fix articles 26535, vaccine
Nobody knew China landed on the moon and Bill Gates (tags)
In 2020, China was the second and so far only country besides the USA that was able to put a flag on the moon.
Cancel reinstatement of face covering requirement. (tags)
Los Angeles County residents should choose to get vaccinated instead of wearing face coverings.
30 Arguments against Compulsory Vaccination (tags)
When it comes to protecting people from severe and fatal disease courses in covid-19, today, as a year ago, it is primarily about protecting the so-called risk groups. The median age of those who died from or with Covid 19 is still 83 years. Of the deaths in the last three reporting weeks, 93 percent were older than 60 years.
The Trojan Horse and Away from the Herd (tags)
In "Away from the Herd," the author compares the modern plight with docile submissive people in WW1. "Tagore criticizes modern civilization, which is crushed by materialism. He compares it to a giant giraffe: intelligence has grown into excess and has departed from the heart, the body is wasting away.
Have the Architects of the Covid-19 Pandemic Lost Touch with Reality? (tags)
The push for mandatory vaccines creates additional injustices by ignoring sudden deaths of people soon after taking the vaccine. The heavy handed tactics of coercion used by the Israeli government are now being followed by other Western nations.
Doctor exposes vaccine dangers and his whole village burns to the ground. Document all people in the stateof California, politicians, government officials, medical and media professionals who are promoting mass murders via covid-19 lethal injections. We must be sure the are convicted for crimes against humanity.
Government document instructs vaccine strike force teams how to clear buildings.
San Francisco Pushing More Murders (tags)
Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths Soar by 2,000 in 1 Week As Biden Announces Door to Door Campaign to Push Vax. San Francisco and the San Francisco Bay Areas mainstream media, medical profession, government, and others strill keeps pushing for more murders, inclusing those of children. And most of the people just follow right along.
San Francisco Just Continues C.A.H. (tags)
mRNA Vaccine Technology Inventor Erased From History Books | Dr. Joseph Mercola - More truth S.F. Bay Area media won't tell.
Children do not need vaccination for their own protection. Healthy children are at almost no risk from COVID-19, with a mortality risk of only 1 in 2.5 million (9). No previously healthy child under 15 years of age died during the pandemic in the United Kingdom, and hospital or intensive care unit admissions are very rare.
This is not vaccination but prophylactic gene therapy (tags)
"The manufacturers openly admit that the vaccination is not to prevent any infection, but only severe courses. But even that has not been proven with any study. So, by definition it is not a vaccination but at most a prophylactic gene therapy. This is labeling fraud!" So why is it called a vaccination?
Learned Helplessness and Father of the Third Wave (tags)
Researchers have known for half a century the mechanism by which people can be induced to effectively lock themselves in their own mental prison ... and it wasn't long before intelligence agencies began to use this research for their own purposes.
Release the vaccines and put an end to the lockdown (tags)
If we were to discard the rigid vaccination plan, which is divided into priority groups, and simply release the vaccines to all interested parties, this would be a golden way out of the whole nightmare.
Corona vaccines-nothing would work without public funding (tags)
"The Covid 19 crisis is a perfect test of whether a more public health approach to innovation and production will prevail in the years ahead. Although recent vaccine news has raised hopes, it has also exposed the broken business model of the pharmaceutical industry and cast doubt on the prospects of getting a vaccine to people..."
Vaccination Update for Our Community (tags)
Residents of our community who are 65 years old and older can now register for COVID-19 vaccination appointments. The opening of appointment registration for a new tier today comes as the County opens five large capacity vaccination sites.
Issues Involving Current And Other Vaccines (tags)
Why does 50% of the population want to avoid vaccination injections.
Decide For Yourself About RFK Jr (tags)
A list of links about lethal injuries from vaccines, the corruption of the vaccine industry because Facebook, Google, Microsoft (Bing and DuckDuckGo) censor vaccine information,
Farm Animals Can Catch Covid-19, The Vaccine Court, RFK V Fauci (tags)
Farm animals, hunted animals, and horses sometimes sent to European slaughterhouses can contract Covid-19. The abuse of the Vaccine Court RFK Jr exposes Anthony Fauci's corruption
US billionaires got $1 trillion richer during Corona (tags)
A recent study by the Institute for Policy Studies determined that the 647 billionaires in the USA have been able to increase their assets by $960 billion since the beginning of the corona crisis in mid-March by the cut-off date of November 17.
Corona vaccine development - they prefer not to ask about risks and side effects (tags)
Thousands or even millions could be vaccinated on the basis of "emergency approval." We will probably have to live with the virus. The current strategy of damaging measures until a vaccine is available is a bumpy path with incalculable risks, side effects and visible collateral damage.
