, the high cost for defense counsel and the tens of millions required to appeal convictions.

Strong community support at the farm (tags)

On Wednesday, May 24, over 200 people were at the Farm at Alameda and 41 Street to show their support to the farmers of the South Central Farm. When I got there at 8:30 PM, I couldn’t see any Police at all, but there were farmer vigilantes with walkie talkies at the 4 corners, some listening to

Nonpartisan Office: Sarah Knopp for School Superintendent (tags)

The California Superintendent of Schools is technically a nonpartisan position. Sarah Knopp, a socialist and member of the Green Party, is running for this position

New Orleans: Who Stole Fortier High School? (tags)

How does a historically black high school get turned into predominantly white elite charter school? Alcee Fortier High School in New Orleans is a symbol of everything wrong in New Orleans today.

Hundreds Attend Funeral Service for Local Soldier Raymond L. Henry, Killed in Iraq (tags)

A group of nine high school friends and an Anaheim family say farewell to a soldier killed on patrol in Iraq.

Hundred of Thousand at LA noon time March (tags)

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS MARCH FOR MIGRANTS RIGHTS Downtown Los Angeles was completely closed down as marchers demand for legalization

Governor Joins Struggle Against Teachers (tags)

Stewart Alexander, candidate for lieutenant governor, oppose Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s move to take control of the LAUSD and says he fully support the position of the teachers, district officials and the unions on this important issue.

Black & Brown Unity Summit (tags)

An estimated 100 people gathered for an ethnic unity event entitled: ‘Black and Brown Unity: Towards a Common Agenda’. The event included a panel discussion involving church clergy, college professors, labor organizers, community workers,, and a Santa Monica High School student.

French unions hold talks with government in move to end “First Job Contract” strikes (tags)

France’s major trade unions and student unions, a total of twelve organizations operating under the umbrella of the Intersyndicale, held a joint meeting in Paris Wednesday morning to coordinate negotiations with the Gaullist government over the “First Job Contract” (CPE). Five trade unions—CGT (General Confederation of Labour), CFDT (French Democratic Confederation of Labour), FO (Workers Power) and two management unions, the CFTC and the CFE-CGC—later held separate discussions with deputies from the ruling Union for a Popular Majority (UMP) party. Other unions will meet with the government in the coming days.

April 15th Mass Student March Against Racist Legislation ! (tags)

Mass Student March Against Racist Legislation - For Full Immigrant Rights Saturday April 15th 2006 @ 10 AM Olympic & Broadway to City Hall

Students March for Farmers at Cesar Chavez Walk L.A. (tags)

On Saturday, April 1st, at Historic Olvera Street in downtown Los Angeles, thousands gathered to celebrate the 8th Annual Cesar Chavez Walk L.A. The event was hosted by the United Farm Workers and the UFW Foundation. Hundreds of students support the UFW, South Central Farmers, and other organizations.

(part 2) a black anarchist's take on the march/walk-outs (tags)

an indirect but inspiring experience of the walk-outs

Save Our State Pops Its Head Up; Counterprotests Planned (tags)

Save Our State joins with student trying to shut down MEChA at Jurupa USD Board meeting and talk about taking on MEChA nationwide. Counterprotesters plan response.

3/27-31: Nationwide Week of Massive Student Walkouts for Immigrant Rights! (tags)

Student walkouts reports from across the country

North High Students March to City Hall (tags)

Students from at least 7 different schools speak out at Riverside City Hall with support of Principal [North High School].

Artesia High School Students Walkout! (tags)

high school students take the street to protest the racist HR4437 bill

VIDEO: Westchester High Walkout (tags)

About 50 students from Westchester High staged a walkout and march to the offices of Univision this morning. They were able to meet with an anchor from the station.

Walkouts at Westchester High 3-29-06 (tags)

LOS ANGELES, March 29, 2006 – The LA School district and police are enforcing a crack down on student walk outs today. All high schools are on lock down and police car are patrolling the perimeter of those high schools that have seen the largest walk out in the past three days.

12:15 pm Students at LA High refusing to go to class (tags)

12:10 Reports of a heavy police response to a demonstration at LA High 500 students in the field refusing to go to class.

Student Protest for immigrant Rights Mounts (tags)

For two straight days, tens of thousands of high school students from California and Texas walked out of their classes in support of immigrant rights and protest the oppressive and racist HR 4437.

School Walk Out (tags)

Yesterday at about 9:45 am, at least about 400 or more students walked off campus from Norte Vista High School in Riverside. Other walk outs were happened from so many other campuses too--NOrth High, Arlington High, Poly High, and so on. But--I will detail the path of Norte Vista kids.

