fix articles 24773, it will
TTIP - Why the World Should Beware, 61 pp (tags)
Radical free trade policies did not begin with the birth of NAFTA, nor with the founding of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 – both had been in place in over 90 developing and transitional economies for over a decade through structural adjustment programes imposed by the World Bank and the IMF. (Walden Bello)
Argentina Files Final Response Urging SCOTUS to Accept Predatory Hedge Fund Debt Case (tags)
Argentina filed its final Supreme Court response to hedge fund NML Capital urging the high court to take the case that the Financial Times calls "the debt trial of the century." Jubilee USA filed an Amicus Curiae brief in March noting that the precedent in the case will impact debt restructurings, poor country access to credit and debt relief programs designed to help people living in extreme poverty. The US government and the International Monetary Fund support Argentina. On June 12th, the Supreme Court is scheduled to discuss whether or not it will hear the case.
Philippines: Bill filed to close gender gap in politics and governance (tags)
Males continue to dramatically outnumber females in Philippine politics and governance, paving the way to a male-dominated political landscape and a persistent gender gap in the country’s public service system.
TPP Protesters Greet President Obama in Beverly Hills — in Pictures (tags)
[This is a subset of the full article, which was posted to LA Progressive. ]
AFL-CIO’s Own Oil Disaster (tags)
With less than transparency, the AFL-CIO just issued a statement endorsing “expanding the nation’s pipeline system.” Although it did not explicitly endorse the Keystone XL pipeline, the labor federation nevertheless managed to extend its blessing to the project while hiding behind vague generalities. However, the logic of its position is unambiguous: the federation is in favor of extending pipelines in general and without qualification; the Keystone XL is a pipeline. Therefore logic compels us to infer that the federation supports the extension of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Why Organized Labor Must Stand Against the Keystone XL Pipeline (tags)
Spurred by real urgency over the corporate driven ruin of the environment, a growing social movement is taking shape that will be on display this Sunday, February 17, when tens of thousands descend on the streets of Washington, D.C. in a show of power titled “Forward On Climate.”
Halt Approval of Agent Orange Resistant Corn (tags)
The purpose of this event is to increase the number of public comments sent to the USDA to oppose this proposal by Dow Chemical Corporation. Given the trend at the USDA, it will take more than merely public comments top prevent this outrage, but this is the essential first step - to make certain the will of the people is in the public record.
Grim Holiday Season Tidings (tags)
class war
Libya and the End of Western Illusions (tags)
Five months into the bombing campaign, it is no longer possible to believe the initial official version of the events and the massacres attributed to the "Gaddafi regime". Thierry Meyssan is a French intellectual and founder of the Voltaire Network.
Irvine Long War Memorial Dedication (tags)
The Irvine Long War Memorial will be dedicated 14 Nov. This is the US's first and only memorial to ongoing wars. Like the Vietnam-memorial it has space for 8K names of the dead. It will be more than half filled of course on the 14th, from Iraq and AfPak, but it will be updated yearly with new military dead names. No need for perpetual wars to end in the new world order. Full schedule available at
Green U.S. Senate Candidate Favors Repealing Federal Marijuana Laws (tags)
"As I officially kick off my campaign for the U.S. Senate today, one of the first declarations I make is to call for the repeal of all federal laws on the books which make it a criminal act for people to grow, sell, and use marijuana for medicinal, recreational, and industrial purposes."
They're Coming: Freedom Flotilla Two and Others Planned (tags)
They're coming until the Gaza siege ends
History of Brazil (and of the conspiracy fomented by CIA) it will be last the clean in OAS.
The death of macho: The era of male dominance is over (tags)
The most enduring legacy of the Great Recession will not be the death of Wall Street. It will not be the death of finance. And it will not be the death of capitalism. These ideas and institutions will live on. What will not survive is macho.
The Gaza massacre has finally caught up with Israel. (tags)
Israeli expulsion from the West Bank will be the final result.
