fix articles 257742, robert c.
A Moral Outrage: Rev. Dr. Patricia Bates on the torture of Albert Woodfox (tags)
We interview Rev. Dr. Patricia Bates from the National Religious Coalition Against Torture (, who attended Albert Woodfox's recent January 7 oral arguments before the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and made a statement at the press conference outside the courtroom on behalf of NRCAT.
US Patents for HIV AIDS and Patent for CURE (tags)
Here it is the proof... along with this there is thirty years of documentation of the developement and distribution of AIDS as will as who worked on the project..just google the patents...
Why don't Rep. Pelosi & Your Rep. Sponsor HR 676 for single payer healthcare? (tags)
The obvious question after viewing the outstanding movie exposing the bankrupt US healthcare system, Sicko, is what is Congress doing about this? The answer is there is HR 676, a bill for single payer healthcare. Believe it or not, Rep. Pelosi is not listed as a sponsor, and neither is most of the California delegation. If you cannot find your representative on the following sponsor list, call them and demand they sponsor HR 676 now.
3/30: Actions Need For Senate Immigration Bill, Call Your Senator! (tags)
1. Why the Senate's Proposed Immigrant Bill is Bad for the Immigrants. 2. Take Actions! Call Your Senator to Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform!
Bidding for the Bomb Lab: UC and LANL (tags)
Expect the University of California to bid for the contract to manage the Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab.