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Los Angeles Press Conference for "No On Proposition 35" (tags)
Sexual service providers abhor and resist trafficking of all kinds, and support appropriate legislation that would effectively help eliminate it – laws that do not inappropriately mis-characterizing other activities as trafficking. Simple human decency demands this; moreover, it is in sex workers’ self-interest to eliminate sex trafficking, since they are trafficking’s likeliest victims. The sexual services extended community has long provided support to trafficking victims and will continue to do so. Sadly, Proposition 35, as written, would increase the risks to trafficked people and wrongly expand the definition of trafficking to include many entirely consensual adult sexual activities. If Proposition 35 passes, anyone receiving financial support from normal, consensual prostitution among adults could be prosecuted as a human trafficker; this includes a sex worker’s children, parents, spouse, domestic partner, roommate, landlord, or others. And if convicted they would be forced to register as a sex offender for life!
Sexual Offense in California (tags)
Yet, somehow the attitude for some citizens thus goes, after more legislation has been proposed, and in process of being enacted (Assembly Bill 1844 Chelsea’s Law), in California following the recent rape and killings by one John Gardener, a sexual offender released from prison and not very closely and competently monitored by the system, is that everyone, that is everyone thought to be a “good” citizen of the state of California, ought be able to live in a Utopian world in which “no one” feels offended—especially sexually offended—and this idealism should reside no matter how arbitrary and contradictory the propensity to feel offended may seem.
“NO TO PAY CUTS! “We work, we sweat, we won’t pay your debts!” The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC ) and the Justice for Filipino veterans (JFAV) through its Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia, vehemently condemns California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for signing an executive order forcing up to 200,000 permanent state workers to start receiving the federal minimum wage of $6.55 an hour The EPCC further scores the governor’s executive order that also includes a hiring freeze, no overtime pay and the releasing of contract consultants. (San Francisco Chronicle, Aug. 1) . Additionally, the order will lay off 10,300 contract and part-time workers.