Support the Protests says Ohio Socialist Senate Candidate (tags)
Dan La Botz, the Cincinnati school teacher who joined the Ohio race for U.S. Senate last month, issued a statement today supporting the national day of protests over the crisis in education. He also called for the creation of system of free, quality public education such as some states, such as California, had in the 1960s. “The Obama administration and the U.S. Congress provided trillions in grants, loans, and federal insurance to banks and corporations for the bailouts,” said La Botz. “The total military and war budget comes to almost $750 billion dollars. The President’s proposed education budget is just under $50 billion dollars. The Obama government provided hundreds of times more money to the bankers than it will to teachers and students, and it will spend 15 times more on arms and war than on our children’s education. Obama proposes more loans for college students, loans that will saddle more families and students with more debt. We don’t need loans—we need free education.”
The Devastating Consequences of a Corporate Health Care Bill (tags)
Wading through the endless debate over health care has exhausted the patience of most Americans — the zigzags, obscure language, and long-winded discussion is inherently repulsive. But now the dust is starting to settle, and the Congressional vision for health care in the U.S. is emerging. Instead of being “progressive,” it will amount to a massive, corporate-inspired attack on American workers, the elderly, and the poor.
Obama is being long to bury FOX.
The Brazilian press exults, me not.
Netanyahu says Israel must not be held to account. (tags)
For its war crimes in Gaza.
Haitians Overwhelmingly Reject Electoral Sham (tags)
Imagine holding a national election and virtually no one shows up
“Women Hold Up Half The Sky – Only Communist Revolution Can Emancipate Women!” (tags)
On March 8, 2:00 p.m. at the Student Union Theatre at California State University, Los Angeles, the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA will make a presentation: “Women Hold Up Half The Sky – Only Communist Revolution Can Emancipate Women!”
Instead of borrowing trillions and sticking future generations of taxpayers with the cost of bailing out a corrupt and ineffective financial system, the federal government should use the bailout money and charter a bank of its own,one that could offer loans directly to individuals and businesses and thereby stimulate the economy by providing capital to people who can't get it now from the private banks.
Obamanomics: Why the Stimulus Plan Will Not Revive the Economy (tags)
This article was published in: The Independent, Dec 12, 2008.
Congress Please Don’t Do It (tags)
Bottom line the middle class was already on the decline and should this bailout be implemented the middle class as we know it will disappear and after all the dust settles and everything is said and done, it boils down to the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer and the poor is who pays.
All For One And One For All !!! (tags)
right to abuse, those that have not. Fix that, and you fix it all. Fix it not, and face the inevitable consequences.
Tarot Cards and the Left (tags)
How prognostications of doom encourage passivity over action
Obama to shaft Ross
Spring Fling in Iran? -- Updating World War III (tags)
Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer conducts a timely examination of Bush administration war signals from March. Will we be attacking Iran this spring?
National Homeless Marathon Radio Show - 11th Annual: Feb 20 - 21 (tags)
11th Annual National Homeless Marathon Radio Show
Starting at 7PM(est) on Wednesday, February 20, 2008.
It will end at 9AM(est) on Thursday, February 21, 2008.
NUMBERS - 877-NOBODY-8 (877-662-6398) for anybody homeless
or housed 866-LEFT-OUT
Imagine being sent forward in time from 1967 to 2007. Instead of gas costing 25 cents a gallon, it's $2.50. A decent home, intead of costing $15,000, costs $250,000 or more.
Brazil, Paraná: Syngenta's GMO alert! (tags)
The farm is located in the band of ecological protection of the National Park of Iguaçu. "In case that it begins again to be used as field of tests toward research with GMOS, it will demonstrate that the Swiss company really wants to make, at Paraná, what it would never make in the Swiss city of Basel, headquarters of the company" affirmed Silveira.
