fix articles 27182, mumia abu jamal
Opening the Box: Sarah Shourd on Herman Wallace, CA Hunger Strikers & Solitary Confinement (tags)
Herman Wallace of the Angola 3 has been transferred out of solitary confinement, as Louisiana’s Hunt prison reduced his classification from maximum to medium security. Herman is now staying at the prison hospital in a 10-bunk dorm, with access to a day room, and does not have to wear leg irons anymore. While celebrating the more human conditions, Herman and the International Coalition to Free the Angola 3 emphasize that the transfer from solitary is not enough. They are asking folks to continue supporting Amnesty International’s call for humane release.
Lucasville Five Hunger Strike Begins --An interview with author Staughton Lynd (tags)
The Lucasville Five are now back in the news with an announcement last week that four of the five will be participating in a simultaneous “rolling hunger strike,” beginning today, January 3. They are using the hunger strike to protest their convictions (having always maintained their innocence) as well as their living situation, which is more restrictive than for most prisoners on Ohio’s death row.
We cannot commemorate this day until we realize fully the freedoms that the declaration guarantees. It will just be a continuing myth and not a reality. The reality is we have to fight for our freedoms and struggle to guarantee it.
Voting for GrassrootsKPFK: It Matters (tags)
Another repost from (a letter they received from a board member), this time on who to vote for and why. The website admits it's partisan, but there is some insight into what's at stake in these elections.
Genocide and Official Plans to Murder Kevin Cooper, Mumia Abu Jamal and Troy Davis (tags)
Three innocent black men are about to die but those involved in the process have the right and duty to stop the executions
Press Release - ELF Press Office to Obama: Release U.S. Political Prisoners (tags)
Free U.S. Political Prisoners
DNC Protest, Split, and the Principled Stand of Cynthia McKinney (tags)
"As the United States activated Navy ships and the Air Force to begin an airlift of non-specified goods into the former Soviet state of Georgia, and military exercises began in the Persian Gulf near Iran, I received communications from certain individuals among the Colorado Greens who were organizing campaign support events there, suggesting that I not participate in an anti-war program being organized by other individuals in Colorado." -Cynthia McKinney In addition, the Green Party of Colorado has issued false statements to the press and all over the internet claiming that Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney will not be participating in the Recreate ’68 events. Here is one such statement from Dave Chandler, co-chair of the Colorado Green Party, Green Party candidate for U.S. Congress in the Seventh Congressional District, and supporter of a Denver ballot measure that would seize the vehicles of illegal immigrants: “Cynthia McKinney, Green Party candidate for President, and Rosa Clemente, Green Party candidate for Vice President are NOT participating in any Recreate ‘68 activities. Both candidates, and the Green Party of Colorado, are refuting this announcement and are stating that neither candidate, nor the Green Party of Colorado, are in any way associated with Recreate ’68, nor will any of their candidates be speaking at or attending any event, nor are they in any way associated with the group Recreate ’68.” This is a blatant lie. Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente will be speaking at the Recreate ’68 events.
What Mumia Abu-Jamal Never Learned (tags)
On the eve of the United States premiere of In Prison My Whole Life at the Sundance Festival on January 20-25, the battle for the life and freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal heats up in the news media and the streets of far-flung cities while he awaits a crucial appellate court ruling and prepares to publish his sixth book from death row. Media activists present photographic evidence disproving the case against him.
KPFK / Uprising Radio: Journalists Decry Racism in Media Coverage of Mumia (tags)
This morning (Thurs, Nov.29), the Pacifica Radio/KPFK Los Angeles show "Uprising Radio" spotlighted the recent media-activist campaign focusing on the Dec.6 NBC Today Show. Pam Africa of ICFFMAJ has a scheduled telephone conference with The Today Show on Friday, so people are urged to please take a minute and contact The Today Show to express support.
Urgent petition save graffiti memorial Carlo Giuliani & Davide Dax Cesare... (tags)
Milan, Italy In memory of Carlo Giuliani, murdered on July, 21th of 2001 during the repression of the protests against the G8 summit in Genova, has been realized in Milan a "No Justice, No Peace" graffiti.
Top Ten “Fry Mumia” Myths Debunked (Myth #1) (tags)
The following is the first in a series of ten articles I have written answering the top ten myths being circulated by those who advocate execution or continued prison for Mumia Abu-Jamal.
CA cannabis prohibition 4 CDC prison profit$$ (tags)
CDC state prison officials reap profits from the incarceration of non-violent cannabis offenders and the exploitation of rural economies..
