fix articles 254798, april 23rd
April 23rd: Nuestra Arma es Nuestra Palabra (tags)
SAT. APRIL 23rd in Casa Blanca (Riverside) featuring spkrs reports from the EZLN communities, chicano activists, live graffiti, hip hop and punk fest!!!!!! El Vuh, Funkollective, Aztlan Underground, Collectivo Error, FLATTBUSH, and MORE.
Antiwar protest in Hollywood this Friday (April 23rd) (tags)
FREEWAYS FOR PEACE! CREATIVE PROTEST! This is a call for local NOT IN OUR NAME (NION) L.A. activists and all interested artists, activists, parties and organizations to participate in an upcoming action THIS Friday April 23rd from 5:00 to 7:00 on the Sunset Blvd Overpass to the Hollywood Fwy in Hollywood.