fix articles 25501, rafael correa Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : rafael correa

rafael correa

The persecution of Julian Assange (tags)

Melzer has distilled his detailed research into a new book, The Trial of Julian Assange, that provides a shocking account of rampant lawlessness by the main states involved – Britain, Sweden, the US, and Ecuador.

The Shortwave Report 04/07/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK Japan, and Sputnik Radio.

US Dark Forces Stoke Violence and Instability in Latin America (tags)


Venezuelan Anti-Imperialist Enabling Law (tags)


Je Sus Chavez! (tags)


Venezuela Foils Obama's Coup Plot (tags)


Obama: War Criminal, Tyrant, Torturer, Racist, Corporate Tool, World-Class Thug (tags)


Obama Planning War on Syria? (tags)


NATO's propaganda outlet for progressives - The Guardian's board members (tags)

It is completely disingenuous for anyone to suggest that the Guardian reports on Edward Snowden's revelations are much more than a carefully managed propaganda exercise deployed in the internal power struggle of the US-Anglo elite about how best to manage their declining global power and influence. Likewise, it is absurd to suggest that the Guardian editors are implementing a "publish and be damned" policy, as Guardian writer Glenn Greenwald has suggested, when it is inconceivable that their editorial policy on publishing Edward Snowden's material will not have been closely coordinated on the basis of the Board's relations with colleagues in the British government, in British intelligence and in the US-Anglo corporate sector.

Nobel Peace Laureate Obama Plans War on Syria Based on Lies (tags)


Obama Blocks Snowden's Asylum (tags)


Criticizing Venezuela's Maduro Irresponsibly (tags)


Hands Off Snowden Campaign (tags)

Hands Off Snowden Campaign

I’ll miss Hugo Chavez (tags)

I’ll miss Hugo. When I first was introduced to him in Porto Alegre in 2003, he greeted me, “Mi padre,” and said he learned a lot from me. I was dubious about this and thought he was simply buttering me up, like any two-bit politician. Then he started telling me what he learned from Development Debacle, Deglobalization, and Dark Victory. I was stupefied; the guy actually read my stuff!

Complex Chavez Recovery (tags)


Debt Tribunal and Green Socialism (tags)

Qualitative growth, breaking out of the box of quantitative growth, is the key to solving mass unemployment, environmental destruction and trade imbalance. A job in education costs 1/10 what a job in a chemical dye plant costs. The media is part of a system that refuses change.

President Hugo Chávez, backed by South American Presidents, Condemns the Attack on Libya (tags)

"Oppressed people around the world have only recently begun to unite in opposition to empire as awareness of the horror grows. In North Africa and the Middle East it began as a revolt against US backed dictators in Tunisia, then Egypt and spread to Bahrain, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. In South America the rebellion grew out of the Bolivarian Revolution, spreading over the last decade from Venezuela to other Latin American states. Tonight, behind President Chavez' condemnation of the monster on VTV, Venezuela National Radio and TeleSur, Venezuelans have gathered en masse in Caracas and at the US and French embassies to declare their rebellion against the imperial war on the sovereign state of Libya."

Chevron Fined Billions (tags)

After decades of pollution of the Amazon basin, the oil corporation Chevron was fined $8.6 billion, the greatest environmental penalty of all time. How many catastrophes will be necessary until the population of industrial states becomes interested in environmental protection?

Ecuador, Venezuela: Danger South of the Borde (tags)

"The reason there is a bizarre attempt to pretend that this coup attempt never happened, is to hope that people won’t ask who might have benefited from such an action. A quick examination of the actions of President Correa sheds considerable light on that. In 2006, working with President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Correa moved to increase state control over oil production in the country.[9] In 2008, he announced that Ecuador would not pay several billions of its more than $10 billion foreign debt, calling it “illegitimate.”[10] In 2009, he refused to renew the lease of the U.S. military airbase in Manta, saying that “the only way the US could keep their military base in Ecuador, is if Ecuador were allowed to have one of its own in Florida.”[11] In 2009, he officially brought Ecuador into ALBA – the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas led by Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia. When a country increases state control, challenges illegitimate foreign debt, pushes the U.S. military out of the country and joins a regional alliance with Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba – it is clear that the forces that would benefit from a coup would be: a) corporate interests inside Ecuador; b) International Financial Institutions; and c) the United States and its allies. There is another reason why the right-wing, corporate elite and the imperialist countries might have an incentive to minimize what happened September 30. There is now a shamefully long list of recent coup attempts in Latin America and the Caribbean – four of them against members of ALBA."

