fix articles 26482, vision Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : vision


Learning from MLK, the inconvenient Hero (tags)

We should not lose our sense of how the civil rights movement happened, because if we do, younger generations, along with ourselves, will lose a sense of how new opportunities were fought for, and won.

Utopia, Technology and Struggle. Ways out of the Crisis of Social Democracy (tags)

The big question is still open. Must an emancipatory project aim at a changed distribution of incomes or is hedging capitalism through regulation and redistribution enough? In other words, is shifting to an eco-Keynesian path sufficient to create equal life chances?

2017 Reflection: Palestine Teaches Us We Must Unite Around a Common Vision for Liberation (tags)

2017 Reflection: Palestine Teaches Us We Must Unite Around a Common Vision for Liberation

Jeremy Corbyn's Economic Vision (tags)


Free Internet Book: All on Board: Making Inclusive Growth Happen, 202pp (tags)

An inclusive, democratic society is a vision of a future of generalized security, community centers, free Internet books, exchanging roles, qualitative growth and soft power. Unlike a chair, an idea can be shared by a whole people. Without a vision, people become bones for Coca Cola.

Total opposition - interview with anarchist writer Paul Cudenec (tags)

In an interview with The Vast Minority, writer Paul Cudenec calls for anarchists to unite in "total opposition" to the global capitalist system.

A Simpsons' animation works magic on Obama speech (tags)

This election is terrifyingly close, because Mitt Romney has lied his way this far—offering his made up fantasy world where we can have a bigger defense budget, tax cuts for the rich, a smaller deficit, two unicorns in every garage, and all with no pain for the middle class.

"We will not abandon our committment to Social Security" (tags)

"This is my vision for America-a vision where we live within our means while still investing in our future; where everyone makes sacrifices but no one bears all the burden; where we provide a basic measure of security for our citizens and we provide rising opportunity for our children.."

A Meanness in This World (tags)

The January 8 shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords and murder of federal judge John Roll and five other people in Tucson, Arizona has been blamed on a lone nut, and both wings of the corporate media — center-Right and far-Right — have fallen over each other to absolve the ultra-Rightists of talk radio, Fox News and the Tea Party of blame for the alleged shooter’s actions. Nonsense. Not only did Sarah Palin’s Web page specifically “target” Congressmember Giffords for defeat last April — a piece of hysterical rhetoric Giffords called Palin out on at the time — but the radical Right’s incessant propaganda on talk radio and Fox News, with its ceaseless calls not only to defeat but “eliminate” its “enemies,” created a national climate that ensured that the killer’s madness took the form it did and his delusions led him to attack two individuals that had already been the targets of radical-Right bullying and harassment.

Fight for the Dream: Whoever has a vision can be a physician (tags)

Brave New Films presents "War on Greed" starring Larry the Loophole

Former U.S. Ambassador Roger Noriega hired to push Honduran putsch agenda (tags)

"On one side are foreign oligarchs seeking to cloak their self-interested pecuniary agenda under the mantle of U.S. national security and from that concealed, disingenuous platform are working to trump even democracy. On the other side, in the streets of Honduras, and from below all across the Americas, are the forces of authentic democracy, fighting back the only way they can — with their hearts, minds and the blood of their convictions. Stay tuned …."

The Future of the American Dream (tags)

"Here is the grand vision I suggest Americans can pursue: the right of all citizens to larger lives. Not to get richer than the next guy or necessarily to accumulate more and more stuff but the right to live life more fully and engage more expansively the elemental possibilities of human existence.."

The Great Chance: Basic Guaranteed Income (tags)

How else should the economy and society become more sustainable without a partial turning away from the growth society of more and more? The de-acceleration of work and life is necessary. A basic income could initiate both.

AJLPP Condemns RP-US war games in Luzon, Says It's An Act of Armed Intervention (tags)

As Philippine and US troops began Wednesday a two-week integrated ground and air training meant to improve their forces' skills in fighting terrorism and responding to disasters and security situations. the AJLPP condems such acts of brazen military intervention in the Philippines.

