fix articles 2528, iraqis
CT Repub. Candidate Tom Foley's Role As G W Bush's Biggest Crony During the Iraq War (tags)
Like Paul Bremer, 'czar' in Iraq with his famous executive order 19 preventing Iraqi farmers from saving their own crop seeds, Tom Foley did the bidding of Bush and Kissinger in Iraq.
Gaza Speaks Out: Hamas War Crimes (tags)
While the world's media has been blaming Israel for the death of Gazan civilians during Operation Protective Edge, this correspondent decided to speak with Gazans themselves to hear what they had to say. They spoke of Hamas atrocities and war crimes implicating Hamas in the civilian deaths of its own people.
Iraq Today: America's Imperial Legacy (tags)
America's Genocidal Iraq War (tags)
Al Qaeda aka AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) in Iraq targets Iraqis (tags)
The Global Gory Satanic Ritual Serial Killers of Langley, Virginia (The CIA) are continuing to strike with their typical Serial Killers Pattern in Iraq. Instead of Openly targeting Iraqis The Global Satanic Government's (The CIA) AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Branch is Targeting Iraqis with Death Squad Precision disquised as Al Qaeda aka AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Terror Attacks.
Flying the flag, faking the news (tags)
Loud noises from Washington about a US pull-out from Iraq are a poor disguise for America’s determination to keep waging war. And the same sort of spin is at work here in Britain
Iraq Pullout: Mission Accomplished or Strategic Retreat? (tags)
daily violence rages
Obama's Delusions: The Economy and Iraq (tags)
If you’ve listened to recent speeches the President has given about the economy and the Iraq war, you’d think that two of the biggest social issues facing working Americans are improving. But facts are stubborn things. Take for example the numbers of jobs lost in the last two months: 221,000 in June, 131,000 in July. Instead of taking the drastic measures needed to stop the continued hemorrhaging, the President had this to say on August 5th:
Iraq Today: Afflicted by Violence, Devastation, Corruption, anDevastation, and Desperation (tags)
Think Iraq and imagine an image of hell
Academy Awards Nominees For "Best Anti-War" Film? (tags)
This year ten films will compete in the Best Picture category. Several of these films deal with actual current and past wars, and others with mythically symbolic conflicts.
Iraq Vet Paul Rieckhoff Speaks at City College (tags)
Paul Rieckhoff, Iraq War veteran, executive director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) and author of a book about his war experiences called "Chasing Ghosts: Failures and Façades in Iraq," spoke October 4 at San Diego City College about the war, the needs of returning veterans and how various elected officials are responding to the veterans' issues his group regards as priorities.
The Great Ruin by Joseph Stiglitz (tags)
The war has destroyed the economy, society and sovereignty of the country. The economic misery is only an integral element of the general debacle. Paul Bremer issued laws abolishing import duties and lowering corporate taxes. Privatizing state enterprises violated Hague Convention of 1902.
The Blueprint for Forward Base America (tags)
This was the plan all along, no matter how they try to dress it up.
Statement opposing anti-China campaign (tags)
We are opposed to the campaign of disinformation and demonization that is targeting the People’s Republic of China (PRC.) The timing of the campaign is linked to China’s hosting of the 2008 Summer Olympics. That the Olympics are taking place in China is of historic significance and great pride to all the country’s people. It was less than six decades ago that China emerged from a century of colonialist humiliation at the hands of the same big powers that are spearheading the China-bashing campaign today. Washington is providing financial, political, diplomatic and propaganda support to the racist demonization effort, supposedly because of concern for “human rights.” This is the same government that is directly responsible for the death of one million Iraqis since 2003. While one out of every three Iraqis have been killed, wounded or displaced since 2003 the US government is eager to have people in the US., especially students, protest any government other than their own. One pretext for the anti-China campaign is the fact that the PRC has trade relations with Sudan. The US wants to overthrow the government of oil-rich Sudan and replace it with a puppet. It has supported “rebel groups” who are prolonging the civil war. The people of the Sudan, who are suffering greatly, are cynically used as a fund raising vehicle by organizations that have raised tens of millions of dollars but have never spent a penny actually helping the people of Sudan, including those who live in the Darfur region.
Gore Vidal Headlines San Diego Anti-War Rally (tags)
Author Gore Vidal headlined the San Diego anti-war rally March 15 in the working-class City heights district and declared he'd be happy if either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama replaced George W. Bush as President. Other speakers including Nadia Keilani of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, were less optimistic about the political process and faulted both Democrats and Republicans for failing to confront U.S. imperialism.
"One day it dawned on him that the US soldiers were the terrorists. We terrorized the population, intimidated and attacked them, demolished their houses and even raped their women. Those we did not kill have every reason to become terrorists
Iraq's Laboratory of Repression (tags)
The Bush administration is turning Iraq into a test tube for modern techniques of repression, from sophisticated biometrics that track populations to devastating weapons systems that combine night-vision optics from drone aircraft, heat resonance imaging and deadly firepower from the sky to kill suspected insurgents. The harsh repression surrounding the “surge” has drawn far less U.S. press attention. The grim reality, however, is that an increasingly desperate American military has stepped up its indiscriminate killing and jailing of Iraqis, especially “military-age males” or MAMS.
Independent Journalist Dahr Jamail Speaks on Iraq (tags)
Anti-war journalist Dahr Jamail spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego November 15 to promote his new book, "Beyond the Green Zone," about his experiences as an unembedded reporter in Iraq over eight months from November 2003 to February 2005. His most moving stories were about the two U.S. sieges of Falloujah in April and November 2004.
U.S. Catholic Bishops “See No Evil” in the War Party (tags)
The Bush-Cheney Gang has been running the country into the ground the last seven years, while creating a framework for a fascist police state. It has also slaughtered 1.2 million Iraqis and sent 3,867 of our finest sons and daughters to a early grave in an illegal and immoral war. But, you wouldn’t know it from any of the results of the annual conference of U.S. Catholic Bishops. To them, abortion is the greatest evil facing Mankind! Go figure!
