fix articles 25613, i would
The police in Shenzhen refused to allow me a phone call to a lawyer; and illegally extended my stay in the temporary detention facility beyond the statutory limit of two-weeks for foreigners. This is a major problem because the facilities are severely overcrowded and they do NOT have an infirmary, which constitutes "torture" on its own merit. I am also physically disabled and I informed them of that.
Renowned War Resister Juanita Nelson Slips From Her Body (tags)
Juanita Nelson's first public act of courage occurred on a train from Cleveland to the South when she was put at the Mason Dixon Line into a Jim Crow car. Nearly 8 decades of war tax resistance, sitins at segregated restaurants, organic farming, simple living and peacemaking followed.
Open Letter to General Delfin Lorenzana, OVA. (tags)
Dear General, I have been informed by the JFAV in San Francisco the following concerning the WW ll Filipino Vets again today. The Embassy is only supporting appeals that were filed and not all the 24,000 that did not file appeals, after filing claims. I was quite surprised to hear this since the VA and NPRC have made it clear they will not accept any Philippine documents as proof of service and nothing has been reviewed with western leaders as to an agreement for all that have been denied. If it is true I would like to request a SUMMIT of the western states leadership area concerning this decision since all the input appears to have come from DC based sources to develop this policy and no request for input was asked or even put forth to get suggestions from the Filipino-American Veterans of America & Families who are fighting for denied veterans here in this state and California.
Occupy Reality: It’s The Corruption Stupid (tags)
This level of community angst (there were a lot of people marching and a lot of occupied cities) is not so much about capitalism as a form of economic viability as it is about how criminality infiltrates capitalistic tendencies. There is probably “no” country more corrupt that our current empire here in the United States. That is the main issue. Not just corporate greed but its caustic effects in bribing Congress, the news media, the Executive branch of government, and the alienation of the majority of other countries against our lies, deceit, our government corrupting other peoples, the wars, and the torture, etc.
CHRIS TINA BRUCE: Transgender Bodybuilder Competes in San Diego Oct. 29 (tags)
Transgender bodybuilder Chris Tina Bruce is scheduled to compete in her first contest in 20 years — and her first as a woman — this Saturday, October 29 at the Scottish Rite Events Center in San Diego. In this interview for Zenger's Newsmagazine, Bruce discusses her history, how she came out as Transgender and how her professional worlds have accepted her — or not.
Arizona Invites More Gabby Giffords Style Murder/Violence (tags)
Arizona and Sheriff Arpaio are actively protecting a friend of the Sheriff who has threatened to 'wipe out' a family in AZ and to 'kill' an AZ woman.
Being Subpeonaed by FBI for Visiting Israel and Palestine (tags)
Being subpeonaed by FBI to appear at Grand Jury for Visiting Israel and Palestine
Groucho Marx said - those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have ot (tags)
Phoney Blair said – these are my lies, and if you don’t like them…well, I have others.
Report about Greek prisons (tags)
Christos Stratigopoulos is a greek anarchist who recently arrested for bank robbery together with Italian anarchist Alfredo Bonnano. They both are in prison
Israel Apartheid Week Berkeley (tags)
Making Profits and Not Dismissing Workers (tags)
Having money is not reprehensible. But thinking I am an achiever and make my life myself is incompatible with the Christian faith. Productivity is a grace or gift. The pressure to perform is brutal. Many are in such a hamster wheel they no longer reflect about the meaning of the whole and the shortness of their life.
For an Unconditional Basic Income (tags)
Martin Luther King called us to a radical revolution of values, from a thing-oriented to a person-oriented society. Like community centers, a basic income could have multiplier effects. The price of oil rose three-fold in four years. Lifestyles and priorities must change for an open future.
Don White Presente...With Love (tags)
I have memories of Don....on a bus to a border event. Making sure that everyone had water. Making sure everyone on the bus had his cell number in case something should happen to anyone. Making sure that we were all accounted for on the way back.
A daughter's wish for her missing father on FATHER'S DAY (tags)
I wish I could personally greet you a Happy Father’s Day and give you a really big hug. But how can I? Ever since you were abducted, my only contact with you is in my dreams. Oh, how I wish I would see you and say “Happy Father’s Day, Tatay!” Nanay and I will surely remember you as I visit her today in jail in Camp Crame. You must have heard by now (through your captors or if you have access to news) that Nanay has also been abducted and surfaced after three days (nine months after you were abducted and disappeared). You must have been so worried for her. You need not be, worried though because we are all taking care of her. Even in detention, she makes good use of her ti
Reporter looking for Families Torn Apart by Immigration Law (tags)
The following was passed on to me by the folks at Immigration Detention Watch Network in regards to a request by a reporter who is interested in making a documentary on families who have been negatively affected by U.S. Immigration laws.
