fix articles 2561, s. supreme court Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : s. supreme court

s. supreme court

Defund homeless industrial complex (tags)

U.S. Supreme Court ruling that cities no longer need to offer shelter to homeless means taxpayers no longer need to pay for it.

Hoping that A.I. will restore homeless peoples rights to sit, lie and sleep outdoors. (tags)

Anti-homeless laws including L.A. 41.18 enforcement zones act of 2021 need to be repealed.

Disempowering the US cartels (tags)

Technology corporations mostly form oligopolies, if not monopolies. U.S. President Joe Biden is signaling that his administration wants to crack down on monopolies... Klobuchar's bill aims to boost antitrust action in many ways: it seeks to increase funding for the FTC and the Justice Department's Antitrust Division.

The Forgotten History of the Financial Crisis (tags)

In the United States between late 2008 and early 2009, 800,000 people were losing their jobs every month. By 2015, over nine million American families would lose their homes to foreclosure—the largest forced population movement in the United States since the Dust Bowl.

Brett Kavanaugh Filled The 5th Circuit With Execution Judges (tags)

Kavanaugh by force denied a teen abortion, by force prevented handicapped victims of guardians from refusing medical procedures, convinced Bush to nominate torture brief writing John Roberts, filled the 5th circuit with pro execution and antiabortion judges, making it the most executing circuit court of all,

Please Oppose Warmonger, Execution and Torture Supporting Bush Operative Brett Kavanaugh (tags)

Kavanaugh worked with G W Bush for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and the torture of prisoners. He supports big business over employees, wardens over prisoners, the rights of the wealthy to steal elections. He refused a detained teen the right of an abortion. He ratified a DC agency forcing medical procedures on the disabled against their will.

Texas Declares,"It's Fake News,Our State Judicial System Is Not Shithole Country Status" (tags)

Surprised? Texas Governor Greg Abbott when Sate Attorney General even attempted to execute-murder Hank Skinner even without DNA tests on court evidence. Our U.S. Supreme Court forbid MR Skinner's murder at that time.

Texas Can Call it An Execution,But It is A State Sponsored Murder of Hank Skinner.. (tags)

Pope Francis,please send over healers from the Catholic church with discernment ability to get this poor man Greg Abbott a deliverance from his demons, before they murder Hank Skinner..

Police problem officers (tags)

Many California counties already give prosecutors at least some information on problem officers, as do a majority of the 50 states. But “Blue” California remains the only state that blocks prosecutors from seeing entire police personnel files. And that’s a disgrace.

“Oh Say Can You See” How the LAPD Singing the National Anthem Cost the Dodgers WS Game 7? (tags)

Divine Retribution? Poetic Justice? Giving the Flawed and Oppressive LAPD the Honor of Singing the National Anthem Before BOTH Concluding World Series Games Marred the Pre-Game 7 Excitement, Seemed to Put the Dodgers' Multi-Ethnic Team Off Their Game, and May Have Offended the Racially Diverse Astros.

California won its first major battle over `sanctuary cities' (tags)

The judiciary can stop the wrecking-ball of Donald Trump!

Ted Cruz 5 Times Went Before The US Supreme Court To Argue For Texecutions (tags)

Ted Cruz, aggressive supporter of Texecutions, war, concealed carry. Friend of Goldman Sachs, the 2nd amendment

San Jose affordable housing law headed to U.S. Supreme Court (tags)

Wealth is really socially produced. The state takes enormous risks and makes massive investments in schools, hospitals, roads, food safety and environmental care to make private wealth possible. Tax justice, closing tax havens and public investment are vital.

Help Me Ronda! “Billionaires For Bernie”: Why Sanders Needs an Independent SuperPAC (tags)

JFK Said: "Things Do Not Happen. Things Are Made to Happen." In 2015-2016, LIBERAL Billionaires Such as Ronda Stryker, Nick Hanauer, and Ted Turner (To Name a Few) Can Help Elect Bernie Sanders President by Giving His Supporters Fundraising and Spending Near-Parity With Hillary Clinton's $1 Billion.

Will Also Be Proud When Texan Senator Rodney Ellis Helps Take Down The Nazi Flag In Texas. (tags)

The most frightening legal case in America for tens of thousands of trapped USA prison inmates who have had various law enforcement lose or destroy their exoneration court evidence & were not capable of proving their non~guilt.

Are the Times A-Changin' at UC Berkeley’s School of Law? (tags)

Torture Memo, Racial Unrest & (Perhaps) a Job Applicant’s Cover Letter Wake Up the School’s Faculty, Staff and Once-Floundering Social Justice Center

Republicans not waiting for Supreme Court (tags)

The Supreme Court case on subsidies is not enough to solve problems created by the unaffordable care act of 2010.

Video: John Paul Stevens on Six Amendments (tags)

About the Authors John Paul Stevens Justice John Paul Stevens was an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1975 to 2010. He was appointed by President Gerald Ford and was the second longest-service justice in the Court's history, after Justice William Douglas, whom he replaced.

High court rules that financiers are more sovereign than Argentina (tags)

Although the corporate press has attempted to reduce Argentina’s debt to a simple morality tale of a debtor being obligated to pay back its creditors, the picture becomes much clearer once we understand the odious nature of Argentina’s debt.


The unconstitutional Arizona harassment statute, a favorite tool of the police state of Arizona used to silence dissent, is challenged in the United States Supreme Court in Huminski v. City of Surprise, Arizona.

U.S. Supreme Court Will Not Take Argentina and NML Capital Debt Case (tags)

The U.S. Supreme Court decided not to take the landmark debt case between Argentina and bondholders led by NML Capital, a hedge fund that buys the debt of countries in financial crisis. Argentina is expected to file a second petition in the coming months that the Supreme Court will review and decide again if it will hear the case.

Arnold The CA Prisoner Terminator, Wants to Be U.S. Senator Next After His Prison Torture (tags)

We remind all California voters,Governor Jerry Brown did not create this Terminator Isolation Prison torture Policy that Arnold Ignored for all those cigar years !

Anonymous,little Americans Like Hank Skinner Need Your Help in Greg Abbotts Inhumane Texas (tags)

Hank Skinner,Who Says Being Handicapped is An Excuse 4 Executing Innocent Texans ? This Texas Lawman Lost The Use Of His Legs,& Now Executes Others Out Of Misdirected Anger ..

Scary> NAACP & Amnesty International Have Fallen Asleep At The Wheel !!! (tags)

NAACP & Amnesty International Bloggers Are Lost Along With Texas Losing Hank Skinner's Exoneration DNA !

Billy Slagle Has Killed Himself Before The State Of Ohio Could Murder Him (tags)

Only 5 US states have murdered prisoners this year. That is 10% of 50. It is the only Northern state. Other executioner states are Florida, Virginia, Georgia and Texas. 88% of the world's countries do not commit government murder. Meanwhile, nationally Obama's attorney general is attempting to force abolition states to kill prisoners

Only Texas Has Killed More Prisoners This Year Than Ohio. (tags)

Only 12% of the world's countries still commit prisoner murder. Only 10% of US states or 5 states have murdered prisoners in 2013.

It IS about race (tags)

Statement on the Trayvon Martin case and voter suppression

DNA Hank Skinner Never Heard Of Hillary's Agenda.. Sillies (tags)

Scary That For All Those Many Years Texas State Attorney General Greg Abbott Has No Remorse For Denying Hank Skinner DNA Testing Against The Wishes Of 85% Of Texas Residents ...

Sheriff Joe guilty of profiling Mexicans (tags)

Arizona's racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio found guilty of profiling Mexicans and Latinos

Police and prosecutors failed us in Debra Milke case (tags)

This isn't an isolated incident, Arizona cops have been framing people for murder base on coerced confessions for as long back as the Buddhist Tempe Murders when they coerced confessions from the Tucson kids. Well at least that is as far as I can remember. I am sure the have been framing people from before I was born.

Detective Saldate gets confessions from unconscious people on hospital gurneys??? (tags)

Phoenix Police Detective Armando Saldate who claimed Milke confessed to him had a history of lying to grand juries and extracting confessions even from unconscious suspects on hospital gurneys, according to the court opinion.

Catholic Church Torture case in U.S. Supreme Court (tags)

Catholic torture of a political activist now before U.S. high court. Huminski v. Mercy Gilbert Mecical Center. Court papers reveal an unholy alliance between Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, Federal Judge Frederick Martone (both life-long Catholics) and a Catholic Church hospital network, Dignity Health, and their efforts to silence a critic of the racist sheriff with an attempted murder and torture at a Catholic hospital, Mercy Gilbert Medical Center, Gilbert, Arizona.

Proposition 8, DoMA and the Supreme Court (tags)

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the ban on same-sex marriage passed by California voters in November 2008, and also the provision of the Defense of Marriage Act (DoMA) that defines marriage under federal law as only between one man and one woman. But the current Right-wing Court is likely to uphold Prop. 8 as constitutional and leave the battle for marriage equality to state-by-state political and social campaigns.

A Pretty Good Election, but the Right Still Rules (tags)

The November 6, 2012 election turned out fairly well for progressives — from Barack Obama retaining the presidency to a true Left-wing Democrat like Bob Filner winning for Mayor of San Diego — but the Right is still strong. The issue agendas and terms of discussion continue to be dictated by an increasingly militant Right wing and America's pathetic, ill-organized remnant of a Left no longer has the power to put pressure on the political system for progressive reforms the way it did in the 1890's, 1930's and 1960's.

S.A.M.E. Hosts Victory Celebration for Marriage Equality Protesters (tags)

The San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) held a victory celebration September 21 at the Bamboo Lounge in Hillcrest after San Diego City Attorney Jan Goldsmith dropped all charges against the Equality Nine, protesters who were arrested at the San Diego County Clerk's office August 19, 2010 for showing up to request marriage licenses or support others doing so, including same-sex couples who had appointments. The event featured five of the Equality Nine and also Queer-rights pioneers Leo Laurence and Pat Brown, who led militant Queer-liberation demonstrations in San Francisco months before the Stonewall riots.

Cindy Sheehan Speaks at Reception in San Diego (tags)

For four years, from her emergence as an anti-war activist following the death of her son Casey in combat in Iraq, Cindy Sheehan was a hero among liberals and Democrats for her attempts to hold then-President George W. Bush to account for starting the Iraq war and taking her son's life in vain. Then she ran for Congress against Democratic icon Nancy Pelosi and made it clear she held both major parties responsible for the war and the rest of America's ills. Now she's Roseanne Barr's running mate in the Peace and Freedom Party's Presidential campaign, running on a socialist platform that says education, housing and health care are human rights.

