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Patients are not Customers (tags)

Mainstream economics is always based on the idea of homo oeconomicus, an egoist who maximizes his own advantages. In economics, the extreme form of egoism is treated as rationality. July 30 was Medicare's 50th birthday and August 14 is Social Security's 80th birthday. Celebrate!

Dethrone the Dollar (tags)

Political countervailing power of the G-millions against the economism of the neoliberals can only be formed with a long breath.. The grass grows from below; words fall empty from the top.

Mayor Villaraigosa and the Truth about Cats and Dogs (tags)

If Mayor Villaraigosa fails to honor his promise to fire Mr. Stuckey and to hire a compassionate and experienced General Manager who can implement a no-kill plan and reform the department, he may find that the animal community is politically-speaking, more bite than bark.

U.S. Marines to invade Long Beach (tags)

"Shorefest." According to the organizer's news release, the scheduled events include "a spine-tingling military 'invasion;' hundreds of U.S. Marines will swarm the beach in amphibious assault vehicles, as Hovercraft provide water cover while planes and helicopters provide air cover.'

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