ChooseYourVote.Org Interviews Presidential Candidate Frank Moore (tags)
Choose Your Vote (dot) Org interviews 2008 Presidential Candidate Frank Moore.
Statement of Elvira Arellano on August 15th, 2007 (tags)
For the last 15 days, I have maintained a vigil in prayer. I have consulted with spiritual leaders and with those who face the same situation I face. I have made my decision.
Former USA Bank Examiner Attacked in Canada, Canada and USA Heed This Message (tags)
I, Kurt Brown, AKA Saint Ram Bone, former federal bank examiner turned informant on government corruption has been attacked once again. The details are below.
HIV Standards of Care - seeking input (tags)
seeing input on Standards of Care for transgender HIV+ Los Angelinos.
Our Enemies Have Many Skins and Too Much Money and No Souls (tags)
Racist talk is nonsense, but the truth is that many seem to cluster like Klansmen. The germans, the jews, the japanese, they all do it. I support common Americans and discourage inbreeding. Beauty is in diversity.
I Was Heartcrunched by Crunch Fitness (tags)
Consumer Report: Beware L.A. members, Crunch is a good gym but count your fingers. Paul Goodman is right: corporations don't have to say they're sorry.
Soldier at Camp Casey turns self in at Ft Hood (tags)
Permanent Goodbye to US (tags)
"Sometimes you get your best light from a burning bridge" - Don Henley, "My Thanksgiving" CARACAS - It was about a week before I left the United States forever that I watched Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. tell Charlie Rose something all of us already know in our hearts. "Today," he said, "the United States is hated around the world far worse than it was at the height of the Vietnam War." I remember the Vietnam War. I will never forget it.
Overwhelming evidence condemns the U.S. Government as the Perpetrator of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York. We must conduct the vital work of Public Information Campaigning to educate & politically activate the duped Public concerning the real terrorists.
SOS-NAZIS will be in Riverside tomorrow Mon 4/3 (tags)
3 YEARS IN IRAQ- Over 100,000 Kids Killed NEW CFTM VIDEO OF OUTRAGE (tags)
new tentcity on Sunday come hell or high water (tags)
asserting the right to live
Important Activist Anderberg: Surviving Controversy (tags)
Important activist Anderberg speaks out on herself. This is required reading because it is about an important activist. The most important activist. Even more important than Sheehan.
buy a dog it cheaper then selling Guns
Peace Walk with Thich Nhat Hanh - Part 2 (tags)
Buddhist monks and nuns, progressive left and religious peace organizations and other seekers after knowledge met yesterday in MacArthur Park for a meditation with Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh that was intended to create a peaceful state that will eventually translate into an end to war.
Peace Walk with Thich Nhat Hanh - Part 1 (tags)
Buddhist monks and nuns, progressive left and religious peace organizations and other seekers after knowledge met yesterday in MacArthur Park for a meditation with Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh that was intended to create a peaceful state that will eventually translate into an end to war.
A branch of the U.S. Military saved my life (tags)
What if the military only did positive things? Would it still be a military?
BP 2 from the SOS perspective (tags)
General observations for those interested - from the mind of a 'racist hate monger'.
Report from Alhambra Anti-Racism Rally (tags)
I would like to first of all congratulate and thank all the organizations and individuals for responding to the call to mobilize and confront the nascent fascist organization "SOS" who tried to assert themselves here in Alhambra on June 18, 2005.
Statement on the result of the Alhambra resistance to SOS's demonstration.
Words From Gloria Anzaldua (tags)
the cult of anzaldua, not yet formed, is a militant study group that may put thought into action, and translate action back into thought. they may exist to recapitulate the words of anzaldua, or to repeat and reconfigure them incorrectly. you may already be a member.
Abortion Issue Boiled Down to Reality (tags)
If my mother had felt the need to abort me when I was growing in her womb, I would have been grateful to give her that wish.
How must a mother feel ? (tags)
A mother deprived to recognize his returned son. How must a father feel whose son died on a dirty dishonest policy?
Kerry is more than just a County! (tags)
Defend yourself from self-defeat, Don't let Bush lull you into other four years!
Kerry's Militaristic Intent (tags)
I watched the first of the Presidential Debates in Florida with amazement. Amazement, not at John Kerry's eloquence or George Bush's stuttering comments, but at the audacity of the remarks I was hearing. If I was unaware of the record of George Bush on civil rights and illegal maneuvers that he has made while in office, I would have actually thought that Bush, not Kerry was the lesser of two evils.