Queer Democrats Make Defeating Prop. 32 a Priority (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality voted August 23 to make defeating Proposition 32 a priority race in the November 6 election. Proposition 32 is an effort to destroy the ability of organized labor to raise money for political campaigns, and it's being sold deceptively as a campaign finance reform measure even though its principal sponsors are multi-million dollar donors to Republican candidates and super-PAC's. On the eve of Women's Equality Day, the club also heard from professors Dr. Sue Gonda and Carla Kirkwood on the history of women's struggles for equality and their links to the Queer rights movement.

Arizona's Kyl has everything Romney needs from a vice presidential running mate (tags)

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney will announce his choice for a vice presidential running mate sometime between now and the start of the Republican National Convention Aug. 27 in Tampa.

The Disclose Act vote today: Legislation to prevent anonymous campaign donations (tags)

The Senate has failed to advance legislation that would require independent groups to disclose the names of contributors who give more than $10,000 for use in political campaigns.

Queer Democrats Host Love-Fest for Endorsed Candidates (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality turned their June 28 meeting into a love-fest for their candidates who survived the June 5 primary and moved on to the November 6 general election. In the first test of their new policy against endorsing or rating candidates who aren't 100 percent for marriage equality or reproductive choice, they also refused to consider an endorsement or a rating for socially conservative Democrat Juan Vargas for Congress in the 51st District.

Queer Democrats Demand 100% on Marriage, Choice (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality passed a sweeping change to its rules for endorsing or rating candidates May 24. The new rules demand that candidates seeking an endorsement or favorable rating from the club support full marriage equality for Queer couples and an eight-point agenda for protecting women's access to abortion.

Zenger's Newsmagazine Election Endorsements (tags)

Full endorsements for San Diego voters in the June 5 primary election. As in 2010, in virtually every race Zenger's is recommending every Democrat over every Republican, not because the Democrats (with a few exceptions) are that progressive but because the Republicans are so reactionary they want to abolish the social safety net, virtually eliminate civil rights, workers', consumers' and environmental protections, and transform the radically as the Nazis transformed Germany in 1933.

San Diego Marriage Equality Trial Delayed (tags)

A funny thing happened to the six remaining defendants in the Equality Nine case — members of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) who were arrested while demonstrating for marriage equality at the San Diego County Clerk’s office August 19, 2010 — on their way to a trial that was supposed to begin April 30. Judge Joan Weber, discovered that prosecutors had systematically excluded Queers from the jury pool, and she threw out the entire jury pool and decided that the case would have to start over September 18.

John Brooks: Occupy Inspires Neophyte to Run for Congress (tags)

John Brooks was a retired agent for the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife until he saw the Occupy San Diego protests on TV and was inspired to run for Congress as an alternative Democrat. Though he ran afoul of the San Diego Democrats for Equality's endorsement process, he's recently been endorsed by Progressive Democrats of America and his real views on Queer rights and women's choice are far more progressive than the Democrats for Equality's questionnaire made them sound.

Health Care and the Supremes (tags)

When the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act in late March, the vicious hostility of their comments signaled their intent not only to rule so-called "Obamacare" unconstitutional but to fundamentally recast the Court's jurisprudence. It's clear from the health-care hearings and from previous decisions like Citizens United that the Court's five-member Right-wing majority wants to return to the days before and during the New Deal when the Court quite consciously saw its mission as protecting the 1 percent by ruling any meaningful attempt at regulating the economy unconstitutional.

Archive Of Housing News by Lynda Carson: Struggle for Just Cause / Tenant's Rights (tags)

The battle over rent control, just cause eviction protections, tenant's rights and poverty issues are a never ending struggle.

Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander wants term limits for Congress and SCOTUS (tags)

U.S. Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander says, “It is time to amend the U.S. Constitution with term limits on Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court to end the monopoly the Democrats, Republicans and big corporations have on the political process in Washington DC.”

The California 2012 June Primary Pre-Election Statement by Stewart Alexander (tags)

The California 2012 June Primary pre-election statement by Stewart Alexander is also available on the website of the California Secretary of State.

BTL:Civil Liberties Advocates: Supreme Court Strip Search Ruling Could Lead to Systematic (tags)

Interview with Baher Azmy, legal director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, conducted by Scott Harris

Katherine Stewart Exposes the "Good News Clubs" (tags)

They bill themselves as "nondenominational Bible study" groups for grade-schoolers, but according to investigative reporter Katherine Stewart, the Good News Clubs are just part of a broad-based campaign by the radical religious Right to turn public schools into arenas of religious conversion. They've already won virtually complete permission from the U.S. Supreme Court to run roughshod over the separation of church and state, and religious organizations — especially anti-woman, anti-Queer Fundamentalist ones — have become a 900-pound gorilla able to push themselves into any public school they want to crash.

BTL:GOP Doubles Down on War Against Women's Access to Contraception (tags)

Interview with Judy Tabar, the long-time president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Southern New England , conducted by Melinda Tuhus

San Diegans Rally Against Citizens United Decision (tags)

Though the original location had to be changed when agents of the Department of Homeland Security blocked off the original one, San Diegans nonetheless held a rally January 20 against the Citizens United decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, which opened the floodgates for even more corporate influence over American politics and elections.

Two Hard Cases, Two Bad Laws (tags)

The November 14 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to consider the constitutionality of so-called "Obamacare" and the November 17 decision of the California Supreme Court that the proponents of Proposition 8 have legal standing to appeal it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court are both disasters for the progressive community. But they also highlight the conflict between general principles of justice progressives should support and tactical positions in specific cases that may work to our short-term advantage but cause us problems later on.

Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions on Peaceable Assembly (tags)

Time, Place and Manner Restrictions on First Amendment Right to Peaceable Assembly (protest)

The San Diego Mayoral Candidates That Didn't Bark (tags)

When A Better San Diego, a coalition made up largely of labor unions and their affiliates, sponsored a debate among the four leading candidates for Mayor of San Diego in next year's election, only two showed up. The no-shows were City Councilmember Carl DeMaio, whose whole campaign is based on targeting city workers as the source of San Diego's economic woes, and District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, both Republicans. A third Republican, Assemblymember Nathan Fletcher, and Democratic Congressmember Bob Filner attended and differed on city workers' pensions, outsourcing city jobs to private companies and many other issues.

Islamic Yemeni Divorce in USA (tags)

Many Yemeni Muslim men with U.S. citizenship travel to Yemen in order to obtain a fast track ?triple talaq? divorce according to the Personal Status Law of Yemen. They then return to the United States and seek recognition and enforcement of the Islamic Yemeni divorce in the U.S. But can such an ex parte divorce be recognized and enforced?

Message from Troy Davis and More Actions (tags)

Troy Davis was sentenced to death in 1991 for the killing of an off-duty Savannah policeman. Davis was found ?guilty? based on dubious accounts that he confessed to the killing and questionable ?eyewitness? identifications that included false eyewitness testimony coerced by the cops. Seven of the prosecution?s nine ?eyewitnesses? have since recanted. The only holdouts are one man who may be the actual killer and another who initially denied being able to identify the shooter only to pin it on Davis two years later. Three of the eyewitnesses say their testimony was coerced by the police. New eyewitnesses have come forth identifying another suspect. The news on Troy Davis is very bad. Despite being innocent, the Georgia Parole Board has OK'd his execution for 7 PM today (September 21st). Yet the fight to free Troy Davis isn?t over, and if that fails, the fight to overthrow the evil system that murders him will continue.

Update for Troy Davis, The Fight Isn't Over (tags)

The news on Troy Davis is very bad. Despite being innocent, the Georgia Parole Board has OK'd his execution for 7 PM tomorrow (September 21st). Yet the fight to free Troy Davis isn?t over, and if that fails, the fight to overthrow the evil system that murders him will continue. Troy Davis was sentenced to death in 1991 for the killing of an off-duty Savannah policeman. Davis was found ?guilty? based on dubious accounts that he confessed to the killing and questionable ?eyewitness? identifications that included false eyewitness testimony coerced by the cops. Seven of the prosecution?s nine ?eyewitnesses? have since recanted. The only holdouts are one man who may be the actual killer and another who initially denied being able to identify the shooter only to pin it on Davis two years later. Three of the eyewitnesses say their testimony was coerced by the police. New eyewitnesses have come forth identifying another suspect.

Free Troy Davis! There?s No Justice in the Capitalist Courts! (tags)

Troy Davis was sentenced to death in 1991 for the killing of an off-duty Savannah policeman. Davis was found ?guilty? based on dubious accounts that he confessed to the killing and questionable ?eyewitness? identifications that included false eyewitness testimony coerced by the cops. Seven of the prosecution?s nine ?eyewitnesses? have since recanted. The only holdouts are one man who may be the actual killer and another who initially denied being able to identify the shooter only to pin it on Davis two years later. Three of the eyewitnesses say their testimony was coerced by the police. New eyewitnesses have come forth identifying another suspect.

Free the Equality Nine! Action Sept. 28 in Downtown San Diego (tags)

Over a year has passed since the ?Equality Nine? ? members and supporters of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) ? were arrested on August 19, 2010 at the San Diego County Administrative Center. Now the Equality Nine plan to present their petitions to City Attorney Jan Goldsmith at a rally Wednesday, September 28, 4 p.m. outside the City Attorney?s office, 1200 Third Avenue downtown. The next court hearing in the case is scheduled for Monday, October 17 in the San Diego County Courthouse downtown.

Imperialist War, Mass Murder, and Torture, But Did September 11th Change ?Everything?? (tags)

"Americans watched in horror as the World Trade Center collapsed. Yet it was a horror no different from what the U.S. government has done with it's bombing of civilian populations in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Korea. The U.S. bombings of just these countries, not to mention many other U.S. acts of war, murdered millions of civilians. Terror against civilians is never justified. Now the U.S. government is preparing to terror bomb Afghanistan?" -Liberation News, September 11, 2001

BTL:Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' Conduct Provokes Calls for Ethics Probe (tags)

Interview with Drew Courtney, director of communications, conducted by Scott Harris

The Long and Winding Road of Marriage Equality Litigation (tags)

Seeking social change through litigation is not for the faint-hearted ? or the impatient. At the July 28 meeting of the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club, attorney Jason Molnar of the Southern Poverty Law Center talked about the history of marriage equality litigation and brought two flow charts showing the twisted route it's already taken through the courts ? and it's likely to get even more twisted before the U.S. Supreme Court rules one way or the other.

