fix articles 259628, upcoming campaign activities
6/3/08 ELECTION DAY: Save Rent Control; No on 98 (tags)
RUN TO YOUR POLLING PLACE OR THE COUNTRY REGISTRAR FIRST THING 6/3 ELECTION DAY AT 7 A.M. DO NOT DELAY. You can vote at your polling place or the County Registrar’s office to save rent control and the homes of millions of Californians by voting No on 98/Yes on 99 . Our victory will come down to a handful of votes, so you must vote to save rent control and the environment. Only 25% of absentee ballots have been returned, so we NEED YOUR VOTE.
3 days to Save Rent Control; No on 98/Yes on 99 (tags)
LOS ANGELES COUNTY, You must pull through with a high voter turnout to save our homes. Southern California has 2/3 of the State's population and while Northern California, especially San Francisco, is working very hard to push tenants to the polls, Los Angeles County must lead.
6 days to Save Rent Control; No on 98/Yes on 99 (tags)
You can vote today at the County Registrar’s office to save rent control and the homes of millions of Californians by voting No on 98/Yes on 99. This low voter turnout election compels every single pro-rent control voter to actually vote, and vote No on 98/Yes on 99. Our victory will come down to a handful of votes, so you must vote to save rent control and the environment.
7 days to Save Rent Control; No on 98/Yes on 99 (tags)
You can vote today at the County Registrar’s office to save rent control and the homes of millions of Californians by voting No on 98/Yes on 99. This low voter turnout election compels every single pro-rent control voter to actually vote, and vote No on 98/Yes on 99. Our victory will come down to a handful of votes, so you must vote to save rent control and the environment.