The real conditions on the ground in Iraq
Cindy Sheehan: "Inshallah" (tags)
...for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love...
Bush to assassinate Al-Maliki
Dr. Wasfi: "For Iraqis, it's 9/11 every day." (tags)
Dr. Wasfi concluded her prepared remarks with this question: " Since 1958, Iraqis have hoped that each regime change might bring a better life. Have they hit rock bottom now?"
Is US behind the assassinations nd market bombings in Iraq? (tags)
An Iraqi who asked not to be identified had disclosed some of the US activities such as assassinations and bombings in markets that aim at sparking sectarian fighting among Iraqis so as to facilitate the partition of the country.
Dr. Gilbert Burnham on the 654,965 Death Toll in Iraq (tags)
One of the true horrors of the Iraqi War is the death toll of the civilian population caught up in that conflict. In Oct., 2006, “The Lancet,” a prestigious British Medical Journal, published a study entitled: “The Human Cost of the War in Iraq.” One of its co-authors was Dr. Gilbert Burnham of the Johns Hopkins U. Its stunning conclusion: 659,965 Iraqis have died in the war as of July, 2006! On May 8, 2007, Dr. Burnham discussed that report.
Majority of Iraqi Lawmakers Now Reject Occupation (tags)
"On Tuesday, without note in the U.S. media, more than half of the members of Iraq's parliament rejected the continuing occupation of their country. 144 lawmakers signed onto a legislative petition calling on the United States to set a timetable for withdrawal, according to Nassar Al-Rubaie, a spokesman for the Al Sadr movement, the nationalist Shia group that sponsored the petition."
The New Bush Plan - Same Old Shit! (tags)
The Plan. Did speech rhetoric square with facts? Same Old Shit? Congress divided over Bush war plan. Text of Bush's address
Join Chomsky, Sheehan, Zinn, etc: Out of Iraq Now! (tags)
petition: Wht we stand for immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq Now!
The Amerikan Empire making Iraq a better place to live. (tags)
Look at how things have improved after the American Empire over threw Saddam and installed our own "democratic" puppet government. Isn't freedom and democracy American style great????
Four Years of CODEPINK Rabble-Rousing for Peace (tags)
Medea Benjamin looks back on 4 years of the CODEPINK peace movement.
Poll: Most Iraqis support attacks on American troops (tags)
Please don’t tell this to Emperor George W. Bush. He thinks the troops are being welcomed as liberators.
If this is what democracy is all about I can understand why the Iraqis don’t like it. (tags)
The Health Ministry planns to construct two new branch morgues in Baghdad and raise capacity to as many as 250 corpses a day.
Imperial Conquest, Torture, and a Little Matter of Genocide (tags)
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here....
10 Reasons Why the U.S. Must Leave Iraq (tags)
AFSC asks that you publish this as widely as possible.
Christopher Hitchens – On Why We Must Win
Photographs From Iraq: December 2005 (tags)
A selection of photos taken in Iraq, mostly from December 2005, depicting everything from insurgents running a polling station to massive protests against fraud in the election to a day of riots in Kirkuk.
At Last, Mission Accomplished (tags)
WASHINGTON - In a Christmas Eve message American President Bush said the holidays are a time to mourn U.S. troops who have died in overseas missions. Here is the transcript of his speech
Iraqis forced to vote "with their feet" today (tags)
Contrary to U.S. claims about the "free" election in Iraq today, all Iraqis are prevented by Occupation troops to use their vehicles. The only vehicles allowed on the streets are the Occupiers' military vehicles(even bicycles are banned!). Hence, Iraqis are literally forced to "vote with their feet." There is no fitter commentary on the real nature of 'freedom' in Iraq than this unilateral Executive Order made by USA proconsul Z. Khalizaid(an ex-Oil company lobbyist!)
Bush: The Iraqi People As Enemy? (tags)
Fateful twists in Bush's logic
Christians Damned for Iraq (tags)
Christians who support, defend, or applaud Bush are damned.
The Hayden Plan Containing the Anti-War Movement (tags)
A Vets Perspective of the Weasel 'Left' approach to kissing the lardbutt of the Riech.
Nothing to report from Iraq's front, America (tags)
Here is a president who purposefully, if blindly, took his nation to war, brandishing with equal mastery ignorance and incompetence...
Iraqi politicians on display in Utah (tags)
Late last July, the Bush administration was busily putting its puppet Iraqi politicians from Babil Province on display in Utah while its war crimes in Iraq compounded daily. This essay examines several aspects of rule by U.S. puppeteers in Iraq and the crimes they've committed.
No More Moral Relativism: The US is a Terrorist State (tags)
When Bush and Blair decry acts of terror that murder innocent people, they should look in the mirror, long and hard. ------------
Imperialist-lackey pigs kill 10 more Iraqis (tags)
Iraqi police abuse and kill 10 Sunnis. Recent figures show ~40,000 "excess deaths" as a direct result of combat or armed violence sinced March 2003.
Bombs Kill 3 Iraqis, One US Soldier (tags)
Bombs Kill 3 Iraqis, One US Soldier
translating Bush's speech (tags)
translating the speech from last night
It wasn’t the lie that we are winning the war in Iraq. It wasn’t the lie that we are fighting international terrorism in Iraq. It was the lie that we are bringing liberty to Iraq that was Bush’s whopper.
the un isn't to be trusted.
goon support movement (formerly anti-war movement) (tags)
soldiers are not human, and hence don't deserve rights!
On the "Insurgency" Myth in Iraq (tags)
The opposite is demonstrated with spectacular and brutal actions when the US media report about successes in the battle against the enemies of freedom in Iraq.