Explaining a little bit about the patents, which are not evidence that coronavirus was manufactured.
Womens Bodies 2017: Public or Private or Both?? (tags)
Female Genital Mutilation has been discussed by college professors, communists and the UN. Amnesty International reports its use in 28 countriesmwhen the clitoris and sometimes labia are cut off at an early age. Efforts to stop this
Proposed US Legislation Mandating Child Vaccinations (tags)
Former Science Ed of London Times: Smallpox Vaccine Triggered Aids (tags)
As Governor Brown, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer have worked to violate the 1st amendment which guarantees religious freedom and to violate the health of children, it's time to examine again the data which indicates the WHO smallpox vaccine spread AIDS around the world.
Governor SIgns SB 277, Citing Science (tags)
Despite loud protest by discredited anti-science circuit riders and right wing conspiracy theorists, California's Governor has signed into law Senate Bill 277 (SB 277 Pan D-Scaramento). Exploiting the legitimate need for strict regulation of vaccine development, demogoguery dominated much of the debate. Racist personal attacks upon the Asian-American sponsor combined to discredit the antivax view and the bill did pass after twitterstorms galore.
Death in Days: Beware of This Bacteria: Lethal Anthrax Vaccine's Victims (tags)
As Senators Feinstein, Boxer, the CDC and the pharma-narco-medical industrical complex continues to push compulsory vaccines, it is good to research the number of deaths and diseases from vaccines for swine flu, anthrax (which causes birth defects), 'smallpox', 'flu' etc.
Toxic Vaccines News Updates (tags)
The US media censored the news that an Italian court has ruled that vaccines cause autism. Merck has recalled 1 million doses of contaminated meningitis vaccine etc.
Vaccines' Toxic Ingredients Fueled by Drug Company Liability Immunity And Greed (tags)
As the CDC, FDA, and corporate media attempt to silence the truth about vaccines, the public become more organized against the attempt to force vaccines down people's throats and through poisoned needles into their children.
PBS, CBS, Merck, Pfizer, Roche, Lilly Promote Killer Vaccines (tags)
Roche's Lariam, Merck's Gardasil, Japanese encephalitis vaccines continue to cause deaths, autism, memory loss, seizures
Feinstein And Boxer Want To Make Vaccines More Mandatory (tags)
Senators Feinstein And Boxer Want To End The Right To Refuse Vaccines For Personal Belief
Pharma Cartel Poisons Kids with Thimerosal Ethylmercury Vaccines (tags)
Several vaccines still contain Thimerosal and the ethylmercury compound believed to be linked with higher rates of autism in children and some adults. Unfortunately the corrupt western medical establishment under pharma cartel influences remains opposed to banning Thimerosal outright as suggested by the UN and continues to distribute these toxic vaccines in lower income countries and also in the U.S.
Ebola Seen In Light Of 1976 Swine Flu Hoax (tags)
Avian flu, swine flu in 1976, swine flu in 2009, SARS... are they all scams of the international drug company cartels and their pawns in governments? Donald Rumsfeld owned the US distribution rights to Tamiflu, which was ballyhooed as a cure for avian flu.
Governors Perry And Kasich, Jim Bohannon And The Lethal Gardasil Of Merck (tags)
Merck has tried in 24 states to require that girls be injected with its lethal alleged cervical cancer vaccine or not be admitted to school. The 'vaccine' has caused 32 deaths, destroyed ovaries, created coma, anaphylactic shock, seizures and blood clots.
Ohio Gov Kasich Promoting Killer "Vaccine" Which Destroys Teen Ovaries (tags)
Even Gov Perry of Texas has abandoned his promotion of the killer 'vaccine' Gardasil but Gov Kasich's administration in Ohio continues to attempt to convince young women to risk death.
Ebola Depopulation Scam: Liberian Poor Held At Gunpoint In Quarantine Concentration Camps (tags)
The World Health Organization, CDC and international drug cartels continue their depopulation scam: ebola
This Year's Flu Shots Causing Guillain-Barre and Other Lethal Effects (tags)
New quadrivalent flu 'vaccines' shove 4 lethal strains into already overloaded immune systems causing Guillain-Barre and other deaths as CDC falsifies data
Breaking: CDC Greenlights Vaccine Request fir UCSB (tags)
IMC Scoops National Media: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Signals Intent to Request Vaccination Go-Ahead
Action Alert: Workers, Students, Houseless Deserve Equal Access (tags)
Class bias rears it's ugly head. Princeton students get free vaccine for meningitis, UCSB told wait and see.We demand voluntary free VAX for workers including dumpster divers and university janitors at risk!