Rally Kicks Off San Diego Pride Events (tags)

San Diego's Queer (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Pride events kicked off Friday, July 15 at a rally on the pride festival site in Balboa Park. The featured speakers were New Age author and credentialed minister Marianne Williamson, who talked about marriage equality as a straight supporter who has performed same-sex weddings, and Daniel Hernandez, the young, openly Gay aide to Congressmember Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) who saved her life when she was shot at an outdoor rally in January. But the most powerful speaker was former San Diego Democratic Club president Larry Baza, who powerfully expressed the history of the Queer rights movement and the challenges it faces in the future.

Queer Democrats Warned About Threats to Reproductive Choice (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club heard two presentations at its June 23 meeting: a report on the likely strike by the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) against southern California?s three largest grocery chains ? Ralph?s, Albertson?s and Vons ? and a warning about the potentially devastating effects of Republican and radical-Right policies against women?s rights to reproductive choice. Though the struggles of women to maintain safe and legal access to contraception and abortion may seem to have little in common with those of workers for decent pay, access to health care and other benefits, speakers on both issues noted how the radical Right has effectively linked them in the service of a paternalistic agenda that regards workers as mere cogs in a capitalist economy, and women as mere vessels for giving birth to the next generation.

Free Gary Johnson! Homelessness in California is now punishable by a year in jail. (tags)

Free Gary Johnson! Overturn the Convictions of Ed Frey, Arthur Bishoff, Collette Connolly! Hands Off Christopher Doyon! End Laws making it Illegal for the Homeless to Sleep at Night! Seize Housing From the Banks for those Who Need Housing! For a Nation Wide Jobs Program Building Housing for All!

BTL:Wal-Mart Wins, Workers Lose in U.S. Supreme Court Decision Rejecting Class Action Disc (tags)

Interview with Chris Owens, attorney and executive director of the National Employment Law Project, conducted by Scott Harris

LulzSec hacks Arizona State Police computers (tags)

The hacker group LulzSec hacked the Arizona DPS computers over SB1070 & Drug War. The Arizona DPS or Arizona Department of Public Safety is the state police agency of Arizona

Will Jerry Brown Close Pelican Bay Prison? (tags)

Democratic Governor Jerry Brown is under a federal mandate to release thousands of prisoners from California's overcrowded concentration camp-prisons. Abolishing the entire prison-punishment system and the death penalty would be best, replacing it with job training for decent-paying jobs in one year for those under 50 and lifetime good pensions for those over 50. He could start by closing Pelican Bay Prison, a vicious hellhole that would make Hitler proud.

Back to the Ballot - Queer Activists Debate Whether to Seek Repeal of Prop. 8 (tags)

With the court challenge to Proposition 8, California?s voter-approved ban on legal recognition of same-sex marriages, mired in potential legal wrangling that could take years to resolve, Equality California (EQCA) revived their plans to take the issue back to voters and seek an initiative to repeal Prop. 8. But the 70 or so activists at the EQCA town-hall meeting in San Diego June 3 split over whether that?s a good strategy ? or whether EQCA, primarily a lobbying organization, is the right group to run such a campaign.

Target:Homeles-South Coast Homeless Advisory Committee Advocate Reports (tags)

Target:Homeles-South Coast Homeless Advisory Committee Advocate Reports The City of Santa Barbara is poised to push homeless out with illegal legislation which violates the US Constitution. Here is the report they never released to the public - or even discussed!!! Because frankly, they don't give a damn.

San Diego Queers Split Over City Redistricting (tags)

San Diego?s Queer community has split over their response to the redrawing of district lines for the City Council. On one side are the members of the self-styled ?LGBT Redistricting Task Force,? who are pushing a major redesign of the city?s Queer-influenced District 3, pushing out the people of color and less affluent Queers in City Heights and adding more upscale neighborhoods like Mission Hills and Bankers? Hill to the Hillcrest/North Park core of the district. On the other side are Queer residents of the City Heights community of Azalea Park, who bought there because gentrification had priced them out of Hillcrest and North Park and now find themselves threatened that they will no longer be represented by a Queer Councilmember. The current District 3 is San Diego?s most ethnically diverse; the district proposed by the LGBT Redistricting Task Force and the Hillcrest Town Council will be 70 percent white.

Troy Davis Execution Date Expected Anytime --An interview with Laura Moye of Amnesty Intl. (tags)

Laura Moye is director of the Amnesty International USA Death Penalty Abolition Campaign. Moye talks about Troy Davis, an African American on death row for over 19 years. Following a recent US Supreme Court ruling, his execution date is expected to be scheduled any day now. We must act to stop it!

Video: The Story of Citizens United v. FEC (tags)

Wall Street and the banksters have destroyed our economy and received trillions of our money. A general strike was called today in Madison Wisc to regain control of our democracy and repel corporate power endangering elections and the economy.

Lawyers’ Guild Forum on Nonviolent Resistance: Participant, Attorney & Observer (tags)

The National Lawyers’ Guild hosted a forum on nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in downtown San Diego February 23, and discussed the issue from three points of view: attorney Alex Landon, protest participant Zakiya Khabir and legal observer Rachel Scoma.

Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Backing Efforts Demanding Impeachment of Clarence Thomas (tags)

U.S. Socialist Stewart Alexander is calling on the U.S. Senate to begin impeachment hearing to determine the worthiness of Clarence Thomas to continue as a member of the high court. As a U.S. Presidential Candidate, Alexander says he remains an advocate of term limits for the U.S. Supreme Court (a one 12 year term).”

Redistricting, Open Primaries and the Challenges for Democrats (tags)

At the January 27 meeting of the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club, Jess Durfee, chair of the San Diego County Democratic Party and former president of the club, explained the challenges the party faces as the citizens’ redistricting commission begins work on redrawing legislative lines for the 2012 election and beyond. He also talked about California’s new open primary law, which also goes into effect in 2012 and allows members of any political party, or of no party at all, to vote in primary races, with the two top finishers from the primary running against each other in the general election even if they’re from the same political party. California’s Democratic leadership opposed both these changes, but Durfee’s presentation focused on making them work and protecting the party’s interests in this new electoral environment.

A Meanness in This World (tags)

The January 8 shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords and murder of federal judge John Roll and five other people in Tucson, Arizona has been blamed on a lone nut, and both wings of the corporate media — center-Right and far-Right — have fallen over each other to absolve the ultra-Rightists of talk radio, Fox News and the Tea Party of blame for the alleged shooter’s actions. Nonsense. Not only did Sarah Palin’s Web page specifically “target” Congressmember Giffords for defeat last April — a piece of hysterical rhetoric Giffords called Palin out on at the time — but the radical Right’s incessant propaganda on talk radio and Fox News, with its ceaseless calls not only to defeat but “eliminate” its “enemies,” created a national climate that ensured that the killer’s madness took the form it did and his delusions led him to attack two individuals that had already been the targets of radical-Right bullying and harassment.

Joshua Napier: Singer, Songwriter, Queer Activist Brings Passion to His Music (tags)

The first thing you’ll notice when you hear Joshua Napier sing is the sheer emotion and passion he projects with his music. Napier sings with an edgy intensity that makes you identify with him and his songs. What’s more, though he’s a political activist and writes topical songs, he has the knack of the best activist songwriters of combining the personal with the political and creating pieces that reflect his beliefs instead of hitting you over the head with them. Napier is equally passionate off-stage. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio and raised by a single mother, he was out as Gay in high school. One of the reasons he came to San Diego was to find an activist community with which he could work. Active as the membership chair of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.), he recently left that group’s board to join the board of Activist San Diego (ASD) because he wanted to work with a group that isn’t just focused on Queer issues. Catch him wherever you can — at fundraisers, coffeehouse gigs or the “Redfest” event of politically aware music he’s planning for this summer.

Military gay ban (tags)

Military gay ban

Three-Judge Appeals Court Panel Hears Prop. 8 Challenge (tags)

A quick overview of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals hearing on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, based exclusively on what I saw and heard during the C-SPAN telecast of the hearing and written without reference to any legal “experts” or political pundits.

“Know Your Rights,” Progressive Attorneys Tell Activist San Diego (tags)

Though guest of honor Ted Burke, one of 11 Midwest peace and social justice activists recently detained and harassed by the FBI, wasn't able to make Activist San Diego's November 15 meeting on law enforcement and political activism, the discussion was still compelling. Local attorneys and activists Kate Yavenditti, Frank Gormlie and Alex Landon reviewed the history of anti-Left and anti-progressive repression in San Diego and discussed what rights you have when you're stopped by law enforcement or when police officers come to your home.



BTL:Advocates Challenge Life Without Parole Sentences for Youth Convicted of Capital Crime (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Obama's Justice Dept Attacks Peace Groups as "Terrorist" (tags)

Under Democrat Harry Truman, it was the Communist bogeyman that was used to destroy the Left that had built the labor movement; today Democrat Barack Obama uses the terrorist bogeyman to try to destroy the peace movement, both actions for the same goals: To maximize the profits of the capitalist class. Here is the news from Twin Cities and Chicago Indymedia of FBI terrorism across the country.





Zenger’s Newsmagazine Editorial on Proposition 8 Decision (tags)

Written before the most recent development in the federal case challenging Proposition 8 — the good-news, bad-news decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to delay same-sex marriages in California until at least December, but also to consider the all-important issue of whether the supporters of Proposition 8 even have legal standing to appeal — this editorial from the summer 2010 print edition of Zenger's Newsmagazine shows what a roller-coaster this issue has been and how the Queer community needs to be militant and ready for a long-term battle for full equality before the law, including marriage rights.

Marriage Victory Celebration Draws 3,000 to Hillcrest Streets (tags)

Account of the marriage equality celebration that occurred on the streets of Hillcrest, the San Diego neighborhood famous for its large Queer population, on August 4, 2010 — the day Judge Vaughn R. Walker announced his decision in the federal lawsuit challenging Proposition 8. Though Queer activists and allies have since been frustrated by the court-ordered delays in enforcing Walker's decision, they can be proud that a judge ruled that there is absolutely no rational basis for a ban on marriage between two partners of the same gender.



Orange County Adult Protective Services, Prosecuting and Stealing Property from Seniors (tags)

Did you work hard to make a fortune? Have you saved up for your retirement? Don't count on keeping your life's fortune if you live in Orange County, CA. The government wants everything you own.

“Earth Is for People, Not for Corporations” (tags)

Election fraud expert Steven Freeman headlined “Earth Is for People, Not for Corporations” at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego’s Hillcrest neighborhood July 1. The event featured a wide variety of anti-corporate presentations and showed the role of corporations in promoting and profiting from every current social evil, from war to the exploitation of immigrants and denial of the reality of climate change. It also exposed the role of corporate media and discussed ways people can challenge it.

