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In his State of the Union Speech, President Obama said we should do “big things.” Well, we are already doing the biggest thing anybody in the human history could ever hope for. Together, we are creating a world of Peace, Love and Freedom, all while the negative forces try to stop us. That’s big. The way we are doing it is by being conscious of the “Power of Togetherness.” The negative forces do not have that. They are an elitist minority, dipping their heads in arrogant madness. They always play the same game – using violence, changing laws for their convenience, and seducing us with words to get what they want.
Arrests & Terror at #626Wilshire (tags)
State violence is increasing as Angelenos lay siege to the perfect villain. (Link to full story w/ links & pictures at bottom)
A good Brazilian book.
Dugard Rape-Kidnap Case Highlights Anti-Women Government (tags)
Article with comments questions possible CIA involvement in the Garrido-Dugard child kidnapping ring, and what people can do to prevent these acts from continuing..
NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY part 1 This is the video film which the police, Norwegian television broadcasting (NRK-Dagsrevyen), Swedish TV-4
This is an announcement and an essay which goes into detail about the Battlecry Youth gatherings. G.W. Bush is part of this maniacal cult that promotes wars against Muslim countries, with young "christian soldiers" doing the fighting, laws that take away women's rights to make decisions about their bodies, and other anti-sexual and homophobic ideas...
On 9/11: Was the Asbestos-Laced World Trade Center "Disposable"? (tags)
Millions in the U.S. and worldwide now know there is evidence that 9/11 was an "inside job"; "false-flag," state-sponsored terrorism to provide a pretext for a premeditated war. But in exposing this evidence, the 9/11 Truth effort is also shedding light on a significant story-within-the-story: that the World Trade Center (WTC) was obsolete and asbestos-laced, and that its destruction on 9/11 may, for certain interests in the U.S., have been both desirable and profitable--independent of any interest in war.
BTL:Environmentalists Consider the Dangers... (tags)
...Opportunities Under Another 4 Years of Bush ~ Interview with Lois Gibbs, environmental justice activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Fallujah residents served up ROAST BLACKWELL and it looked well done. I bought a roast yesterday. BLACKWELL provides security for THE NEW SADDAM, Paul Bremer. This inspired a confession from Donald Rumsfeild that was shown on CNN along with confirmation of Bush's confession at today's hearings.
Strike Concern = WASTED FOOD!!! (tags)
So much food is being thrown out for no good reason!
More myths, misconceptions and unanswered questions about the war in Iraq (tags)
In the wake of the war in Iraq, a number of questions have arisen about events during the war and Iraq's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda. As in our earlier columns about the Iraq debate, this article is intended to deal only with claims that have been addressed definitively or near-definitively in the public record. It is our hope that this column will serve to clarify some of the key issues being debated in the aftermath of the war and correct some of the most pervasive myths in circulation.
Peace is a Verb: Popular Warfare is Real Action (tags)
USA dont stand a chance, unless US moderates get their way. Ignore them& speak the truth VERY LOUDLY. The US has got to go! That is the message. THAT IS THE MESSAGE!!! US has got to go. ALL Troops Home NOW! Anti-War protesters in EU and US should fight like the Iraqis, fight like the future depended on their every breath and every act
Rebuttal to a fighter pilot (tags)
A co-worker forwarded to me a letter written by a fighter pilot stationed in Turkey. I added my comments and sent it back to her.