Silver Lake / Echo Park Area Students Join Nation Wide March. (tags)

March 27th Greater Los Angeles 9a.m.
High and middle school kids take on Washington in the struggle for immigrant rights. Overcoming school lock-ins an estimated one hundred fifty students travel down Sunset Blvd to later rally with 35,000 downtown.

large pro-immigrant rally in Long Beach (tags)

Militant high school students ignore lockdown order, rally against fascist-like immigration legislation.

Photos of high school students on the march in Anaheim and Buena Park (tags)

Some students participating in this action claimed they attended both public and private high schools in Anaheim, Westminster, Garden Grove, and Huntington Beach. They said this was one of several walkouts that took place in Anaheim that day, drawing upwards of 500 young people.

Orange County high school students take over Riverside Freeway (tags)

A group of young high school students, all marching in opposition to legislation passed in the U.S. House of Representatives which would criminalize undocumented workers, took to the streets late yesterday afternoon and seized control of a major Orange County freeway.

my experience substitute teaching during the walk outs (tags)

my experience substitute teaching during the student walk outs protesting anti-immigrant laws.

Marshall High students walkout (tags)

Marshall High School marched down sunset on their way to downtown. 16 seconds walking down sunset blvd. by coronado.

Students WALK OUT at Riverside high school (tags)

hundreds walk out this morning from riverside high school in protest of racist HR legislation.

East LA + Riverside Students WALK OUT to Protest HR 4377 (tags)

Students Set a Bold Tone for Saturday's Gran Marcha

On the Set of Walkout (a new film debuting on cable TV) (tags)

"In those times, people were energized, and they were more intellectual. People were processors of information, whereas today you don't see a lot of that." -- David Sanchez, former leader, The Brown Berets

The Tax State in the Globalization Trap (tags)

The middle class cannot do what corporations do..German corporations pay little corporation tax; their share amounts to 2.6% of all taxes. For decades, they even received more subsidies than the profit taxes paid in Germany. Corporate enrichment in the US leads to state deficits and social cuts.

On the Scandinavian Model (tags)

The Scandinavian model could help us find our way to social compromise and true security through investments in education and apprenticeships. Has our wealth blinded us to alternatives and encouraged our altered state of paralysis, insecurity and fear?


A review of the Bolivarian Revolution achievements and the threat to Hugo Chavez from the U.S.

Local Marine Killed In Iraq (tags)

Raul Mercado, of Monrovia, chose to enlist in the Marine Corps, hoping someday to get into West Point. On Saturday, he was killed in Iraq when his vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb. He was 21.

Write a letter to Congress! (tags)

Demand that Articles of Impeachment be introduced!

WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price @ Saddleback College Wed. Dec 7 @ 2:00 and 7:00 PM (tags)


BTL:France's Street Violence Ascribed to Decades of State Inattention to... (tags)

...High Unemployment and Poverty Among Immigrants ~ Interview with Paul Silverstein, associate professor of anthropology at Reed College, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Thousands Walk out of L.A. highschools (tags)

High school students in L.A. were part of the marches in the 1990s against the anti-immigrant Proposition 187 and the East L.A. protests against the Vietnam War in the '60s. But Nov. 2 was on a whole different level. In response to the call from The World Can't Wait, thousands of youth--many from proletarian neighborhoods--left school to take political action and make their voices heard. At Los Angeles High School alone, more than 1,000 students--the majority of the school -- walked out, and more than 500 marched to Wilshire Blvd.

High-energy radio-frequency directed energyweapons (tags)


Youth say no to war, no to military: The movement to ‘opt out’ (tags)

CHICAGO — Youth and students here and across the country are refusing in ever greater numbers to believe the promises of U.S. military recruiters, promises like, “You can get any job you want,” and “You can try the military out for a few months and if you don’t like it you can quit.” Other favorites include, “You are guaranteed to get $50,000 for college,” and “You will never see a day of combat.”

URGENT! World Can't Wait--High School student suspended for organizing (tags)

High School students organizing to Drive Out Bush! at Reseda High suspended!

Minutemen Facilitating High Level Cocaine Movement? (tags)


Crenshaw Cougar Coalition Asks School District to Waive Hiring Formula (tags)

Nearly one hundred students, parents and teachers at Crenshaw High School were joined by community leaders in a press conference held at the campus' main entrance this evening. The press conference aimed to respond to a series of emergency meetings the Los Angeles Unified School District School Board has called in the past week aimed at dealing with Crenshaw's recent loss and return on appeal of accreditation. At specific issue is the School District's mandate that Crenshaw sacrifice 16 teachers currently teaching full course loads at Crenshaw to other schools.