New island found in Mediterranean (tags)
with Arabic speaking people
Crucial Week for Sicko 200 More Cities July 3 and 100 More July 6 (tags)
We, the millions of people who saw Sicko on its first weekend, were successful beyond all expectations! We packed so many movie theaters across the nation that it will now be shown in 200 more cities starting July 3 and 100 more cities starting July 6. This is a Make it or Break It Week for Sicko! Go there with everyone you can find over age 10 and then you and everyone you bring should sign up for your state's single payer health care plan campaign now! Ticket information, Single Payer bill SB840 websites and Mike's letter are below.
They will never have CUBA (tags)
“Whoever attempts to conquer Cuba will only gather the dust of her soil soaked in blood, if he does not perish in the fight”, exclaimed Maceo...
Arctic Ice Melting 3x Faster Than Predictions (tags)
A study published in the current issue of Geophysical Research Letters reveals that "the actual rate at which summer sea ice had shrunk per decade during the past 50 years was more than three times faster than an average of 18 of the most highly regarded climate simulations."(1) This is another in a growing number of reports that are showing that the globe is warming at an accelerated pace, not in the gradual steady incline that was expected by the scientists.
Lt. Gen. William E. Odom: A Cassandra for Our Times (tags)
The Bush-Cheney Gang’s immoral and illegal war in Iraq “hugely advances” the interest of Al Qaeda and Iran. “No American interests” are served by that conflict, according to Lt. Gen. William E. Odom, USA, Rtd. The longer U.S. forces remain in Iraq, he said, “the worse it will get.” He added: “Staying the course makes no sense.” Leaving Iraq now, Gen. Odom insisted, “is the only way to recover from the greatest strategic mistake in American history.”
The CAFR Outrage - Qualify The Motive Over the last several decades, the public of the USA has griped about:
There is an elephant in the room. (tags)
Say nothing.
Canaries of the Activsist World (tags)
The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act defines terrorism as causing an animal enterprise to suffer a profit loss - even if the company's financial decline is caused by peaceful protests, boycotts, media campaigns or leafleting. If the AETA passes this precident will go on to define nearly all activist activies as terrorism
Stolen election AGAIN? Help spark a general strike Nov. 8! (tags)
shut down jorge arbusto.
Stolen election AGAIN? Help spark a general strike Nov. 8! (tags)
Before it's too late...
Seeing the forest for the trees (tags)
The double standard will not serve any of the parties involved. It will further erode the Quartet's credibility with the Palestinians, and it will fail to save Israel from itself.
The Second American Revolution : Religious Folly (tags)
The problem with being a naked whore, is that you must strip down to get the job done. It is not possible to remain dressed as a nun at the same time. They may have taught you religion, but no one taught you wisdom, or you would know these things.
The next trick (in a series of tricks) (tags)
It will be just wide enough to allow Israel to grab the water! Once Israel grabs the water, it will rely on it (filling the settler’s swimming pools), and will never return it,
Israel can no longer rely on the support of Europe's Jews (tags)
The feeling is growing that Jewish honour and heritage have been more convincingly preserved in the diaspora
The Developer vs. the Nation's Largest Urban Farm (tags)
The Battle for South Central Farm By RALPH NADER
The Petrodollar: America’s Achilles Heel (tags)
Virtual Chicano is webmaster and political commentator for Chicano Forums
Below is some information to you posted on Minutemen Actions.
Racist extremists advocate "killing" Mexicans (tags)
Neo-Nazis and anti-immigration extremists responded to a highly publicized wave of immigration reform demonstrations in major U.S. cities with open calls for terrorist violence, including truck bombs, machine gun attacks, and assassinations of U.S. senators and members of Congress.
"Kill Me Not Tookie Williams" (tags)
What example are we setting for our children? Kill to teach the youth of today that killing is Justice at work. Killing is the right thing to do.
CIvil War Rages in Iraq (tags)
Civil war been Sunnis and Shiites has been raging since August 31, yet the Bush administration continues to describe the situation as "pockets of insurgency" and to blame the escalating attacks on its favorite "catch-all" bogeyman: Al Qaeda. (I'm surprised he hasn't blamed Katrina on Al Qaeda)
The G8 and Africa's unreported famine conditions (tags)
To close off the final day of the G8 summit, a special report I was saving for the end, and perhaps take my cue from the media to spread some wild rumours and maybe scare some people. Behind the scenes at Live 8 and the G8.
