fix articles 25710, mutual Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : mutual


Diplomacy instead of preparation for war (tags)

All existing mutual obligations under international law should be used to achieve mutual security. Lasting security cannot be achieved against each other, but only with each other.

Benjamin Tucker American Mutualist: Mutual Banking Part 3 and Final Conclusion Part 4 (tags)

"The abolition of compulsory taxation would mean the abolition of the state as well, Tucker asserted, and the form of society succeeding it would be on the line of a voluntary defensive institution... There were two methods of government...The other was the anarchist method of 'leadership', inducing the individual to the 'goal of an ideal civilization' through persuasion and 'attraction'...Two aims of anarchist activity, the abolition of compulsory taxation and the abolition of legally-protected money and land monopolies, form the main theme of his critical writing..."

5 Reasons to Support RAC-LA This Month (tags)

A call for funds and/or other support for the critical work Revolutionary Autonomous Communities, Los Angeles (RAC-LA) does to fight hunger and poverty by building anti-authoritarian people's power here in LA.

Venezuelan/Palestinian Relations: Based on Brotherhood, Solidarity and Mutual Support (tags)


Putin Prioritizes Strong Sino/Russian Ties (tags)


Dueling Ideologies: America v. Russia and Venezuela (tags)


The US Occupy Movement - Since the Eviction from the Squares (tags)

Robert Ogman studied social theory at The New School in New York and was active in the alterglobalisation movement. Following the evictions of the Occupy encampments in late 2011, he met with and interviewed participants. Today he lives in Berlin.

Philippines Anti-Bases Movement: Time to Assert National Sovereignty Once Again (tags)

With pride as a people, we commemorate a historic national event this coming September 16, the rejection of the US military bases twenty years ago

Really Really Free Market (tags)

Santa Barbara's 3rd Really Really Free Market draws in the community to participate in an experimental alternative economy based on gift giving and mutual aid.

Economic Values and Impending Collapse (tags)

Foreboding has hit the ranks of private equity firms; try as they might to unload vast amounts of funds (monetary value is inextricably linked to the movement of those funds) they have been unable to spend/invest at a rate that would sustain value let alone increase real profits! The ‘healthy figures’ reflecting increased acquisitions/investments are on paper only – it ‘looks good’ at the moment!


Washington Mutual Fund Human/Animal Cruelty (tags)

America’s supposedly hippest Bank has been caught (blood) red-handed investing in Huntingdon Life Sciences, HLS. HLS tests drugs like Vioxx, artificial sweeteners like Splenda, cigarette smoke, pesticides, and food colorings "safe" on animals - while humans die as a result of the ill-effects of these products. Visit for more info... The ‘home of the free checking’ was also the home of guilt-free cruelty… until now. The Washington Mutual Group of Funds [High Yield Fund] holds 188,430 shares in Life Sciences Research (LSRI – OTCBB) which is the generically catchy holding company for HLS! Washington Mutual invests people’s hard-earned money in HLS without their disclosing the scope and nature of this business they are financially supporting. In early September SHAC USA Inc sent WaMu formal letters notifying WaMu executives and Fund managers of this possibly tragic oversight. Weeks have gone by with nary a response.

Hurricane Katrina Mutual Aid Relief (tags)

Want to help out the people affected by Hurricane Katrina? Are you interested in supporting grassroots efforts to help people, instead of religious or corporate charities like the Starvation Army and the Red Cross?

Stupid Old Semitic Men (tags)

Between Ariel Sharon and Yasser Arafat is a very limited amount of braincells. However, it is their mutual incompetance, not Sharon or Arafat's alone, that makes them a disaster.

Texas Executives arrested for Conspiracy (tags)

Sapio, McDonald, and DeSoto engaged in deceptive trading practices over 3,000 times during 2003.

Congressmen of 'Integrity' refuse to penalize Mutual Fund abusers (tags)

Only 2 members of the House of Representative rejected legislation that would impose penalties against fund trading abuses. Who were these industry insiders? Reps. Ron Paul (R-TX) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ), key members of the Republican Liberty Caucus.

An Object Lesson in Investing (Or Being Taken for "a Ride") (tags)

Adam Smith, the father of modern economics much-quoted by conservatives, once said, "People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices." It's a description that fits today's Wall Street to a tee.




Volunters needed!



Building a Global Grassroots Infrastructure-5, Mutual Aid and Mutual Trust (tags)

A multipronged strategy for getting rid of global capitalism is proposed, in which building a global grassroots infrastructure plays a key strategic role

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