fix articles 254357, silver springs
Spring Snails Survival Threatened by SNWA Pipeline (tags)
The spring snails of the Great Basin region are threatened by construction of the SNWA pipeline to Las Vegas. Spring snails are vital as primary consumer herbivores to reduce algae and thereby prevent eutrophication, also being the base of the trophic food web pyramid that supports trout, eagles and humans. Spring snails should be protected under ESA and are more valuable than golf courses and sprawl development north of Las Vegas.
Retenes este fin de semana / This weekend's checkpoints (27-29/aug/2010) (tags)
This is not a complete list. Please be careful out there!
Esta no es una lista completa. ¡Favor de tener mucho cuidado!
Remembering Katrina and the Need for Climate Justice (tags)
Nearly one year after Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, the Bush-Cheney Gang has done little, on the issue of global warming, to prevent another devastating disaster. At a rally, on Aug. 26, 2006, at the main headquarters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm. (NOAA), Mike Tidwell, the author of “The Ravaging Tide,” charged that unless something is done now about the warming of our global atmosphere, more Katrinas are on their way.