fix articles 248855, april 20
Noam Chomsky in Eugene, April 20, 2011 (tags)
The religious faith that markets will sort everything out and are efficient (cf. Joseph Stiglitz) is overthrown.Like propaganda and public relations, business does not seek enlightened consumers making rational choices but unenlightened consumers making irrational choices.
Greenpeace Cofounder in L.A. April 20: "Sustaining Activism" (tags)
The LA Greens will host accomplished writer, activist and Greenpeace co-founder Rex Weyler for a lecture and discussion in honor of Earth Day on April 20, 2005. Author of the newly published "Greenpeace: How a Group of Ecologists, Journalists and Visionaries Changed the World," Weyler will speak about keeping our commitment to the Earth, organizing and fostering social and political action.
20,000 March for Peace in San Francisco, April 20 (tags)
On a breezy spring day in San Francisco, April 20, 2002, some 20,000 or more people came from the Western states to march for peace and most importantly, to march for peace in a free Palestine. By making a free Palestine a priority, our peace movement has made a major qualitative advance as it has clearly cast its lot with the dispossessed, the disinherited and the disenfranchised, in a word, the workingclass, which is the class that has the power to make fundamental change as it is labor that creates all wealth.
April 20 SF Peace March: Buses from Los Angeles Available (tags)
April 20, 2002 Peace March in San Francisco: Information on Buses from Los Angeles and location of San Francisco march. From:
We are heartened by the large volume of positive responses to the announcement issued by the A.N.S.W.E.R. steering committee (February 27) that the coalition was shifting the date of its demonstration to Saturday, April 20. The change to April 20 was in turn a response to a large number of requests asking for a united date for anti-war forces to converge this spring in Washington DC. The A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition has been and continues to be in communication with other groups organizing on the weekend of April 19-22 for a variety of activities.