Dr. Andrew Wakefield: No Fraud. No Hoax. (tags)
Allegations by BMJ journalist Brian Deer against Dr. Andrew Wakefield's '98 research paper showing links between vaccines and autism have no basis in fact and only demonstrate the scientific ignorance of Brian Deer.
Epidemics for Dummies 11/18 (tags)
Epidemics for Dummies 11/18 Sat, 11/18/2009 - 10:18 — ConcernedCanadian The media is still hellbent on terrifying you with their flu hysteria in order to inject you with toxified vaccines or worse; thus I will continue to expose that which has been hidden. (Matt. 10:26)
Epidemics for Dummies 11/15 (tags)
The media is still hell bent on terrifying you with their flu hysteria in order to inject you with toxified vaccines or worse; thus I will continue to expose that which has been hidden. (Matt. 10:26)
Lie of Swine Flu Data Exposed (tags)
Lying with statistics is an old game and the latest perpetrator is of course the US government which has played games with the swine flu statistics that has caused hysteria, having schools close so they can be used as medical facilities, terrorizing people to get the vaccine who do not need it, and much more. "Washington Unplugged," a CBS program, surveyed 50 states, and found that often only 1% of people tested had the swine flu. This is not an epidemic.
MIT grad shows CDC mind-behavior control duping doctors and public to buy vaccine (tags)
Buyer beware. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) officials are almost ready for their PR company to unleash a sophisticated, powerful H1N1 'swine flu' vaccine multimedia marketing campaign to dupe doctors and exploit society's most vulnerable through what social scientists call mind control that aims for behavior control.
Ineffectiveness and Dangers of Flu Shots (tags)
they contain a toxic brew
Say NO! to Swine Flu Vaccine, Stop Big Pharma Fraud! (tags)
Please see the links below, and do your own research on this, don't just listen to the MSM on this, before getting a swine flu vaccination, or any vaccination for that matter. Help stop Big Pharma fraud and human rights violations! Sign petition to stop forced vaccination!
Early and Current Fears about Vaccine Dangers (tags)
All vaccines are hazardous
Vaccination Myths and Truths (tags)
vaccine dangers
Mantory Swine Flu Vaccine Alert (tags)
swine flu and all other vaccines are toxic and dangerous
Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a Global Pandemic (tags)
dangerous mandated vaccines must be avoided
Alert-Potentially Deadly Swine Flu spreading throughout the U.S. (tags)
Experts warn that it may be too late to contain the new outbreak, given how widespread the known cases are. If the confirmed deaths are the first signs of a pandemic, then cases are probably incubating around the world by now, said Dr Michael Osterholm, a flu expert at the University of Minnesota.
Question official version of Army bioweapons researcher Bruce Ivin's suicide (tags)
Questions arise following the death of U.S. Army scientist Bruce Ivins as a so-called suicide, when the hidden goings on at Fort Detrick bioweapons laboratories may "justify" the need for a scapegoat to blame the post 9/11 antrax attacks on without casting any suspicion on the Bush/Cheney regime who used the public panic following 9/11 and anthrax attacks to launch their Patriot Act and illegal invasion of Iraq..
Charlie Rose Science Series Episode #7 - July 24, 2007 (tags)
Giuen Media
Mandatory Cervical Cancer (wart) Vaccine With Sixth Grade Girls (tags)
In 18 states, lawmakers (influenced by drug company lobbyists) are considering whether to require sixth grade girls to take the cervical cancer vaccine, regardless of it's " side effects". The Virginia legislators have passed such a bill and millions of Texans are outraged that Gov. Perry bypassed the legislature and took away parental choice in mandating the price-gouging poisons of a toxic cervical cancer ' vaccine'. While an "over looked vaccine" that the drug companies can not port from as well, needs adequate investigation and research review. This report also exposes some of the typical corruption in medical research, as exposed in with verifiable reference material that has been "censored" from the main news media. Examples of Corrupted Medical Research System with background information. on "The revolving door" of politics and medical research.
The dangers of vaccination has been long known, yet they are still promoted as the best in preventive health care. But are they? A duocumentary The Vaccine Experiment examnies one case where a vaccine trial on Norweigjian children went disastrously wrong
GMO Disease Epidemics: (2) Hepatitis B Vaccine (tags)
Genetic Engineering (GE,GM,GMOs) is a nightmare technology that has already caused many disease epidemics-- documented but unpublicized. Note that GE medicine has been totally ignored by environmentalists and anti-GMO campaigners. Read and take heed -- it may save your health or life.
GMO Disease Epidemics: (2) Hepatitis B Vaccine (tags)
Genetic Engineering has already caused many DISEASE EPIDEMICS -- documented but unpublicized. This is the 2nd in a series revealing the epidemics. Note that GM medicine has been almost totally ignored by environmentalists. Do read and take heed. -- it may save your health or life.