The Passive Terrorism Of The bush Crime Syndicate (tags)

Destroying Large Parts Of The Atmosphere With ENMOD

How I Solved Sweden's Finance Problems (tags)

"Sweden has strong public finances today. Sometimes I compare the Swedish model with a bumblebee..I believe in our welfare model. It survived the crisis of the nineties. It will help us master the demographic challenges."

Vet says 911 inside Job (tags)

Who on the internet still believes the official 911 myth?

Another Side of Resistance to Racism - June 25,2005 (tags)

Besides the mass mobilization, something more was happening to resist the lies and hatred of SOS and the Minutemen on that day.

Salaries Soar for More than 800,000 Cuban Workers (tags)

Salaries Soar for More than 800,000 Cuban Workers

Capital and Labor: Deeds Must Follow Criticism (tags)

A new balance between capital- and labor income is necessary. Unfortunately the opposite is happening. The constant lowering of capital taxation in Germany fans the European tax lowering competition. The public infrastructure deteriorates.


The 11-judge panel, headed by Chief Justice Aharon Barak, also determined that "Judea and Samaria [West Bank] and the Gaza area are lands seized during warfare, and are not part of Israel."

A better job for the "Minutemen"? (tags)

Here's a satirical take on a better place for the Minutemen to "police the borders." Repost from Colorado Indymedia.

Axis of Justice and Rubidoux High School’s “30 Hour Famine” (tags)

The Article is a report back from Saturday's Fast for Famine in Riverside CA

Women of Excellence Ministries is proud to present Juneteenth 2005 (tags)

Women of Excellence Ministries is proud to present Juneteenth 2005 at Chino High School Stadium

Women of Excellence Ministries is proud to present Juneteenth 2005 at Chino High School St (tags)

Women of Excellence Ministries is proud to present Juneteenth 2005 at Chino High School Stadium.

Who is the REAL nuclear threat? (tags)

The real nuclear threat is Israel. The Talmudic Zionists Jew pulled off 911 with high US offical Zionist help, both NORAD, plus FEMA, plus Pentagon, Plus Bush and administrative allies, and sold you the Moslems did it. Who else would benifinit from the Iraq fiasco? They were hoping to get Israel cheap oil and US world hegdemony.

Black High School Student slain in Corona (tags)

Racial Tensions STILL on the Rise; School Districts STILL Covering Up; Parents Furious at school's Lack of Response.

Belgrade Zoo (tags)

I am a concerned citizen asking for guidance on how to help the animals who reside at the Belgrade city zoo. Built in 1936, on six hectares of rocky fortress, this privately operated zoo is among the oldest in Europe. It is located in the Belgrade city center, on city property. It has approximately 2.000 animals of about 200 species. Many big animals are in very small cages. Many animals look distressed. They often show signs of "stereotypic behavior," such as pacing, head-bobbing, neck-twisting, bar-biting and sucking, coprophagia, over-grooming, and self-mutilation. Many animals have been born who are not in the zoo, including tigers, bears, and a hippo. What has become of them?

Seeking options to military recruiting (tags)

A local peace vigil activist made the local paper.

Race Riots at Riverside high school: Exposing the TRUTH Administrators want to Deny (tags)

As of yet, La Sierra / Tyler districts of Riverside are no where near as bad as places like Eastside--where, you absolutely will get jumped for being the wrong color [between brown / black] for even just walking on the wrong side of the street b/c the turfs are so defined. But, if community members, parents, and students do not take direct action soon, we may very well be on our way to such a demise in other parts of Riverside. Race riots have been spreading in this part of town--from the big Castle Park incident on Valentines Day, to the La Sierra High shut downs the following week, and now this incident at Norte Vista which involved HUNDREDS, far more than the 15 students the press enterprise declares were involved. The District position continues to be to SUPRESS discussion about this as a tactic to calm the situation while simultaneously increasing police presence on campuses. Students need a space & opportunity to dialogue about this, come to their own solutions, and even receive trauma counseling for the violence they repeatedly face by simply showing up for school each day.

Fish out of Water (tags)

What happens when you come face to face with a true genius?

Gunner Palace of Lies (tags)

This review may be a bit belated but I didn't really figure out what was bugging me about the movie until yesterday. "Gunner Palace" bills itself as a neutral, objective, "no politics," documentary which lets the soldiers fighting the Iraq war speak for themselves.

Sex Crimes (tags)

“I have a large population of people who have chosen not to take any anti-retrovirals. They’ve watched all of their friends go on the anti-viral bandwagon and die.” – Dr. Donald Abrams, MD, Director of AIDS Program, San Francisco General Hospital (“Lecture to Medical Students,” Synapse, 1996)

ANTIWAR MARCH! March 19th, High Noon - Hollywood & Vine (tags)

Be there... or be a bush supporter

Short List of "Practical Necessities" (tags)

When interests rise, fewer and fewer investments occur in production and employ-ment, unemployment increases and the economy goes flat. This analysis of the Austrian economy could help the US battle deregulation and corporate enrichment.