The truth is nothing is under control in Iraq. The number of suicide attacks, surprise assaults and car bombs has doubled since February to 70 per day.. The strategy for vic-tory is breaking down because Iraq is not going forward economically.
Iraqis Endure Worse Conditions Than Under Saddam, UN Survey Finds (tags)
A major study by the UN and Iraqi officials found that life in Iraq has decayed significantly since foreign forces invaded, following a general trend seen in most sectors since the imposition of a global embargo in 1990.
Human Argument Against War (tags)
It has been months since I publicly refused to assist in destroying Iraq. I did so by refusing to Board the USS Bon Homme Richard and refusing to become complicit in this illegal and morally anemic plight in Iraq. There have been moments when it seemed to me that the military would work within the rule of its own laws and grant me Conscientious Objector Status, but those moments are far behind me.
I don't always agree with Ron Paul (but then who always agrees with any one individual, dittoheads excepted) but I appreciate his consistency in promoting true conservative ethics. Unlike nearly all republicans these days he doesn't merely steal the rhetoric to act as a cover for his agenda. He appears to actually believes in the ideological principles that are found so often in conservative rhetoric. As the republican party continues to fracture I think it is important to focus on individuals with some measure of integrity and honesty to contrast against the corrupt aristocrats running the government whom have not given any thought to benefiting people's lives nor shown any concern for the problems facing the people of the united states. -- tc
Democracy behind Tank Barricades (tags)
For Washington the elections in Iraq are a milestone on the way to freedom but for Iraqis they are another step into civil war.. Almost nothing has the same meaning for Iraqis and Americans..There is hardly a com-mon interest between liberator & liberated.
Rice again lies about 'UN mandate' for US war in Iraq (tags)
Like all people in the US 'Coalition of the Killing', we in the Netherlands also have been made guilty* - by our collaborating industry and it's government - of the present US-zionist war crimes in Afganistan and Iraq.
Because There is No Cause (tags)
another Valenzuela must read about Iraq, war, its elections and the rise of the antiwar movement
Two Vicious Iraqi Collaborators Fallujahed As They Leave US Base (tags)
Cleansing Iraq of the Foreign Filth--One Righteous Deed at a Time!
"The Enemy is on the Run" (tags)
In Iraq the liberators were torturers. Resistance groups call for a global front against American terror. "We didn't cross the oceans to occupy Great Britain or the US and we weren't responsible for September 11.."
Saddam Hussein has been universally and rightly condemned for filling thousands of mass graves. Might there be a new killer kid on the block? For more details, read on.
The New Corporate Liberation Theology. Part 1 (tags)
The US government has privatized and sold whole sectors of the Iraqi economy. Economic policy and tax laws are rewritten. Foreign firms can now buy 100 percent of Iraqi firms and export the profits. This is a blatant violation of international law...
Our Heroic Baby-Killers in Iraq (tags)
With U.S. troops killing more civilians than rebels, and more civilians than the rebels themselves kill, it’s no wonder most Iraqis want the U.S. military out, and right away.
The Schizophrenic State (tags)
Why we have allowed ourselves to be dragged into wars that do not enhance our security and diminish our global standing
JOHN KERRY SPEAKS OUT: Time to Bring the Troops Home from Hell (tags)
This important speech is being suppressed by the corporate media - the only place you are likely to find an intact copy is on the indymedia.
Military Families Speak Crap (tags)
An open letter to the Military Families Speak Out Organization
9/5 Iraq: More dead in Iraq clashes (tags)
By: Iraq Watch - Peace No War Network September 5, 2004 URL:
Bush plan for Iraq is years of civil war (tags)
President Bush's speech of May 24, 2004 proclaimed that his solution to the Iraq problem will be to instigate a perpetual civil war. The US will train Iraqis to kill other Iraqis.
The Nature of This Moment (tags)
Sheikh Janabi said that the United States was using Zarqawi as a pretext to attack Iraqis, just as it had once used weapons of mass destruction.
What's going on in Iraq (tags)
It's official now, US Army 'robbed' Iraqis (tags)
"confidential Army documents have chronicled a widespread pattern of abuse involving prisoners in US custody in Iraq and Afghanistan that implicates more military units than previously known."
America's most enduring legacy to Iraqis (tags)
The White House has announced (news, wire services) that the U.S. will pay to have Abu Ghraib prison demolished and replaced with a new maximum security prison, and in addition will construct an entire system of new state of the art prisons throughout Iraq.
CBS and Dan Rather Part of Plot to Terrorize Iraqis (tags)
The Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse pictures scream 'remember 9/11' and intensify the fear in the hearts of Muslims all over the world. Could it be that CBS and Dan Rather were cooperating with the United States Government in the psychological operation of showing the pictures to Iraqis and terrorists to get them to turn.
Poll: 32% of Iraqis Strongly Support 'terrorist' Moqtada al-Sadr (tags)
"Unfortunately, the multi-mistakes done in Iraq, in terms of political, economic, security, social and so on, let Moqtada Al-Sadr to be a national hero, even in Sunni areas - not just in Shiite areas."
Bringing Electricity To Their Asses (tags)
With the recent court-martial trial of one of the soldiers complicit in the widespread torturing of Iraqis in Abu Ghraib prison having come and gone, Iraqis see the newest promise made by the U.S. -- to clean up their act regarding the treatment of detained Iraqis -- as being yet more empty words.
White House Establishes New PR Office - Wants Input (tags)
My fellow Americans,
Why are Americans so oblivious to their arrogant, sometimes brutal behavior, actions that are so easily recognizable to the rest of the world? For the answer, read on.
us mistakes in iraqui policy (tags)
big errors in us iraq olicy
Iraqi family slaughtered (tags)
An 8 year old Iraqi girl is the sole survivor after her house and parents were destroyed in an overnight airstrike.
