fix articles 24951, anniversary
Dedication of french yellow vests to the uprisen people in the world (tags)
On the occasion of the first anniversary of our movement on November 16th & 17th, we dedicate our celebration to all the popular risings in the world.
A3 Newsletter: Albert Woodfox's Birthday, Book Release & Tour (tags)
Today marks the third anniversary of Albert Woodfox's release (and his 72nd Birthday), and February 8 marked the eighteenth anniversary of Robert King's release. Albert Woodfox's new book "Solitary," will be released by Grove Atlantic Press on March 5, and Albert will begin a book tour around the country. Albert will be in Los Angeles on May 2, 6:00 PM, at Eso Won Books, 4327 Degnan Blvd. Read more below
The Montrose Peace Vigil at 12 Years (tags)
Last January marked the 12-year anniversary of the Montrose Peace Vigil. It continues every Friday from 5:30 to 7 at Honolulu Avenue and Ocean View Boulevard.
LA Nakba Anniversary protest at the Israel Consulate (tags)
Remembering the 67 anniversary of the nakba
Fidel Castro's Remarks on the 70th Anniversary of Russia's Great Patriotic War Victory (tags)
Does Occupy Wall Street have a future? (tags)
Violent repression of Occupy soon after its exhilarating birth is a significant factor in its dwindling, but its structure and refusal to articulate demands should also be examined.
The August 24 March on Washington: Why We Need a New Civil Rights and Labor Movement (tags)
It could have been left as a relatively small event that would make little impact, but plans for the 50th anniversary of 1963′s March on Washington appear to have taken another course.
VIDEOS Iraq War: 10th Anniversary + The hidden cost of the Iraq War (tags)
Ten years after the start of the War in Iraq, relive the key moments from Al Jazeera's exclusive coverage and RT America review
San Francisco Critical Mass 20th Anniversary Interstellar Ride (tags)
San Francisco Critical Mass 20th Anniversary Interstellar Ride, Friday September 28th from 6PM onward.
Gaza: Remembering Cast Lead (tags)
Veterans for Peace Solicit Donations for Homeless on 9/11 Anniversary (tags)
Members of the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice and the San Diego Veterans for Peace (SDVFP) staged an alternative commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in Balboa Park, at which SDVFP solicited donations for their "Compassion Campaign." This involves asking people to donate $35 to buy a sleeping bag, poncho and carrying bag for a homeless person. They've already helped out 700 people, many of them veterans, and need your help to do more.
The Shortwave Report 08/12 (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Japan, Spain, Germany, and Russia.
Israel Divestment Campaign Marks First Milestone on the anniversary of Al Naksa (tags)
Invitation to sign the petition
No Nukes Los Angeles/April (tags)
Anti-Nuke Power activism continues to build in LA with screening of "The China Syndrome" on Chernobyl Anniversary.
"Talk, Talk, Fight, Fight" on Peace Talks 2011 (tags)
The PESANTE BULETIN based in Los Angeles learned today from media sources in the Philippines that on the 42nd founding anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), a regional guerrilla spokesperson Ka. Oris aka Jorge Madlos of Mindanao-NDF expressed optimism that the 2011 scheduled peace talks will produce results. Jorge Madlos aka Ka Oris is the spokesperson for NDF North Eastern Mindanao――said that something good could come out of the negotiations.
Dark years of Marcos dictatorship ‘must not be forgotten’ – victims (tags)
PHILIPPINES. On the eve of the late former President Ferdinand Marcos' 93rd birth anniversary, Filipinos appear to be forgetting his legacy of abuse, victims of human rights violations during his long rule said on Friday.
Pics of Chicano Moratorium anti war protest and march (tags)
photos from the Aug 28 40th anniversary Chicano Moratorium march and protest in east L.A.