In RIVERSIDE: school district is covering up, telling lies to parents; their response to increase alleged racial tension is to SUPRESS ANY DISCUSSION ABOUT RACE ISSUES, and INCREASE POLICE, GANG UNITS, AND GANG PROFILING ON CAMPUS AND OF STUDENTS.

Agua es para la gente, not Coca-cola (tags)

How does Coca-cola claim ownership of aquifers under las montanas de Chiapas? CEIPAC is organizing a campaign contra Coca-cola for the negative effects on health of the community.

Students Say Too Much Press (tags)

One in three U.S. high school students say the press ought to be more restricted, and even more say the government should approve newspaper stories before readers see them, according to a survey being released today.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Ex-Covina resident among victims of Iraqi copter crash.

The Radical Teen Cheerleaders (tags)

"We're teens, we're cute, we're radical to boot We're angry, we're tough, and we have had enough Are we straight? Are we queer? We're just tired of ignorant fear We're diverse and we're proud, no one's going to keep us down!" -- Radical Teen Cheer

On the Inefficiency and Danger of Nuclear Power (tags)

If follow-up costs of nuclear energy production were included,k nuclear energy would be the most expensive form of energy, not the cheapest. Coming generations will worry about problems produced by present generations in their short-sightedness.

Two Marine Corps Buddies Inseparable in Life, Death (tags)

Jeremiah A. Baro, and Jared P. Hubbard were best buddies and died together in Iraq.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Lance Cpl. Richard P. Slocum, 19, Saugus; Killed in Humvee Rollover

Could Americans vote for a French President? (tags)

John Kerry very much sound like a French politician. He has the same superior and rather snobbish look typical of French high civil servant. Kerry is brilliant but one never knows what it means. He is flipflopping all the time. Kerry would be worst than French appeasers and French socialists.



Local Flu Shot Effort (tags)

Local residents assist seniors with flu shot vaccines before the supply is gone.

Responsible Voting (tags)

Inflationary Deflation or the Dominance of the Global Financial Markets (tags)

"When real interests are above real growth rates of the GDP, debtors are structurally overstrained. The debt crisis of the 1980s and the financial crises of the past decade suggest that a kind of post-modern `plundering capitalism' is arising.."

The High Priests of Economic Nonsense (tags)

"The rules of social state restraint of wild capitalism are ignored. The class struggle from above has long been a fact since the coalition of capital with the government is fairly stable and the media play along. Resistance is inevitable.."

Oil policies running on empty (tags)

"People here seem to have an inexplicably difficult time coming to terms with the idea that they don't have infinite access to a finite resource. Well, now it's wake-up time. Again."

Sweden: Poorer Than You Think (tags)

What Are They? (tags)

These oddities have been appearing with increasing frequency since bush took office, and have weather scientists stymied and in confused disagreement...

Buck Fush Neighborhood Vigils Connect With Public (tags)

Saturday's Buck Fush Mass Street Vigils distribute loads of truth to a public starved for facts by the corporate controlled media...

America had better change her ways (tags)

"Maybe it's time for our country to look at our own moral stature before we go out to change others."

Are We Out of Gas? (tags)

Geneva Accords on Treatment of Prisoners of War (tags)

Much has been made of the clear violations of the Geneva Accords by Nazi USA, but the provisions of these accords are not known to most Americans. Now is the time to become familiar with these accords, detailed on the website of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. See:

A funny thing happened to me today... (tags)

Don't I Feel special... What happened to my thread? A blank page shows when I link to it. Not hidden - blank

They All Fall Down (tags)

Culling the young of the lower classes through war. How to eliminate the opposition by attrition. Think about it. They aren't coming back alive. They may walk around for awhile, but they're already dead.

Offshoring of jobs a hot issue (tags)

Typically high paid middle class Information Technology workers are learning what blue collar workers have known for decades-- the offshoring of working people's jobs sucks.

60% of U.S. adults drink toxic drugs (tags)

60% of U.S. adults drink toxic drugs and up to 20 percent are binge users, according to a new comprehensive report of American habits and vices released on Wednesday. About 23 percent smoke toxic drugs, according to the survey.

Drivers Licenses, Not War! California Latino Economic Strike Great Success (tags)

Los Angeles, CA - Thousands of Latino workers, students and shopkeepers stayed away from work and school Dec. 12, in support of the statewide Latino Economic Strike. The Latino Economic boycott was called by the Mexican American Political Association and Hermandad Mexicana Latino Americana, with the support of hundreds of other organizations, to protest the repeal of SB 60, the law that allowed undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses.

