fix articles 24957, late Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : late


Paraphysique du No Future (tags)

Pourtant, définir, c'est forcément réduire...

Paraphysique de la nociception (tags)

L'inégalité sociale ne fait pas de pause...

We are Zombies (tags)

Zombie movies are an apocalyptic genre, in which there is an inkling that the given social order cannot last & has reached its development limits. The first great wave of zombies hit the Western culture industry during the crisis period of the seventies of the 20th century, when the "Golden Age" of post-war capitalism, full employment and mass consumption came to an end.

Paraphysique des enfants du paradis (tags)

Nous autres, les en-dehors...

La camaraderie amoureuse (tags)

Nos vies sont dans les camisoles...

La décroissance ou la mort (tags)

Mort de la décroissance et vie de la croissance...

How to desublimate repressive? (tags)

Love is the gate to eternity, but what if a process of sexual liberation could save the status quo of existing ruling structures?

Paraphysique du Big Rip anthropologique (tags)

Du moléculaire au particulaire...

Trump - Hard as Steel (tags)

There is outrage over the nationalist economic policy of "America First." The parallels to the 1929 system crisis are obvious. The unstable house of cards could now finally collapse. Credit-financed demand is created for a goods-producing system that suffocates in its own productivity.

Resistance to gentrification in San Francisco (tags)

Analysis from a long time opponent of what capitalism is doing to the city of San Francisco

Iran Bashing in Late Stage Nuclear Talks (tags)


Degrowth - a vocabulary for a new era, 19pp (tags)

From a degrowth perspective, the current economic crisis is the result of systemic limits to growth. It is not a cyclical crisis or fault in the credit system.

Ways out of Capitalism (tags)

This introduction to Tomasz Konicz' "On the Search for Alternatives to the Permanent Capitalist Crisis" (2014) is translated from the German. Empire could be replaced by republic as excess could be replaced by access and more by enough Capitalist contradictions/dislocations are signs.

Ezell Ford and Ferguson Solidarity (tags)

This is what happens when you get to the demonstration late.

New York Times Hypocrisy (tags)


Activism for Justice (tags)




Obama's Depression (tags)


Undercover agent shot by drug suspects in Peoria (tags)

Some people say the only good pig is a dead pig. But if you ask alleged Libertarian Mike Renzulli he will say that pigs stands for Pride, Integerity and Guts! Fuck you Renzulli. Maybe you should go join the Republican Party!

US-Led Libyan Ground Assault Planned (tags)

naked aggression

Congressional Fleecing the Public Legislation (tags)

congressional fleecing

LA Arts District Restaurant, Wurstkuche, in Defiance of City "Order to Comply" (tags)

“Order to Comply” ignored by Wurstkuche Restaurant as of September 24th, 2010. Illegal use of Artist in Residence loft continues late into the nights...


Its not too late to find 2 hours to donate on World Homeless Day/Week 10/10/10 at your local food distribution program to people living outside. View a music video created and donated for World Homeless Day by the homeless in London Heroes & Villains

BTL:Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining No. 1 Issue for West Virginia's U.S. Senate Candidate (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

NAACP Condemns Tea Party Movement Racism (tags)

Better late the never? The country's largest civil rights organization in the US, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has passed a resolution that condemns racism within the tea party movement today, July 13. NAACP Delegates approved the resolution Tuesday during the annual convention of in Kansas City. It came to the heels of the Federal government filing of the case against DB 1070 or the racist Arizona Law against immigrants that is scheduled to take effect this July 27.

Rudacille’s Tome: A Must-Read for Labor Buffs (Review) (tags)

In 1959, Bethlehem’ Sparrows Point plant, outside Baltimore, was “the largest steelworks in the world.” In its heyday, it employed 36,000 workers. Bethlehem went into bankruptcy in 2001, and many of its retirees at the “Point” got screwed out of their benefits. Deborah Rudacille’s book, “Roots of Steel,” recreates, via compelling “oral histories,” the history of the Point; the collapse of Bethlehem, an industrial titan; and the baleful impact that it had on the lives of its union workers and communities that they lived in.

