fix articles 26944, buy nothing
Buy Nothing Day Organizers Confront the Economic Meltdown Head On (tags)
The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-realization. Bailing out speculators while ignoring the imperatives of reducing working hours and building community centers is a blindness.
Disgusted with the personal debt, spiritual emtiness and ecological damange that the holiday season now entails, writers and artists began to promote the idea of a downshifted Christmas in the late nineties.
-Celebrate Buy Nothing Day with two kick-ass, anti-capitalist sci-fi gems! -Enjoy this free screening under the stars at one of LA’s greatest treasures: The South Central Farm! -Avoid the shopping malls! Avoid your annoying family on the holidays!
Buy Nothing Day - Nov 26th (tags)
Curb your consumption.
Buy Nothing Day ~ TARGET WAL-MART (tags)
The Buy Nothing Day holiday (BND) has caught on somewhat and may very well be one of the best vehicles we have in terms of getting to a healthier, happier, saner, sustainable way of life. With that in mind the following is a collection of ideas about what we can do to make BND more effective by bringing it to America's largest corporate retailer known as WalMart. If you are down with these ideas (and want to make them more effective) please repost and forward this article by email and/or conventional post.
Buy Nothing Day Protest (tags)
SANTA MONICA- Buy Nothing Day, 2004. A small but lively group staged a vigil protest on 3rd Street in front of a Gap store today. This was part of protests worldwide to call attention to the nightmare of the consumerist culture and the environmental and economic peril of unsustainable consumption.
Buy Nothing Day ~ TARGET WAL-MART (tags)
Ideas about how to impede conspicuous consumption.
"Buy Nothing - Do Something"
The Ugly American Dollar Campaign (tags)
The United States dollar is being introduced in several Central and South American countries as a means of economic development. Even in Russia, the American dollar is more popular than the Ruble -- proving correct the old proverb: if you can't beat'em, buy 'em.