Stand Up For Justice: The Story of Ralph Lazo (tags)

Copied from It will be of interest to folks from Boyle Heights, Japanese Americans, and anyone interested in the internment.

PROTEST Schwarzenegger's Elimination of Minority Science Program (tags)


Israeli Settlers Refuse To Leave Illegal Settlements -What Will PM Sharon Do Next? (tags)

The Jewish settler population grew by more than 5000 in the first half of 2003, Israel said on Thursday. The increase comes despite peace moves requiring Israel to halt construction in the settlements. The interior ministry said 5415 Israelis had moved to the new settlements since January, with the ultra-Orthodox West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit seeing the largest jump of more than 1000 newcomers.

High schooler savors becoming a conservative (tags)

"Liberals welcome every Muhammad, Jamul and Jose who wishes to leave his Third World state and come to America - mostly illegally - to rip off our health-care system, balkanize our language and destroy our political system."

At least 22 US Soldiers Have Killed Themselves In Iraq (tags)

Sunday January 25, 2004 The Observer The war's over, but the suicide rate is high and the army is riddled with acute psychiatric problems. Peter Beaumont reports

Stopping Militarism in our Schools Take Action Workshops (tags)

Stopping Militarism in our Schools Conference February 7

Celebrate Panamanian Day of the Martyrs (tags)

January 9th thru 13th marks the 40th Day of the Martyrs, since the national anti-imperialist revolts that swept the country in 1964. Celebrate in solidarity with a publicly-burned flag or effigy.

My Parents were victoms of Saddam (tags)

The 42-Hour Week (tags)

"Two currencies exist for prosperity: money and time.. What we need is shorter full-time work for everyone, a new culture of contented-ness and an intelligent working hours policy oriented in the needs of people." translated from the German

Dennis Kucinich Opens his East LA Office -Video (tags)

Q&A @ Garfield High School with Danny Glover & Shelly Morrison and a mini Fiesta at the new office. Some of this is in Spanish, not much, but some. Privatization of water, Human Geno, immigration, public transportation, media... and truth. 30 min.

Producer (tags)

The Nosotros Latin Filmmakers Showcase on December 1st, 2003 is the answer to Hollywood’s quest for Latin talent behind the camera. ‘Falcon’ restaurant (7213 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, Ca 90046) 7:00pm

Public disclosure - govenment agency says "no global warming problem" (tags)

Public Disclosure - National Weather Service(NWS), report by Senior Hydrologist with NWS shows clear trends for earlier snowmelt runoff, increasing average dewpoints & air temperatures... 100 years of high quality streamflow runoff and temperature records.

Police Raid School With Guns Drawn (tags)

A dozen officers in Goose Creek, South Carolina stormed through the halls of Stratford High School with guns drawn, forcing 107 students to lay on the floor and submit to a drug dog search. Students were commanded to get on their knees with their hands behind their head, students who did not respond quick enough were put into handcuffs.

Iraq ‘nightmare’ hits soldiers, families (tags)

Events in Iraq took a new, deadly turn when a troop helicopter was shot down near Baghdad, Nov. 2, killing at least 15 U.S. soldiers and wounding nearly two dozen others. The soldiers had been en route to two weeks home leave in the U.S.

Judge rules student has right to wear a T-shirt labeling Bush an "International Terro (tags)

A high school student has the right to wear a T-shirt to school with the face of President Bush and the words "International Terrorist" on the front, a federal judge ruled.

A Texas Hoax May Be the President's Waterloo (tags)

Over the past year or so, getting headlines in Texas but only modest coverage elsewhere, the "Texas Miracle" has been disrobed. It was a scam, a hoax.

Mom, Drugs, and Apple Pie (tags)

The War On Drugs has gone on for a good thirty-five years since the Sixties. It's as real as professional wrestling. Well, almost. What do we have to show for it? Nothing. Nothing. You can get any drug you have heard of, and some you haven't, from your daughter in high school.


SOLDIERS and civilians in Iraq face a health timebomb after dangerously high levels of radiation were measured around Baghdad.

Hate Attack on Black Student in Murrieta (tags)

Sam Farr got beat up at school by two white students because he's black. The Deep South? South Central LA? No, Murrieta Valley High School.

Jobless Growth (tags)

"We celebrate the victory over the recession while several hundred thousand employees are dismissed every month', decried Calif congressman Pete Stark. `It would be almost hilarious if it weren't so sad.'..Employers prefer reducing personnel to save costs.."

smoggiest L.A. in years (tags)

Stage 1 smog alert in the San Bernardino Mountains in mid July, the first time such an alert was declared in the district since 1998.