PHILIPPINES: Bongbong Marcos campaigning for militants on slate, too (tags)

The bitter enemies of the late President Ferdinand Marcos are now the political allies of his son, Ilocos Norte Rep. Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who is running for a senator under the Nacionalista Party.


A delicious news.

Heather Forbes LCSW (tags)

Heather Forbes was a successful architect, then she started a family and qualified as an LCSW.

A Call to Action for Street Medics, Clinicians, and Herbalists (tags)

A newly formed faction of the Seeds of Peace Collective, named Eastern Seeds of Peace, is committed to organizing medical infrastructure in support of the expected large-scale actions against the International Pittsburgh Coal Conference and G20 Summit in Pittsburgh in late September. This is a call to action for street medics, clinicians, herbalists, and all those interested in contributing to the medical support that is crucial to the success of the planned marches and demonstrations.

Julius Fortuna, An FQS stalwart/ MDP Secretary General, Dies at 60 (tags)

The Kilusang Dekada 70 ( KD70) composed of First Quarter Storm and martial law activists based in the United States pays tribute to Julius Fortuna who passed away last Tuesday, June 23 in the Philippines. He succumbed on Tuesday morning to a massive heart attack at the Capitol Medical Center in Quezon City where he was rushed after complaining of difficulty in breathing. He would have turned 61 on July 30 this year. He was a member of the national council of the militant Kabataang Makabayan (KM) in the late ’60s and later served as secretary-general of the Movement for a Democratic Philippines, the coordinating body of radical groups that organized the massive demonstrations now collectively known as the First Quarter Storm of 1970.

global financial crisis, China, India, new world: Zhibin Gu (tags)

Which nation to become new leader, China, India, Brazil, Russia, or US? Is global financial crisis leading to a new world order? How to move ahead in globalized business, jobs, politics, management and wealth? Get new insights and analysis.

Pancho Villa’s Last Surviving Son (tags)

The last surviving son of Pancho Villa meets the grandson of Eustorgio Ramón, captain of los Pronunciados de Don Catarino Garza

Town hall calls for impeachment to save the Constitution (tags)

A regional town hall on the subject "Are Peace and Impeachment Possible?" was held in Oakland to reaffirm the need and political viability of impeaching Vice President Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush. It enjoined the audience to support new candidates running against Democratic Party leaders who have declined to challenge the Bush administration for its violations of the Constitution and international law.

Food Not Bombs National Gathering reportback (tags)

By nearly all accounts the Food Not Bombs National Gathering was a smashing success: Activists of all types and ages from FNB chapters all over the country were brought together in Nashville, TN for a Critical Mass bike ride, no-pants dance party, a day of workshops, a group meeting, scavenger hunt, huge food sharing downtown and a march through the streets.

Forrest Church Speaks on God and America in San Diego (tags)

Forrest Church, Unitarian-Universalist minister and son of the late Senator Frank Church (D-Idaho), spoke October 4 at the Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego on the history of the relationship between church and state in the U.S. His message, surprising in front of a progressive audience, was that religion shouldn't dominate politics but it shouldn't be read out of the public sphere altogether either. Many progressive causes, including the abolition of slavery and the 1960's civil rights movement, were headed by religious leaders.

You can fool some of the people some of the time (tags)

The dam of lies is finally breaking...

Taliban chief hasn't seen Osama (tags)

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Taliban chief Mullah Mohammad Omar has added to the mystery over Osama bin Laden, saying he hasn't seen his ally and fellow fugitive since U.S.-backed forces ousted the Taliban from Afghanistan in 2001.