Commemorate the 68th anniversary of Bataan Day, April 9, 1942 (tags)
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) Los Angeles Steering Committee cordially invites you to join our commemoration of the 68th anniversary of Bataan Day, which memorializes the military surrender at the Bataan Peninsula. On Saturday, April 10, 2010 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, we will be honoring our local Filipino American World War II veterans, especially those who survived the Bataan Death March, at the Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA) 1740 W Temple St, Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles, CA 90026.
Dick Cheney Coming to LA's Biltmore Hotel, (Tickets Still Available!). To be awarded the Statesmanship Award.
Cory Aquino and GMA; Similar scorecards (tags)
(The EPCC NEWS decided to reprint the editorial of the Inquirer in Manila to commemorate the 24th anniversary of the EDSA People's Uprising) On the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the Edsa People Power Revolution, it might be useful to review the records of the two beneficiaries of Edsa 1 and Edsa 2: the late President Corazon C. Aquino and President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. We will then see if the nation has attained some progress in the past 24 years.
BTL:International Solidarity Actions Commemorate on One Year Anniversary of Gaza Invasion (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
VIDEO: Fred Hampton & Mark Clark - 40th Anniversary of the Assassination - Chicago, IL (tags)
40th Anniversary of the Assassination - Chicago, IL
Two Anniversaries: Berlin and Seattle (tags)
November 2009 was not only the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall — an historical milestone reported to death by the corporate media — it was also the anniversary of an event the corporate media chose to ignore: the 10th anniversary of the mass protests against the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle in November and December 1999. The challenge for radicals and progressives today is not only to revitalize the spirit of Seattle but to take back the initiative in an era in which the biggest and most confrontational mass actions are being staged by the "teabag" Right.
Germany: The Berlin Wall & Kristallnacht (tags)
Imperialist USA is making much of the 20th anniversary of the end of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, the eve of the 71st anniversary of Kristallnacht, November 10, 1938, the latter being when the Nazis promoted a reign of terror against Jews, rounding up most who still remained in Nazi Germany, including this writer's grandfather, a 58 year old man in a wheelchair. Where was the US when the Nazis aided Fascist Franco in Spain in 1936 when fascism could have been stopped easily? And how does Germany compare to the backward USA today?
On Saturday, October 10, a hushed crowd of Gabriela Network (GABNet) members, alumni, supporters, and political allied sat in the USD Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice. The strum of a guitar and the lone voice of woman singing opened up the festivities of GABNet's 20th Anniversary.
Videos from the 39th Anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium (tags)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
EAST LOS ANGELES--Thirty-nine years ago, a statewide series of demonstrations by Chicanos and Chicanas against the wars in Southeast Asia culminated in a police riot and the assassination of Los Angeles Times and KMEX journalist Rubén Salazar. Today, members of the Chicanx community and activists of all stripes commemorated the day's fateful events with music, poetry, teatro, and speakers.
Fundraiser and Spanish program six year anniversary celebration.
On the 148th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal: To Rebel is justified (tags)
“There are no tyrants if there are no slaves” We are one with the Filipino people in commemoration of the 148th birth anniversary of the great Filipino patriot, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. His birth anniversary is significant indeed in the turbulent times the nation is facing. Our situation hardly changed. This time, we are not under a colonial Spanish masters but under the tyranny of a local despot named Gloria-Macapagal Arroyo who serves at the pleasure of her US imperialist masters. Instead of the dreaded Spanish Guardia Civil, we have the obedient Armed Forces and the PNP that wrecked havoc on the people.
JFAV Commemorates 67th Anniversary of the Fall of Corregidor in the United States. (tags)
The Filipino American community in the United States and the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) militantly salutes all Filipino and Americans veterans, living or departed for the 67th Anniversary of the fall of Corregidor, May 6, 1942. With the fall of the island bastion of Corregidor it paved the way of the total surrender of the whole Philippines to the Japanese invaders in May 9, 1942.
JFAV Commemorates 67th Anniversary of the Fall of Corregidor in the United States. (tags)
The Filipino American community in the United States and the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) militantly salutes all Filipino and Americans veterans, living or departed for the 67th Anniversary of the fall of Corregidor, May 6, 1942. With the fall of the island bation of Corregidor it paved the way of the total surrender of the whole Philippines to the Japanese invaders in May 9, 1942. For their heroism in Bataan, Corregidor and other battlefields in the Philippines, the brave soldiers and guerillas held the line for more than three months and farther on for another three more years waging a fierce war of resistance against the Japanese fascist invaders.
Food Not Bombs 29th anniversary celebration & regional convergence (tags)
On May 23-24 San Francisco Food Not Bombs will host the SoupStock festival and regional convergence in San Francisco, California as a commemoration of 29 years of Food Not Bombs.
Filipinos Join Nationwide Rallies Demanding US Troop Withdrawal (tags)
Filipino domestic workers, youth, veterans and allies of the Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace In the Philippines (Alliance Philippines) took part in national mobilizations this past Saturday, March 21, demanding the immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and the Philippines. The marches and rallies, organized by the International ANSWER Coalition, commemorated the sixth-year anniversary of the US occupation of Iraq.
New People's Army (NPA) celebrates 40th anniversary in the Philippines (tags)
The outlawed Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) on Sunday congratulated its armed wing, the New People's Army (NPA), on the 40th anniversary of its founding in the Philippines. "We congratulate all the Red commanders and fighters, the Party cadres and members in the NPA and the broad masses of the people for their accumulated and current victories. We render the highest tribute to our revolutionary martyrs and heroes," said the CPP in a statement posted on its Web site.
Filipinos Join Nationwide Rallies Demanding US Troop Withdrawal on 6th-Year Anniversary of (tags)
Filipino domestic workers, youth, veterans and allies of the Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace In the Philippines (Alliance Philippines) took part in national mobilizations this past Saturday, March 21, demanding the immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and the Philippines. The marches and rallies, organized by the International ANSWER Coalition, commemorated the sixth-year anniversary of the US occupation of Iraq.
The Filipino American community marked the 63rd Anniversary of the unjust Recission Act of 1946 last Feb 18, 2009 with different kinds of protests all over the United States. The protests is in contrasts to other organizations like NAFFAA and ACFV who called for celebrations and gratitude to the US and Philippine governments for the long delayed benefits. * In San Francisco, two hundred vets, students, widows, teachers and activists gathered in two separate events on Feb. 17 and Feb 18 to mark the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act with protest, amidst celebration by the mendicant Philippine government and some pro- lump sum organizations in the US.
The Filipino American community marked the 63rd Anniversary of the unjust Recission Act of 1946 last Feb 18, 2009 with different kinds of protests all over the United States. The protests is in contrasts to other organizations like the ACFV and NAFFAA who called for celebrations and gratitude to the US and Philippine governments for the long delayed benefits. * In San Francisco, two hundred vets, students, widows, teachers and activists gathered in two separate events on Feb. 17 and Feb 18 to mark the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act with protest, amidst celebration by the mendicant Philippine government and some pro- lump sum organizations in the US. * In Los Angeles, more than a hundred veterans, widows and advocates gathered at the Veterans Memorial monument at Lake Street Park n February 18th.
WW 2 Filipino vets, widows, students and activists Demand Full Recognition (tags)
The Filipino American community marked the 63rd Anniversary of the unjust Recission Act of 1946 last Feb 18, 2009 with different kinds of protests all over the United States. * In San Francisco, two hundred vets, students, widows, teachers and activists gathered in two separate events on Feb. 17 and Feb 18 to mark the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act with protest, amidst celebration by the mendicant Philippine government and some pro- lump sum organizations in the US. “To date, our military service and courage in defending the US during World War 2 have never been fully recognized, so there is a reason for us to continue the fight!,” said Philippine Scout Gomer Bondad during a forum held at the Rosenberg Library of the City College of San Francisco. * In Los Angeles, more than a hundred veterans, widows and advocates gathered at the Veterans Memorial monument at Lake Street Park n February 18th. Los Angeles Council President Eric Garcetti and Congresswoman Royball-Allard graced the occasion as guests of honor.
