fix articles 256863, john beacham
PSL on the ballot in Iowa, Utah, and New Jersey (tags)
The La Riva/Puryear PSL Presidential Campaign is proud to announce that we have achieved ballot status in New Jersey, Iowa and Utah! We are already on the ballot in five other states: Arkansas, Vermont, Colorado, Florida and Washington. Over the next five weeks, we will be working to gain ballot access in many additional states, including New York, Louisiana, Wisconsin and Rhode Island.
VOTE PSL in 2008: Federal, state and local candidates across the U.S. (tags)
The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is fielding a slate of candidates in the 2008 U.S. presidential elections: Gloria La Riva for President and Eugene Puryear for Vice President. We are also running candidates in federal, state and local races in many areas.
SAT. 9/424: Thousands to Protest War in Iraq in Downtown LA (tags)
Thousands to Attend Los Angeles March and Rally on Sept 24th to Protest the War in Iraq and Support for Hurricane Victims Calls for 'From Iraq to New Orleans Fund People's Needs, Not the War Machine' As Part of a National Day of Protests Against the War
Phone Interview with Anti-war Activist, John Beacham (tags)
Short interview with John Beacham of the ANSWER Coalition.
Un referéndum para revocar el Presidente Hugo Chávez y varios políticos antichavistas será convocado para el mes de agosto. La presión ejercida por los EEUU para derrocar a Presidente Chávez y apropiarse del petróleo del pueblo venezolano es mas fuerte que nunca. Exigimos que los medios de comunicación informen que esta ocurriendo en Venezuela, en lugar de actuar como empleados del no electo y odiado gobierno de Bush.
A referendum to recall President Chavez as well as a number of anti-chavista elected officials is being called for August. US pressure to overthrow President Chavez and get its hands on the oil of the venezuelan people is greater than ever. We demand that the media report what is happening in Venezuela rather than act as employees of the hated and unelected Bush administration.
L.A. Demonstration vs. Coup in Haiti 3/1/04 (tags)
A fully produced audio report on an emergency demonstration vs. the coup in Haiti that was held Monday, 3/1/04 in Los Angeles at the Westwood Federal Building.
L.A. Demonstration vs. Coup in Haiti 3/1/04 (tags)
A fully produced audio report on an emergency demonstration vs. the coup in Haiti that was held Monday, 3/1/04 in Los Angeles at the Westwood Federal Building. The demonstration was organized by ANSWER. Feel free to broadcast this or use it in any other way that you like. I recorded this myself and can therefore grant such permission, and do grant it here.