fix articles 2553, security council resolution Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : security council resolution

security council resolution

Another imperialist scam by the USA (tags)

The United States has been the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians since 1946, providing military, political, economic, financial, technical and propaganda support, which makes the United States complicit in Israeli genocide under Article III e of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

Covert wars in the shadow of international law (tags)

In the years between the end of the Cold War in 1991 and 2022, the United States has carried out at least 251 military interventions in almost every country on earth. Going back to 1789, there were a total of 469. In all of these interventions, the United States formally declared war 11 times.

Iran to Get Upgraded Russian S-300 Missiles (tags)


Former Saddam Officers Dominate ISIS Ranks: US Recruits? (tags)


Iran Nuclear Deal: Binding Under International Law (tags)


Russia to Veto UN Resolution for US-Controlled MH17 Tribunal (tags)


Illegitimate Show Trial Sentences Gaddafi's Son to Death (tags)


New York Times Editors Still Outrageously Blame Russia for Kiev's Downing MH17 (tags)


Yemen Peace Talks Deadlocked (tags)


Sham Yemen Peace Conference Postponed (tags)


BACKGROUNDER: The Palestinian Claim to a “Right of Return” (tags)

Do Palestinians who fled Israel in 1948, and their descendants, have a legal or moral right to return to their former homes in Israel?

Blowback Against Israeli State Terror (tags)


Academic Groups For and Against BDS (tags)


Rebuilding Gaza (tags)


Reactiions to Obama's UN Address (tags)


Israel Part of US Anti-Syrian Coalition (tags)


Mideast Peace Negotiators Meet (tags)


Talking Peace While Waging War (tags)


Obama Includes Iranian Missiles in Nuclear Talks (tags)


WMD Deception: Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


Planned Israeli Jordan Valley Annexation? (tags)


Judaizing Palestine (tags)


Israeli Settlements are War Crimes (tags)


Violence, Instability, Torture and Deaths in Libya (tags)


Der Spiegel Interviews Assad (tags)


Saudi Arabian Backed Insurgents Responsible for Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack (tags)


Lavrov: Insurgents Have Chemical Weapons (tags)


Washington and Israel Conspire to Oust Assad (tags)


Dispossessing East Jerusalem Palestinian Residents (tags)

police state

Syrian Death Squad Invaders Seize UN Peacekeepers (tags)


Beating Up on North Korea (tags)


PA Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Syria's Liberating Struggle Continues (tags)


International Law Revisionism (tags)


UN Monitors Spy for Washington (tags)


Jerusalem Day (tags)


What's Next for Libya? (tags)


Systematic West Bank Settler Violence (tags)


Washington's Man in Libya (tags)


Anti-Imperial Voices (tags)


New York Times Bashes Outspoken World Leaders (tags)


Putin in 2012 (tags)


Implications of Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Libya: Flashpoint for Global Conflict (tags)


Mission Creep in Libya (tags)


Revisiting Israel's Terror War on Gaza (tags)

terror war

Military actions against Libya/Libyan resistance must rely on own strength (tags)

By applauding the Western military actions against Libya, the Libyan resistance doesn't rely on their own strength, but will be bound to either a Western occupation, or a far going Western influence, when Gaddafi is defeated

Imperial War on Libya (tags)

naked aggression

The "Palestine Papers" Revealed (tags)

treachery revealed

Ethnically Cleansing East Jerusalem (tags)

Judaizing East Jerusalem

UN Human Rights Council to US: Ratify Human Rights Treaties, Abolish Death Penalty... (tags)

Human Rights Council to the US: Abolish Death Penalty, Criminalize Torture, Guarantee Habeas Corpus, Close Guantanamo Bay...

Israel Denies Gazans Access to Their Own Land and Waters (tags)

Ruthless Israeli repression

Israel Threatens War with Lebanon (tags)

more evidence of a pariah Israeli state

Israel's Settlement Enterprise: Longstanding, Outrageous and Illegal (tags)

Israel wants all valued West Bank land

The Zionist Attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla (tags)

South African activists describe this flagrant assault as Israel’s Sharpeville, referring to the 1960 massacre in South Africa that marked a turning point in international support of anti-apartheid resistance. There certainly appears to be a great deal of active support for the BDS campaign. Let’s hope it culminates in the eventual realization of a one-state democracy inclusive of all residents, Arab and Jewish, living in peaceful coexistence under a secular, democratic government. Free Palestine now!

Judaizing Jerusalem (tags)

Israel's aim - make all Jerusalem exclusively Jewish

Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (tags)

Israel violates laws it's sworn to uphold

The Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza Strip (tags)

A comparison of the present fascist policies of the Israeli government with the past atrocities of the Nazis

Western diplomats walk out of Ahmadinejad speech/Hypocrisy and violations of human rights (tags)

Not only the Western boycott of Durban II and the attitude on the Ahmadinejad speech lacks a fundamental respect for fundamental human rights, it is also hypocritical seeing in the light of her implicite support for the Israeli regime of occupation, letting get Israel away with human rights violations and war-crimes

Israel's Illegal Annexation of East Jerusalem (tags)

Israeli ethnic cleansing

The Quartet's Hypocrisy and Failure in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Quartet's complicity in Israeli war crimes

War crimes in Darfur: The Arab League criticism on the ICC charges is rejectable (tags)

Regarding her criticism on the possible ICC charges against the Sudanese president Mr Bashir,in respect with Darfurian war crimes, the Arab League is showing a morally rejectable point of view and is measuring the double standard

Francis Boyle's "Palestine Palestinians and International Law" (tags)

Boyle's powerful case for Palestinian self-determination.