San Diego’s Queer Democrats Discuss Election Aftermath (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club heard from three local experts — San Diego County Democratic Party chair Jess Durfee, San Diego CityBeat editor David Rolland and political consultant Jennifer Tierney — on the aftermath of the June 8 primary election at their regular meeting June 24. The discussion centered mainly on how Democratic candidates like state gubernatorial nominee Jerry Brown and local City Council candidate Howard Wayne can overcome the vast advantage of Republican money — and, in Brown's case, the multi-billion dollar personal fortune of his opponent, Meg Whitman. The club also took a position against SB 1070, the controversial anti-immigrant law recently passed by the Arizona state legislature.

BTL:U.S. Supreme Court on Course to Tear Down Campaign Finance Reform Laws (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

VIDEO: Supreme Power-Franklin Roosevelt and the Supreme Court (tags)

The state can and must corrupt jobs when the private sector is corrupted, fears for the future and speculates on foreign currencies.

Thirteen Reasons To Vote No on Prop 14/Top Two in June CA Primary (tags)

Prop 14 would be bad for democracy and government in California

Prop 8 stands the test (tags)

Prop 8 Rules

Wkileaks is legit...check it out ! (tags)

Wikileaks is doing some outstanding reporting, and seems to be 'legitimate' and thus needs more than just readers, they need more support [see bottom of their web page]. Join in FREER info/ speech/ transparency ..dont be a passive public , do something worthwhile NOW !




Texas death row inmate's final request: DNA testing. His odds look poor, but a murder convict hopes the Supreme Court makes Texas put off his execution. March 19, 2010|By David G. Savage Reporting from Washington (LA TIMES) — Texas death row inmate Hank Skinner, convicted of murdering his girlfriend and her two sons 16 years ago, has only one request before he is executed next week.

Fernando Lopez: Marriage Equality Activist Looks to the Future (tags)

San Diego marriage equality activist Fernando Lopez discusses his own relationship history, his involvement with Marriage Equality USA, the heartbreak of the Proposition 8 defeat and his own critique of the No on 8 strategy, the current Perry v. Schwarzenegger case and his outlook for the future of same-sex marriage in the U.S. A longer version of the interview published in the February-March 2010 issue of Zenger's Newsmagazine.

California Governor Candidate Stewart Alexander Backing Same-Sex Marriage Rights (tags)

Stewart Alexander is confident that Californians will be voting on the issue of same-sex marriage rights in November; however, Alexander says it is necessary to win the vote and to win the decision of the courts. With little or no money to finance a political campaign, Alexander is prepared to challenge a billionaire and the multi-millionaires in the California governor’s race to defend same-sex marriage rights.

BTL:After 30 Years, Architects of Death Penalty Guidelines Withdraw Their Support (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Demo for Mumia Wed 01-20, 5 PM downtown LA fed bldg (tags)

The previously called demonstration to save Mumia's life and free him will take place Wed Jan 20 at 5 PM outside the downtown LA federal building on Los Angeles Street (corner Temple). Be there ane let people know. Other info below from Mumia's lawyer:

DEAR SENATOR... about those M-I-L-I-T-A-R-Y T-R-I-B-U-N-A-L-S .....? (tags)


Mumia’s Life Is On the Line: Mobilize Labor/Black Power to Free Him Now! (tags)

The threat to Mumia Abu-Jamal's life is increasingly ominous. His lead attorney, Robert Bryan, warns: "There is an escalated effort by the authorities to see him die at the hands of the executioner. This is the most dangerous time for Mumia since his 1981 arrest." The U.S. Supreme Court has turned down Jamal's two appeals. If it were to rule in favor of the prosecution's appeal, this would open the way for Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell to issue a third warrant of execution, which he has vowed to do. Contrary to the misplaced expectations of many, the Obama administration is not about to save Mumia. Around the world, hundreds of thousands have marched for this courageous champion of oppressed. Trade unions representing millions of members have rallied to the defense of Mumia. It is urgent to expand this support into powerful labor/black action, appealing to the integrated union movement to join with the black, Latino and immigrant poor to demand that he be liberated.

Queer Democrats Endorse Saldaña, Take No Position on County Term Limits (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club endorsed Assemblymember Lori Saldaña for County Supervisor but failed to take a position on whether to impose term limits on the Board of Supervisors. Supporters of the term-limit initiative, being sponsored by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), said the five Republican incumbents on the board are so entrenched only limiting their future terms will get them out. Opponents said that Democrats have historically opposed term limits and if they supported them for the Republican-dominated Board of Supervisors, they'd be perceived as hypocrites the next time they try to ease-them for the Democratic-controlled state legislature.


Military Tribunals being carried out in the United States as being carried out since 2003.

Law School Discusses Medical Marijuana in Wake of County Raids (tags)

One week after San Diego police officers, sheriff’s deputies and federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents raided 14 medical marijuana dispensaries in San Diego County, the National Lawyers’ Guild chapters of California Western and Thomas Jefferson Schools of Law held a forum on the medical marijuana issue at Cal Western. Among the speakers were Gerald Singleton, attorney representing many of the people arrested in these and previous raids against medical marijuana providers; Dion Markgraaf, local activist who's been prosecuted four times for helping medical users obtain marijuana; and Alex Kreit, attorney and law professor who's been involved in medical marijuana issues. They particularly discussed the hard line against medical marijuana taken by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and attorney general Bonnie Dumanis.

Blase Bonpane Denounces U.S. Support of Honduran Coup (tags)

Blase Bonpane, who's been fighing the good fight against U.S. militarism and imperialism for over 40 years, spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego September 8 and said the recent coup in Honduras couldn't have happened without the approval of the U.S. government and corporations. He reviewed America's long history of direct intervention in Latin America in general and Honduras in particular, and said the U.S. backed the Honduran coup now as an attack on the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), organized by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez as a network of Latin American countries with Leftist governments who want to be out from under the thumb of oligarchs, corporate elites, international bankers and local militaries trained at the infamous School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia.

Remembering Ruby Ridge, FBI Murder of Weaver Family (8/21) (tags)

Though many on the left would strongly disagree with the separatist ideology of Randy Weaver, many would agree that the FBI shooting of Randy's wife Vicki and their teenage son Sammy at Ruby Ridge were over the top and violations of civil liberties and human rights. We need to accept that human rights apply to ALL, even those that we do not agree with!!

BTL:Campaign Intensifies to Stop Mountain Top Removal Coal Mining (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine


While the legal and moral debate surrounding capital punishment shows no sign of abating, some advocates on both sides of the issue are refocusing their efforts and considering a newly theorized execution protocol known as nitrogen asphyxiation.

Deporting Fathers in the Name of Homeland Security (tags)

Via deportations, the U.S. government is destroying families and harming children. Roxroy Salmon's case is one of many thousands.

Queer Democrats Debate Proposition 8 Response (tags)

The wounds were still raw from the California Supreme Court decision upholding Proposition 8, the state’s voter-approved ban on marriage for same-sex couples, when the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club met May 28 and debated how the club should respond. The members heard from attorney Charlie Pratt, who had been at the sit-in at the County Administrative Center's marriage license bureau the day before and had been singled out for special harassment by police, and also discussed whether and when the Queer community should mount its own ballot initiative campaign to repeal Proposition 8.

Dr. George Tiller, Abortion Doctor Assassinated 5/31/09, 6/1/09 is Nat'l Day of Mourning (tags)

Dr. George Tiller, a 67 year old provider of late term abortions, was assassinated on Sunday, May 31, 2009, by a fascist thug whom police claim to have in custody. Where were they when he was killed in his church? Where were his bodyguards? Will all the flags nationwide be at half-mast as after all women are the majority, 51% of the population, and it is our lives he saved?

Amnesty International Holds Vigil for Troy Davis in Downtown L.A.. (tags)

Global Day Of Action For Georgia Death Row Inmate

Obama's Medical Marijuana Rhetoric Better Than His Actions (tags)

Despite the much-ballyhooed announcements from the Obama administration that they're going to stop prosecuting medical marijuana patients and providers as long as they abide by the laws of their states, little has changed, attorney Gerald Singleton and activist Dion Markgraaf told Activist San Diego at a meeting April 20. Patients and providers are still being raided, and the Justice Department disappointed medical marijuana advocates by recommending a five-year prison sentence for former Morro Bay dispensary operator Charles Lynch despite the request by the judge in the case for some legal ground to be more lenient.

Summitry and Punditry (tags)

The truth is, none of the 20 leaders gathered in London has the slightest idea how to 'solve' the economic problems facing the globe....this is a crisis endemic to capitalism, where markets swallow markets and wealth is made by con games that would make the Mafia blush, by the biggest banks on earth. The latest economic summit was PR, amidst the flames of chaos.

BTL:Judge Rules U.S.-Held Prisoners in Afghanistan Can Challenge Their Detention (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

San Diego Hosts Meeting on Same-Sex Marriage Equality (tags)

The San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center hosted a town-hall meeting April 2 to discuss the future of marriage equality in the wake of the upcoming California Supreme Court ruling on Proposition 8, the voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage in the state. Speakers included Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, other professionals and grass-roots activists like Fernando Lopez, whose group is organizing people to go talk to individuals one-on-one to make them aware of how Queer people suffer from not having access to civil marriage.

The Cuban Five Pending Supreme Court Case - Come hear about it!!! (tags)

The Cuban Five Host: Loyola Law School Chapter - National Lawyers Guild Date: Monday, March 23, 2009 Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Location: Donovan Hall Street: 919 Albany Street City/Town: Los Angeles, CA Contact: Veronica

Commentary: State Supreme Court Hears Prop. 8 Cases (tags)

Not everything that is unjust is therefore unconstitutional. That's the lesson the progressive community should learn from the California Supreme Court's oral hearings on Proposition 8, the ban on same-sex marriage recently approved by a narrow majority of California voters. Instead of relying on the courts to secure our rights, we should be doing education, direct action and other tactics to win majority support for equality.

Scientology Is Dieing (tags)

Internet-based community activism reached a new high when Anonymous took to the streets and started doing what law enforcement and health officials around the world should be doing: Killing the notorious Scientology Corporation to put a stop to Scientology's frauds, scams, human rights and civil rights abuses once and for all. Anonymous is winning.

San Diego ACLU Addresses Repressive Ballot Initiatives (tags)

The San Diego chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) held its annual membership meeting February 13 and gave over the program to Delores Jacobs of the San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center and Vince Hall of Planned Parenthood to discuss the long-term implications of Propositions 4 and 8 on last year's ballot. The measures attacked women's reproductive choice and Queer rights, respectively, and Jacobs and Hall noted that the radical Right uses proposals like these not only to gain membership and contributions but to drain the coffers of progressive organizations so they have less money to provide services to women and Queers.