Ground Zero - (Californians Lead The Way Off The Cliff) (tags)
No Summary
ON-AIR DEBATE WED 6/8: JEFFREY BLANKFORT: The Role of the Pro-Israel Lobby in US Politics (tags)
Anti-Zionist Jewish-American veteran photo-journalist, radio journalist, political essayist, and anti-war and human rights activist, JEFFREY BLANKFORT will debate University of San Francisco (USF) Prof. Stephen Zunes TONIGHT, Wed, 7:pm PT, on KPFA-FM (94.1 or listen at, in Berkeley, CA, regarding the role of the pro-Israel lobby in U.S. politics and related issues.
Antonio Villaraigosa has won the election, but can he fix all of our problems? Villaraigosa is indeed progressive, and is also a step in the correct direction.
Help Protect Uncensored Satellite Television for the Chinese People (tags)
The TV Station that broke the SARS story in China and pressured the Chinese government to admit the crisis, will go off the air in China on April 15, 2005 due to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party.
Supervolcano -Very Excellent Film! (tags)
The Discovery Channel aired a movie entitled "Supervolcano" which was based on actual was EXTREMELY good and ACCURATE about what is in the future at Yellowstone National Park.
YOU THINK YOU KNOW................BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA..............JUST WHAT BUSH HAS IN STORE FOR.....YOU.....US.....THE WORLD.....OUR FUTURE! Straight up—Bush and his people aren’t just ordinary Republicans. And they’re not ordinary Christians either. They are Christian Fascists—dangerous fanatics who aim to make the U.S. a religious dictatorship and to force this upon the world. If they get their way—and they are very far along the road to getting it—society will be plunged into a high-tech Dark Ages. Those who compare Bush to Hitler are right! But, don’t be waiting for people wearing little mustaches and marching the Nazi goose-step to come to your town. This brand of fascism is coming differently, and it's coming straight from the White House. Staring at Christian Fascism
The Battle For The Future Will Be Fought From Here Forward! (tags)
Two futures confront each other. Will imperialism force a future of darkness and suffocation onto the people? Will tens of millions more needlessly suffer and die? OR, will the critical spirit be unleashed in a way that does a great GOOD for humanity? Will society move forward in a revolutionary direction and set about removing the great suffering and misery cast down on the people by capitalism?
This is a request for coverage, as well as an update on the events.
The Revolution will not be yanquiized (tags)
A poem for the workers. Please copy, circulate and post
The Battle for the Future Will Be Fought From Here Forward! (tags)
Straight up—Bush and his people aren’t just ordinary Republicans. And they’re not ordinary Christians either. They are Christian Fascists—dangerous fanatics who aim to make the U.S. a religious dictatorship and to force this upon the world. If they get their way—and they are very far along the road to getting it—society will be plunged into a high-tech Dark Ages.
The deficit can only be lowered by devaluing the dollar at least 20 to 30 percent.. In 1963 the deficit amounted to five percent of econo-mic output. This changed within eight years into a surplus of one percent. Economic growth, tax increases andspending discipline
Super Flu Pandemic Planned! Rationed Medicines--PREDICTED OVER 2 YEAR AGO! (tags)
The top link is from a TV station in Palm Beach FL, last day or so I think....the second, longer part is a posting from 2001 concerning a whistleblower talking about conditioning the population via chemtrails, for a vast depopulation operation utilizing a super-flu pandemic... ----------------------
War Crimes Tribunal: the People Judge George W. Bush (tags)
Iraq War Crimes Tribunal: The People will Judge George W. Bush Thursday, August 26th 3:00pm to 9:30pm Martin Luther King Auditorium 65th St. & Amsterdam New York, NY
Why we should all go to the movies this weekend (tags)
Dear friends of human survival, It's time for a night out at the movies in a big way. Please read the note below and pass it on and I bet we can cause a lot of extra popcorn to be consumed this weekend! We might not have ever had such an opportunity to have fun and support greater awareness for a saner world by going to the movies. Lots of love, jamie
Between Ariel Sharon and Yasser Arafat is a very limited amount of braincells. However, it is their mutual incompetance, not Sharon or Arafat's alone, that makes them a disaster.