Ecuador se repone del intento de golpe (tags)

"La declaración final de la reunión de emergencia convocada para ayer en Buenos Aires, repudió "enérgicamente el intento de golpe de Estado y el secuestro" sufrido por el presidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, a la vez que advirtió que "no tolerarán" desafíos "a la autoridad institucional ni golpes de Estado" en Sudamérica. Mientras, el presidente Correa decretó tres días de duelo nacional por las víctimas de la crisis estallada ayer, tras la sublevación de miembros de la policía e intentos de "boicotear" el estado de derecho, publicó EFE. El país retorna a la normalidad y se inician investigaciones para determinar los culpables y juzgarlos."

Failed Washington-Sponsored Ecuadorean Coup Attempt (tags)

another Obama coup attempt

Abandoning Capitalism (tags)

The sociologist Dr. Atilio Boron, professor of political theory at the University of Buenos Aires, is an internationally known radical political author. UNESCO awarded him the “International Jose Marti prize” on July 17, 2009

System Change instead of Climate Change (tags)

Capitalism and the resource policy of industrial states are responsible for the increasing destruction of the environment and the dangerous warming of the global climate. The members of ALBA set a fixed date for their new currency system



Honduras: Anti-Chavez ‘free speech’ warriors linked to coup (tags)

"This is because, for the IAPA, there was no coup. Its July 14 statement said the democratically elected Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was simply “stood down” — not kidnapped and dumped in a different country by balaclava-clad soldiers. And if anyone can recognise a dictatorship, it is the IAPA. After all, as it points out, the IAPA has been fighting off dictatorships “for a long time” — in the form of the Chavez administration. Ironically, the only time in Venezuela that a TV channel was taken off air, constitutional rights suspended, and journalists arrested and assaulted since Chavez’s 1998 election was during the two days when he was removed from power in a short-lived coup in April 2002. "

Campaign against the assassination of workers in Venezuela (tags)

* El Libertario has joined this campaign and we’re trying to divulge this initiative in an attempt to confront the hired killers that are taking the lives of labor activists in this country.

Campaña contra asesinatos obreros en Venezuela (tags)

* Desde El Libertario nos hemos sumado y estamos esforzándonos por divulgar esta iniciativa, que busca enfrentar al sicariato que está segando la vida de activistas sindicales en el país.

Cuba: The hurt of no longer being (tags)

* Fragment from a work by Daniel Barret about the evolution of Cuba’s political regime since November 17 2005 till today. This piece attempts to place the role of Fidel Castro these past months.

¿A Quién Visita Rafael Correa? (tags)

Hasta donde se sabe, el presidente ecuatoriano Rafael Correa mantiene una línea anti-imperialista y sumamente crítica con el gobierno imperial de Washington. Entonces, ¿qué hace visitando a Fernando Lugo?

Hopeful Change in El Salvador? (tags)

Salvadorans are being fooled again.

Competing Ideologies: Davos v. Belem (tags)

alternate ideological views

Venezuela: EL LIBERTARIO ante las elecciones del 23/N (tags)

* De cara a las próximas elecciones para gobernadores, alcaldes y consejos legislativos regionales a realizarse en Venezuela, el Colectivo Editor de El Libertario hace pública su posición, que se condensa en la consigna: "Elegir nuevos amos no hará más ligeras nuestras cadenas".

Hugo Chavez Spearheads the South American Revolution (tags)

How Venezuela is leading the revolutionary integration of South America

James Cason y la CIA en su hora paraguaya más gloriosa (tags)

Considerando las “enormes dificultades” expuestas que debió atravesar James Cason para convencer a tantos “izquierdistas” de allanarse a los intereses del imperio y apoyar al obispo Fernando Lugo, no hay dudas que se ha reivindicado de su fracaso en Cuba y merece cuando menos ser condecorado por George W. Bush con el corazón púrpura

Colombia: El “Cóndor made in USA” acecha (tags)

Si durante la operación de masacre de Raúl Reyes y sus compañeros fueron empleadas bombas GBU-12 Paveway II u otras pudiera parecer irrelevante a estas alturas...