S.D. Cracks Down on Medical Pot as Feds Loosen Up (tags)

Don Duncan, California statewide director of the national medical-marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA), came to San Diego February 10 to tell local members that the outlook for medical marijuana is good. He pointed to a policy statement from a spokesperson for President Obama that said the federal government will stop using its police power to interfere with state medical marijuana laws. But that was cold comfort to many of the people in the room, especially those targeted by a flurry of raids in San Diego in the first week of February.

Audience Packs Library for Medical Marijuana Film (tags)

For many of the 300 people who packed the San Diego Public Library screening of "Waiting to Inhale," Jed Riffe's film on the medical marijuana issue, it's not just a movie but something they're living. The film begins with a raid on a medical marijuana growers' collective, and at least two members of the audience talked about having gone through similar raids from San Diego County law enforcement just days earlier. The audience was highly partisan but the film itself was surprisingly fair-minded and even-handed in its approach to the issue.

Prosecutors, Cops and Judges: Ready to Ditch California’s Death Penalty (tags)

In opinion pieces that appeared in papers across California last year, former prosecutors, judges and law enforcement officers raised their voices to declare: enough already, it’s time to ditch the death penalty. Let’s consider what they had to say.

Peruvian Immigrant Released From USICE Detention (tags)

52-year-old immigrant had challenged deportation and was held in custody for 4 1/2 years

bill richardsons bio (tags)

bio of a liar

Executive Job Resume (tags)

This person needs a job. This individual seeks an executive position. He will be available in January 2009, and is willing to relocate.

Save LA Public Access (tags)

I found this during a web search - it's a couple days out of date, but it's important information. Contact the person in the article for more information.

Nation Awaits Federal Court Of Appeals Decision On Hazleton Anti-Immigrant Law (tags)

Nation Waits For Appellate Court Decision

Prop. 8 and the Triumph of Theocracy (tags)

The passage of Proposition 8 proves that many American voters are committed to a basically theocratic view of government in which THEIR moral values and commitments should rule over others. It also means the Queer community needs to do some soul-searching over why people of color and others we considered natural allies voted for 8 in greater percentages than whites did, and whether "marriage" as a term carries too much religious baggage ever to win majority support for its legal extension to same-sex couples.

Marriage: Some Good News, More Bad News (tags)

The October 10 Connecticut Supreme Court decision endorsing marriage equality for same-sex couples was good news, but it was far overshadowed by the devastating new poll results on Proposition 8, which seeks to overturn the similar ruling last May by the California Supreme Court. Not only has Yes on 8 taken the lead, but they've done so by organizing younger voters — whom marriage equality supporters had assumed would be a bulwark of their coalitiion.

The U.S. Economy on FIRE (tags)

The current U.S. economic crisis didn't start a few years ago when banks and financial institutions started selling "subprime" real estate loans to high-risk borrowers and then repackaging them as "mortgage-backed securities." It began in the early 1970's as a result of a long-term plan by America's major corporations and business leaders to drive down workers' wages and extract more surplus value — and the workers' response, which was to take on more debt. Any real solution that benefits working people cannot be instituted until the power of the corporate rich over the political system is broken.

Ona Russell Publishes Evolution-Themed Mystery (tags)

Mystery writer Ona Russell's latest book, "The Natural Selection," takes her female detective Sarah Kaufman to Dayton, Tennessee in 1925 for a murder mystery set against the backdrop of the Scopes trial, the attempt by the radical Right of the day to ban the teaching of evolution in schools. The book deals not only with the progressive implications of the theory of evolution but also its racist and classist outgrowths, social Darwinism and the eugenics movement, and the way the Ku Klux Klan made common cause with evolution advocates to advance their racist agenda.

It’s More than Nuclear Issues, Native Americans Tell Activists (tags)

The event at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego August 29 was billed as a program about Native American activists fighting against nuclear testing and waste disposal in Nevada, but it turned out to be considerably broader than that. Speakers Ian Zabarte, secretary of state of the Shoshone nation, and professor Steven T. Newcomb gave their audience a history lesson about the U.S. government's cavalier attitude towards its treaties with Indian nations and the Christian-supremacist ideology that underlies it.

Thoughts on Pride (tags)

Thoughts on the recent Queer [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender] Pride events in San Diego.

Recap of struggle to defeat Prop. 98 (tags)

An indepth look at the recent struggle to defeat Prop. 98 reveals that tenants across the state and nation need to unite to broaden and strengthen existing tenant protections in California, and across the country!

Obama, at Last! (tags)

With Barack Obama having won the Democratic Presidential nomination, he'll face a well-established Republican attack machine and propaganda apparatus within the corporate media. This editorial in the July 2008 Zenger's Newsmagazine also argues that progressives should support Obama, but keep the pressure on him by street activism to make sure he doesn't cop out and govern as the moderate, pro-corporate Democrat Bill Clinton was.

U.S. Supreme Court Rules That Constitutional Rights Extend To Detainees At Guantanamo (tags)

Ruling inadvertently extends Constitutional rights to Illegal aliens considered foreigners


he people of California has spoken, They resoundingly rejected a state ballot measure that would have phased out rent control and barred government agencies from taking homes, businesses and farms for private development. The Echo Park Community Coaliton (EPCC) and the Justice for Filipino American Veterans(JFAV) is exceedingly happy about the result of the voting.". Arturo P. Garcia. EPCC and JFAV coordinator said.

Zenger's Newsmagazine Election Endorsements (tags)

Zenger's Newsmagazine endorses in local, state and federal offices in the June 3 primary, including "revolutionary" candidate Eric Bidwell for Mayor and incumbent Mike Aguirre for City Attorney.

Open Letter to Fighters for Mumia’s Freedom (tags)

Open Letter to Fighters for Mumia’s Freedom: For Mass Labor Mobilizations to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! For United-Front Action!

The Framing of Mumia Abu-Jamal: an interview with author J. Patrick O’Connor (tags)

In his new book, O’Connor argues that Abu-Jamal was clearly framed by police, and that the actual shooter was a man named Kenneth Freeman. O’Connor criticizes the local media, who, he says “bought into the prosecution’s story line early on and has never been able to see this case for what it is: a framing of an innocent and peace loving man.”

Part 2, "How Many More? Resist, Resist the War!" OCPC. ORG (tags)


Orange County Peace Coalition: "How Many More? Resist, Resist the War!" (tags)


BTL:Instability Plagues Pakistan after Bhutto Assassination (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

Arizona treats Mexicans like Nazi Germany treated Jews (tags)

Arizona treats Mexicans like Nazi Germany treated the Jews


Paul Modrowksi, convicted of Murder 1 on an accountability basis for supposedly lending his car to a supposed killer -- who was acquitted -- seeks release from prison for Christmas.

The Date: November 22, 1963, The Time: 12:30 PM (tags)

President John F. Kennedy was shot to death during a midday motorcade in Dallas, Texas. It was a tragedy that shook the nation and the world.

U.S. Catholic Bishops “See No Evil” in the War Party (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang has been running the country into the ground the last seven years, while creating a framework for a fascist police state. It has also slaughtered 1.2 million Iraqis and sent 3,867 of our finest sons and daughters to a early grave in an illegal and immoral war. But, you wouldn’t know it from any of the results of the annual conference of U.S. Catholic Bishops. To them, abortion is the greatest evil facing Mankind! Go figure!

KPFK: Welcome to the Madhouse (tags)

BREAKING: Kerik, Hillary, Giuliani, Spitzer, Schumer Tied to New York State PassportGate (tags)

It can now be reported that the indictment of Bernard Kerik, Rudy Giuliani’s former New York City Police Commissioner and business partner in Giuliani’s firm, also deals with the buying and selling of FAKE U.S. and foreign passports for ILLEGAL aliens, foreign nationals from the Middle East, including Arab and Israeli. Also linked to Passport-Gate is former New York Attorney General, now New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, both New York U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and unelectable CLOSET lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and former New York City Major and Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani...



BREAKING: Unelectable Hillary and Giuliani Tied to 9-11 Dancing Israelis (tags)

The indictment of Rudy Giuliani's stooge, former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik is just the tip of the iceberg. Kerik operated as chief facilitator, along with then MEGA MOSSAD Assistant U.S. Attorney General under the Bush Administration Michael Chertoff, in allowing the 9/11 "Dancing Israelis" to escape FBI interrogation and be allowed a free trip back to Israel.

Kucinich's Resolution Survives Tabling Attempt, Is Referred to Judiciary Committee (tags)

Full details thanks to David Swanson of Plus Kucinich Press Statement and Full Text of Kucinich's Speech on the Floor, with Three Articles of Impeachment Against Richard B. Cheney.

BTL:Congress Battles over Government Wiretap Bill (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

Public Hearings on Sacto/San Joaquin Delta Crisis (tags)

This includes a reportback of the recent public hearing (10/4) and info on the next public hearing (10/8) in Sacto Capitol to save the Sacramento and San Joaquin delta smelt from extinction, ideas for water conservation, etc..

The Cuban Five: Mission against Terror (tags)

This interview with Leonard Weinglass, appeals attorney for Antonio Guerrero was conducted by Gloria La Riva, coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, on August 1, 2007.

The Recent Philippine Supreme Court Split Decision, Splits the Public (tags)

The recent Supreme Court split decision on the TRO filed by GO Candidate Koko Pimentel clearly shows how polarize is the Philippine society. The decision again highlights that justice is partial and serves the status quo. The decision, religiously followed by the Filipino American community in the United States, clearly shows how divided the Filipino society is and it is reflected among the 14 justices of the Supreme Court. In its recent decisions especially in the 2007 national elections. It just repeated the injustice perpetrated against presidential candidate Fernando Poe Jr in 2004 only now, it is against Koko Pimentel. Basically it refused to decide on the conduct of elections and refers the cases to the Presidential, the

Rohrabacher at War: Rendering democracy in the homeland (tags)

Man of War: Congressman Dana Rohrabacher says that he doesn't care if 50 innocent people are falsely accused of terrorism, even, apparently, if it means killing American Democracy. This story was submitted to the Orange Coast Voice newspaper May 24, 2007 and will appear that newspaper's June edition, available online also at John Earl is the editor of that paper.

Complicit Democrats Ripped at Pro Peace Rally (tags)

As a result of the Bush-Cheney Gang’s insane “Surge” strategy, 1,300 Maryland Nation Guard members will be deployed to the hell hole that is Iraq. On May 3, 2007, in Baltimore, a rally was held to protest that action. Maryland State Del. Jill P. Carter blasted U.S. Senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin for funding the war and then saying that they wanted to “protect the troops.” She called that bizarre conduct: “politically schizophrenic.”