Prof. Sison Greets the CPP on its 40th Year (tags)
As founding chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), I convey warmest greetings of comradeship to all CPP cadres and members on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the CPP. I share your joy in celebrating all the struggles waged and all the victories won by the CPP and the Filipino people in the last four decades of the new democratic revolution.
[ Like non-whites and women, queers must keep marching on a very long road.] .....
"In the States, if police burst into your house, kicking down doors and swearing at you, you would call your lawyer and file a lawsuit. Here, there are no lawyers. Their resources are limited, so they plant IEDs (improvised explosive devices) instead."
Hollywood Film Office Press Release
Highland Park Protests U.S. Aggression in Iraq on Five-Year Anniversary (tags)
On the five-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the corner of York and Figueroa was crowded with demonstrators (at one point, 45 people were counted).
The Shortwave Report 3/21 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
On the 92nd Anniversary of the Easter Uprising in Ireland (tags)
The Filipino community in the U.S. is one with the Irish people in commemorating the Easter Uprising of 1916 in Ireland against British colonialism. On Easter Monday 1916, Pádhraic Mac Piarais proclaimed the Irish Republic from the steps of the General Post Office (GPO) in Dublin while leading a military uprising against the British Empire's seven century long colonization of Ireland. Piarais' proclaimed republic has yet to be won, despite the fact that the people of Ireland ratified that Republic overwhelmingly two years later in 1918 all Ireland general election. Because results did not suit British interests, the 1918 election became the one and only All Ireland election that was ever allowed to be held. However, faithful Irish republicans have since defended the Republic's ideals and continue to be inspired by the noble aspirations of the 1916 Rising.
5th Anniversary Anti-War March 3/15/08 -4 (tags)
More photos from Saturday's Hollywood march/rally initiated by the ANSWER Coalition.
2 solons deny part in coup plot, to lead Mendiola march (tags)
Even as they denied participation in any alleged destabilization plot against the Arroyo administration, two left-leaning lawmakers at the House of Representatives vowed to lead the protest rally on January 22 to commemorate the 21st anniversary of the massacre at Mendiola in Manila. “Wala kaming kinalaman sa kung anumang destabilization plot na sinasabi nila [We have nothing to do with any destabilization plot that they are saying]. This rally is a legitimate protest and demand on behalf of the farmers,” Bayan Muna Representative Satur Ocampo said over the phone on Thursday. Anakpawis Representative Crispin Beltran agreed. “We are not involved in any destabilization plot. We are not participants to any kinds of destabilization move,” he said. Their statements came a day after the arrest of five suspected coup plotters Wednesday.
Palestine: PFLP Launches English Website (tags)
We are launching this English website today, on our historic anniversary, for a number of reasons. We stand today amidst an ongoing assault on our people, marked by occupation, exile, imprisonment, siege, assassination, destruction and invasion, an assault that has continued for sixty years.
New video shows how government “data-mining” harms privacy (tags)
"FBI Unbound: How National Security Letters Violate Our Privacy" is being shown in towns across the U.S. this fall -- especially on October 26, the anniversary of the PATRIOT Act.
Who are the Murderers of Children? (tags)
On the 5th anniversary of the Korean patriotic child martryds at the hands of the US imperialists.
strip search the queen...
Video: Anti/Pro Immigration Protest In Downtown Los Angeles (tags)
2 Immigration Rallies in Downtown L.A. marking the anniversary of the 500,000+ person pro-immigrant demonstration in Los Angeles a year ago. Duration 1min. :51 sec
4th Anniversary Vigil Wilshire & Veteran (tags)
4th Anniversary anti-war vigil at the Westwood Federal Building, same corner where many of us gathered on the first night too.
