fix articles 26460, retirement
Here's a 400-word summary about the situation with Keiro nursing home and retirement home.
Obama's MyRA Proposal: Hold the Cheers (tags)
class war
VIDEO: "Koch Brothers Exposed," 2012, 1 hr (tags)
Millions of dollars are spent in propaganda to convince the public that social security is bankrupt, that the retirement age should be raised to 70 and that social security should be turned into private retirement accounts. Millions are spent to undermine unions & privatize education.
America's Retirement Crisis (tags)
class war
New York Times Wages War on Medicare and Social Security (tags)
class war
Read this then vote
On Friday, July 6, President Obama signed into law a bill that would renew transportation programs and extend low interest rates on student loans for one year. While this minimal gesture resulted in, no doubt, sighs of relief from those burdened by student debt, tucked away within the bill's pages was a little-noticed proposal to further erode the funding of workers' pensions. The bill was a brilliant sleight of hand where what it appeared to be giving with one hand distracted the public from what it was taking away with the other.
Economic Policy, the Schwabian Housewife and Francois Hollande (tags)
"What is rational for individuals leads collectively into a cul-de-sac.. The fundamental error is that economic policy believes the crisis can be fought with the logic of a family budget. For that reason, the collapse of the euro zone threatens." France goes a different way than Italy and Spain.
San Diego Queer Groups Fight Proposition B (tags)
Queer organizations in San Diego, including Canvass for a Cause (CFAC) and the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.), are uniting against Proposition B, a "reform" initiative sponsored by openly Gay Right-wing Republican City Councilmember and Mayoral candidate Carl DeMaio that would destroy any hope of retirement security for city workers.
On the Chopping Block: Federal Worker Pensions (tags)
Class Warfare Jeopardizing American Workers' Security (tags)
waging war against vital social benefits
WED 9/8: LA to Launch Divest from Israel CA Ballot Initiative (tags)
Californians committed to peace and justice for Palestine-Israel will launch the statewide campaign of California ballot Initiative 10-0020 with a signing ceremony in front of the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles on Wednesday, September 8, 2010. Although California has adopted policies requiring divestment from Sudan, Iran and other nations, this is the first ballot measure in the nation aimed at changing Israeli policies through divestment by State agencies. It directs California’s large public employee and teacher pension funds to be consistent with their responsible investing policies and to divest from companies that violate the human rights of Palestinians. The description provided by the office of the Attorney General when it approved the measure for circulation last week says that the initiative “prohibits state retirement funds from investing in companies engaged in certain business activities in Israel.”
We Can’t Defeat the Capitalist Offensive Without Changing Our Unions (tags)
The struggle against the concessionary policies of the Union hierarchy is harder than fighting the boss but we can’t defeat the boss without changing our Unions
Chaldler police cheif gets slap on the wrist for having sex at work (tags)
Hmmm... The assistant police chief has sex with his girlfriend in motels while he is supposed to be working. And he doesn't get fired for it! I guess when your being paid $146,071 a year in tax dollars there is nothing you can do wrong.
"I Want My Dues Back" Injured SEIU UHW Downey Kaiser Hospital Senior Orthopedic technician (tags)
Injured Kaiser Downey Hospital Senior Orthopedic Technician on the resignation of SEIU president Andy Stern and why she should get her dues back.
Terrorist Joe Stack (1956-2010) (tags)
Right wing extremist Joe Stack finally gets fed up with Republicanism and Capitalist extremism and decides to take a few out with him.
Cash for Geezers: Retirement for Boomers at 55 (tags)
Beloved Air America host in the mornings, Thom Hartmann and Eduardo Galeano could turn our days to light.
Unless things change fast, human history will show that the phenomenon of “retirement” was limited to one generation. After World War II, when European and Japanese economies stood in tatters, American capitalism could fulfill “the American dream,” since there was little foreign competition to speak of. For the first time ever, workers were promised that — after working thirty or so years — they would be able to securely retire. That was largely the case…for one generation.