Mt. Hood Tragedy - Is Bourgeois Press Causing Belief in Rescue Miracles? (tags)

Little has been said about the wisdom of their decision to attempt to scale one of the tallest mountains in the Cascade Range during the worst time of the year for such an adventure. I realize that the families of the victims are holding out hope that their loved ones will be found to have survived the hellish conditions they encountered this week; I do not wish to add to their suffering by publishing this article. It is in the interest of preventing the loss of lives in the future that I present this piece, as my research into this tragedy has turned up some very interesting information regarding the quality of information available to the public regarding weather conditions in the region, and the facilities available to those who attempt to scale these very dangerous peaks.

Mexico quietly exposes federal role in 'Dirty War' (tags)

President Vicente Fox put out a voluminous report that states that past governments carried out a covert campaign of murder and torture against dissidents and guerrillas from the late 1960s through the early 1980s.

images from the 10/28/06 march and rally in Hollywood. (tags)

speakers at the rally

Muslim-Bashing and the Power of Cartoons (tags)

Back in the late 19th century, the political cartoonist, Thomas Nast, in NYC’s “Harper’s Weekly,” viciously attacked Catholics, the Irish and the Vatican. He crossed the line with those caricatures. The same can be said about the Danish authors of the 12 cartoons vilifying the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the revered founder of Islam. The demonizing was, in effect, an attack on all of the Muslim faithful. The parties responsible should offer an apology.



The Principles of Socialism (tags)

It is very likely that the hour is late, that capitalism will soon perish. It will happen sooner or later and if it does happen sooner, we have to be prepared. We need to debate the principles of our coming revolution; the principles of socialism.

The Washington Post Exposes Electronic Jim Crow to Late. (tags)

The Washington Post has just published an online video showing that the "back door" on the Deibold touchscreen electronic computer voting system is wide open.

The Daily Poetry Movement (tags)

A few thoughts on the daily poetry movement, my featured poem of the day and my link to my page on the imc network. Please feel free to submit orginal poetry. Rise up!

Democrats: Pussycats Against Republicans, But Tigers Against Nader (tags)

Astonishingly, the Democrats had a chance to try and keep George Bush's name off the Florida ballot this November. They took a pass and instead have been fighting, and so far succeeding, in keeping Ralph Nader off instead.

First no WMDs, nukes, ties to al Queda and now... (tags)

Another Bush lie (#46) hits the shitter: 'In Washington late last month, officials estimated the number of foreign fighters in Iraq at 1,000 to 3,000,' General's say no way.

Hitler the Rise of Evil (tags)

I tried to get people to watch, but it was too painful.

Latest Iraq Diary (tags)

Baghdad, as you must know, is now under heavy bombardment. We last spoke with our team in Baghdad two hours ago. The team is split up between three hotels in downtown Baghdad.


A retrospective on the Art generated in the Los Angeles Punk Rock movement of the late 1970's.


Why the fuck isn't Indymedia covering a possible imminent coup in Venezuela?

From Pershing Square's Day of Voice (tags)

Ariving late-

Top Bush Aide to Meet with Studios on War (tags)

Hollywood: Senior advisor Karl Rove is to lead dialogue on U.S. image with entertainment chiefs. Observers stress need to monitor any pact.

Co-fournder of Self-Help Graphics Dies (tags)

Only three years after the death of Self-Help Graphics' founder, Sister Karen Boccalero, Mazatlan artist Carlos Bueno died Saturday of heart failure at the age of 60. Born in Cuernavaca, Mexico, Carlos Bueno moved to Los Angeles in the late 1960's with a vision for Mexican-American culture. In the 1 970's, Carlos organized Self-Help Graphics' Barrio Mobile Arts Studio, bringing a van loaded with art supplies to parks, community centers and the housing projects of East L.A.

Late Night Preparation for SD BioJustice 2001 (tags)

BioJustice Activists work late into the night preparing a Goddess Puppet for the upcoming protest to raise awareness about the dangers of Bio-engineering.

Riordan IS the owner of The Pantry (tags)

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