fix articles 24865, easy Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : easy


Pominent Rabbi Wants Jews Given Special Permission to Carry Guns (tags)


Home-less-free occupying is not a free ride either (tags)

Another article written on LA Indy was full of comments that derided the author as if that answered the question of how the everywhere-living-homeless in LA have used up what were spaces intended for the general public - for children, for athletes, for elderly, for the tired, the disabled, the visitors. And no blame is made but the reality is noted and forthrightly stated. No PC necessary. No attack the writer is needed. No solutions are available, apparently.

Netanyahu Launches Anti-Iranian Twitter Campaign (tags)


Abbas and Fayyad: Collaborationist Israeli Allies (tags)


See it NOW...Save the people = us... all, see this video (tags)

Everyone is sharing this video and it should be seen by all, agreement or disagreement, no matter. PREVENT THE NEW WORLD ORDER from it's already emerging stranglehold on what we thought was a 'free' USA. See it and decide for yourself.

Fresh & Easy: A Wal-Mart Clone? (tags)

An open letter to Fresh & Easy, Tesco's (UK) upcoming US subsidiary...

How to Fix Capitalism (tags)

Book review of Benjamin Barber's "Consumed: How Markets Corrupt Children, Infantilize Adults and Swallow Citizens Whole"

Veteran And Bank Examiner Beat In Jail Needs Teeth Funds, Free Song In Exchange (tags)

Because I worked for the federal banking regulatory agency as a bank examiner at the FDIC, I was injected and jailed after informing on corruption. I am seeking funds for a tooth broken in LA jail. Free song

The Litani river is anti-semitic. (tags)

And everyone knows it. See how it refuses to flow into Israel. This will now be changed.

A CALL TO ARMS: Fighting Conservative America From Your Computer Desk (tags)

Have you ever wanted to get involved and have your voice heard? Here is an easy and entertaining way to do both from the computer you are using at this very moment.

The MORE I AM. (tags)

The flood.

Iraq: A Rush for the Exits (tags)

With the pressure building for the US to start retreating from Iraq, and our coalition “allies” abandoning ship, what’s a soldier in Iraq to think? Déjà vu. It’s 1970 Vietnam.

Rumour Mongering - turning the tables on the Capitalist Media (tags)

Or how to create a media system which is a public utility, instead of a capitalist brain washing outfit, in really easy steps...

We Are Not Stupid (tags)

The elite corporate media thinks that the masses that are stupid, it is they who are stupid for believing the corrupt corporate pr machine.

Understanding the Middle East (tags)

If any one person, viewpoint or source had the “straight story” about the Middle East, it would an easy matter to solve all our problems. It is easy to read a biased summary of “talking points” regarding any issue and march off on a crusade, disseminating more biased opinion and rallying followers to the attack.

Five Simple Ways You Can Support the Grocery Workers (tags)

The Inland Anti-Empire blog supports the grocery workers strike and lists 5 easy ways you can help support the workers too.

The Principles of Control (tags)

The first principle of people control is not to let them know you are controlling them. If people knew, this knowledge will breed resentment and possibly rebellion, which would then require brute force and terror, and old fashioned, expensive and not 100 % certain method of control.

Mark Your Money (tags)

Quick and easy civil disobedience.

The New RW Current Events Pop Quiz on Iraq (tags)

Boys & Girls! Are you bored with the current events class at school? Parents and Teachers! Do you have trouble getting children to pay attention? We’re not surprised. So, our educational experts have devised a special pop quiz so easy and accessible that even President Bush could do it! Well, okay, not that easy... but still, pretty easy. C'mon, it's all multiple choice. Plus, our easy scoring system even gives credit for some wrong answers! So, sharpen your pencil, find a comfy chair, and get ready to take the new RW current events Pop Quiz on Iraq.

About cloning and beaming! (tags)

The Bushist Chronicle

The Bushist Chronicle (tags)

German guiltiness!

Rest Easy, Wealthy Gentlemen (tags)

Just in time for the holidays! [493 kb in MP3 format (63 sec)]

Protesting War a Luxury? (tags)

From a March 9, letter in the Hartford Courant. A Korean war veteran says that going with the majority is easy-- protesting is what takes guts.

scapegoats are easy. the truth is hard. (tags)

contrary to what many greens and dems will tell you, there's no one reason gore couldn't/didn't win. scapegoats are easy. the truth is hard. there's a constellation of reasons king george is now leading (and i use that term loosely) the country. and it's going to take a constellation of solutions to get him out.

G8 BLaCK FLOP (tags)

apart from their subjective thinking black bloc practice is objectively damaging for the movement

Twelve Ways to Democratize the U.S. Political System: Eleventh (tags)

11. Make voting easy.

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