Israel Wants US Report Held After the Hague (tags)
Israel has asked the U.S. administration to postpone publication of the State Department's annual report on human rights around the world, fearing it will be used against Israel in the discussion on the separation fence at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
You Are Welcome to Kill Me, If You Will (tags)
Well, Gen Franks, now we know how your employers are going to preserve the rule of the crime family of Bush and his cohorts. Simple. Stage another 'event' spectacular enough to whip the TV watching public into fear and declare martial law.
Coalition Of Women for Peace (tags)
On the website of the Coalition of Women for Peace: Thoughts for Yom Kipur * Host A Refuser! * 3 Years of Intifada Data * Reserve Pilots To Refuse Liquidations * Who Won (Gush Salom) * Electronic Intifada * and many more
I think something more or less like this is what should have happened post election 2000, rather than relative dissolution after election day. Let’s learn from that mistake. Let’s not repeat it. Let’s demand of our process and its participants a strategy that has staying power.
The Patriot Act and Persecution of Sherman Austin (LA Weekly article) (tags)
The US citizens are also to be condemned (tags)
The US citizens are also to be condemned, this was not just George Bush, you elected him. I am norwegian, and not an angry arab.
War brings out the Purple People (tags)
These are the people who hate big government budgets and world-changing government programs, yet whose faces turn purple with excitement when that same government racks up huge debts to pay for world-changing programs that involve bombs, troops and missiles.
Gnome$ for peace- How to Stop the Attack (tags)
Boycott the dollars and bring peace to the world. The more people you can persuade to join you in becoming a Gnome for Peace, the better the chance there is of weakening the dollar and the American economy by enough to prevent or limit a war.
On Wed. March 5… You could call in sick. (sick of war, sick of militarism…)
W ... He'll Be Remembered as an Asshole: Peaceniks Win War! (tags)
Ben Tripp is a screenwriter, political satirist and cartoonist.
POSTER: Petroleum Geologist predicted U.S. Oil War (tags)
If you watch this lecture video, you will get a chill down your spine when you realize that the current economic and military situation was appreciated and predicted more than two years ago by a petroleum geologist!
Oil grab by the United States? (tags)
'Crude' conspiracy? No: Facts don't support theory of U.S. 'oil grab'
Join The Exploding Electronic Action To Break Up Media Ownership! (tags)
Since December 5th, 2002 over 400 comments have been posted to the FCC Public Record, you should be part of this exploding electronic action.
McDonald's closing 175 restaurants (tags)
McDonald's Corp. announced today that it will cease or restructure operations in seven Middle Eastern and Latin American nations, eliminate up to 600 jobs and close about 175 restaurants in 10 other countries.
Papanastasiou: Who will do the dying? (tags)
Picture this: a searing, copper-coated hollow bullet slices the air with supersonic speed, striking and expanding in a human skull. The entry thud muffles an explosion of smashed bone and brain matter on the other side.
Bush's UN Non-Sequiturs (tags)
UN speech dissected
The War on Iraq: While It Will Happen and What We Can Do (tags)
The war on Iraq.
How to be welcome by IMC Germany and Austria (by Latuff) (tags)
Before to post anything related to Palestine on IMC Germany and Austria, take a look on this quick guide.
Life without freedom isn't worth living.
Antibiotics in our food (tags)
Are your allergies to your food, or caused by your food?
FTAA teach-in at University of California, Irvine April 11 (tags)
Teach-in on the FTAA this Wednesday APRIL 11 5-8.30 pm at UCI