Bush runs out of options as chaos deepens (tags)
"I find even the administration's strongest supporters, including fervent advocates of the war a year ago and even some who could be labelled 'neo-conservatives', now despairing and looking for an exit"
5/3: Recent Photos Shows U.S. Military Brutality in Iraq from Peace No War (tags)
Please Visits:
British Troops Torture Iraqis (Photos) (tags)
Not to be outdone by their American partners in crime... British occupation troops in Iraq have tortured Iraqi prisoners. Like the Americans, the British thugs arrogantly photographed their crimes. The photos eventually made their way into the hands of The Mirror newspaper where they were published.
Reward for Rumsfeld et al (tags)
Iraqi Sunnis hold up a poster advertising a purported reward of U.S. $15 million for the heads of U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
Psychologists have noted that young children are prone to "magical thinking" -- the belief that if one wants something to be true, it is true. The Iraq hawks have engaged in magical thinking throughout the Iraq mission.
Nader calls for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq (tags)
Kerry favors an internationalized effort in Iraq, but said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that he supported sending in more U.S. troops, if necessary. "Now, he's got to out-Bush Bush," said Nader.
US repeating Britain's 1920 mistakes in Iraq (tags)
'What happened in Iraq in 1920 so closely resembles the events now that only a historical ignoramus can be surprised'
In April 2003, the United States was celebrating a “cakewalk” and on May 1, 2003, George Bush declared “the end of major combat operations” in front of a banner proclaiming “Mission Accomplished”. In April 2004, “cakewalk” has been replaced with “quagmire” and “Mission Accomplished” has been taken over by a “Nightmare Scenario.”
US tactics condemned by British officers (tags)
Speaking from his base in southern Iraq, the officer said: "My view and the view of the British chain of command is that the Americans' use of violence is not proportionate and is over-responsive to the threat they are facing. They don't see the Iraqi people the way we see them. They view them as untermenschen. They are not concerned about the Iraqi loss of life in the way the British are. Their attitude towards the Iraqis is tragic, it's awful."
How GI bullies are making enemies of their Iraqi friends (tags)
Still refusing to acknowledge a rising consensus among observers that it faces a broad-based nationalist movement, President George Bush insisted in a weekend radio address that "a small faction is attempting to . . . seize power", and his Baghdad spokesman, Dan Senor, railed against "two-bit thugs . . . despised by a majority of Iraqis". But, while the Americans kill Iraqis in the numbers that they have taken to, they will have little or no support from Iraqis - no politician or religious leader can afford such an association. Personally many find it distasteful and if they were to support it publicly, they would go through their lives fearing a fate similar to that of the US security contractors in Falluja.
Iraqis told U.S. to go from day one (tags)
What went so wrong that the US-led war to "liberate" the Iraqi people turned into the daily slaughter of the victims of Saddam's tyranny? The answer is simple: nothing has gone wrong. Despite the mythology, most Iraqis were strongly against the invasion from the start, though it has taken 12 months for the world's media to report that.
With questions of 9/11 and Africa's oil and "al-Qaeda" dominating headlines, it sure was lucky that Iraq returned to the front-page...or, was it more than just luck.
Death toll mounts in Iraq quagmire (tags)
A series of confrontational actions by the U.S. occupation triggered armed uprisings throughout Iraq in the last week, costing the lives of dozens of Americans and well over 100 Iraqis.
FOX News expert says US handling of Iraq is like Vietnam (tags)
"the American civilian leadership in Baghdad seems determined to pretend that failure is success. That's what happened before, back in 'Nam."
Iraqis break U.S. siege of Falluja to deliver humanitarian aid! (tags)
Iraqi volunteers drive with humanitarian supplies towards areas under military siege by U.S. occupation forces in the town of Falluja, from depots in a Baghdad suburb April 8, 2004. When masses of ordinary Iraqis defy the occupation army to travel to Falluja with the intent of delivering food and medicine to those under U.S. bombs, it should be obvious that what is occurring in Iraq is a true people's uprising. Those who call the insurgents "Saddam remnants" or "dead enders", are deluding themselves. Resistance comes in many forms (photo - Ali Jasim/Reuters). EMERGENCY IRAQ PROTEST. Friday, April 9 - 5 pm. Westwood Federal Building (Wilshire & Veteran)
Civilian casualties mounting in Falluja (tags)
As the U.S. occupation forces pound civilian targets in Falluja with tank fire and a U.S. "Apache" heliocopter fires missiles at a Mosque (killing 40 gathered for prayer), the Aljazeera news agency are the only ones to have a crew in the city under seige. Cameramen Layf Muftaq and Hasan Walid, sound engineer Sayf al-Din and correspondent Hamid Hadid, are risking their lives to report on events as they occur. Some of their photos have now been published on the Aljazeera website (see link). The photo on this page by the Aljazeera crew shows one of the "insurgents" killed by U.S. occupation forces in the most recent fighting in Falluja.
A Tangled Web of Lies about Iraq (tags)
The continuous succession of lies about Iraq and the ever-changing rationalizations for an immoral and illiegal war against Iraq.
What has gone right in Iraq (tags)
A Republican's Case Against George W. Bush (tags)
"Bush is overwhelmed by the influence of religious zealots--both Zionist and fundamentalist Christian. He ignores America's own heavy guilt for the plight of Palestinians. He fails to recognize that more than a billion Muslims worldwide, along with many millions of non-Muslims, are deeply aggrieved at this complicity. " Paul Findley, former Republican Congressman speaks out about Palestine
Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 18th-20th Updates! (tags)
1.Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Downloadable Flier- Print out and Distribute to your Pro-Resistance Quarters!!! 2.Iraqi Resistance Report: Updated News Reports Compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr , from the Editorial Board of the Free Arab Voice. 3.Communique-Ahmed Sadaat, General Secratary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 4. *** An Islamic Voice Stands With President Hussein/ Condemns Sexist Pigs in Iraqi Zionist Proxy Government** 5. ***"You Must Know"- Excellant Essay By Ibrahim Ebeid Co-Editor of Al-Moharer Calling for Progressives To Support Iraqi Resistance*** 6. ***President Hussein And The Geneva Convention***
Iraqis revive ancient word `ulooj' to insult, greet U.S. troops (tags)
Pigs of the desert, foreign infidels, little donkeys, medieval crusaders, bloodsuckers and horned creatures!
