fix articles 25815, hugo llorens Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : hugo llorens

hugo llorens

The New York Times Again Censoring WikiLeaks (tags)

willful New York Times censorship

El imperio contraataca en Nuestra América... (tags)

El águila imperial no desea perder más plumas en Nuestra América...

These are the Coup Leaders, They Will be Judged! (tags)

Their pictures at:

Former U.S. Ambassador Roger Noriega hired to push Honduran putsch agenda (tags)

"On one side are foreign oligarchs seeking to cloak their self-interested pecuniary agenda under the mantle of U.S. national security and from that concealed, disingenuous platform are working to trump even democracy. On the other side, in the streets of Honduras, and from below all across the Americas, are the forces of authentic democracy, fighting back the only way they can — with their hearts, minds and the blood of their convictions. Stay tuned …."

Prensa Latina (tags)

"La junta que usurpó el poder el 28 de junio desplegó inspectores en escuelas, institutos y otros centros laborales a fin de verificar que se cumpla con la reducción del sueldo a los manifestantes. El objetivo de la medida es tratar de contener las marchas, tomas de carreteras y otras demostraciones pacíficas del pueblo en contra de los golpistas y en demanda del retorno a la institucionalidad. De igual forma, la represión militar en Honduras a los manifestantes y núcleos de la resistencia nacional contra el golpe de Estado aumenta su ferocidad porque crece la oposición al gobierno de facto, denuncia hoy el diario Tiempo."

These are the coup leaders (tags)

"1. All of these people used their positions to plot, cause, or finance the breakdown of constitutional order with the kidnapping and extradition of President Zelaya, which culminated in the coup.??2. They are directly responsible for the deaths, injuries, imprisonment, and the unease imposed upon Honduran society; they have destroyed democracy and ruined Honduras' image nationally and internationally.??3. The coup leaders reactivated the anti-terrorist and anti-communist organization called the Alliance for Honduras' Progress (APROH), which operated in the 1980s. Their greed and lack of culture prevented them from understanding that the people are free to choose the political and ideological system that will offer them security and well-being."

Isolated and discredited 2 - the US in Latin America (tags)

"But no matter how hard they try on the masks of agreeableness, their arrogance, hubris and infatuation with US military power seep out all over the place. Barack Obama's aspiration to reclaim US leadership in Latin America means not just maintaining US military presence in the region but boosting it. For example, in Colombia the US is currently negotiating not one but five extra military bases. " How many more coups if we allow this one to go forward?


[Note: As of 11:15am, Caracas time, President Zelaya is speaking live on Telesur from San Jose, Costa Rica. He has verified the soldiers entered his residence in the early morning hours, firing guns and threatening to kill him and his family if he resisted the coup. He was forced to go with the soldiers who took him to the air base and flew him to Costa Rica. He has requested the U.S. Government make a public statement condemning the coup, otherwise, it will indicate their compliance.] Caracas, Venezuela - The text message that beeped on my cell phone this morning read “Alert, Zelaya has been kidnapped, coup d’etat underway in Honduras, spread the word.” It’s a rude awakening for a Sunday morning, especially for the millions of Hondurans that were preparing to exercise their sacred right to vote today for the first time on a consultative referendum concerning the future convening of a constitutional assembly to reform the constitution. Supposedly at the center of the controversary is today’s scheduled referendum, which is not a binding vote but merely an opinion poll to determine whether or not a majority of Hondurans desire to eventually enter into a process to modify their constitution.

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