Iraq War Creates Shortage of Night Vision Gear for Domestic US Medical Pilots (tags)

The war in Iraq is creating a major - and perhaps deadly - shortage of night vision goggles for civilian pilots who fly medical helicopters in the U.S.

3/23 UC Berkeley home demonstrations report back (tags)

Despite recent low-level acts of police intimidation and talk of restraining orders against them, activists opposing UC Berkeley vivisection are continuing their campaign. for more info on the campaign.

Subic rape won’t affect US-RP war games’ (tags)

A spokesman for the US military said yesterday their troops "will not allow" the Subic rape case to affect their operations in the conduct of the forthcoming "Talon Vision" joint military exercises. Noting that five American servicemen have been accused of raping a Filipino woman last November, US military spokesman Capt. Burrel Parmer said the troops are still looking forward to participate in the forthcoming Talon Vision and Amphibious Landing Exercise (Philblex) and take the opportunity to help the needy.



South Central Farmers and International Supporters Prepared for Judge to Rule on Facts of (tags)

outh Central Farmers and International Supporters Prepared for Judge to Rule on Facts of the Law Daryl Hannah, Farmers and their supporters express hope for victory and vision for a healthy future of Los Angeles

"Repairing Democracy" talk @ LA Greens, J19 (tags)

Dr. Forrest Hill, Green Party Candidate for Secretary of State, will present his vision for the type of election system we need to enact here in California to ensure full representation of all citizens.

Villaraigosa's Greening of Los Angeles (tags)

My Vision for LA (Excerpted from Antonio 2005 website position statements) Los Angeles has always been a city of big dreams and bold possibilities. The men and women who helped build a dusty, desert town into our great city were never satisfied with the status quo. They understood that progress depends on people who see what can be rather than what merely is -- and who are willing to work to make it happen.

SCF Farmers Market and Music Extravaganza Sunday (tags)

Julia Butterfly Hill Returns As Farmers and Supporters Maintain Vision For Saving The Farm


This article looks at the upcoming elections in Israel and what Israel's leaders should say.

The Land Needs a New Vision (tags)

In capitalism, production is for the market instead of for satisfying needs..The postulate `Work as cheap as possible and at the worst possible conditions' leadsus back to the 19h century. We are far removed today from the watchword More Time for Living and Loving'.

Common Vision 2006 Tour at South Central Farm (tags)

The Common Vision veg-oil fueled bus caravan arrived at the South Central Farm this past Sunday. They will be living at the farm all this week as part of their 2006 tour to plant 1,000 fruit trees and educate children about the environment and caring for the earth.

Help the Gaian Mind represent to the OC Weekly (tags)

-THE-GAIAN-MIND- Eco arts and education center in Long Beach will be featured in the OC Weekly and we're inviting all eco-visionaries to join us at the Gaian Mind this saturday at noon for a photoshoot of tons of peeps representing living the way of earth in/on/around our facility.

Sheep Dreams and Kitten Memes (tags)

The revolution is now. The revolution is all the time. Welcome to the revolution.

Attempts to Rescue Self Help Graphics & Art (tags)

A review of recent events surrounding the closure of East LA cultural center..SHG&A

Vision of the Coming Tent-city (tags)

Asserting the 'right to sleep'.

Is God Christian ? (tags)

Original Publishers - Metroland -and- American Federation of Teachers Religious conservatives in Texas are pressuring textbook publishers to conform to their agenda—which is changing schoolbooks everywhere.

The Crusade for God and Global Conquest (tags)

“America, in this young century, proclaims liberty throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof.”

George W. Bush, second inaugural speech

“You think you know...but you have no idea...just what Bush has in store world...our future!”

Opening lines of the RCP’s statement
"The Battle for the Future Will Be Fought from Here Forward!"