Congress Votes 368-31 to Back Mumia’s Racist Frame-up (tags)
Five California Democrats in Congress voted nay while 23 voted for the resolution. Those voting against were Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee, Fortney Stark, Michael Honda, and Maxine Waters. Joining in the racist lynch mob voting for the blood of an innocent black man were California Democrats C. Thompson, Doris Matsui, Nancy Pelosi, Ellen Tauscher, Tom Lantos, Anna Eshoo, Zoe Lofgren, Dennis Cardoza, Lois Capps, Jim Costa, Linda Sanchez, Brad Sherman, Adam Schiff, Henry Waxman, Hilda Solis, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Jane Harman, Juanita Millender-McDonald, Grace Napolitano, Joe Baca, Loretta Sanchez, Bob Filner, and Susan Davis. Not voting were Diane Watson, Howard Berman, and Xavier Becerra. Also voting for blood were California Republicans Walter Herger, Daniel Lungren, John Doolittle, Richard Pombo, George Radanovich, Devin Nunes, William Thomas, Elton Gallegly, David Dreier, Edward Royce, Jerry Lewis, Gary Miller, Ken Calvert, Mary Bono, Dana Rohrabacher, John Campbell, Darrell Issa, Brian Bilbray, and Duncan Hunter. Howard McKeon didn’t vote.
Uprising Radio on Mumia Abu-Jamal after 25 years (tags)
Uprising Radio: 25th anniversary of Mumia’s Arrest GUEST: Hans Bennett, Philadelphia based photo-journalist who has been documenting the free-Mumia movement. View his new series on Mumia published in the weeks leading up to December 9:
[video Italia] MUMIA ABU JAMAL [may 1996] (tags)
This is the political statement for the dyneLbolic media operating system CD, a special CD that turns any PC computer into a media workstation. If you want software that doesn't engage in the tricknology of the system, you want free software.
Look there is one reason and one reason only they're killin' Took....If he played their game - just wrote kidz books, he'd be alive at 12:05...But he dedicated his book to Angela Davis, Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu Jamal, Dhoruba, George Jackson, John Africa and Ramona Africa... And the Terminator sez that's why Took's goin t die - said it straight out in his statement why he was goin t kill him.... Took's not dyin because he failed to so-called reform.... He's dyin because he WOKE UP spiritually and politically.... There is nothin more dangerous to the white than someone like that.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/11/05) (tags)
The global death squad of George W. Bush.
Pablo Paredes Resistir la Guerra (tags)
El oficial enactive del ejército naval (Navy), Pablo Paredes, se convirtió en el primer miembro de la Navy de negarse a pelear en la guerra en Irak cuando se negó a abordar un barco de la Navy que se dirigla a Irak en diciembre. Entrevista a Pablo...
For years there have been complaints about 'Réportères Sans Frontières' and their abject political - non-journalistic - approach to past and present dangers and developments in international journalism. They've sold their honour!
10,000 in first black-led Harlem peace march (tags)
The march from Harlem drew anywhere from 4,500 people, according to an unofficial police estimate, to nearly 10,000, according to legal observers. But its significance, organizers said, lay less in its size and more in the fact that this was the first black-led antiwar march to emerge from Harlem, a neighborhood they say symbolizes the disproportionate impact the war has had on communities of color.
Global Women's Strike/LA Action (tags)
On Thursday afternoon, March 10, a Global Women’s Strike action in Los Angeles brought together over 300 women and men, mostly young and mostly people of color demanding an "End to the Twin Terrors of Poverty and War."
zapatista night RIVERSIDE (tags)
Mumia Abu Jamal Remembers Ossie Davis: ''A Lion Has Fallen'' (tags)
Democracy Now! plays a prison radio commentary by journalist and death row prisoner, Mumia Abu Jamal. He remembers Ossie Davis and plays an interview with him from 1980.
Addressing the problems of the United States two party system in response to Bush winning four more years of the Presidency.
From COINTELPRO to the Patriot Act: The long battle for justice and civil liberties (tags)
Jailed Black Panther calls for amnesty
Imposing Western Values (tags)
Just for the record, I am not Ali Salem, I published an article by Ali and now am stuck with his name. It is fitting and funny though because I am an Israeli writer and activist female who now has the name of and Egyptian male..
BTL:The Life of Peace, Social Justice Activist Dave Dellinger (tags)
Remembered Interview with Leonard Weinglass, human rights attorney, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Behind the Scenes at “Democracy Now!” (tags)
Sonali Kolhatkar interviews Amy Goodman and David Goodman on “Uprising”, KPFK. Produced by Thatcher Collins. Monday, April 19th, 2004 KPFK studios, Los Angeles, CA. Subjects covered: Amy's early academic work, her approach to journalism, coverage of insiders turned dissidents, Mumia, Michael Moore, collectively run media, and sleeping.
Prosecute The Washington Post for War Crimes (tags)
"What Katharine Graham warned against 26 years ago has already come to pass. The Post has moved considerably to the right of its readership base, which finds itself alienated from and revolted by the paper's robotic echoing of the administration's war propaganda."