How Can Kerry Beat Bush? Just the Facts, Man (tags)
If John Kerry is looking for a sure-fire way to fire George Bush and send him on his way, it’s simple: spread the truth about Dubya’s truly horrid record. For more details, read on.
HBO's Real Time with Bill Mahr is catching up with the American Blasphemer in casting Bush and his self proclaimed success, 911, into perspective. If the GOP were not so insistant that the event was a glorious triumph for Bush, I would not have to constantly remind them that Bush is largely to blame for the tragedy.
It's the Zionist Jews, it's the Islamist Muslims, it's the Evangelical Christians, but it's not everyone.
Open letter to March 20th activists (tags)
good luck out there
"Kucitizens" Take Their Message to the Freeway Overpasses (tags)
In Los Angeles and accross the Nation, many tens-of-thousands of people saw Kucinich banners hanging on overpasses and in public places on Saturday February 7th. Kucinich volunteers took to the overpasses and other public places to get out Kucinich's message. When asked about reasons they are out on the street supporting Kucinich, volunteers refer to Kucinich's plan to get out of Iraq in 90 days, support of single-payer health care and spending more money on domestic needs rather than on military along with other important issues.
MacClaren Hall: Child Protection or Asylum? (tags)
MacClaren Hall is a "protective custody institution" for children in Los Angeles county. I was held there at age 8, and it was like an asylum. Run like a jail, kids are punished for their parents' crimes, and leave with more trauma than they came in with...
Bush Took My Job, Killed My Sons (tags)
A tale of woe and a true story.
Fear and Intimidation: My Abduction by Israeli Undercover Police (tags)
What does the Israeli government have to fear from nonviolent civil disobedience against the occupation that it would put so much time, money and energy into the abduction and arrest of a 25-year-old female American non-violent human rights activist?
The Distruction of America by the so called "annointed".
With All Due Respect...We Seek Peace (tags)
I personally--not that it matters, am against any and all strident, militant sounding, hateful, malignant language or signs. I also feel, that given the short attention spans of todays citizenry, it is very confusing when one has a mish-mash of several causes being spoken to, from Palestine, a man on death row, race issues, women's concerns etc.
I say that while we should mourn the loss of Anna Lindh, coming so soon after the loss of Sergio de Mello, we should be inspired by what Dr. King said the night before he was assassinated.
I say that while we should mourn the loss of Anna Lindh, coming so soon after the loss of Sergio de Mello, we should be inspired by what Dr. King said the night before he was assassinated.
Bullying in the workplace is an obvious act of discrimination and affects both men and women. It is obvious that the rights of foreign workers are protected in our workplaces. But what about the discrimination against the rest of us???????
Lying, directly or indirectly, is a mortal sin for a public official in a free society. It erodes trust, which is the glue that holds society together. And it is entirely unjustifiable. When I was flacking for politicians, I always told my clients they had two, and only two, choices if asked a question: tell the truth or say "No comment." It was part of my agreement from the get-go that I would give them the best advice I could, but I would never, under any circumstances, lie for them.
Anti-American traitors must die!!!! (tags)
Yes, YOU, you are anti-american, traitor!
mitchell crooks on brutality (tags)
Police brutality.
The only smart phrase I've heard outta Bush (tags)
The soft bigotry of low expectations.
Tracking down underreported stories
Total Information Oppression: Now my mailing list has been killed! (tags)
Attacking DARPA's Total Information Awareness effort and publicizing satellite photographs of John Poindexter's (head of TIA) house is probably what got me this. I guess that when it comes to surveillance, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.
Bush Daddy Tribe uncensored! Note: I couldn't find this article listed. Could have sworn that I posted it here.
Bush Daddy Tribe uncensored!
Intn'l Solidarity Movement Members Arrested In Nablus: What You Can Do (tags)
[NABLUS] Internationals and Palestinians have been brutalized and arrested following a non-violent protest at the Huwara checkpoint near Nablus.
Horrible Ariel Sharon quote - NEED SOURCE (tags)
Ariel Sharon quote, supposedly from an interview in 1956. Anyone know of a source for it?
Robert Fisk Tells Story of Beating (tags)
If I was an Afghan refugee in Kila Abdullah, I would have done just what they did. I would have attacked Robert Fisk. Or any other Westerner I could find.
FBI closes 'pro-IRA' website (tags)
Security used to justify the shutting down of a web site.
This society is rotten to the core. (tags)
This society is rotten to the core. (tags)