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Local San Diego Activists Defend Friendship Park (tags)
Since 1971, the Monument Mesa at Friendship Park on the U.S.-Mexico border has been an informal gathering place where people kept from physically coming together by the border fence could nonetheless reach out and pass each other greetings, kisses, presents and food. No longer: the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, seemingly determined to wipe out any sign that the people of the U.S. and Mexico should actually regard each other with anything other than wary hostility, have put the mesa straight in the cross-hairs of the triple border fence. Local activists Christian Ramirez and John Fanestil addressed a San Diego audience April 17 to tell what they're doing to try to save Friendship Park.
International Womens Day - Sat. March 8th - Westwood (tags)
International Women's Day has been taking place on March 8th annually since 1911. This year, as the U.S. wages war on Iraq and Afghanistan and threatens Iran, women in Iran and Afghanistan are calling on people in the U.S. to stand with them in their struggle against both the woman-hating Islamic Republic of Iran and the imperialist U.S. empire. The International Women’s Day Coalition of Los Angeles was formed to answer this call. March with us on Saturday March 8, 2008. As our sisters in Iran and Afghanistan have said, “Let Us Celebrate Our Fighting Unity on International Women’s Day!
The Right to Dissent and the Trial of Camilo Viveiros (tags)
April 7 is the beginning of the trial in Philadelphia of community organizer Camilo Viveiros. This is the last of the criminal trials from the 2000 Republican National Convention. Will a steadfast and dedicated political organizer beat the fate of political imprisonment or will Police Chief John Timoney begin to be exonerated?
Doing the US's Dirty Work: The Colombian Paramilitaries and Israel (tags)
''I copied the concept of paramilitary forces from the Israelis.'' -Carlos Castano, Mi Confesion, 2002