fix articles 256430, western front
What are the chances for peace in Ukraine? (tags)
There must be another way to peace. But there can only be if we stop believing that only weapons or the annexation of foreign territories can bring peace; if we accept that the world does not belong only to the West, that there will be no single world power, the USA.
Plunder less and do more to preserve the one world (tags)
It is downright absurd that in our latitudes, half a century after "Limits to Growth" and a cascade of catastrophic ecological reports, every dip in economic growth rates is perceived as negative, even dramatic. Immediately shore up, revive, that's what politicians and the media agree on.
UN and The Guardian whitewash attempts to illegally smuggle EU weapons into Syria (tags)
In legal terms, the British government and the Guardian and Independent 'news' media have been caught in the act of trying to cover up the illegality of attempts to smuggle weapons from European governments into Syria. This article documents evidence that can be used in a court of law, which shows the British government working with the 'news' media in their attempts to illegally smuggle weapons from European governments into Syria. At no time has a member of the British government provided -legal grounds- for weapons supplied by European governments to the Iraqi peshmerga in Iraq, to be smuggled through Turkey into Syria.
F. William Engdahl's "A Century of War" (tags)
An epic work on the importance of oil.
Film Night at Flor y Canto: March 2003-September 2005 (Part 1 of 2) (tags)
To mark the five-year anniversary of the Eagle Rock Peace Vigil, here is a list of films shown at Flor y Canto over a two-and-a-half year period. These almost-weekly screenings were an outgrowth of the Eagle Rock Vigil. (A link to the rest of this list can be found below in "comments.")
The Search For The Authentic Pancho Villa (tags)
According to an Account by Woodrow Wilson's Liaison to Pancho Villa, in book about the Mexican Revolution that has been made to disappear, "Pancho Villa did not invade the U.S. at Columbus, New Mexico, on March 9, 1916, as is commonly believed" -- he was eight hundred miles away, in the mountains of Coahuila, at the time.
Potemkin Village Chief dines in luxury in New Orleans (tags)
While large portions of New Orleans remain unlivable, the clueless Coward from Crawford 'got a taste of one of New Orleans' finest restaurant last night in the French Quarter & stayed in the luxury hotel Windsor Court.' Marie Antoinette would have died in envy of such imperial decadence.
Soldiering is for others (tags)
And who is to do it? Certainly not the neoconservatives. They use such terms as moral clarity and the need to project our power — but it is to be done with someone else’s body. A conversation I had with a budding neocon reveals their version of moral clarity. Who was included when he said ‘we’. He looked at me as if I were a bit dense and said, ‘We, the United States.’ ‘Does that mean you?’ I asked. ‘No,’ he replied, ‘the guys in the army.'
Am I still An Unpatriotic Traitor? (tags)
Am I still an Unpatriotic Traitor? That's what you called me when I said let the inspections play out, let them continue. But no, you said "enough was enough". You told me Saddam was building this apocalyptic arsenal. He had VX and Sarin and Anthrax and Mustard Gas and Salmonella and The Cooties. You told me was capable of launching a biological attack at the drop of a hat. You told me he presented a clear and imminent threat to my security. You told me to gift-wrap my house in Saran-wrap and Duct Tape.
don't read if you have a weak stomach...
While it is hoped that our national leaders and security personnel do the right thing as they search for the perpetrators of this most recent act of terrorism, many Americans are wondering what they can do during this perilous time.