fix articles 27125, psychological Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : psychological


La révolution psychologique (tags)

Le stalinisme comme le gauchisme ont été l'épouvantail au communisme et par excellence...

Capitalism as Mental Illness (tags)

As to the stress mechanism, Adam Smith supplied that with his theory of “selfish interest” providing collective benefit. And while it’s inarguable that being forced to compete in a self reinforcing and ever accelerating rat race has provided us with many industrial and technological milestones, we must ask ourselves: at what cost? The fracture of social cohesion?

Contact with Police May Be Detrimental to Your Health & Well-Being (tags)

Calling the police can frequently do more harm than good, and other options should be considered whenever possible. The emotional impacts of violence and repression can be serious and it is important that we are aware of those impacts and work together to deal with them. Looking after ourselves and our friends or affinity groups does not end when the action ends!

Stress for the soul. Climate change triggers stress and despair (tags)

Psychology understands fear as an arousal that primarily causes displeasure. Fear is never rational, but sometimes it is appropriate and serves as an alarm. Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, according to the common definition, are directed at non-existent dangers...

New Research At Harvard Shows Psychological Harms Of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Last (tags)

New Research At Harvard Shows Psychological Harms Of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Last

Corona and psychology: Fear works against democratic coexistence (tags)

The current "simultaneous consolidation and weakening of the state" (Nicos Poulantzas) are two sides of the same coin: the rise of the punitive state goes hand in hand with growing social insecurity and disenfranchisement, rather than an increase in rule-breaking and crime. State authority & police strengthen

Folie à deux: A Madness Shared by Two; Shared Psychosis (tags)

"Whiteness" is driving everyone mad.

Violence (tags)

See the relationship between violence in cops/fbi and my theory of today's living dead phenomenon.

Fbi thugs continue assaults on me and now on my wife (tags)

The fbi seizes at once America and the minds of the people via MAFIA tactics and high tech torture tools. PI Helps fbi achieve their dirty goal of world inhumane domination.

Fbi/ MAFIA seize America (tags)

Fbi thugs assaults me and now my wife.

The fbi's psychological attacks on Target employ high tech equipment and low minded hoods (tags)

The fbi's psychological attacks on a Target employ high tech equipment and low minded hoodlums.

Torturers are often all around us (tags)

Torturers must hide their faces in shame and confess to their crimes.

Fbi's relentless assaults (tags)

Here is my diary entry of events this week.

Fear is used to control the people (tags)

My conclusions after 30 years of assaults by fbi and their operatives followThe:

Intelligence Report on A Wave of Crimes By Police, fbi/cia (tags)

See my latest intelligence report which is prompted by contacts with me by fbi,cia,police, congress.

"Je Suis CIA"; Another False Flag Event to Boost Military-Industrial Complex Profit$ (tags)

Article copied from Global Research outlines the Charlie Hebdo incident as a CIA concocted false flag designed to provoke conflict between the West and Islam. The beneficiaries of this designed attack would be the military-industrial complex that thrives under the constant threat of war and terrorism. The Kouachi brothers were well known to intelligence officials and were being guided by their handlers for several years leading up to the timed strike in France.

Can Pope Francis End Forced Celibacy for Preists? (tags)

The recent report from the U.N. implicates the Catholic Church in enabling priests who abuse and sexually molest children to evade the law and consequences. Maybe Pope Francis can help repeal the dictate of forced celibacy in priests by recgnizing their natural human need for sexual relations with another adult human being. It is unnatural and a form of psychological torture to expect a human male to be celibate for their entire practiced profession. The need for sex that is suppressed can emerge in abberant forms like pedophilia.

Israeli Torture: Accountability Denied (tags)


Terrorizing Palestinians and Israeli Arabs (tags)


Electric cars suck? (tags)

They have a limit range of maybe 65 miles and they are very expensive compared to normal cars with the Volt costing $40,000. I suspect that many tree huggers who thought they were buying a car that used clean electricity to power it will be disappointed when they discover that dirty coal fueled power plants produce the energy they use to charge their allegedly clean electric car.

