fix articles 25045, fifth amendments
Criminalizing OWS Protesters (tags)
class war
“Know Your Rights,” Progressive Attorneys Tell Activist San Diego (tags)
Though guest of honor Ted Burke, one of 11 Midwest peace and social justice activists recently detained and harassed by the FBI, wasn't able to make Activist San Diego's November 15 meeting on law enforcement and political activism, the discussion was still compelling. Local attorneys and activists Kate Yavenditti, Frank Gormlie and Alex Landon reviewed the history of anti-Left and anti-progressive repression in San Diego and discussed what rights you have when you're stopped by law enforcement or when police officers come to your home.
Orange County District Attorney Helps Batterers Punish Victims (tags)
In Orange county, batterers get a free ride while victims are made to suffere
Marie Mason: Victimized by Green Scare State Terrorism (tags)
fighting for justice in America now criminalized
Internet Threatened by Censorship, Secret Surveillance, and Cybersecurity Laws (tags)
Internet and personal freedoms threatened
Court Hearing Tomorrow 7/26 (tags)
Hearing on USA Patriot Act and Humanitarian Aid Projects
News Gathering Illegal Under New Patriot Act ll, Sec. 102 (tags)
SECTION 102 of the new Patriot Act ll states clearly that any information gathering, regardless of whether or not those activities are illegal, can be considered to be clandestine intelligence activities for a foreign power. This makes news gathering illegal.
Total Police State Takeover (tags)
A Brief Analysis of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003, Also Known as Patriot Act II By Alex Jones (Posted Feb 10, 2003)