fix articles 255020, dorena wright
Celebration of the Achievements of Women as Peacemakers (tags)
Peace with Justice Center invites you to participate in an exciting gathering of Peace Activists during the week following the International Women’s Day for the celebration of the achievements of women as the peacemakers.
6th Annual Indigenous People Panel Discussion (tags)
Theme: Impact of National and Geopolitical Events and Trends on Indigenous People (In the area of Education, Medicine, Social, Human Rights and Rights for Self determination)
9th Annual Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day Prayer Vigil (tags)
The Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day: Mobilizaing Communities for the Elimination of design, manufacture, use and proliferation of Weapon of Mass Destruction
Torture: Its Meaning and Effect on Victims and Societies - (tags)
Peace with Justice Center of the Pomona Valley invites you to the 19th Annual Program 2008 to participate in an exciting gathering of Peace Activists with the internationally acclaimed leader in the area of treating victims of wars and torture, Dr. David Kinzie. He will present not only the legal definition but also the effects of torture on the victims and on the societies that practice torture. In 2007, University of La Verne bestowed on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters in recognition of his lifelong scholarship, dedication, and commitment to healing the wounds of war and torture. Prof. Kinzie has been involved in research, treating and healing the victims of wars and torture in the world including Hawaii and Malaysia. He has made many presentations at international conferences and published several books on the subject. Torture Victims Maria Guardado and Mario Avila will also share their stories.