Military, police raise coup d’etat alarm anew (tags)
With the prospect of an extension of the term of Armed Forces of the Philippines chief of staff, Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr., as the day of his retirement nears and with the Palace already preparing for the negative points as a result of this, both the AFP and the Philippine National Police (PNP) leaders, along with the Defense and Interior chiefs, again raised the alarm on coups and destabilization moves by alleged rebel soldiers, saying moves are afoot to topple President Arroyo and her government, claiming that they obtained the information gathered by the intelligence community.
Retirement under capitalism (tags)
Sometimes small statistics can have huge implications. The U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics recently reported that the age at which U.S. workers retire has risen for the first time in 100 years. According to the report, in the mid-1980s, 18 percent of people in their late 60s still had jobs; today, it is 29 percent. Millions of U.S. workers can no longer look forward to the “Golden Years” of guaranteed Social Security, Medicare health insurance and employer pensions. One in four baby boomers surveyed said they would likely never be able to retire – in other words, they will “work until they drop”. For those that do want to retire, the age at which they can do so is also being systematically raised. Workers born in 1960 or later must wait until age 67, rather than 65, to get their full Social Security benefits. There is talk of raising it further to 70. The mainstream media took scant notice of this, and for good reason; it’s a huge indicator of deeper processes that are destroying the standard of living of workers in the United States and internationally. A quick look into why workers are delaying retirement – if they have the “luxury” of retiring at all – points a condemning finger at the current state of international capitalism, while at the same time warning younger workers of the even worse conditions they’ll certainly face under the auspices of the capitalist system.
The Plight of American Veterans (tags)
Socialist Party USA, and Peace and Freedom Party are asking all U.S. veterans to join their efforts to obtain more for U.S. veterans and to end the Iraq War. The two political parties are also demanding an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. and allied forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. Stewart Alexander says, “The Democrats, Republicans and Bush are already past the deadlines to get out; and that was before March, 2003.
Jobs program for cops on welfare making less then $200K (tags)
Phoenix Police Chief Jack Harris is grossly underpaid and can't make it unless he is paid over $200K. To get around a state law that makes it illegal to retire from your current job, collection a pension, and then be rehired back to your current job the Phoenix rulers have come up with this set of smoke and mirrors that allows Phoenix Police Chief Jack Harris to be paid $206,000 a year. I would cry myself to sleep every night if I had to make it on a penny less then $200K a year!
AFP Southcom split into 2 commands (tags)
Southcom split into 2 commands By Jaime Laude The Philippine Star 08/27/2006 The military’s biggest troop contingent in Mindanao will be deactivated and split into two separate commands effective today. Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon said the Southern Command under Maj. Gen. Gabriel Habacon will be divided into the Western Mindanao Command and the Eastern Mindanao Command. Esperon stressed the division of the Southcom into two military units is for a more effective control and deployment of troops in the whole of Mindanao. Maj. Gen. Eugenio Cedo has been designated as first commander of the Western Mindanao Command that will be based at the Southcom headquarters at Camp Navarro in Zamboanga City. On the other hand, the Eastern Mindanao Command to be based in Davao City will be under the command of Maj. Gen. Rodolfo Obaniana. Esperon explained the split of Southcom is necessary for better control of the troops and to put more focus on the fight against the communist New People’s Army (NPA) guerrillas in the eastern part of Mindanao, and the fight against the Abu Sayyaf and other terror groups in the western part of the region. Southcom, which has responsibility over the whole of Mindanao, is composed of three Army divisions, two joint task forces, two naval forces, a tactical operations wing of the Air Force, two elite Special Forces battalions and one company of troops from the Light Reaction Battalion. Esperon said there would be some redeployment of troops where their presence is mostly needed. The Southcom comprises roughly 60 percent of the 120,000-strong military, all under its administrative and