The Enron of School Systems: (tags)

... or We Didn't Leave the Child Behind. We Just Lost the Paper Work.

The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 35 (tags)

In even the largest reference libraries, there are almost no books stating the true history of America's highest tribunal, the U.S. Supreme Court. The same is true of law libraries and those of law schools.

Could You Have Passed the 8th Grade in 1895? Probably Not...Take a Look (tags)

Questions: What percentage of this year's seniors and last year's high school graduates could pass the following 8th grade test required in 1895, even if the few outdated questions were modernized? How many college students could pass it? For that matter, what percentage of high school teachers could pass it?

Ariel Sharon: Israel's Prime Minister of Concentration and Absorption (tags)

"The failure of the Israeli legal system to act obligates the international community -- in particular the European Union since all its member states are High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions -- to hold Ariel Sharon accountable, regardless of whether he is a private citizen of Israel, a cabinet minister, or the head of a government."

The High Cabal's Economic War Against the World (tags)

Money, money power, and the Federal Reserve Swindle/Scam are fundamental to the Bush Junta's operations. They are after all petty and venal people whose primary interests are money and power. "Know the truth and it shall set you free."

Youth Join Fight For, Against Smoking (tags)

A self-described libertarian, Hannula fought a now-defunct anti-smoking program for Minnesota youth called Target Market because he disapproved that public money was used to influence the choices teens make about smoking.

Urgent - Download These Photos (tags)

At the below referenced link you will find a listing of High Resolution Photos of the WTC.

Who Are... The Righteous and Courageous Jews In Israel: (tags)

As the brutality of the military State of Israel continues to wage its unmerciful oppression against international peace workers AND the people of the Occupied Territories, young Israeli conscientious objectors wage their own courageous battle against the IDF.

Support the local indigenous people in Southern CA (tags)


The Devil in New England (tags)

Opponents to Act 60, which redistributes property taxes from wealthy to poor school districts, are funded by a who's who of Vermont's right wing--many libertarian in nature. They are also behind an effort to silence a pacifist high school teacher.


The World's top Plutocrats and Monsters are having their annual shindig to decide how many millions of people are to be liquidated this year. These are the people who financed Hitler and others. One might call it a nexus of evil.

San Francisco High School Students Fast for Peace (tags)

Spring Break Fast: Teach-in for Peace and Education

Antiwar Artwork by Mark Vallen (tags)

Mark Vallen, Artist and Founder of the Art For A Change website, has released a new Drawing titled, "Not Our Children, Not Their Children." Use the low resolution image on this page to place on your website (just be sure to give the Artist credit and provide a link to Art For A Change)... or download the high resolution PDF file to print on your home computer's printer.

Israel's Racist Textbooks Teach Hate (tags)

Israeli schoolbooks promote hatred toward Palestinians:Direct delegitimization and negative stereotyping of Palestinians and Arabs are the rule, rather than the exception, in Israeli schoolbooks.


Mater Dei High School, in Santa Ana, was closed for the day when school officials learned that student anti-war protestors were planning a demonstration. They had security guards taping the entire protest from the roof of the school. The crowd was probably around 30 people. Santa Ana police had a large presence, just as large or larger than the protest itself, including horse cops that kept a distance away. They must have been scared the child in the last photo would start a riot.

hate feeling of young in Islamic and other countries for American. (tags)

Major issue that is coming from war is hate feeling of young in Islamic and other countries for American. American administration and its policies should understand that it is one of the largest democracies and democracy has its value. In order to retain its democratic values.



Unity call from antiwar movement (tags)

Statement from Youth Bloc/Campus Antiwar Network (CAN)

manual arts high protest walk (tags)

In manual Arts high school there is a walkout.

The only smart phrase I've heard outta Bush (tags)

The soft bigotry of low expectations.

Students demand Books not Bombs (tags)

EVANSTON. Ill.– As part of a nationwide student “strike,” 500 Evanston Township High School students, Black, white and Latino, walked out of their classrooms March 5, braving freezing temperatures to protest George W. Bush’s war on Iraq. Across the country, students at 360 or more high schools and colleges protested against the looming war.

Philly Youth Lockdown@Recruitment Center (tags)

for more pics go to link

Ventura County Students Walkout and Demonstrate Against War (tags)

Students from throughout Ventura County, CA walked out of classes, held demonstrations, and rallied for peace.

UPDATE: Orange County Anti-War protest (tags)

lots of fun!

MARCH 5: National Student Strike-BOOKS NOT BOMBS (tags)

The “National Student Strike for Books Not Bombs,” will take place tomorrow, March 5th on campuses across the US and the world.  Tens of thousands thousands of US students will stop participating in business as usual for some part of the day to demonstrate to the world that the campuses do not accept the Bush vision of endless war decreased opportunity.