BBC: Imperial Tool (tags)

People confuse what BBC reports with news.

Blockade on Gaza: Crime against humanity (tags)

With the whole or partly blockade on Gaza, the Israeli authorities are guilty of crimes against humanity

Lift terror tag, we talk' --NDF (tags)

Communist rebels are willing to resume peace talks, but only if the government initiates the dropping of the terror tag on the revolutionary movement, exiled Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) chairman Jose Ma. Sison said yesterday. Sison said they would only return to the negotiating table when the government moves to have the CPP and the New People’s Army (NPA) stricken off the lists of foreign terrorist organizations drawn up by the United States and the European Union. Sison said the government must also show it is sincere about stopping the military from carrying out extrajudicial killings, while also indemnifying victims of human rights violations.

Media Courtesans Take their Bows (tags)

Corporate Media gives itself a standing ovation on UN World Press Freedom Day

Double Standards of Morality: The Age of Terror (tags)

This reluctance to confront unpleasant truths diminishes the reader or viewer for whom Middle East reporting in the US media is almost incomprehensible to anyone who does not know the region. It also has its trickle-down effects even in theatres, universities and schools in America. The case of the play about Rachel Corrie--the young US activist twice run over by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to prevent the demolition of Palestinian homes--taken off the New York stage was one of the more deplorable of these. I was also surprised in the Bronx to find that Fieldston, a private school in Riverdale--was forced to cancel a college meeting with two Palestinian lecturers when parents objected to the absence of an Israeli on the panel. The fact that Israeli speakers were to be invited later made no difference. The school's principal later announced that the meeting would "not be appropriate given t! he sensitivity and complexity of the issue". Complex problems are supposed to be explained. But this could not be explained because, well, it was too complex and--the truth--would upset the usual Israeli lobbyists.

Lebanon in Context: An Interview with Bilal El-Amine (tags)

The heart of why Israel is such a source of instability and wars in the region is because its very foundation was at the cost of hundreds of thousands of people - Israel was founded on stolen land and it is in continuous confrontation with all of the people around it. We have to find a way of removing that source of friction and aggression and the only way is to address the Palestinian question and all of the outlying problems that have developed from that, including Israel's occupation of Syrian and Lebanese land.

The First Post-Zionist War (tags)

The great lapse, then, is a function of the fact that Israel is caught between two worlds. Still guided by the Zionist model, it refuses to resolve the conflicts with its neighbors. But guided by post-Zionism, it refuses to maintain the welfare state, which aimed for the kind of Jewish solidarity that was needed to wage those conflicts.

Putting Words in Ahmadinejad's Mouth (tags)

n this frightening mess in the Middle East, let's get one thing straight. Iran is not threatening Israel with destruction. Iran's president has not threatened any action against Israel. Over and over, we hear that Iran is clearly "committed to annihilating Israel" because the "mad" or "reckless" or "hard-line" President Ahmadinejad has repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel But every supposed quote, every supposed instance of his doing so, is wrong.

Kevin Zeese: Attack on Iran May Lead to WWIII! (tags)

Takoma, Maryland’s City Hall was the scene for a lively discussion on Middle East issues, on Aug. 17, 2006. Kevin Zeese, the “Unity candidate” for the U.S. Senate in Maryland, and one of the panelists, said Israel’s attack on Lebanon was premeditated and that an attack on Iran might lead to WWIII. Noura Erakat said Lebanon had been devastated ‘on a humanitarian level” by Israel’s War Machine. She also denounced Israel as an “Apartheid state.”

Israeli Ambassador Caught Lying (tags)

Israel's ambassador to the United States, Daniel Ayalon, was questioned last Sunday in Washington DC as part of a press stakeout. Sam Husseini of the Institute for Public Accuracy was there to ask the tough questions. He grilled Ayalon on Israel's targeting of civilians and use of cluster bombs in Lebanon, Israel's nuclear arsenal and its lack of adherence to United Nations Security Council resolutions. [includes rush transcript] Israel's cabinet authorized an expanded ground offensive into Lebanon on Wednesday, backing a push towards the Litani river which lies 18 miles from the border. The decision came on a day of fierce fighting in southern Lebanon. Fifteen Israeli soldiers were killed in action - the highest number in a single day since the conflict began almost a month ago.

Hizballah: A Primer (tags)

Middle EastHizballah, the Lebanese Shi‘i movement whose militia is fighting the Israeli army in south Lebanon, has been cast misleadingly in much media coverage of the ongoing war. Much more than a militia, the movement is also a political party that is a powerful actor in Lebanese politics and a provider of important social services. Not a creature of Iranian and Syrian sponsorship, Hizballah arose to battle Israel’s occupation of south Lebanon from 1982-2000 and, more broadly, to advocate for Lebanon’s historically disenfranchised Shi‘i Muslim community.