"How can we leave Iraq?" (tags)
Anti-war newsletter for soldiers explains why the U.S. should leave NOW.
An open letter to all yanqui goons
The war is between Capitalism and Islam. These are the *only* 2 ideologies today that are competing for domination. The administration and media are (plain and simple) afraid to reveal the identity of these 2 ideologies in conflict--especially Islam.
Resistance to occupation will grow (by Latuff) (tags)
"Now that Saddam is no longer a bogeyman to scare the people with, trade union and other mass opposition is likely to increase, complementing and coalescing with the armed opposition."
On the Capture of President Saddam Hussein: Resistance will Continue Until Victory!!! (tags)
Three Articles of Interest 1.Resistance Continues Despite Desperate US. 2.On the Arrest Of Saddam Hussein 3. Message From Andrew Kahn of the Proletariat Group
Iraq behind the cameras: a different reality (tags)
"We've got a lot of good things going on, but when I went home (on leave), people were just like 'We never hear that stuff,' " said Civil Affairs Pvt. Amy Schroeder. "That's what makes the families worry." What Iraq looks like on TV, and what Iraq is like for the 130,000 troops living here, sometimes feels like two different realities.
Democrats attack Bush for not sending more U.S. troops to Iraq (tags)
I guess George W. Bush ain't bloodthirsty enough for the Democrats.
Bush Is Cutting and Running Because Karl Rove Can Count (tags)
Nothing quite says "Blow off" like a George W. Bush promise. Pick an issue, any issue. Democratizing Iraq, liberating Afghanistan, preserving Medicare, protecting the environment, honoring free trade, funding education, caring for veterans, balancing the budget, any issue except those hallowed tax cuts -- on every one Bush called what seemed a determined play and promptly ran a misdirection. BushSpeak is more than amusing malapropisms or a looking glass of mental dishevelment. It is the most cynical politics ever practiced from the Oval Office.
Iraquis Perceptions of "Jewish Occupation" (tags)
Iraquis believe "the Jews" or "the Jews and the Christians" are behind every ill in society, this story examines their beliefs
US Military subverts fredom of press: All the news that fits we print (tags)
Iraqis Raid Offices of Television Network from UK Guardian 11.24.3
The Iraq invasion has proved a gigantic disaster by almost every measure. (tags)
What has been the human cost of the invasion? The most authoritative estimate of Iraqi civilian war deaths puts the figure at between 7376 and 9178. Since the formal end of hostilities a further 2200 or so Iraqi civilians have died at coalition hands. Strangely enough, no one knows, even approximately, how many Iraqi soldiers were killed. The humanitarian group Medact recently suggested that the number might be as low as 13,500 or as high as 45,000.
How We Know Bush Will "Cut and Run" from Iraq (tags)
It looks like it's official. We're going to "cut and run" from Iraq. Oh, to be sure, that's not what the standard press reports say. They say the president insists, "We will NOT cut and run from Iraq." But the media has proven singularly credulous (that's the most charitable way we can put it) regarding the administration's pronouncements on Iraq.
I guess it was inevitable. Someone has compared President George Bush to "Baghdad Bob," the inadvertently comical Iraqi information minister who kept insisting Iraq was winning the war even as American tanks gathered outside his office.
L.A. Times Bans 'Resistance Fighters' Term (tags)
Repost from the Reuters wire:
Arab Writer Protests Attacks On Coalition Forces (tags)
this is an open letter to Arab and left wing intellectuals protesting their continued support of attacks on humanitarian workers and Coalition forces.
U.S. Military Upholds TV Cover Ban on Iraq Coffins (tags)
U.S. Military Upholds TV Cover Ban on Iraq Coffins
Robert Fisk on Iraq: This is a Resistance Movement, Whether We Like It or Not? (tags)
Robert Fisk on Iraq: This is a Resistance Movement, Whether We Like It or Not?
Eyewitness in Iraq: "They're Getting Better" (tags)
"The worst problem facing US forces in Iraq may not be armed resistance but a crisis of morale. Robert Fisk reports on a near-epidemic of indiscipline, suicides and loose talk." Iraq plumet into anarchy as US helicopter gets shot down and the hotel housing US Deputy Secretary of Defense gets hit with rocket attack ...
Cheap Labor Conservatives Love Iraq (tags)
As they say the proof is in the pudding. Have a taste cheap labor conservatives. Enjoy your American Style Freedom Iraq. Freedom from jobs.
The Administration's Misuse of Iraqi Opinion (tags)
The Iraqi people express hope for the future and want the help of their neighbors more than that of the U.S -- but that's not what Washington wants to hear.
Because the President of the United States is getting burned in Iraq every day, along with the military forces he commands, by those geniuses over at the American Enterprise Institute, and their neocon amen corner in the administration, who told him that American troops would be greeted as "liberators," that it would be a "cakewalk," and that the entry of our troops into Baghdad was like the march into Paris in the summer of 1944. Then why are the Iraqis responding as if it's the summer of 1940 – and they're the French Resistance?
Gallup Poll: War was worth it, say Iraqis (tags)
A recent Gallup survey reveals that two-thirds of Iraqis polled said that recent war to remove Saddam was worth the hardships that some have endured since.
The president lays an egg at the U.N. (tags)
The Dimwit in Chief fails again to convince anyone with any intelligence that he is not a congenital liar.
