fix articles 26287, s. code Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : s. code

s. code

Demoncide. The killing of members of a country's civilian population as a result of its g (tags)

Many of the reasons why the necessary change to rebuild America is only in the hands of We the People. Much of this information is concerning California and the city of San Francisco and the Sn Francisco Bay Area

Demoncide (tags)

Demoncide. Is a term coined by political scientist R. J. Rummel for "the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.” READ MORE - at the Web Address URL

More Proof of the Covid-19 Lies (tags)

Stop COVID Mandates {The Legal Way}

I offer criminal indictments against fbi et al. (tags)

I offer data to criminally indict fbi/police/congress/SCOTUS

Duties and Responsibilities of the Clerks are Key to Integrity Failure of the US Courts (tags)

US Congress is called upon to take action to restore the integrity of the US Courts, through placing the Clerks under authority of the US Attorney General and enacting federal rules of PACER and CM/ECF.

Water Wars (tags)

The U.S. Patriot Act and other legislation authorizes a "culling of the herds."

Come out with your hands up, Grover Trask! (tags)

Call for the arrest of several public officials, including the District Attorney of Riverside and two Superior Court judges for covering up/collusion in attempted murder.



Keep Those Cards and Letters Comin’, Folks (tags)

Is there any chance of preventing the hammering of the last nail into America’s coffin on Coronation (formerly Inauguration) Day? Yes, but all care must be administered to our critically ill nation ere January 6, or she’s a goner for good. For more details, read on.

Aid and comfort to the enemy: The Kerry record... (tags)

Our Flag, Too (by William Rivers Pitt) (tags)

A story of a few brave college students in Massachusetts who have come under attack; also a story of our flag, and a story of true patriotism.

Washington Post: Charges to be Dropped Against Raise The Fist (tags)

Newsbytes, the tech section of the Washington Post, reports that "Federal Charges will be dropped against the teen-aged operator of anti-gobvernment site"

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