Jerry Rubin Breaks Fast, Brings Scroll to Westwood (tags)
Peace activist Jerry Rubin ended his month-long anti-war hunger fast today, and displayed his 1000-foot message scroll for peace at the Westwood Federal Building. Around 100 people attended an adjoining 4th anniversary vigil.
Photos from the 3/17/2007 March In Hollywood (tags)
Photos from the anti-war rally to mark the fourth anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq, in Hollywood, California March 17, 2007.
March 17 Hollywood Anti-War Protest (tags)
4th Anniversary Iraq war protest staged by ANSWER Coalition
On the 20th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre - Manila (tags)
Protesters clench fists as they march during the anniversary of the Mendiola massacre in Manila January 22, 2007. Demonstrators marked the 20th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre, commemorating 13 protesters who were killed and 80 wounded by a hail of bullets from policemen and soldiers
Uprising Radio on Mumia Abu-Jamal after 25 years (tags)
Uprising Radio: 25th anniversary of Mumia’s Arrest GUEST: Hans Bennett, Philadelphia based photo-journalist who has been documenting the free-Mumia movement. View his new series on Mumia published in the weeks leading up to December 9:
Those of us who are from the Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) are especially proud to celebrate the 143rd birth anniversary of the great Supremo (Supreme Leader) Andres Bonifacio, the founder of the Katipunan, which ended over 300 years of Spanish colonial rule over the Philippines. On November 30, 1964, on his very 101st birthday, the organization of the Kabataang Makabayan (KM – Patriotic Youth), meanwhile, was founded. Subsequently, various other youth-student organizations and those in the community, such as the Samahang Demokratiko ng Kabataan (SDK), Katipunan ng Kabataang Demokratiko (KKD), Samahang Molabe (SM), Kamanyang and others, were also founded in different parts of the Philippines.
73 anniversary of genocide in Russia that killed 10+ million - the Great Famine (tags)
Today, this former Soviet republic marks the 73rd anniversary of the Great Famine, a tragedy orchestrated by Soviet dictator Josef Stalin that continues to haunt and divide the nation of 47 million.
Celebrate the Liberation of Assata Shakur (tags)
November 2, 2006 is the 27th anniversary of the liberation of Assata Shakur from Clinton Correctional Facility in New Jersey.
Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the October 24th Movement of 1966 (tags)
The First Quarter Storm Network-USA (FQSN) militantly commemorate the forty years anniversary of the October 24 Movement of 1966. We pay the highest homage to that movement participants living or departed that shook the foundations of the rotten and anti-people system in the Philippines that supported the US aggression in Vietnam and other parts of the world.
research and investigations raising serious questions concerning what the American people have been told about 911.
It proclaims of the Commandant in Boss Fidel Castro to the town of Cuba (tags)
It proclaims of the Commandant in Boss Fidel Castro to the town of Cuba...
25 HR Fast in Memory of the 1981 Hunger Strike by Irish Republican Prisoners (tags)
25 Hour fast in memory of the ten brave Irish Republicans who gave their lives in the fight for recognition as Political Status for Political Prisoners, on this the 25th anniversary we remember those gallant men with pride.
Infoshop Update on Anti-War Protests (tags)
Tens of thousands and hundreds of local groups to protest locally against the third anniversary of the current phase of the U.S.-Iraq war
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition: Update on Anti-War Protests (tags)
Tens of thousands will protest in hundreds of local and regional actions on the third anniversary of the Iraq war
Iraq 3rd Anniversary Call to Action! End The War in Iraq! Bring Troop Beck Home Now! (tags)
Call to Action! 3 Years Too Many! End To The War in Iraq Bring The Troops Home Now!