MARCH 5: BOOKS NOT BOMBS! - National Student Strike (tags)

The National Student Strike for Books Not Bombs, will take place March 5th on campuses across the US and the world.  The strike is building a wave of campus sentiment against the Bush Administration’s war plans in Iraq.  The event was originally called for and is being coordinated by the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition (NYSPC), a collection of 15 student and youth organizations whose members organizations represent large and diverse constituencies stretching across the US.

Temescal Canyon students protest military recruiters (tags)

The students of Temescal Canyon High School's erstwhile peace club stood up to military recruiters, while outside the rain and another event conspired to turn a planned demonstration into a mini-protest.

Temescal Canyon HS Admins: "Yes to Military Recruiters, No to Peace Club" (tags)

Temescal Canyon High School's administration will do anything to stop the Peace Club from meeting. But they gladly allow military recruiters on campus.

Federal Judge Proves High Alert Is Strictly Political (tags)

Federal Judge Barbara S. Jones has proven herself to be an anti-democratic and constitutionally bankrupt lawyer as well showing her politics in the glaring light of public opinion by ruling against a peace march in New York City scheduled for Saturday the 15th February. Jones's ruling proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the high alert the White House put up last week is strictly political.

L.A.C.E.S. Students Protest War (tags)

L.A.C.E.S., a special 6th thru 12th grade school for college prep, students walked out Feb 6th at 11:40 AM to Protest Iraq war.

The Will to Paralysis: The Crisis of Shareholder Capitalism (tags)

Scapegoats or black sheep are used to evade the crisis of the system. Considering matters more exactly would be very appropriate. Are manifestations of corruption and tax evasion normal side-effects of a system fixated on money?

Tuesday's (tags)

On Tuesday, Feb. 4th, around 400 people demonstrated at the corners of Olympic and Bundy in Santa Monica.

Hour of Resistance: L.A. School Walkouts (tags)


Get MARCHING BANDS OUT for FEB. 15 (tags)

Make some NOISE ON FEB. 15!!!

BTL:Teacher Fired After Serving Prison Sentence for Engaging in... (tags)

Interview with Janice Sevre-Duszynska, former Lexington, Ky. high school teacher, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

The IDF Continues to force Palestinians to serve as (tags)

The IDF Continues to force Palestinians to serve as "Human Shields" for Soldiers in Contempt of High Court of Justice Injunction

Cloning a brave new wolrd order (tags)

Will the advent of a human clone be a threat to the survival of the species?

Protest Racist Mascots tomorrow 12/10 in Fullerton (tags)

see below for details

Report Backs/ N20 Not In Our Name Youth (tags)

more reports coming in

How Aircraft Can Be Caused to Crash In Conditions Of Low Ceiling/Visibility (tags)

Not A theory on the Wellstone crash per se, just some thought-provoking facts.

Hate Crime Wave Drifts North: Bay Area Teens Slay Transgender Girl, Age 17 (tags)

The recent wave of hate crimes against queer folk has worsened, and spread to Northern California, as the following LA Times story reports:

It's mind-blowing that LA Times wouldn't let guv candidate in building (tags)

I spent part of Monday at a local high school, telling a group of aspiring writers that journalism, at its best, serves a noble purpose. The press can be a voice for the little guy. Unfortunately, that's not always the case, as the Los Angeles Times reminded us this week. The Times, which sponsored a Monday debate between Gov. Gray Davis and Republican challenger Bill Simon, turned away the man most polls show running third: Green Party candidate Peter Camejo.

HELP! is in need of a new host! (tags)



WHAT WAS IT LIKE? IT WAS HIGH, VERY HIGH. IN THE NAME OF PEACE WE GATHERED. Location: Palisades Park, Santa Monica. 9/11/02

Protest Racist Mascots in Fullerton (tags)

Tomorrow we are having a protest at the Fullerton Joint Union High School District Board of Trustees meeting. The protest will take place at 1051 W. Bastanchury Rd. (at the corner of Euclid and Bastanchury) in Fullerton. We want the Board to remove the racist Fullerton "Indian" and Sonora High School's Zapata mascot. The protest begins at 5PM, and we will enter the meeting at 7:30. Help us get busy, y'all.

10,000 times cancer risks from natural chemicals in our foods. (tags)

From the book "Saving the Planet With Pesticides and Plastic: The Environmental Triumpth of High Yield Farming" by Dennis T. Avery 2000.







Rally in Leimart Park Square May 25th 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. (tags)

LAUSD has failed to address the educational needs of African American children. Our children deserve and need help.

IMC Hamilton Interviews Barrie Zwicker, Host of VisionTV's 'The Great Deception' (tags)

Important thoughts from Barrie Zwicker during these times of state-terror.