La Brea Tar Pits: A Metaphor for the America Republic? (tags)

President George W. Bush now has the power, thanks to a mostly cowardly Congress, to declare “Martial Law!” The Defense Authorization Act of 2006 gave him the green light. All he needs is a Reichstag-like incident and our Republic will be history. Like the animals who were trapped in the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, it has been sinking for years. Author Chalmers Johnson is convinced the U.S. Empire is headed the way of Greece’s and Rome’s.

Alberto Gonzales US Attorney Purge, Tip of the Iceberg (tags)

Attorney Gonzales is involved in vast civil rights corruption and crime that pales the US Attorney controversy. This is not a question of ethics or political motivation, it involves an indisputable factual conspiracy against the civil rights of an entire state reminiscent of 1930s Germany.

Alberto Gonzales – A Civil Rights Violator (tags)

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the Bush Justice Departments subjugation of an entire state population to civil rights violations reminiscent of 1930s Germany.

Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court (tags)

Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis.

The Bush -- Police States of America (tags)

Indisputable fact revealing President Bush, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the U.S. Justice Departments subjugation of an entire state population to civil rights violations reminiscent of 1930s Germany.

Emminent Domain might seize your property (tags)

Require Emminent Domain cities to replace every lost apartment building with permits for two new comperable apartments.

Light’s on but Nobody’s home (tags)

The Light’s on but Nobody’s home

My Letter to William Cardinal Keeler (tags)

The RC Bishops in the U.S. are against abortion. Most of the RC laity is against it, too. They get the message from the Bishops on that issue. Yet, these same Bishops, and the Pope, too, are also, on moral grounds, against the war in Iraq. Nevertheless, that idea, strangely, hasn’t gotten down to most of the faithful. William Hughes asks Cardinal William Keeler why.

Bush and Gonzales – Two Terrorists (tags)

Bush, Alberto Gonzales and the Justice Department subject an entire state to civil rights violations reminiscent of 1930s Germany.

Victory for the L.A. 8: Judge Throws Out Charges in 20 Year Old Palestinian Deportation Ca (tags)

LOS ANGELES - In a decision received today, Los Angeles Immigration Judge Bruce J. Einhorn ordered an end to deportation proceedings against Khader Hamide and Michel Shehadeh, members of the "Los Angeles Eight" (LA8). The two have faced deportation for their alleged political associations with a faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization for more than twenty years.

Shut Down The Guantanamo Penal Colony, Now! (tags)

On the 5th anniversary of the opening of the U.S. prison at Guantanamo, Cuba, Jan. 11, 2007, demonstrations were held across the country. In Washington, D.C., the Supreme Court was the site of a protest action, as was the U.S. District Court. At the latter, about 100 activists were arrested inside the building. Meanwhile, outside, activists dressed in orange jump suits, the uniform of the Gitmo detainees, demanded to have their “Day in Court!”

Honor Betrayed (tags)

Sexual Abuse in the U.S. Military

The Corrupt Bush Justice Dept / FBI (tags)

The Bush Justice Dept. and FBI refuse to prosecute crimes against the civil rights of U.S. citizens, yet, Bush claims to be spreading rights and liberties abroad while he supports terrorist civil rights atrocities against the people of the United States.

Drug warriors flush 1st down the toilet (tags)

Screw freedom of religion - You didn't think the 1st Amendment would prevent the drug warriors from jailing people for smoking pot!

After lifetime in U.S., deported man a stranger in his homeland (tags)

Deported from the United States 39 years after he entered it illegally, Fernandez's hopes of a quick return to his wife and son in Utah were crushed when the U.S. Supreme Court

Activists Call Out Auto Industry’s Empty Promises at LA Auto Show (tags)

*Watch this video of RAN and Global Exchange activists asking GM CEO Rick Wagoner to sign a pledge to make his company the most fuel efficient by 2010.

OJ and Dubya: Both in Denial, Both Unrepentant (tags)

O.J. Simpson and George W. Bush have a lot in common. They are both unrepentant wrongdoers, who are in denial about their outrageous conduct. Thankfully, OJ’s book escapade was foiled by outraged public opinion. Bush, and his cohort, VP Dick Cheney, however, intend to “stay the course” in Iraq and maybe attack Iran. Only the U.S. Congress can stopped the duo. Impeachment is Constitutionally mandated. Will Congress do its duty?

The Crack Cocaine of the Nativists Movement (tags)

Ending Birthright Citizenship, the Crack Cocaine of the Nativists Movement

NY Congressman Charles Rangel wants to reinstate the draft. Is the draft constitutional? (tags)

So NY Congressman Charles Rangel wants to reinstate the draft. Is the draft, military conscription, or slavery which is really what it is constitutional? Let's take a walk thru the Constitution and Supreme Court decisions and check it out. Is slavery a constitutional method of supplying soldiers for the U.S. Military?

Plans for war-crimes trials at Guantanamo under fire (tags)

Another huge waste of taxpayer money . . . to carry out kangaroo trials that will never pass constitutional muster.

Kangaroo trials at Guantanamo (tags)

Plans for war-crimes trials at Guantanamo under fire

Convict them and then fry them the next day!!! (tags)

The good side of this is it will prove the cops never make mistakes, and prosecutors never make mistakes. Hell if Andrew Thomas had his way Ray Krone would have been executed and never had a chance to make the cops look bad when his DNA didn't match the DNA of the murderer.

March on Washington (tags)

Gather 9am at US Supreme Court - across from Capitol *See for more information*

BTL:Election Ends One-Party State: How Will Democrats Use Their New... (tags)

...Power to Investigate?~Interview with James Ridgeway, investigative journalist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Oust Corrupt Right-Wing Vermont Governor James Douglas - Scudder Parker for Gov. (tags)

Vermont Governor Douglas appoints law-breakers to top law enforcement positions.

Government defends 1998 anti-porn law (tags), and other plaintiffs backed by the American Civil Liberties Union are suing over the 1998 Child Online Protection Act. They believe the law could restrict legitimate material they publish online - exposing them to fines or even jail time.



Joe Turner: School board candidate or demagogue? (tags)

Joseph Turner, founder of the anti-immigrant group Save Our State, is running for San Bernardino Board of Education, fresh from the defeat of his Anti-Illegal Immigration Ordinance there. But the campaign is going to his head.

BTL:New Detainee Treatment Law Target of Constitutional Court Challenge (tags)

Interview with Wells Dixon, an attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Bush-Cheney Hit with “Mock” Guilty Verdicts for War Crimes (tags)

It was appropriate that the “Guilty” verdicts against the Bush-Cheney Gang for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity were announced at “Camp Democracy,” on the National Mall. On Sept. 13, 2006, Ann Wright, an ex-U.S. diplomat, read the “mock” verdicts. She was also one of the five jurists who heard the evidence compiled by the Bush Crimes Commission.

'Wag the Osama' the Terror War is Over Bin Laden is Dead (tags)

Breaking News #1: Sources close to Colin Powell confirm once again that Osama Bin Laden is dead. Bin Laden died in Pakistan in 2002 from kidney failure. Receipts from Pakistan Hospitals now in possession of the European Press indicate Pakistani Secret Police purchased eight dialysis machines for Bin Laden.

Attention: Potpourri of Current Political Subject-Matter (tags)

ABC News blackmailing Daddy Bush’s Bitch William J.R. Clinton on 9-11. Could it be the Russian Oil Deeds handed over to Bill and Bitch aka Hillary (Republican-in-the-closet) Rodenhurst-Clinton by George Stephanopoulos last week mean that ABC Disney wants a piece of the action.

If They Broke the Law, String 'Em Up (tags)

Bush, during his two terms as Texas governor, oversaw the executions of 152 people. If he’s a war criminal, and guilty of causing the deaths of captives at Guantanamo and elsewhere, it would be poetic justice for him to follow them on the long walk.

Kyl dismisses fuss over 'Congressional Record' (tags)

Kyl's right. The 'Congressional Record' is just a bunch of fairy tale propaganda that the house and senate members use to make themselfs looks good. A normal person should view it with a grain of salt.

Senatore John Kyl - Everybody in the Senate lies so its OK for me to lie!!!! (tags)

“Every senator has [put fabricated information into the Congressional Record]. It is no big deal to submit material for the record. It is done every day,” he told the Tribune on Thursday.

Robert Stewart again gets screwed by the courts in his machine gun case (tags)

A federal appeals court in San Francisco on Friday reversed its earlier decision concerning homemade machine guns, basing its new opinion on a U.S. Supreme Court medical marijuana ruling

Alexander: Death Row, Many Challenges (tags)

The U.S. Supreme Court made two important decisions on the death penalty that will impact the fate of hundreds of men and women that are on death rows nationwide. Stewart Alexander, Candidate for California Lieutenant Governor, says, “I respect the decisions made by the U.S. Supreme Court, however the entire process of capital punishment in America is flawed.

New Perspectives on the Immigration Debate (tags)

At The Onion, Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 7:30 PM The Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society, also known as "The Onion," is located at 9550 Haskell Ave. in North Hills From Los Angeles take the 405 freeway north, exit left (westbound) on Nordhoff, go two blocks and turn right on Haskell. It's on the right side just north of Plummer. Ron Wilkins, a former member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), will be the Tuesday Night Forum guest speaker. He has worked many years toward strengthening relations between Mexican and black people. He has lectured extensively, designed and taught innovative cross-cultural courses at several colleges, displayed his "Journey to Black Mexico" photo exhibit at many venues and taken students to the Annual Meetings of Black Villages in Mexico's Costa Chica. Wilkins is a professor in the Department of Africana Studies at California State University, Dominguez Hills and Western Regional Deputy Chairman of the Patrice Lumumba Coalition. He can be contacted at:

Black Love Brown Pride! (tags)

Black & Brown Hist

Icy Reception as Banned Poet Readmitted to College (tags)

Icily, Schwarzenegger-Linked Administration Readmits Banned Poet

Burning the American Flag because of What it Represents (tags)

The Senate will soon debate an amendment to ban flag-burning. As long as the U.S. flag represents a nation bent on dominating the world regardless of the human and economic costs, people both here and abroad will continue to burn it. Where there is oppressions there is always resistance.

Virtual America (tags)

What’s real? Death and mayhem in Iraq. What’s not real? American democracy, the Constitution, the Congress and the president for starters.

San Bernardino City Council Turns Down Racist Petition (tags)

In a too-close vote, the San Bernardino City Council voted against the Illegal Immigration Relief Act Ordinance, and turned it over to the voters.