The New York Times v. Hugo Chavez (tags)

NYT vilification of Hugo Chavez

La izquierda financiada por George W. Bush (tags)

Advertía Jorge Luis Borges en “El jardín de los senderos que se bifurcan” que la mejor manera de no perderse en un laberinto es tomar siempre hacia la izquierda, consejo que no debemos subestimar si queremos comprender el romance entre la prensa adicta al imperio y un supuesto teólogo de la liberación tercermundista.

Narcogobierno colombiano perpetra siniestra masacre en Ecuador (tags)

En la madrugada del 1° de marzo, aviones de guerra de la Fuerza Aérea colombiana lanzaron un ataque contra un campamento de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) ubicado dentro de territorio ecuatoriano. El propósito: asesinar al principal portavoz de las FARC para el exterior, Raúl Reyes. Las huellas digitales del imperialismo norteamericano se ven claramente en este macabro incidente. Ante semejante crimen, la respuesta debe consistir en movilizar a los trabajadores en una lucha de clase contra el imperialismo y a sus aliados criollos. En lugar de esto, el grueso de la izquierda latinoamericana se pone a la cola de los estados burgueses de Ecuador y Venezuela, buscando presionarles para que inicien una guerra contra Colombia. No obstante las muchas diferencias políticas que tenemos con las fuerzas guerrilleras de Colombia, que luchan por una “reconciliación” con sectores de la clase dominante, los trotskistas estamos de su lado en la guerra civil contra el estado capitalista. Pero insistimos que la guerrilla no es el camino a la revolución socialista que debe ser dirigida por la clase obrera a la cabeza de las empobrecidas masas rurales y urbanas.

CUBA: “Desperate White House” (tags)

El último discurso de Bush contra Cuba ha sido inmediatamente reproducido con entusiasmo en las páginas de cuanto medio dócil al imperio existe sobre la faz planetaria. Y fue tanta la premura de algunos que realizan habitualmente la facturación de sus mentiras en idioma español, que tratando de bailar al ritmo del amo y no perder el paso, se apresuraron a transcribirlo directamente en el inglés original


Parece ser que el territorio de lo que actualmente es la República de Colombia ya estaba habitado por pueblos nómades, que posteriormente se hicieron sedentarios, unos 4.000 años antes de Cristo, que mantuvieron su presencia allí, sin mayores problemas, durante varios milenios...

A friend of CUBA passes away… (tags)

On the evening of Monday, January 7, Philip B. Agee passed away in Havana. The US citizen was a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) official until he broke with the agency in 1968 for ethical reasons.


Ayer tarde, quien escribe estas líneas, entre estos bosques tropicales de Palo Santo, mientras me encontraba en el campo con una de mis perras, el animal fue violentamente atacado por un numerosísimo enjambre de abejas salvajes embravecidas, y cuando (sin tener ningún equipo de protección) intenté rescatar a la perra de las enfurecidas abejas, también sufrí algo así como algo mas de unas treinta "picaduras". Terminé en el Hospital local, aunque ya estoy bien... Pero mientras esto sucedía en los olvidados bosques del norte argentino, a la misma hora, en otros lugares del Mundo (o, mejor dicho en todo el Mundo), cinco palabras pronunciadas por un Rey recorrían...

Trickle Down Economics (tags)

The big brother from the North misled the South.. The slogan "More Market, Less State" is losing a few old friends in Europe.. What is changing is the discourse, the eulogy of the market and its possibilities.

Who Frees Us From Capital? (tags)

Whole continents bowed to the Washington Consensus..The World Bank must end its embittered attack on distribution policy.. Privatization awakened false hopes.. Evo Morales in Bolivia nationalized the oil and gas economy and raised the monthly minimum wage to $100.

The Shortwave Report 1/19/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, China, and Russia.

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