"Report From Baghdad" Part Five--U.S. Military in Iraq (tags)
This is a part five of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
"Report From Baghdad" Part Three--Life in Iraq (tags)
This is a part three of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
"Report From Baghdad" Part Two--Security (tags)
This is a part two of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invaison of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
Two U.S. occupation soldiers were killed and another seven wounded during a pre-dawn U.S. raid in Ramadi Iraq, September 12, 2003. The U.S. occupiers were looking for Iraqi guerillas.... since the U.S. is NO LONGER LOOKING FOR NON-EXISTANT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. While on the search for resisters the troops came under fierce attack... two were killed and seven wounded. Hey George... were are those weapons of mass destruction you launched this war to destroy? (Graphic by Reuters)
Iraqis start to act like they better than us, time enforce are views of how they should think on themselves.
US Before the Third Iraq War (tags)
The US has not learned from comparable situaitons in the past that `the best military victories cannot win the peace'.. The belief that Saddam Hussein's overthrow alone would win the `hearts and minds' of the Iraqis was a grave error.
A Plan for Privilege and Power (tags)
The American people, no longer treated to a steady diet of "embedded" reporting, are beginning to realize the true cost of the government's nice little war to make the Middle East safe for Zionists, bankers and multi-national corporations.
Nobody Wants Saddam Back (tags)
Nobody wants Saddam back (except perhaps Matt, Diogenes, X, Meyer, and Sheepdog). The author is an Iranian journalist and author of 10 books on the Middle East and Islam.
Little Caesar's Quicksand (tags)
On C-Span radio the other morning, I heard a Vietnam combat veteran earnestly worrying that our troops in Iraq might be "hand-cuffed." He had heard a rumor about rubber bullets that upset him. Another caller made the point more angrily "For every American who gets killed, they should take 20 Iraquians (his term) and hang them from lamp posts." This, he explained, is how the Klingons from Star Trek would handle it.
Bush Administration Incompetence Results in More Dead (tags)
For his part, al-Sadr, while denouncing "the American occupation legitimized by the UN", wants "a representative government of the Iraqi people" as soon as possible. He echoes what is arguably the consensus among Iraqis: "Saddam [Hussein's] regime was unacceptable, but the foreign occupation is also unacceptable." On the heavy-handed behavior of American troops, the young al-Sadr pointedly says "one does not combat terrorism with terrorism".
Soldier: U.S. Army turns away burned children in need of help (tags)
Borell immediately called for assistance. But the two Army doctors who arrived about an hour later refused to help the children because their injuries were not life-threatening and had not been inflicted by U.S. troops. Now the two girls and a boy are covered with scabs and the boy cannot use his right leg. And Borell is shattered.
Burned Iraqi Children Said Turned Away (tags)
"After today, I wonder if I will still be able to carry the title 'soldier' with any pride at all," said Borell.
Still sounds like Viet Nam (c.1965-68) (tags)
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld calls (the daily killing of U.S. Soldiers in Iraq) the "untidy" aftermath of regime change. If it was his kids or Bush's daughters or Cheny's kids dying would he think it was "untidy"?
Irag-Two months after the fall-A Vietnamese trap for the coalition forces (tags)
Irag War
America helps Iraq print "new" Saddam money (tags)
The likeness of Saddam is on the new money. "The Americans got rid of the old regime, so why are they printing the same currency?" Mudafar Mahdi, a businessman, asked Wednesday.
PHOTO - A U.S. Army soldier walks over the body of a dead Iraqi civilian in Baghdad, Monday April 9th, 2003. The soldiers from the A Company 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment had fired into the building after being shot at by rocket propelled grenades or RPGs. Three bodies of Iraqis were later found, none with weapons and none in uniform. On Tuesday, June 10th... Iraqi Guerillas firing RPGs kill one U.S. Army soldier and wound another. Hey George... where are those weapons of mass destruction? (AP Photo/John Moore).
US Losses Mount Two Months After The Fall Of Baghdad (tags)
The US death brought to 29 the number of American servicemen who have died in fighting or accidents in Iraq since US President George W. Bush declared the war effectively over on May 1, according to an AFP toll.
The Troops Are Afraid To Go Out At Night (tags)
What he meant, I think, was that it wasn't safe for American soldiers after dark. Hours later, I went out in the streets of Nasiriyah for a chicken burger and the Iraqis who served me in a run-down cafe couldn't have been friendlier.
Iraqi Officials Say Looting of Ancient Sites Continues Despite Pleas to U.S. Troops (tags)
On a visit Sunday, three sites near here were pocked with freshly dug holes and littered with hastily abandoned shovels, indicating looting in the last day or two. At one spot, about two dozen people ran off when they saw approaching trucks.
US prepares military repression in Iraq (tags)
Under the pretext that all the resistance to the U.S. Led occupation of the Oil Fields the Iraqi Resistance is being characterized as "holdouts" from the Saddam regime; despite the complete collapse of that regime. Wanna buy a Bridge?
As was predicted ad infinitum prior to the Bush Junta's Resource War - the Iraqi People have not met their conquerors with opens. Instead they are using small Arms.
So he thinks it’s all over... (tags)
George Bush has announced the end of the war. But try telling that to the Shias and the Badr Brigade, says Robert Fisk
The war is over (except for Iraq) (tags)
President George Bush will declare tonight the war in Iraq is all but over. But his speech, far out at sea – aboard the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln, which is heading back from the Gulf – will not convince many Iraqis.
iraqi prisoners starve to death and rot unknown to the world (tags)
the horror story the ragic deaths of more than 50 thousand iraqi prisoners
The Orwellian aspect, of course, was an American press that can no longer lay even the scarcest claim to being journalists, and its complete merger with the Department of Defense, specifically Central Command (CENTCOM).
The evil genius of empire: Will Iraq arise again? (tags)
The Iraqi people are rising from the ashes once again, it is the story of 5,000 years of civilization, conquest and national liberation.
Short-sighted U.S. Foreign Policy Spells Trouble Ahead (tags)
Myopic and lacking in considerable fore-sight, the Bush Administration did little to establish and implement a creditable US Foreign Policy in Iraq.....