FBI Muslims and Militancy Considerations --- Heads up By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

The roots of this ?Militancy Considerations? graph in the FBI training presentation for its agents are very distinguished and very deep-seated in doctrinal warfare. It is not merely some ad hoc ?overreaction? to the ?war on terror? against ?militant Islam? by an overzealous state security apparatus' training program to keep the Americans safe from terrorists.

Wikileaks info on death of Frank Olson? (tags)

For several decades CIA agents conducted covert operation domestically against the U.S. population under several codes names, MK ULTRA, Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke where several methods of psychological operations were used against the people of the U.S. to measure their responses, including ELF frequencies for training "Manchurian candidates" as sleeper assassins to use against enemy leaders.


Does American movies begin to discover the literary virtues of the Argentinean Jorge Luis Borges?

Doctors Aiding Torture (tags)

complicit doctors

Psychological Sadism Without a Sense of Playfulness (tags)

Do they at the Puritanical Post think that some are not sick of their sanctimonious commentary on all things blonde and bimbo? You know there would have been no character attack had the stars of the show been say—black males—irrespective of any conceits on being sexually desirable or whether their behavior was crude. But I guess blondes, as attack “objects,” are eternally open game season for all things jealous and self-righteous? After all they do seem to get more then their share of attention?

Sara Olson (SLA) Re-Arrested (tags)

Sara Olson EX-SLA Member Re-Arrested

Shock and Awe Revisited (tags)

While it may have appeared to American T.V. viewers that 'Shock and Awe' was merely a catchy media label for the U.S. bombing campaign in Iraq, its actual origins, and a whole theory of warfare, are found in a 1996 advisory report published by the National Defense University.

Help Sought to Identify Possible "Vigilante" Group (tags)

Persons with knowledge of extra-legal, vigilante-style groups operating in Southern California (cults, corporate espionage, etc.) are being sought in an attempt to expose their activity.

CBS and Dan Rather Part of Plot to Terrorize Iraqis (tags)

The Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse pictures scream 'remember 9/11' and intensify the fear in the hearts of Muslims all over the world. Could it be that CBS and Dan Rather were cooperating with the United States Government in the psychological operation of showing the pictures to Iraqis and terrorists to get them to turn.

Pfc. England: I was told to smile for psy ops photos (tags)

Ra'Shadd said England was pulled into the situations by intelligence agents who subverted the military chain of command. He said they used England to humiliate the men being photographed so they could show the pictures to more important prisoners and threaten them with the same treatment.

The New America- Darth VAder or Frankenstein's Monster? ( Part 2 Of 2) (tags)

Using unusual personal experience and studied general observation to denote the horrific transformation of America, via mass-conditioning, pop-culture media programming, the military, and of course the legislature and police to train and harvest the slaves to serve the New World Mafia's black market profits and control.

Study discovers Conservatives see things in "Black and White" (tags)

Hitler, Mussolini, and former President Ronald Reagan were individuals, but all were right-wing conservatives because they preached a return to an idealized past and condoned inequality in some form.


AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION OF 9-11 AND THE WAR ON TERRORISM. Every news story you are about to review in this research paper is true and easily verifiable. This investigation represents 10 months of careful study, research, analysis, source verification and logical deduction

The Pesky Resistance Initiates its Special Operations (tags)

A Cyber Cell of the Resistance has started Special Operations aimed at waging psychological and economic warfare against the Fascist Occupational Regime. Please visit our website and check out our new projects. These projects are online projects seeking the active participation of all rebels.

diet and delinquency (tags)

work of Alexander Schauss could be a great boon to problem of urban crime

Psychological Warfare Expert Spills The Beans: Brainwashing America (tags)

Psychological Warfare Expert Spills The Beans: Brainwashing America

BTL:Unending Conflict & 35 Years of Occupation Take Psychological Toll on... (tags)

...Exhausted Palestinian Population. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Dr. Elia Awwad, director of Mental Health Services in the Palestinian territories with the Palestine Red Crescent Society.

Things You Should Not Forget Archive #01 GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA EXPERTS IN CNN (tags)


Psychological Manipulation of Individuals (tags)

Some interesting material mixed in here. War Chest of Techniques For the Sole Purpose of Psychological Manipulation of Individuals, committees, and groups as well as the public.


This is for those who doubt the legitmacy of Marxist insurgencies in Latin America; in vain.

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