Doom & Delusion In TheShadow Of Rome (tags)
t's as if our entire colonial experiment, known as "America" had been bought at an auction without our consent, as slaves were sold not so long ago. Unfortunately, the highest bidders happened to be the multinational arms manufacturers, oil companies, and drug pushers. Now, with the protection of the CIA, the NSA, the DIA, FBI, DEA, ATF, etc. and their neofascist "Homeland Security" Department which bundles them together, these extremely wealthy elitists feel they can get away with anything, kill as many people as they like and have their media paint it as heroism, take away an entire nation and replace it with profitable industrial dictatorship and call this "democracy." It would all be laughable if it weren't so deadly.
Reparations Tribunal Subpoenas George Bush and Other Officials (tags)
George W. Bush Called to Answer for U.S. Government International Law Crimes Against African People
African People Take U.S. to Court (tags)
Report from Press Conference at U.N. Headquarters announcing 12th Session of International Tribunal on Reparations for African People in the U.S. Set for Nov. 15-16 in Philadelphia
On War, Imperialism, Osama bin Laden, And Black-Asian Politics
The Call for a National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and (tags)
The Railroading of Officer Jeremy Morse (tags)
One thing that has become very clear to me since seeing the videotape of the July 6 incident in Inglewood, Calif. involving Police Officer Jeremy Morse and teenager Donovan Jackson is that Officer Morse is being railroaded.
Letter from Inside the Black Bloc (tags)
Communique from the Black Bloc. July 4, 2003 Happy Independence Day America. When will we be free?
NION Concert-Ani Difranco Chuck D Spearhead (tags)
ANSWER Coalition Statement (tags)
Certainties and Unlikelihoods (tags)
What we know about the Central Park Jogger case.
Photoessay on MOVE emergency in Philadelphia, by W. Imarisha and H. Bennett (tags)
This photo-essay has work from both Walidah Imarisha and Hans Bennett. Walidah writes about the current emergency here in Philadelphia with the MOVE organization. Hans provides photos both from the MOVE home last week and of the demonstration on Friday.
These Women are part of a large demonstration against the Death Penalty as it's practiced in the United States. Note that one of the Women carries a Poster of Native American Political Prisoner, Leonard Peltier. Another Women wears a button of Mumia Abu Jamal, the African American Activist/Journalist who sits on Death Row. Photo by Photo by JJ Méric.
Mumia Abu Jamal comments about the War, the School of the Americas, US Interests (tags)
Massive Rally and Nonviolent Civil Disobedience Action to Shut Down the School of the Americas (SOA) November 15-17, Fort Benning, GA
Mumia Abu Jamal at Last to be Free? (tags)
On-line video shows Arnold R. Beverly confessing to murder Mumia Abu Jamal sentenced to die for. To view the video, your computer must have MS Media Player 7.1.
October 22 - The People's Day (tags)
October 22 was the people's day!
News you'll never hear on CNN (a parody) (tags)
What was once a respected news program has debased itself to not much better than a mouthpiece for a propaganda-spewing government. Maybe it's time we held their feet to the fire with a bit of satire.
Campaña por los que luchan (tags)
Jurados estudam pena de morte para 2 terroristas NOVA YORK - Doze jurados americanos começaram ontem a deliberar sobre as penas de dois dos quatro condenados pelos atentados contra as embaixadas americanas no Quênia e na Tanzânia que deixaram 224 mortos.
- Breaking News - Tom Morello's account of his visit with Mumia Abu Jamal! (tags)
Tom Morello discusses his visit with Mumia Abu Jamal
URGENT: Fight for Mumia (tags)
URGENT: Maureen Falkner to speak today at 7:30 pm @ UCLA
October 22 Coalition - Voices from Pershing Square (tags)
August 13. 2000, The Rally for Mumia Abu Jamal, Pershing Square. October 22 Coalition activists speak out on the issues of police brutality, the racist death penalty, the murders committed by police in LA and beyond. Richard Ellard and Brian Smith, whose family members were murdered by officers while in police custody, are interviewed along with veteran activist Joey Johnson, well known for burning a US flag at the 1984 Republican Convention, taking his case all the way to the Supreme Court, and winning it. Powerful story telling! (12 minutes)
Juez Federal Restringe Acciones Antidemocraticas de la Policia (tags)
[spanish] report on court restrictions of police activity, including confiscation of puppets. Also touches on actions of latino groups on Sunday (8/12/2000).
Leonard Weinglass's speech (tags)
Leonard Weinglass, Mumia Abu Jamal's lead attorney, spoke at the Mumia rally.
Thousands March for Mumia Abu Jamal in Los Angeles (tags)
Description of Sunday's (8/13/200) rally and march to draw attention to the execution of Mumia Abu Jamal.
As the citizens take the streets of downtown LA, there remains to be seen a coverage of the issues by the corporate press.
Richard Becker of the International Action Center spoke at the rally in support of Mumia Abu Jamal.
At the rally in support of Mumia Abu Jamal, Mozzie Jamal speaks about the movement to free his father.