This is an announcement and an essay which goes into detail about the Battlecry Youth gatherings. G.W. Bush is part of this maniacal cult that promotes wars against Muslim countries, with young "christian soldiers" doing the fighting, laws that take away women's rights to make decisions about their bodies, and other anti-sexual and homophobic ideas...

Mexico welcomed fugitive slaves and African American job-seekers (tags)

New perspectives on the immigration debate

Women’s Rights Under Assault, Abortion Outlawed In South Dakota (tags)

The right to abortion was won in the United States in 1973 through a mass struggle in the streets that culminated in the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.

BTL:Civil Liberties Advocates Maintain Bush's Illegal Conduct Constitutes... (tags)

...Impeachable Offenses ~ Interview with Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

BTL:South Dakota Anti-Abortion Forces Working to Overturn Roe vs. Wade (tags)

Interview with Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus


US past and present policy using a broader definition of corruption

Alito's open-minded platitudes (tags)

Judge Alito is really slick, like a bar of soap on a bathroom floor. He'd be a great defense lawyer; and if I were in Jack Abramoff's shoes, Alito would be my first choice. As it is, it looks like Alito will be confirmed for the Supreme Court. No question about his qualifications, Alito will be a justice who can work the U.S. Constitution and fit it to Bush's fancy.

The Web: Supreme Court tackles 'trolls' (tags)

Capitalists turn on themselves trying to destroy patent rights.

Free Radio Santa Cruz: Interview with Barbara Becknell Tookie Willams advocate/editor (tags)

Audio Interview with Barbara Becknell Tookie Willams advocate/editor talk about the case and what people can do to try to stop the execution set for Dec 13th 2005

Demand Clemency for Stan Tookie Williams and an End to all Executions (tags)

Anti-death Penalty Activists in LA Organize to Pressure California Governor Schwartzenegger to Grant Clemency to Stan Tookie Williams and Call a Moratorium on all Executions

Geldof, Bono and Live 8 Are Blairpoop and Bushit. (tags)

Today the U.K. newspaper The Independent published an article by Stuart Hodkinson which finally exposes the truth about Bob Geldof and Bono

Degenerated America (tags)

Watch, learn, and YOU decide

The Levee were blown? (tags)

There's something very wrong with the chronology of the levee breaks in New Orleans

Onward, Christian theocrats: the Yankee Taliban on the attack (tags)

“Our goal is a Christian nation,” says Terry Randal. “We are called by God to conquer this country.”

Watergate: First in a series of ‘very American coups’ (tags)

WASHINGTON — Suddenly, the Watergate conspiracy is back in the headlines with the revelation that former FBI officer, W. Mark Felt, is the mysterious “Deep Throat” who fed Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward tips on the plot that gripped the nation in 1973-74.


George W. Bush stole the 2000 election and we let him get away with it. While the Democrats cried because Al Gore had won the vote, the Republicans counted their loot and planned the next heist. Crime does pay when the Justices of the Supreme Court are in on the caper, and they can’t be impeached if the crooks control the Congress.

The Web: Grokster vs. MGM (tags)

A story about the Grokster case.

United States government, 2005: If it walks like a goose… (Part I) (tags)

To see how the Bushies stack up against former regimes of a particular bent, read on.

Students Say Too Much Press (tags)

One in three U.S. high school students say the press ought to be more restricted, and even more say the government should approve newspaper stories before readers see them, according to a survey being released today.

TONIGHT 7 PM: Protest Against Execution of Brain Damaged Man (tags)

Schwarzenegger Denies Clemency Protest Against Execution of Brain Damaged Man WHEN: Tuesday, January 18th 7PM RALLY WHERE: WESTWOOD FEDERAL BUILDING 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA (Corner of Veteran)

2+2=5 (tags)

There will never be another free and fair election in America ever again if George Bush is inaugurated as the President of the United States on January 20th. 2005 or at least until there is a civil war restablishing an open democracy.

2 + 2 = Five (tags)

There will never be another free and fair election in America ever again if George Bush is inaugurated as the President of the United States on January 20th. 2005 or at least until there is a civil war establishing an open democracy.

National Task Force Established to Free Mumia (tags)

report on a national meeting of Mumia Abu-Jamal activists

From COINTELPRO to the Patriot Act: The long battle for justice and civil liberties (tags)

Jailed Black Panther calls for amnesty

This Land Is Your Land documnetary screening (tags)

THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND shows that every person can make a difference, even when pitted against the enormous powers of big business. This funny and moving documentary criss-crosses the United States, interviewing experts and individuals about corporate influence on everyday life, hears how people feel their own lives have been affected, and looks at some of the brave, compelling and sometime hilarious ways in which individuals and communities are reacting.

THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND screens in LA (tags)

THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND shows that every person can make a difference, even when pitted against the enormous powers of big business. This funny and moving documentary criss-crosses the United States, interviewing experts and individuals about corporate influence on everyday life, hears how people feel their own lives have been affected, and looks at some of the brave, compelling and sometime hilarious ways in which individuals and communities are reacting.

BTL:Guantanamo Detainees Subjected to Pentagon-Run "Kangaroo Court" (tags)

Interview with Michael Ratner, principal attorney for prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay, U.S. Naval Base conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

BTL: Terrorist Alerts: Genuine Threats or Political Ploy? (tags)

Interview with Craig Eisendrath, senior fellow with the Center for International Policy, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Afghans Released From Gitmo Return to Terrorism (tags)

Quick, more crying about "human rights" from lefty loons about these Willie Al-Hortons!

BTL:Amnesty International Calls for Special Counsel to Investigate Charges of~ (tags)

...Torture in U.S.-Run Military Prisons~Interview with Samer Rabadi, of Amnesty International conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

U.S. Supreme Court rules that citizens no longer have the right to remain silent (tags)

Silence is now a crime.

Random Thoughts (tags)

Action Alert - Western Shoshone: War not just in Iraq (tags)

Crescent Valley, NV - The United States Congressmen are mirroring the same deceptive tactics in Western Shoshone territory in Nevada as in Iraq, said Western Shoshone as legislation was pushed to compensate tribal members for Aboriginal land in an effort to seize it and open it up for mining, energy and nuclear corporations. While Western Shoshone maintain their Aboriginal land claim secured by the Treaty of Ruby Valley of 1863, their sacred Yucca Mountain is being gutted for nuclear dumping, their horses and cattle seized to make way for geothermal industries and the earth mutilated for gold extraction. "If the war on terrorism is about protecting this country, then why is our own government trying to take away our homelands?" said Mary McCloud, Western Shoshone elder.

BTL:Planned Parenthood Court Challenge Overturns GOP-Backed...' (tags)

...Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act~ Interview with Beth Parker, attorney representing Planned Parenthood in the Partial Birth Abortion Ban court case, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Same-sex marriage: Its time has come (tags)

The struggle for marriage equality saw its first major victory last month as Massachusetts began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Ronald Reagan, 93, dies at California home (tags)

Ronald Reagan, the one-time movie actor who became one of the nation's most important 20th-century presidents, died today at his California home. He was 93.

TV or Not TV? Not! (tags)

TV programming is designed to shepherd viewers into compromising their values. To preserve freedom, Americans should severely limit or entirely eliminate their TV viewing.

Western Shoshone: War is not just in Iraq (tags)

Oppose the Western Shoshone Distribution Bill, S. 618/HR 884. Nevada Congressmen Reid and Gibbons, Gale Norton and our "National Interests" have taken a page from the influential Koch boys of Wichita, who were caught stealing oil from impoverished tribes in Oklahoma. "We want our fair share, and that's ALL of it!" It's 300 year old tradition in government: you sign treaties with the folks who rightly occupy the territory. Then you do whatever you please! And laugh all the way to the bank. The Native American Rights Fund has taken Gale Norton to court THREE times and WON each time, yet the Interior Department continues to act different from what they're doing with Western Shoshone. This is not government. This is tyranny masked as politics. So is passage of HR884, HR 2869, HR2772.

Repeal the Feres Doctrine (tags)

On Feb 18 1996, LT Clark and CDR Lamoreaux died in an explosion caused by a GE engine defect the Navy brass knew about but chose to ignore. The Feres Doctrine prevented their widows from suing GE for wrongful death. Feres is a license to kill our own service members.

Fatal flaw, 9/11 coverup:Why can no one name the hijackers or prove they flew the planes? (tags)

The fatal flaw in the 9/11 coverup Why can no one name the hijackers or prove they flew the planes? By John Kaminski

"TAX us? Then MARRY us!" 33 Cities Join Tax Day Protests for Equal Marriage Righ (tags)

33 cities will be demonstrating for equal marriage rights at post offices around the country on Tax Day, Thursday, April 15th. The protests will highlight the fact that marriage is a civil contract issued by the government which should be available to all consenting adults.

NESARA: peace information February 20th – April 9th, 2004 (tags)

“This morning from 7:30 am to 8 am, I shared the good news of NESARA on the ?Healthy Choices? show on KEST Radio 1450 AM in San Francisco”

Gentle Giant (tags)

At 79, he has outlived his most outspoken critics and several spans of public scorn.

People v Person (tags)

Here is a great article about the true nature of government interference in our lives.

A challenge to the politics of "lesser evilism" (tags)

This year, the man who is likely to win the nomination--John Kerry--has a reputation as a "liberal." Yet he voted for the Patriot Act, for the war on Iraq, for Bush’s "No Child Left Behind" law, for the North American Free Trade Agreement--and now he is on record opposing gay marriage and supporting the continued U.S. occupation of Iraq.

Attorney General Bill Lockyer Is Trying To Get Kevin Killed Tonight!! (tags)

California's Attorney General Bill Lockyer, displeased by the temporary stay, appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn it and allow the execution to proceed. "The stay is contrary to this Court's pronouncements regarding the inappropriateness of granting equitable relief to condemned inmates in the eleventh hour," Lockyer wrote. "The order of the Ninth Circuit constitutes an unwarranted intrusion on California's ability to carry out a lawful and final judgment that has been the subject of over 18 years of post conviction appeals."

Stay Granted in Kevin Cooper's execution (tags)

At the 11th hour, the appeals court grants a stay of execution for Kevin Cooper

BTL:Federal Courts Challenge President's Authority to... (tags)

...Hold Terror Suspects Without Due Process. Interview with Ken Hurwitz, staff attorney, Lawyers Committee on Human Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

BTL:Supreme Court Upholds Campaign Finance Soft Money Ban... (tags)

...Clean election advocates seek more comprehensive reforms. Interview with Nick Nyhart, executive director of Public Campaign, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

The Democrats don’t deserve our support (tags)

There is no reason to assume, as many do, that a Gore presidency would have avoided war after September 11. Clinton oversaw UN-sponsored sanctions against Iraq that led to the deaths of more than 1 million Iraqis, and U.S. warplanes dropped bombs on Iraq almost daily during his time in office. And Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act in 1998, calling for the U.S. "to seek to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein." Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright admits in a recent Foreign Affairs article, "I personally felt [Bush’s new Iraq] war was justified on the basis of Saddam’s decade-long refusal to comply with UN Security Council resolutions on weapons of mass destruction."

