fix articles 26033, contra costa
Excellent facts about the housing market post Costa-Hawkins, and why we must vote Yes on 10.
2012 Presidential Election & Cal Props Results (tags)
All elections confirm the class struggle that has preceded them and the 2012 presidential general election confirms the fact that there has not been much class struggle in this country. There has been some effort to bring this backward country into the fold of civilization with the placing of a repeal of the California death penalty, Prop 34, on the ballot by the voters, but as of 5 a.m., 11/7/12, it has 47% of the vote. The presidential election, with the re-election of the latest fascist war criminal in the White House with a bare 50.3% of the vote is no mandate and this termed out president is now a lame duck president. The 2016 presidential election begins today.
May 21 Deadline to Change Your Party Status to Peace & Freedom or Green to Save Both (tags)
You have until May 21, 2012 to change your party status or register to vote for the 6/5/12 election Peace & Freedom Party or Green Party to save these two parties, due to the anti-democratic “Top Two” Primary Prop 14 passed in June 2010. These 2 parties have been on the ballot only due to receiving enough votes in November elections, but not due to registration. Now, it must be by registration only. The Decline to State voters are 21% of the registered voters, or some 3 million people. If you want choices, you have to care about the parties NOW because Peace & Freedom and Green will most likely not make the Top Two for November and will be gone forever when this happens, as it will, in 2014, the governor’s race and other statewide constitutional offices.
Dugard Rape-Kidnap Case Highlights Anti-Women Government (tags)
Article with comments questions possible CIA involvement in the Garrido-Dugard child kidnapping ring, and what people can do to prevent these acts from continuing..
Love Honor Cherish to Repeal Prop 8 in 2010 (tags)
Love Honor Cherish is the Victory in 2010 organization set up to repeal Propsition 8 which fascists promoted in November 2008 to put discrimination into our state Constitution, this time against gays, and the longer it sits there, the more likely other discirmination provisions will be inserted in our state Constitution. We only need 700,000 votes to Repeal Prop 8 in November 2010!
Angry Protests at S.F. Mortgage Bankers Conference (tags)
The annual national conference of the Mortgage Bankers Association was greeted by angry protests outside the Moscone West convention center in San Francisco on October 19-20. The demonstrations initiated by the ANSWER Coalition received extensive coverage from nearly all mainstream Bay Area media.
Peace and Freedom Candidates Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez in Oakland (tags)
Over 500 people turned out to hear presidential candidate Ralph Nader and his running mate Matt Gonzalez at Oakland’s Grand Lake Theater Sept. 30. The two are on the ballot in 45 states this year as Independents or on various party lines, including the Peace and Freedom Party in California. Several P&F candidates also spoke, as well as Cindy Sheehan, running as an Independent for Congress against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Contra Costa Delta Region Sprayed w/ Pesticides (tags)
Within the last few weeks Contra Costa county near the Sacramento/San Joaquin delta was heavily sprayed with pyrethroid (PBO) pesticides. Cancer risks to humans aside, is large scale aerial pesticide spraying even an effective strategy for any purpose besides fattening the bank accounts of pesticide manufacturer CEOs???
11/8 Labor Election Victory (tags)
Nazi Schwarzenegger got the defeat his $70 million special election deserved, and his defeat was led by labor, as it must be. The anger was so great at this unnecessary, viciously anti-labor special election that the voters defeated all of the state propositions with a Bingo NO!
ANTIWAR MARCH! March 19th, High Noon - Hollywood & Vine (tags)
Be there... or be a bush supporter
Please lobby NOW on AB 2949 (Loni Hancock Public Campaign $)!!! (tags)
We need to lobby our state legislators immediately to get the public campaign financing bill amended so it doesn't discriminate against third parties!
Clergy leave on pilmigrage to pray for Steven Burd's shriveled soul (tags)
A bus pilgrimage left from a Vons this morning to hold a prayer vigil at Safeway CEO Steven Burd's home. Speakers at the boarding rally included Jews, Muslims, Christians
Citizens Required to Ask County if BSE Meat sold in restaurants, supermarkets.
Bush Not Welcome in Los Angeles (tags)
Bush got his rejection in full voice by 1,000 protesters. See:
2/12 Pot Club Raid v. Cal County Votes for Medical Marijuana (tags)
Talk about going against the tide of history: George War Bush's drug policy has sunk to the depths of the absurd in the raids on the pot clubs of California on Lincoln's Birthday, February 12, 2002, when state offices were closed and when Bush's "drug war" lackey, Asa Hutchinson showed up to speak at the San Francisco business organization meeting of the Commonwealth Club. His only friends in California are Democrats Gov. Gray Davis and Senator Dianne Feinstein, who opposed Proposition 215.