Nobel Laureates and Religious Leaders Call on World to Resist Iraq Occupation (tags)
As the third anniversary of the United States-led invasion of Iraq approaches, Nobel Peace and Literature Laureates are joined by religious leaders, writers, human rights activists, former government officials, peace activists and others in calling for ongoing campaigns of nonviolent civil resistance to end the U.S. led occupation of Iraq. On March 20, 2006, the first of five days of action throughout 2006, there will be nonviolent civil resistance actions at US and British diplomatic missions, military bases, recruitment offices and war profiteers in at least three continents.
Antiwar Art Exhibit: "The New Normalcy." (tags)
THE NEW NORMALCY features paintings, prints, and drawings that focus on the post 9-11 reality of endless war, terror, and repression. Images posted to this page by Mark Vallen & Sergio Hernandez.
Drive into downtown of every U.S. city on March 20 during morning rush hour to remind collaborators of war anniversary.
National Day against Police Brutality--October 22 Coalition (tags)
Calling on all people of Los Angeles to come out and create a vision for the 10th Anniversary March against Police Brutality!!
~~ Marking the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the FMLN, the party honors CISPES and other international solidarity organizations.
Saturday August 6, 2005 (11:00 am -2:00 pm) 60th Anniversary Commemoration of the Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima! Regional Southern California Protest Rally and Remembrance to be held at the Seal Beach Weapons Center
60th Anniversary of the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (tags)
Bearing Witness: 60th Anniversary of Hiroshima Bombing (tags)
SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 - 8:30 AM Bearing Witness: 60th Anniversary of Hiroshima Bombing
Congresswoman Maxine Waters & other Peace Advocates Invite Parents, Teachers, & Students & Others to Attend AnOut ofIraq!Teach-in
100th Anniversary of the IWW: the Wobblies! (tags)
The first real, non-elitist labor movement made its debut 100 years ago this week.
37th anniversary of RFK shooting (tags)
Today marks the 37th anniversary of the shooting of Senator Robert F. Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles in 1968. At the following website you can download my short book on the assassination, including a (free) preview!
20th Anniversary In the Ministry Celebration (tags)
Bethel AME Church will hold its 20th Anniversary In the Ministry Celebration for Pastor Lewis E. Logan, II
WEHO 20th Anniversary Celebrations (tags)
Emser Tile Building 8431 Santa Monica Blvd Friday, June 3 – Sunday June 5 8:30 pm and 10 pm
ANSWER Peace Demo March 19 (tags)
TSUNAMI - Global Vigil 3,000 Candles at Ocean Beach, San Francisco (tags)
We need 3,000 virtual candles lit online at our website with your accompanying words and reflections by Wednesday in time for a giant 1,000 foot wide Candlelight Tsunami Global Vigil for the Global Village.
Walkout Inauguration Day and the Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq (tags)
Walkout Inauguration Day and the Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq Global WALKOUT for Peace, Freedom & Justice for All WALKOUT Thursday January 20 and Friday, March 18, 2005 1-800-884-1136
El Libertario / Venezuela: 9 years, 40 editions (tags)
* The Comisión de Relaciones Anarquistas (CRA) of Venezuela is happy to announce the upcoming (early November) release of issue # 40 of our publication El Libertario, celebrating the 9th anniversary of the CRA and our newspaper.
Remembering Afghanistan: 3 Years Into the War on Terrorism (tags)
Anniversary / Fundraising event for the Afghan People
3rd Anniversary of the War on Terrorism in Afghanistan (tags)
Vigil @ Westwood Federal Building to stand in Solidarity with the Afghan People
The first anniversary of April 7th in the Port of Oakland (tags)
Revisiting a scene of shock and awe to reaffirm our First Amendment rights. Our banner read, “Remember the shots! -- Return to the docks!”
