fix articles 260703, sniper
Kiev Sniper Shootings: Lies v. Truth (tags)
Sniper: The World Of Combat Sniping (tags)
Book Review.
Why the government ruler don't like sniper rifles (tags)
Iraqi insurgents are teaching recruits sophisticated sniper techniques for targeting U.S. troops that include singling out engineers, medics and chaplains, according to training material obtained by U.S. military intelligence. The insurgent sniper training manual was posted on the Internet. Among its tips: "Killing doctors and chaplains is suggested as a means of psychological warfare."
The “chosen ones” like to like to murder Elementary school children (tags)
and show this fact by murdering another 9 yo Girl Sitting in Class today.
Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)
Army Sgt. 1st Class Joselito Villanueva, 36, Los Angeles; Shot by Sniper in Ambush
Israeli Sniper Assassinates Two Children (tags)
Israeli Sniper Assassinates Two Children
Palestinian family blames Israeli sniper for deaths of two children (tags)
About 11.30am last Tuesday, within moments of each other, Asma al-Mughair, 16, and her brother Ahmed, 13, died on the roof of their home in the Tel Sultan district of Rafah. The Israeli Defence Force, whose soldiers and tanks had just occupied Tel Sultan, said the next day that it had investigated the incident and concluded that the siblings were killed by "a work accident" - a euphemism for a militant's bomb that explodes while it is being assembled - or by a roadside bomb set by Palestinian militants.
Just Another Day For Little Israel (tags)
Let's see, last week they "accidently" shot 2 UN workers to death. The week before they "accidently" shot to death the head UN worker (in the back, using a sniper from 30 meters, no less). Jeez. Now they've "accidently" shot an Egyptian. They Also shot a bunch of Palestinain school kids who were throwing stones at tanks (but this is OK, because it was on purpose).
The New York Times shares what's really important.
FOX NEWS and the Rehabilitation of Mark Fuhrman (tags)
Mark Fuhrman, the corrupt, racist LAPD cop who testified in the OJ Simpson trial, and was famously revealed to have made repeated statements using the 'n' word, including that he believed all n*****s should be burned , was featured on FOX NEWS today as an expert commentator on the Sniper shootings.