fix articles 26933, i said
Police choose new targets (tags)
Bill Rosendahl has brought a special squad of 21 LAPD officers into Venice, CA . Now that most of the Homeless Living in their cars and moterhomes have lost their vehicles... They now are forced to sleep on the sidewalk (not illegal) Having neutralized their targets, they are now targeting other groups of people to harass by intimidation and by impounding vehicles, Family Pets, or giving unwarranted parking tickets. I suspect these include Farmers, Raw foodists, Artists, Musicians, or any alternative or creative types.
LAPD Brutality and Racism (tags)
(jim lafferty has heroic dedication to justice. i hope he doesn't mind that i republish this amazing story from the NLG LA email. it is important that we address police brutality and racism as well as government cover-ups. i am so proud to have met him and become familiar with the los angeles lawyers guild and their tremendous work.)
Doctors' Group Gives Awards to AIDS "Dissidents" (tags)
San Diego alternative AIDS activist Michael Geiger reported on his visit to Washington, D.C. in May to watch researcher Peter Duesberg and journalist Celia Farber win Semmelweis Awards for their courage in challenging the conventional wisdom about AIDS. The awards arenamed for 19th century doctor Ignaz Semmelweis, who was driven out of medicine and put in an asylum for demanding that doctors wash their hands between patients.
Meso-Americanos: It's way overdue (tags)
Shots fired at LeBron James/ Nike's nite out. (tags)
The game has ended as Lebron leaves Perkin's Park ,and shots rang out. People in the park jump when they hear the gun shots. I witness in my front yard the beginning of that gun play. For some reason I walked out side my house around 12:40am.
I survived the Democratic National Convention (tags)
did you know saddam was once made an honorary citizenof detroit (tags)
in 1980. An odd story, apparently true. It shows he had a brighter side. When did any president last offer to pay off a churches debt?
What weapons of mass destruction? (tags)
"Weapons of mass destruction? Oh that. We were just fooling! When I said that I was "confident that we will find evidence" of wmd's, I was just pulling your leg! Yeah... I know that I was telling anyone who would listen that Iraq had tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve gas... what's the harm in that? So it wasn't the truth? When I said that Iraq was pursuing an atomic weapons program... you didn't really BELIEVE me did you?! So now you know... we were just lying, er, pulling your leg. It was all a joke. Weapons of mass destruction? What weapons of mass destruction?"
Do We Really Have Free Speech? (tags)
The following is a transcript of a speech given by 13-year-old Charlotte Aldebron in Augusta, Maine on April 19, 2003.
"Veteran Will Work For Food" (tags)
idea for a protest sign
Whole Lotta Lott Goin' On (tags)
Media Propaganda & Censorship 101