operational control. "These two targets (Islamic extremists and communist rebels) are very important that’s why we assigned two commanders there. With the split, we believe that the commanders will be more focused," Esperon said. Esperon said the decision to split Southcom into two units is a strategic move to sustain the pursuit operations against the Abu Sayyaf in Sulu. The decision, however, left Habacon with no unit to command. Habacon, one of the remaining so-called "Garci generals," said the deactivation of the Southcom will mean the closure of his military career. He opted to retire early, with only a few days left on his active service before his mandatory retirement on Sept. 9 on reaching the age of 56. "He (Habacon) decided to retire early due to personal reasons. He may have planned it earlier," Southcom spokesman Col. Susthenes Valcorza explained yesterday. Esperon will preside over the deactivation of Southcom today, on the same occasion where Habacon will be given retirement honors, Valcorza said. When asked if the splitting of the Southcom prompted Habacon to seek early retirement, Valcorza replied: "It could be one of the reasons." Habacon was among the generals mentioned in the controversial wiretap recordings that became an issue against President Arroyo. Aside from Habacon, among the generals mentioned to have helped in the rigging of the results of the May 10, 2004 elections in Mindanao include retired Lt. Gen. Roy Kyamko, former Southcom chief and retired Marine Brig. Gen. Francisco Gudani, along with Esperon. Kyamko has already retired when the tapes were leaked in June 2005. Gudani retired in October that same year, days after he exposed alleged cheating operations in Central Mindanao before a Senate investigation. A military fact-finding board headed by Navy Chief Vice Admiral Mateo Mayuga cleared the four generals of involvement in the alleged cheating operations.
JFAV Supports the Repeal of Marcos Decree Against Filipino Veterans (tags)
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV)-USA supports Filipino veterans struggle in the Philippines and the United States against the Marcos-era decree that terminated the benefits of retired Armed Forces of the Philippines personnel who had acquired foreign citizenship and the counterpart measure seeking the repeal of Presidential Decree 1638 (or the AFP Military Personnel Retirement and Separation Decree of 1979) has yet to be filed in the Senate.
Another lame ass federal government program to steal from us??? (tags)
Pension cuts and inequality wiping out retirement for American workers (tags)
For a growing number of US workers, dreams of a decent retirement are quickly evaporating as companies shift retirement costs onto workers, in the form of deductions from already declining wages, in order to maintain profits in a competitive global economy. In the wake of the post-World War II business boom, US workers were granted certain limited concessions in a three-legged system of retirement security that included individual savings, government programs and private employer pensions. Between the 1940s and the 1980s, private pensions with a guaranteed payout (also known as defined-benefit pensions), became a standard component of compensation for a large section of the American workforce.
Time to Get Back to Where We Once Belonged (tags)
Forget all the scare tactics about not having enough of a nest egg, about Social Security going bust. We Baby Boomers already know the answer for living well in our old age. We just need to get it together again. --------------
Screwing Future Retirees...Again (tags)
Having failed to kill off Social Security with private accounts, conservatives in Congress are now trying to render it useless by raising the retirement age further—this time to 69. That may be okay for a Wall Street lawyer who runs half-marathons and spends two hours in the gym, but for the average American worker bee, employers have by that point pretty much ruined her or his health and body. Some “reform.” ----------------
Bush Has Grasped the Third Rail; It's Time to Turn on the Juice (tags)
Now that Bush has admitted his plan is to cut Social Security for the middle class, it’s time for progressives to take him down. No compromises, no cutbacks, and a call for the rich to pay Social Security taxes on all income, not just the first $90,000. ---------------------
Forget Compromising on Social Security; First Let's End Employer Theft of Worker Pensions (tags)
Compromise approaches to “saving” Social Security that involve voluntary private accounts on top of the current program are not going to help low-income workers. If Congress and the President really wanted to help protect low-income retirees, they’d end the legal theft of pension “vesting” so workers got pension contributions for every working day of their lives.