On the Second Anniversary of the Defeat of the Coup in Venezuela (tags)
US War against Venezuela
Iraq War's First Anniversary Demonstrations In Los Angeles, California (tags)
M20 demonstration photos, video Hollywood, CA, 2004 by
Demonstrators take to the streets in S.F. March 19th (tags)
Demonstrators and San Francisco police officers march along Market Street during an anti-war protest in San Francisco on Friday, March 19, 2004. Demonstrations in several U.S. cities are taking place Friday on the anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq. (AP Photo/Jakub Mosur)
Celebrate Panamanian Day of the Martyrs (tags)
January 9th thru 13th marks the 40th Day of the Martyrs, since the national anti-imperialist revolts that swept the country in 1964. Celebrate in solidarity with a publicly-burned flag or effigy.
Zapatista 10th Anniversary Concert! (tags)
A Night of Spirit, Live Music, Spoken Word, Visual Art, Celebration, Joy, and Resistance in honor of EZLN 20 y 10 Anniversary of the Zapatistas
This August marks the 30th Anniversary of the famous 1970 Chicano Moratorium. The moratorium was the largest anti-vietnam war protest to take place in Mexican American history. It was the turning point in the struggle for Chicanos seeking social justice and peace, and a defining point in anti-Imperialist politics. Join with the Latino community of Los Angeles in commemorating the 30th Anniversary by participating in a mass march opposing the occupation of Iraq! NO MASS GUERRA!
Intl. Vigils to Free Vanunu, Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower (tags)
Vigils to be held at Israeli embassies, consulates and other sites in cities large and small around the world to call for the immediate and unconditional release of imprisoned Israeli nuclear whistleblower, Mordechai Vanunu, on or around Sept. 30, the 17th anniversary of his kidnapping and imprisonment
Radio to Free the MOVE 9 on May 13th! (tags)
A call for radio to honor the MOVE 9 on May 13th, the 18th anniversary of the brutal Philly government bombing of the Afirca family.
Three New Posters Created for Sept. 11 Anniversary (tags)
Three new posters -- "War on Terrorism/Drugs," "When Will It End?" and "Bush: For Terrorism" have been released for immediate distribution in the days leading up to the 9/11 anniversary. Available online, but you can also write for free copies sent via mail, too.
Planning Events for NOT IN OUR NAME 06 (tags)
Sacco-Vanzetti 75th Anniversary - A Call for Writings from Anarchists (tags)
August 23 marks the 75th anniversary of the judicial murders of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
LA, 10 years on: 'Nothing's changed' (tags)
BBC. 30 April 2002. Los Angeles marks 1992 riots.
Statements on the tenth anniversary of the LA Uprising (tags)
Make a statement about the LA Uprising here.
On the 5th Anniversary of Welfare Reform, Poverty Rates Remain Unchanged... (tags)
On the 5th Anniversary of Welfare Reform, Poverty Rates Remain Unchanged Grassroots groups organizing to challenge congressional reauthorization (A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At
NAGASAKI - No Doves Fly Here (tags)
Photo from Nagasaki... the day after. A mangled Horse sits buried under the rubble.
Fans flock to Morrison's grave (tags)
Morrison was found dead in the bath of a Paris apartment on 3 July 1971, aged 27.
Mass Arrests, Interference With WTO Event
WTO Protesters In Seattle Will March To Newspaper Pickets N30, 2000 (tags)
WTO Anniversary Protesters In Seattle Say They Will March TO Picket Lines On N30, 2000
Seattle Activists Face Prohibition On WTO Anniversary Events By City
Activists In Seattle Prepare For Possible Confrontations With Police On WTO Protest Anniversary
Police Prepare Chemical Agent Teams In Seattle For N30, 2000 Protests (tags)
Mass Arrests Expected In Seattle On Anniversary Of WTO Protests
Los Alamos - The Cradle of Nuclear Weapons (tags)
Anniversary protest of the bombing of Nagasaki/Hiroshima calls for a shutdown of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory in New Mexico.
Los Alamos, New Mexico - Cradle of Nuclear Weapons (tags)
Anniversary protest of the bombing of Nagasaki/Hiroshima calls for a shutdown of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory in New Mexico.