Operation "Save Israel's High Command" (tags)

"Israeli propaganda, except in the United States where there isn't any other kind, doesn't work its old magic."

Hostages and history (tags)

Soon after the start of the second Palestinian intifada in September 2000, Hizbullah abducted a former Israeli colonel from inside Israel. Following tortuous negotiations, in January 2004 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon exchanged 436 Lebanese prisoners and 59 corpses of Lebanese soldiers for one Israeli hostage and three corpses of Israeli soldiers. At the last minute Sharon held back three prominent Lebanese detainees. Since then Hizbullah has talked about getting them released by abducting Israeli soldiers. A recent poll showed that more Lebanese were interested in their release than settling the dispute about the Shebaa Farm with Israel.

Hamas, from islamic revival-movement to Palestinian government (tags)

In contary with the leading opinions of the American-European politicians and media, the aim of Hamas, calling by them the ''distruction'' of the State of Israel, is not to kill or expell the Israeli-Jewish population, but to dismantle the zionistic State Model and to make an end to 39 year Israeli occupation and settlementspolicy

Hizbullah draws massive crowd to mark Israeli withdrawal (tags)

A quarter of a million Hizbullah supporters packed a square in the southern port city of Tyre Friday to mark the anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from South Lebanon in 2000. A day earlier, the Islamic resistance group had launched a 10-day campaign to collect funds for Palestine, which is facing a crippling Western aid boycott after the election of Hamas.

Resolution To Kill The Resolution (tags)

The impotance of territorial compromise if true peace is ever to come between the 22 Arab states and the sole one of the Jews

Impeach Bush protests in Salt Lake City (tags)

Protesters gathered in Salt Lake City throughout June to call for U.S. President Bush's impeachment for "High Crimes" such as international lawbreaking, killing innocent civilians in Iraq and the like.

Ann Wright on the Follies of Bush’s War (tags)

One of the unsung heroes of the opposition to the Iraqi War is Ann Wright. Rather than support the war, she resigned her position with the State Dept. on March 19, 2003. Ms. Wright, a career diplomat for over 16 years, who had also served in the military, believes the Downing Street Memos have plenty of ammunition in them to support impeachment proceeding against President George W. Bush and criminal charges against others in his administration.

The moral short-sightedness of prime-minister Balkenende and the EU regarding Israel (tags)

Although it is of main importance the Dutch prime-minister Balkenende has referred to the universal values in respect of the holocaust, it is striking that is lacking in moral indignation with respect to the Palestinian victims of the Israeli occupation.

IRAQ,17 JUNE 2004: U.S.TAD, Ex-Im Bank, PMCs... (tags)

L'Irak, une journée du mois de juin 2004, une approche d'un coup d'Etat clefs en main, les moyens bancaires privés arabes et américains, les Private Military Companies, le développement économique autoritaire... la démocratie?


It focuses on several points of contention Israel has with Russia's foreign policy. Russia's take on the peace process-the Palestinians; Russia's support for the Iranian nuclear program; Russia's relationship with Syria and its occupation of Lebanon.

George Bush, recruiting sergeant for Bin Laden (tags)

By endorsing Ariel Sharon's plan George Bush has legitimised terrorism. What better recruiting sergeant could Bin Laden have than the President of the United States?

Protocols of the Elders of NeoCons (tags)

What the administration fails to understand is that it cannot hide or ignore the huge elephant in the middle room, namely Israel. Retired US Gen. Anthony Zinni said “my worst nightmare would be an Al-Jazeera TV picture of American troops in combat fighting Iraqis, at the same time the Israeli defense forces is in the West Bank and Gaza killing Arabs.

Full Text of Speech by Sen. Ted Kennedy on 1/29/03 (tags)

Full text of speech by Sen. Ted Kennedy (D.Mass) on 1/29/03

Europe and America must stand united (tags)

A declaration in support of the United States by the heads of eight European countries.

Protests slow down Bush rush to war (tags)

WASHINGTON – George W. Bush’s rush toward war on Iraq ran into a human wall Jan. 18 as anti-war protesters packed the streets of Washington, San Francisco, Tucson, Portland, Oregon, Toronto, Canada and 20 other cities chanting “Peace now!” and “No blood for oil!”

ACTION ALERT!! Cong. Resolution 473!!! Call NOW!!! (tags)

Call your Congressional Delegation NOW to tell them: NO IRAQ RESOLUTION OTHER THAN CONG. RESOLUTION 473!!!! Rep. Barbara Lee of California introduces alternative to Imperial Pre-emption!!! Call NOW!!!!

Bush's UN Non-Sequiturs (tags)

UN speech dissected

Christison: Full Story of Resolution 242.. A MUST READ (tags)

Kathleen Christison worked for 16 years as a political analyst with the CIA, dealing first with Vietnam and then with the Middle East

First the Carrot, Then the Stick: Behind the Carnage in Palestine (tags)

A MUST READ!, by Prof. Finkelstein, a jew whose parents were extermination camps survivors

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