W Doesn't Know What It Means to Have Three Jobs (tags)
At a press event in Omaha, GW Bush spoke to people about Social Security reform. This is a portion of the transcript where he displays utter ignorance about what it means to be an overworked, undepaid, single mother. This is our President -- someone who doesn't understand personal economics.
Weapons of Mass Distortion: The President's New Campaign of Lies About Social Security (tags)
Like a man shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater, like a charlatan trying to create a run on a bank, the president is trying to create a panicky run from Social Security among younger people with this new WMD-like campaign of lies.
Diverting our taxes into wealthy Republicans' portfolios is the American way: making the rich get richer.
L.A.'s Social Security Now- Update (tags)
Stop The Privatization Of Social Security!
The ACTS Retirement Life Communities Inc. of Philadelphia Fires Lutheran Pastor. Why??? (tags)
The ACTS Retirement Life Communities, Inc. of Philadelphia is the largest consortium of Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) in America, with $850 million in assets. Recently, they fired evangelical Lutheran pastor Mark Dankof as a Chaplain in an extraordinary move largely left unexplained. SARTRE of the New York based Breaking All the Rules web site examines the evidence, and the disturbing questions that remain.
Corporate America’s Plan for the Future: A Nation of Retirees Left for Dead (tags)
With few people paying attention, corporate America is doing away with retiree health benefits. Couple that with the ongoing attacks on Medicaid, and the picture for the next generation of retired Americans is not pretty. So where’s John Kerry?
Confessions of an Anarchist Tech-Stock Speculator (tags)
The big tech-stock bubble of the 1990s was starting to sag just a little bit in the spring of 2000, when I sat down for lunch with a former coworker named Phil in a diner in midtown Manhattan. After a lot of catching up, we got onto what was still the big topic for all kinds of people who should have known better: the stock market.
Cuts to Social Security (tags)
Greenspan warns cuts to Social Security may be “abrupt and painful”
Litmus Test: Time for Kerry and Democrats to Take a Stand for Our Votes (tags)
Alan Greenspan, a banker who stands to retire on over $140,000 a year, has called for cutting the Social Security retirement benefits for Baby Boomers. It’s high time for John Kerry and the Democrats to admit that there is no such “crisis” in Social Security. All that’s needed is full Social Security taxation on the rich and the employers who pay their salaries.
Anti-Social Security group defrauds the elderly with 'ARP' designation (tags)
The Alliance for Retirement Prosperity was founded by Republicans like Grover Norquist (president of Americans for Tax Reform) and Steve Moore (president of the Club for Growth), who view the elderly as dangerously selfish welfare-addicts.
Six Social Security Myths (tags)
Alan Greenspan got a lot of people talking about Social Security last month by pointing out that future funds won't be enough to fund future obligations. What a surprise! What is far more surprising, however, is how much the continued fallout exposes our collective ignorance about Social Security.
Study: Most tax breaks go to wealthy, add to federal deficit (tags)
Most of the benefits of tax-advantaged retirement accounts go to the highest wage earners. The poorest 40 percent of households have only about 5 percent of all the assets in these accounts, while the richest 10 percent have more than half.
Family Compensation for Miltary Deaths (tags)
There are a few inequities that need to be addressed. I know my fans at Indymedia will help me get the word out. I'm counting on you Diogenes, Sheepdog, and X.
RCP's Bob Avakian Father Judge Avakian Dead at 88 (tags)
Appointed a Superior Court Judge of Alameda County in 1964, he made a landmark ruling abolishing the Alameda County jury selection test that effectively barred African Americans from serving on juries. After retirement from the bench in 1980, he took various Judicial Council assignments.
Enron Officials Snub Congress (tags)
Enron Corp., whose stunning collapse is being investigated by federal regulators and Congress, is declining to send any officials to a hearing Wednesday by two House panels.