The Man Made Plagues...Rage On! (tags)
In 1992 I walked into the University of North Dakota Library to do some research of Congressional documents. I remember quite well the bitter cold of -40 below 0 and wind chills that would freeze you to the bone with some speed. However this cold is a warm summer day at the beach, in comparison to the documents I found.
In 1992 I walked into the University of North Dakota Library to do some research of Congressional documents. I remember quite well the bitter cold of -40 below 0 and wind chills that would freeze you to the bone with some speed. However this cold is a warm summer day at the beach, in comparison to the documents I found.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/01/05) (tags)
Evidence of slowing ocean currents alarms scientists.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/30/05) (tags)
FEMA to stop paying hotel bills for 50,000 evacuees.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/15/05) (tags)
Right to trial imperiled by Senate vote
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/7/05) (tags)
Greenland becoming green again.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/1/05) (tags)
Delphi demands US auto workers accept poverty wages.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/25/05) (tags)
Florida Medicaid privatization plan approved.
Why an HIV Vaccine Can't Work (tags)
Twenty+ years of AIDS and no vaccine, why?
Eli Lilly Responsible for Autistic Childrenh (tags)
Thimerosal is an organic compound that is 49.6 percent ethylmercury. Eli Lilly and Co., the Indianapolis-based drug giant, developed and registered thimerosal under its trade name Merthiolate in 1929 and began marketing it as an antibacterial, antifungal product. It became the most widely used preservative in vaccines.
There is no question mark after the title of this article because the title is not a question. It's a declarative statement.
Aids & the Weaponized Anthrax Mailings - Common Origins (tags)
Aids and the weaponized AMES strain anthrax mailings of 2001 are both creations of scientists at SAiC-USARMIID, Ft. Detrick. BioPort, Bayer and VaxGen manufacure anthrax "vaccine" - what we've seen this far is contaminated and ineffective against the Ames strain - and each has a roots in Nazi Germany and have their own histories of illicit human experimentation.
Super Flu Pandemic Planned! Rationed Medicines--PREDICTED OVER 2 YEAR AGO! (tags)
The top link is from a TV station in Palm Beach FL, last day or so I think....the second, longer part is a posting from 2001 concerning a whistleblower talking about conditioning the population via chemtrails, for a vast depopulation operation utilizing a super-flu pandemic... ----------------------
G8 backs HIV vaccine plan (tags)
The criminals engaged in the "Business of Disease" and of Tyranny, are planning a new weapon against humanity !! Know this: The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall of tyranny at the back of the theatre.
Judge Rules Forced Anthrax Inoculation Illegal (tags)
Despite confirming possible harm to unborn babies, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offered the vaccine to children and pregnant women.
Judge Rules Forced Anthrax Inoculation Illegal (tags)
Despite the fact that French soldiers during the Gulf War were not given the anthrax vaccine and do not exhibit any symptoms of GWS, many still debate whether or not the vaccine is truly to blame for syndrome.
CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Weekly Update with Twisted Photo Section (tags)
Bush peddles instruments of torture abroad, former Joint Chiefs of Staff advisor reveals truth about anthrax vaccine, rightwing Congressman claims his divorce caused by women in scarves
Parents desperate for answers about their childrens vaccines (tags)
We are parents desperately looking for answers about our children who have been damaged by vaccines. Please any feed back and answers would be greatly appreciated. For it seems its all part of a chain reaction to try and pull the wool over the parents eyes and it all seems to be part of one big incorporated vaccine lie.
Smallpox threat and your evaporating rights as a sheepizen of the U.S. (tags)
My title above, not the author of the Truthout editorial below..... Creep toward fascism (or run?). Vaccinations in the context of civil liberties. The ultimate rebuttal to proponents of Small Pox: "While these doctors state that smallpox vaccinations are dangerous, they are also clear that the threat of bio-attacks is slim and that even if there is bio-attack, it can be readily contained and mass vaccinations thus are not justified."
Smallpox vaccine clinical trial on 200 adults run by GOV and results are UGLY (tags)
Jon Rappoport update on Smallpox
Lawsuit against the U.S. over AIDS origin (tags)
AIDS found to have U.S. laboratory origins
NON-G.M.O. process JUST ANNOUNCED! (tags)
Plant Vaccine Promises Safe Genetic Modification (Please read carefully: NO NEW GENE IS INSERTED! Down with MONSANTOS' GENETIC POLLUTION!!!) By Michael Byrnes SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian scientists say they have scored a world breakthrough by developing a vaccine to make plants immune to viruses. Because of how it works, they say, the vaccine sidesteps consumer concerns about genetically modified food.