BTL:After Costly War, Iraqis Quickly Organize to Oppose... (tags)
...U.S. Military Occupation. Interview with Wade Hudson, member of the Iraq Peace Team, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris.
Reflections on why the United States and Israel are threatening Syria (tags)
As if to underline this warning, the US bombed the Syrian Trade Center in Baghdad and closed the oil pipeline from Iraq to Syria. Syria’s valuable trade with Iraq ú which totaled about $5 billion in the period 1998-2002 ú has been cut off. This is a serious blow to the Syrian economy since Iraq had in recent years become Syria’s main trading partner.
Iraq "war" to last "3-5 years" (tags)
It ain't over yet, and even when it ends, it still won't be over ( see )
Shi'a Will To Power - Downfall of Bush, And The Neocons? (tags)
ronically, the Bushites will eventually regret getting rid of Saddam Hussein. In short order, Iraq will turn from a Ba'athist dictatorship into a Muslim theocracy.
The errand and the fools (tags)
Why the Bush cabal's newfound mission to'liberate' Iraq, Syria, and the world is doomed to failure
Finally Free to Speak, Iraqi's Raise Their Voices (tags)
Thanks to George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and the US Military Iraqi's are free to gather and debate the issues without fear of imprisonment or death.
Murmurs of Shiite Revolution in Iraq (tags)
In Baghdad, 20,000 Iraqis took to the central square and faced off against U.S. Marines patrolling the area. "USA, don't stay - GO!" and other signs calling on U.S. forces to withdraw were visible as Iraqis chanted against U.S. plans for Iraq. Canada's CBC reports that the protests are now in their fourth day. Witnesses in Baghdad say the number of demonstrators are growing.
For Iraqis - No Liberation, A New Colonial Oppression (tags)
At night on every one of the Shia Muslim barricades in Sadr City, there are 14 men with automatic rifles. Even the US Marines in Baghdad are talking of the insults being flung at them. "Go away! Get out of my face!" an American soldier screamed at an Iraqi trying to push towards the wire surrounding an infantry unit in the capital yesterday. I watched the man's face suffuse with rage. "God is Great! God is Great!" the Iraqi retorted.
Troops secure the black gold (tags)
WHAT IS the difference between most government buildings in Baghdad and the Ministry of Oil? All but the Oil Ministry have been looted, burned or destroyed in the past weeks.
CNN Subtly Alters POW Coverage; Seven Stray Missiles Two Unhappy Allies; Murder At 160 K; "Simon-Says" Reporting; "Their Liberation Is Now In The Hands Of God"; POW Coverage Shows Bias In Favor Of Beauty; U.S. Directly And Indirectly Targets Civilians; The Shu'ale Market Bombing: Case Closed; Checkpoint Shooting Galleries; A Besieged Basra; Kurdish Victims Of Liberation; Dissent In The Ranks; Cluster Bombs In Iraq; Pentagon's Version Of "Stop The Press"; Welcome To The Liberation
Marines not welcome in An Najaf (tags)
- a must read
Proof U.S. Media Staged Statue Event in Iraq (tags)
This article provides absolute proof that the U.S. Military and the U.S. media conspired to fake an event in Iraq and broadcast it around the world. There were NO large crowds of Iraqis around when U.S. marines pulled down the statue of Saddam Hussein.
Don't be fooled by joyous scenes, says refugee (tags)
"The next chapter is going to be a conflict between the Iraqi people and the invaders, the pro-American regime in Iraq," Dr Reben told reporters. "Sooner or later, the Americans will face the revolutionary anger and aggressiveness of the Iraqi people."
After all, if the Americans under the leadership of George Washington rose against British occupation, why does anyone think the Iraqis will be different?
Don't be fooled by joyous scenes, says refugee (tags)
"The next chapter is going to be a conflict between the Iraqi people and the invaders, the pro-American regime in Iraq," Dr Reben told reporters. "Sooner or later, the Americans will face the revolutionary anger and aggressiveness of the Iraqi people."
Firstly, the war is not over... (tags)
People are terrified - and the Iraqis are terrified - that this will turn into a 'new American century'
Smack a Leftist with your Sandal (tags)
Leftism dies with Saddam
photos from saddam statue were propaganda: they were false. (tags)
photos from baghdad seem to show thousands and thousands of Iraqis tearing down the statue of Saddam. However, BBC photos reveal that there were at most only a couple hundred people there and that includes US troops!
The best quote is the one from the Egyptian cabdriver. Such brotherhood in the Arab world
I hope we have done the right thing...I am optimistic, but very nervous.
Today is proof positive . . . (tags)
Today is proof positive that today's anti-war activists are moral idiots.
Russian Spy Daily War Reports (tags)
Get the real scoop at
This is the true face of case you have not figured it out by now.
News Articles from the First 10 Days of War (tags)
Growing Crisis in Basra; CBS Reports Truth By Mistake; Public Might Put Two and Two Together; U.S. Strikes Iran"; Collateral Damage; War Crimes Aren't War Crimes When The U.S. Commits Them; Public Acknowledgment Of E.M.P.; Food and Politics At Safwan; "Even In Civilian Areas, They Will Be Hit; Flint-locks and Sedans; Signs Of An Expanding War Killing and Burying the Innocent; Iraqi Artillery Targets…Whom?
Don't fight Allies, says Ayatollah (tags)
A leading Iraqi Shiite Muslim has urged Iraqis to remain neutral and not fight the invading Allied troops.
Shedding No Tears for Iraqi Civilians (tags)
On April 2nd, Al Jazeera news network reported that Bartallah, a predominantly Iraqi Christian town north of Mosul, suffered heavy civilian casualties after a night of intense coalition bombing. The local chief surgeon at the hospital reported that there were 120 dead and wounded civilians brought into the hospital within the past week.