Demonstration tomorrow at 4 pm (tags)

Protest poor school conditions and racially-discriminatory standardized tests! Demonstration - Coalition for Educational Justice Thursday, April 18, 4:00pm Washington High School, 108th and Denker


LOS ANGELES FORUM ON THE WAR features Michael Parenti, Erwin Chemerinsky, Ann Fagan Ginger, Sonali Kolhatkar and many others. As protesters gather for the New York & Brazil meetings, here in Los Angeles panels will analyze the current economic and military crises being faced here at home and around the world.


"A Community Forum on the War on Terrorism," --*The Hidden Agenda--*The Real Causes-- *The Underreported Consequences" Brings Internationally Known Speakers, Including Michael Parenti, To Los Angeles; Event Is Set For Fairfax High School February 2 and also features Erwin Chemerinsky, Ann Fagan Ginger, Rev. James Lawson and many others. Registration at 9:30 a.m. -- Program at 10:00 a.m.

Rebuking the AIDS denialists (tags)

From an interview with Tim Kingston...

latest on antiwar teen katie sierra (tags)

Update on the case for 12-6-01. Click on link below for all links to stories about Katie Sierra

Student plans to keep fighting (tags)

update on anti-war teen in west virginia

Student anti-war rally in downtown LA (tags)

Nearly 200 students and others demonstrated yesterday in downtown LA against the war.

Defitinition & Summary of Scientific Research Re Right-Wing Authoritarians (tags)

From "The Authoritarian Specter." The definition explains what right-wing authoritarianism is. "Exhibit 12.1 Summary of Scientific Research Findings Regarding HIGH RWAs," provides a list of empirical findings about the tendencies of authoritarians.

banner: "oops! there goes the moral high ground" (tags)

this banner was also hung above the 101, at the mulholland drive. it reads "oops! there goes the moral high ground" sorry for poor photo quality

Westwood March & Rally Shifts LA Peace Movement Into High Gear (tags)

The peace movement in LA shifted into high gear with a march and rally in Westwood that drew approximately 2,500-3,000 people.

Courageous Resisters at Locke High Refuse to Be Locke'd Down (tags)

Students in Southeast LA / Watts face brutal criminalization on campus, including illegal searches where police frisk them, open backpacks and seize cell phones, pagers and cd players. One teacher refuses to allow searches in her classroom and is fired. Lawsuits have been filed against the Los Angeles Unified School District and Locke High.

Students At Locke High Demand An Education (tags)

This is the second in a series of articles about Locke High School in South Central Los Angeles, where humiliating random searches are carried out against the students on a daily basis and where a teacher was fired for standing up for her students.

Locke High (tags)

Locke High School

Locke High Teacher Speaks Out (tags)

Safety means protecting what you value from harm. How is it possible to create any form of safety at schools, which do not value their community members enough to treat their children with respect?

New Lows at High Noon (tags)

They rode into Washington, DC last January on the Big Oil Express and took over the town. Instead of toting guns, however, they carried briefcases. A commentary.

Demonstration in front of San Diego School Board (tags)

Please join us in demonstrating our "Loss of Confidence" in the San Diego Unified School District Administration. The board's pattern of poor decision-making is costly and jeopardizing our children's education and safety. Do we really want education blackouts as well?

San Diego High School Principal Removed (tags)

San Diego High School Principal abruptly removed 6 weeks before graduation. Parents, students and community members outraged at another "behind the scenes" unilateral decision and complete disregard for students. Top 2 Vice Principals will also be gone by June 30th.


Feeding people in the main plaza in Polamas, Mexico was a somewhat spontaneous action that turned into a huge success.

"COMIDA, NO LA MIGRA"- food not INS! (tags)

Feeding people in the main plaza in Polamas, Mexico was a somewhat spontaneous action that turned into a huge success.

San Diego/Tijuana FTAA Protest, April 21, 2001 (tags)

Despite uncharacteristic, heavy rains in Tijuana and San Diego there was a large showing at the bi-national protest against the FTAA. Youth activists, union leaders, environmentalists among others gathered together at Larson Park within sight of the demilitarized zone of the U.S. – Mexican Border.

Boulder, CO Anti-FTAA Solidarity Action (tags)

An anti-FTAA and fair trade rally and march was held in Boulder, Colorado in solidarity with the FTAA demonstrations taking place everywhere. An estimated 150 people attended...

Strange wave of Protest hits Britain (tags)

At the time of writing, Britain's oil refineries have been blockaded by angry farmers demanding a reduction in fuel tax. Commercial petroleum is in short supply now and the government has not ruled out the use of troops.

He seems to know allot about police equipment (tags)

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