fix articles 249226, miwon
Intl Workers Day - MIWON Immigrants March (tags)
(I'm not from MIWON - I'm just a supporter. MIWON is a coaliton of CHIRLA, KIWA, PWC, and IDEPSCA. These groups help organize undocumented immigrant workers. MIWON has done a pretty bad job of promoting their march on the internet. There are two separate marches scheduled this May Day. This one starts at Echo Park and proceeds to Placita Olvera, where there will be a "human postcard". The other starts at Olympic and Broadway, and proceeds to Temple St, where there's an ICE detention center. It's too bad that the immigrant rights movement is split so badly that they can't even have a single march on May Day. Many thousands will show up to march, but due to a split, the numbers will appear to be smaller.)
MIWON still covering for LAPD mayday attack (tags)
MIWON march 'leaders' still backing lapd statements blaming activists for the designed police assault.