Peace is a Verb: Popular Warfare is Real Action (tags)
USA dont stand a chance, unless US moderates get their way. Ignore them& speak the truth VERY LOUDLY. The US has got to go! That is the message. THAT IS THE MESSAGE!!! US has got to go. ALL Troops Home NOW! Anti-War protesters in EU and US should fight like the Iraqis, fight like the future depended on their every breath and every act
THE reporter sacked by American TV for telling the truth about the war is joining the Daily Mirror
U.S. Troops Kill 7 Iraqi Women, Kids (tags)
Article from
USA Drops Out Of Geneva Convention (tags)
Since Rumsfeld, Bush and Blair are so adamant about the Geneva Convention not being violated by the Iraqis, they had better hope that they are not held to the same standard. Those that sent President Slobodan Milosevic to the World Court for war crimes could soon find themselves there as defendants.
Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 22-28, 2003.
Human shields-turned-hawks (tags)
They arrived as Saddam apologists willing to die for the despot—but they left Iraq weeks later with changed hearts and a determination that Saddam must go. Many of the human shields who had arrived with much fanfare to “stop” the United States and Britain were swayed by the strongest supporters of Saddam’s ouster: the Iraqi people.
Uprising is a mirage in Iraq’s deserts (tags)
Southern Iraq is rising against the coalition forces and not against -- as US forces would want the world to believe -- Saddam Hussein’s regime.
Gulf States May Be Next: British MP (tags)
So this is the kind of thing that goes on behind their oaths of secrecy eh?
Understanding Neocon-Speak (tags)
“Humanitarian Aid” Millions of dollars and tons of stuff Iraqis might get someday if they will just relax and let us liberate them without a struggle. Sounds like the temporary remorse after date rape, but without the date.
What You Aren't Being Told About Iraq (tags)
Remember all those "intelligence sources" who promised that Iraqis would be cheering as the U.S. and U.K. armies rolled into Basra or Nasiriyah or any major town in southern Iraq? Apparently, in day 7 of the invasion of Iraq, these intelligence sources and their data are proving to be fallible.
Letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush (tags)
Monday, March 17, 2003: A Letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush on the Eve of War
Latest Russian Intellegence Re Invasion: Wednesday 26 Mar 2003 (tags)
This website is supposed to be from Russian Intelligence. If true, at this moment, 500 troops are now out of contact: "So far it was not possible to establish how many of these troops are dead, captured or have successfully reached other units."
Who does doublespeak and double standards better than the US?
Having destroyed its water and power supplies, cut off food supply routes and having failed to crack its human defences, they are now preparing to lay siege to Iraq's second city which is more than 40 per cent children.
Exiled Iraqis want to fight ‘invaders’ (tags)
AMMAN: Thousands of Iraqi exiles have been returning home over the past week from Jordan, with many insisting they want to defend their country against US and British “invaders.''
Latest Russian Intelligence report (tags)
The following is the English translation of the IRAQWAR.RU report based on the Russian military intelligence reports.
THE IRAQ WAR - MARCH 25, 2003 SUMMARY. (tags)
Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 25, 2003.
Marines losing the battle for hearts and minds (tags)
Hopes of a joyful liberation of a grateful Iraq by US and British armies are evaporating fast in the Euphrates valley as a sense of bitterness, germinated from blood spilled and humiliations endured, begins to grow in the hearts of invaded and invader alike. Attempts by US marines to take bridges over the river Euphrates, which passes through Nassiriya, have become bogged down in casualties and troops taken prisoner. The marines, in turn, have responded harshly shut down again for showing POW pictures (tags)
The well known alternative publication was censored by its hosting company for showing pictures of U.S. POWs and civilian Iraqi casualties in Iraq.
Read, Learn
Human Shields Realize Saddam is evil! (tags)
Hold the phone!
THE IRAQ WAR - MARCH 23, 2003 SUMMARY. (tags)
Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 23, 2003.
This Russian intelligence reports contradicts the American media's war propaganda which is predictably crowing about supposed American military 'victories' in Iraq and the extent of surrenders by Iraqi military forces who have given up.
Robert Fisk in Baghdad
Rebuttal to a fighter pilot (tags)
A co-worker forwarded to me a letter written by a fighter pilot stationed in Turkey. I added my comments and sent it back to her.
Now that war is finally upon us, we must all hope or (if we share our leaders' piety) pray that, within a matter of days, the thing is done with, the Iraqi people will be free of their oppressor and able to enjoy the benefits of American-style democracy.
Iraqis would support war to overthrow Saddam, says survey (tags)
Secretly conducted study finds backing for US-led attack, while plans to tarnish extremists in friendly nations are revealed
Watching anti-war protests with pain (tags)
By Adil Awadh. Adil Awadh, an Iraqi doctor, worked in a military hospital in Iraq from 1994 to 1996. He is an independent member of the Iraqi National Congress and lives in the Washington area. Published March 9, 2003.
Iraqi troops already surrendering (tags)
Have you heard about this in U.S. media? of course not. This won't be a war, it will be a massacre.
When the Enemy Is a Liberator (tags)
Bottom line is that the Iraqi people do want GW Bush to go forward with the war
Tape shows bin Laden OPPOSES Hussein (tags)
"If bin Laden is effectively calling on Muslim Iraqis to overthrow Saddam ... how then can the U.S. administration use this message to prove Saddam and al-Qaeda are linked?" -- Snip from article
What the Iraqi people are thinking (tags)
It is morally repugnant that people walk in marches across Western cities calling, essentially, for the Iraqi people to be kept in their collective jail with their tormentors.
Iraq under U.S. Occupation? (tags)
From the White House, reports leak out about plans for an Iraq after the Ba’th (the ruling party of Iraq). The main scenarios do not allow for the development of democracy in Iraq. Each of them is built on a racist assumption: that the Iraqis either need a military dictator or else a monarch – any form of democracy is impossible to imagine.