George W. Bush swaggered to the podium of his inauguration and said he would put before "every ruler and every nation" a choice over whether to embrace his vision of "freedom." (Kinda like how the Godfather makes you an "offer you can’t refuse.")



911 - Healing Journeys, Event 9-11-04 MacArthur Park (tags)

An estimated 300-400 people attended this event

Humboldt Sheriff's pepper spray attack blinds collective vision (tags)

When Humboldt Sheriff deputies Q-tip swabbed chemical pepper spray into the eyes of forest defenders, the collective vision of people everywhere was blinded with searing pain. People who see the problems caused by corporate logging (Maxxam/Pacific Lumber) are using their bodies to protect the trees. The pepper spray eye swabbing response by the Sheriffs shows their fear of our collective vision, they want people to be blinded to the truth..

Social Security is Not for Sale (tags)

The market is a tool effective after fundamental political questions are answered: What kind of society do we want? Are education, health care, housing, water and land public goods or privileges?

Liberals can't level (tags)

Conservatives, liberals and blacks (tags)

Bob Avakian Talk on Revolution Now Available (tags)

This talk, followed by questions and answers, is a wide-ranging revolutionary journey, covering many topics. It breaks down the very nature of the society we live in and how humanity has come to a time where a radically different society is possible. It takes us deep into the heart of the horrors we see around us - from the oppression of whole peoples and parts of the world to what underlies brutal wars of domination; why we live in a world where profound poverty, starvation and exploitation co-exists with unprecedented wealth. From the American nightmare to a sweeping vision of a whole new world, he breaks it all down, and shows how and why a radically different world can be brought forward.

Sierra Club a Target of Anti-Immigrant Movement (tags)

I heard this on the radio and found an article on the net. Once again, the Sierra Club, the nation's largest environmental group, is finding itself split on the issue of immigration.

Can the Znet Demand to Produce Vision Lead to Vanguardism? (tags)

The demand that the global justice movement should produce a detailed “vision” or blueprint of a future post-capitalist society is today most forcefully made by Znet. I will seek to present an opposite view in this article



Right Wing Progressives (tags)

Alex Jones is a "paranoid anti-state" front for a conservative shadow group. Lyndon Larouche is a fascist. Don't be fooled by the crypto-fascists.


Introducing the Howling Dog megasite: radical writing, art, poetry by iconoclastic visionaries. These dogs never learned to fetch, roll over, or lay down--but they did learn to speak. Get dangerous, get discovered ...

The Anti War Movement: Why, How and Where (tags)

Constructive Criticism of the Anti War Movement: To a movement that is based on ideals of democracy, and that has constantly attacked the current administration for not listening to dissenting voices – to the voices of people – I am sure that such criticism will be welcomed. I present this criticism with the hope that it will lead to the evolution of stronger democracies within communities, of greater involvement by the citizens of USA in issues of equality, peace and justice.

KPFK: Inner Vision, Michael Benner, Dec 26, 2002 (tags)

KPFK's "Inner Vision" w/ Michael Benner; mp3, 1 hour and about 25megs

Artwork about April 29th, 1992 uprising. (tags)

I did this Oil Painting based upon what I witnessed in the immediate aftermath of the "not guilty" verdicts for the LAPD Officers who nearly beat Rodney King to death. The April 29th, 1992 acquittal lead to the bloodiest riots in United States history.

Canadian Network Vision TV Broadcasts "What Really Happened on September 11th?" (tags)

Monday, Jan. 21st at 10:30 PM (EST), Vision TV (VSN) aired a segment about the discrepancies in the official story surrounding the events of September 11th.

Thought of The Day (tags)

As we yell so loud, it remains buried in the sound of silence.

Drawing: Chaia Heller makes the connections (tags)

Chaia Heller of the Vermont Based Institute for Social Ecology

Drawing: Chaia Heller makes the connections (tags)

Chaia Heller of the Vermont Based Institute for Social Ecology


Poster of a Corporate Monster set loose upon the People!

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