Bush's Man in the Iron Mask (tags)

"A court of the United States has no jurisdiction . . . to enjoin the president in the performance of his official duties." Therefore, according to the Justice Department and the president, the separation of powers—at the core of the Constitution—has been suspended in the war on terrorism. Somebody ought to tell Congress.


"Dubya" is owned by the Red Chinese Secret Police. He lives a fraudulent life, not as a "Christian family man", traveling around now, and since an early age, with his male sex-mate, Mayor of a sizeable southern city. And a sworn enemy of the U.S., Red China, is using this to blackmail Bush, compelling him to turn over U.S. financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets. Fitting the U.S. Constitution's definition of TREASON. (Article Three, Section 3.)

America's Camp Delta, Guantanamo: 660 Prisoners, 42 Countries, No Rights, No Cha (tags)


You Führer G.W.Bush (tags)

It is commonly assumed that there (US) is no aristocracy, let alone a nobility, in America. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In his work, Ancestors of American Presidents, Gary Boyd Roberts of the New England Historic Genealogical Society reveals 19 presidents descended from Edward III. John Galt, in a soon to be published work, The Genealogy of the New World Order, has traced the royal ancestry of George Bush, which traces from Charlemagne and Alfred the Great, all the way down through George's 32 presidential cousins!

You Führer G.W.Bush (tags)

It is commonly assumed that there (US) is no aristocracy, let alone a nobility, in America. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In his work, Ancestors of American Presidents, Gary Boyd Roberts of the New England Historic Genealogical Society reveals 19 presidents descended from Edward III. John Galt, in a soon to be published work, The Genealogy of the New World Order, has traced the royal ancestry of George Bush, which traces from Charlemagne and Alfred the Great, all the way down through George's 32 presidential cousins!

Robert Fisk: Iraq's occupiers suspected of losing touch with reality (tags)

Robert Fisk: Iraq's occupiers suspected of losing touch with reality

Lawsuit Threatens Bush Presidency --- Media Blackout (tags)

This could be the lawsuit that ends Bush's *illegitimate* presidency!

U.S. prosecutors sue Quaker group over pacifist's unpaid taxes (tags)

Priscilla Adams says she doesn't mind paying taxes. She just doesn't want her money going to the military.

Thom Hartmann: 'Want to win an election? Just control the voting machines' (tags)

You'd think in an open democracy that the government - answerable to all its citizens rather than a handful of corporate officers and stockholders - would program, repair, and control the voting machines. You'd think the computers that handle our cherished ballots would be open and their software and programming available for public scrutiny. You'd think there would be a paper trail of the vote, which could be followed and audited if a there was evidence of voting fraud or if exit polls disagreed with computerized vote counts. You'd be wrong.

Romper Room (tags)

At least with Clinton you knew that the most powerful man in the world had reached adolescence, if not much beyond it. But all current evidence suggests that the world is now being run by 7-year-olds.

Pot Activist's restoration of felony drug conviction is a "death sentence" (tags)

Narcotics officers found 265 marijuana plants during a 1999 raid on Steven Wynn Kubby's home. Kubby, a former Libertarian Party candidate for governor, contends that the marijuana was physician approved and needed to treat his cancer.

The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 35 (tags)

In even the largest reference libraries, there are almost no books stating the true history of America's highest tribunal, the U.S. Supreme Court. The same is true of law libraries and those of law schools.


Psychiatric professionals have managed to convince us that without pharmaceutical intervention most of us would be sad, depressed, hyperactive, psychotic zombies. ... They ... have convinced millions of Americans that the simple solution to all of the so-called "mental illnesses" and "disorders" that seem to be plaguing so many of us is…drugs. ...studies that show as side effects….. suicide, depression, violent ideation and... SUICIDE as a SIDE EFFECT?

A bastard's manifesto: A call for corporate perestroika (tags)

Corporations are really all about colonialism, and the hyperinflation of their power through a top-heavy distribution of wealth must eventually tip over if our species is truly humane and democratic.

Those Freaks on the "Left Coast" (tags)

Those freaks on the "Left Coast" and their wacked out elected officials. Those idiots on the 9th circuit court couldn't judge a little league baseball game if their lives depended on it.

From Fairbanks to Miami, 29 Cities to Protest or Celebrate Court Decision (tags)

THE U.S.A. WAITS WHILE CANADA CELEBRATES: From Fairbanks to Miami, 29 U.S. Cities to Protest or Celebrate Supreme Court Decision on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Rights

The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 34 (tags)

CLASS STRUCTURE. Because of a brainwashing system of higher and lower education, most ordinary Americans, unlike Europeans, are almost completely blank when it comes to understanding CLASS.

BTL: Federal Court Derails Campaign Finance Regulations Supreme Court will... (tags)

...decide fate of McCain-Feingold law Interview with Nick Nyhart, executive director of Public Campaign, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Flag Waivers Continu to Gut the Bill of Rights (tags)

Constitutional amendment on flag desecration is back again Supporters say bill stands better chance after war with Iraq

The truth about the CROWN (tags)

You are a slave Neo, born into a world of bondage, a prison for your mind, blinded by a world that has been pulled down over your eyes to blind you from the truth...

SARS And Bioterrorism; Green Testifies on Voting Reform (tags)

Green news and opion updated daily

Colorado to implement School Vouchers (tags)

DENVER – Colorado will soon become the first state to initiate public-school vouchers since a U.S. Supreme Court ruling declared such programs constitutional.

The Rot at the Center of the Empire (tags)

Of course, given the administration’s almost desperate attempt to find a “smoking gun” that will convince people to support the killing of tens of thousands more innocent Iraqi people in order to effect a “regime change” in Iraq, one possibility is that U.S. officials simply didn’t look too hard or too closely at the fake evidence before citing it as another excuse to invade Iraq.

'You No-Good, Unemployed, Communist Faggot' (tags)

It was Gulf War I, and I was marching up the old Post Rd. in Connecticut for Peace. I carried a sign reporting on the number of our soldiers that had been killed thus far, when a sleek, silver BMW pulled up alongside me. The profusely sweating, purple faced man, his bejeweled ringed, sausage fingers, tightly gripping the hand tooled leather steering wheel, spit in my face screaming, "You no-good, unemployed, Communist faggot!"

Californians for Peace in Arizona (tags)

In opposition to perpetual war, declared and undeclared, Californians joined Arizonans today, rallying in Phoenix. An eyewitness account to the mass of approximately 2,000 people, opposing war in America's most conservative major city, follows.

Protests slow down Bush rush to war (tags)

WASHINGTON – George W. Bush’s rush toward war on Iraq ran into a human wall Jan. 18 as anti-war protesters packed the streets of Washington, San Francisco, Tucson, Portland, Oregon, Toronto, Canada and 20 other cities chanting “Peace now!” and “No blood for oil!”

Pro-Israel Group links Am.LibraryAssoc. to Terror!!!! (tags)

This is a serious attempt to quell free speech. Please take time from your busy schedules to scan article and send supportive words to the Am.Library Assoc. (email address at bottom)

America’s First Anti-Globalization Protest (tags)

"Resistance was organizing and growing and the Tea Act was the final straw. The citizens of the colonies were preparing to throw off one of the corporations that for almost two hundred years had determined nearly every aspect of their lives through its economic and political power. They were planning to destroy the goods of the world’s largest multinational corporation, intimidate its employees, and face down the guns of the government that supported it."

Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft and Lott; are Anti Christ? Ver.3 (tags)

Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft and Lott; are Anti Christ? Ver.3

Towards Abolition of the Death Penalty (tags)

Professor Michael Radelet from the University of Colorado-Boulder presented the keynote address at the IADP event. Professor Radelet is co author of In Spite of Innocence and has been a consultant to the Illinois Governor's Commission on Death Penalty Moratorium, among many other contributions to the movement to abolish the death penalty.

Boy Scouts of America - Hitler Youth revisited? (tags)

"First they came for the trade unionists ..."

The battle cry in Florida: Jeb must go! (tags)

PALM BEACH, Fla. – Hundreds of election campaigners who gathered here, Aug. 27, for a debate between Democratic candidates for Florida governor were divided on who should win the Sept. 10 primary. But they had a unanimous verdict for the incumbent: “Jeb Bush must go.”


The Media tells us what is wrong with the world; Voice4change will tell you what to do about it! Our member organizations are busy organizing, so we want to bring their message to you. Our affiliates are doing great work every day. They need your support…We will be their link to you. Sign on to

U.S. Government Had Prior Knoledge Of Emergency (tags)

Why Does The Dog Wag His Tail, Because He is Smarter, If The Tail Were Smarter, The Tail Would Wag The Dog. -Wag The Dog

Protest DEA Bust of Cannabis Resource Center (tags)

The DEA raided the Cannabis Resource Center, SoCal's best source of medical marijuana. Protest Friday 2PM at West Hollywood City Hall.

Falwell blames gays, abortion rights, etc. for terrorism (tags)

An example of some of the ugly rhetoric we might expect from J. Falwell. How come the mainstream press can't find space for some of the reasonable voices I find here on the IMC?

Prosecution Seeks to Deny Mumia Abu-Jamal Counsel of His Choice (tags)

June 7, 2001 (PHILADELPHIA, USA) - In a move eerily reminiscent of his 1981 trial, which resulted in the incarceration of an innocent man on Pennsylvania's death row for close to 20 years, the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office is once again seeking to prevent Mumia Abu-Jamal from exercising his right to be represented by counsel of his choice.

COUP WATCH: Blacks & Labor Belatedly Take to the Streets -- From BRC-NEWS (tags)

Labor and Black leaders reluctantly, but obediently followed the Democratic Party's stratagem of relying on the courts and their hordes of lawyers to carry the day. The U.S. Supreme Court's politically motivated 5-4 ruling that stopped the hand count of votes, however, has showed the limits of this "judicious" behavior. Reprinted from BRC-NEWS by permission of the author.

COUP WATCH: W's Coup d'Etat -- From The Consortium (tags)

The 5-4 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court blocking Florida recounts short-circuits democracy and reveals the nation's highest court to be the ultimate partisan weapon.

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