fix articles 255409, bill hunt
Queremos justicia: Pueblo rechazó presencia del alguacil Arpaio en Condado de Orange (tags)
Jueves, el 6 de noviembre, 2009
ANAHEIM--La llegada del alguacil anti-inmigrante Joe Arpaio a un evento de campaña del candidato Bill Hunt, quien se está postulando para el puesto de alguacil del Condado de Orange, fue el motor por la llegada de alrededor de cien personas que lo recibieron con una protesta musical.
Attorney General Investigating Acting O.C. Sheriff Anderson (tags)
The inquiry by the state attorney general is investigating whether acting Orange County Sheriff Jack Anderson broke state law by appearing in uniform while trying to discourage the San Clemente City Council members from endorsing former sheriff's lieutenant and former candidate Bill Hunt
Who May Be The Next Orange County Sheriff? (tags)
Galisky was recently asked what would happen if Carona is convicted or he does resign? Do you expect to stand as sheriff or acting sheriff pending an election?
Saga Of Orange County's Sheriff Michael S. Carona (tags)
Police expert slams OC Sheriff’s Department for ‘cowboy’ attitude and ‘fatal errors’ that led to a street execution