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Those who benefit from Corona should pay too (tags)
It's a dangerous trend for a society that is already tending to drift apart and where tensions could become ever greater: Corona has caused the differences between rich and poor to grow, even in Germany. Those who have anyway will become richer in the pandemic.
The 4th of Many Documents That Prove Covid-19 is a Crime Against Humanity (tags)
Several sites say this is not true. However if you research the information give ant the site, you will find this to be true. A crime against humanity for which the same has been and still is being done to the American people by the United States Government.
Oklahoma GOP Senator Jim Inhofe's Bloody Record (tags)
Oklahoma GOP Senator finally ended his annual fundraiser pigeon shoot murder but continues his mammal murder and antienvironmental votes.
Urban Official Report that several Latin American Countries Sendimg Pro Dictator to U.S. (tags)
Noy much is known about this, but right wing Haitians were reported moving to Florida and other states.There are other countries who have right wing or left wing officials who have to qualify to move.
This post reveals the criminal agenda of fbi and how fbi hides their crimes.
Perpetrators of atrocities are employed by or associated with fbi (tags)
See confessions of fbi's own torturers and assassins.
KPFK LSB statement on DAPL arrests (tags)
the KPFK Local Station Board passed this
kPFK under threatening duress - even to it's long-established staff by new Gen'l Mgr (tags)
A staff member, Ian Masters, who hosts a regular newsworthy program 6 days/week [and also has a public forum at the Hammer musem too which promotes KPFK by ] , has written a clear letter indicating his concerns . He wrote a truthful explanation of what is happening to programming and what he said about this also on-air, and has been duly threatened. Anyone concerned over such unreasonable acts at Our Radio Stattion should write to the current new GM at and state your views, concerns, and or willingness to continue pledging $$$.... or not. His emailed letter is below:
Cesar Chavez on Zionism (tags)
This month we celebrate the birthday of Cesar Chavez, a friend to Israel and the Jewish people.
GLOBAL DAY of ACTION for the Indonesian Rainforests! (tags)
Greenpeace Orange County will hold a funeral procession in solidarity with the Global Day of Action for the Forests on Sat., March 29th, 2014 at 11:30am, meet @ Macy's entrance, South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa. Wear ALL black.
From Obamacare to Trade (tags)
Superversion not subversion is the new and very real threat to the state.
PHILIPPINES: Millions of Votes for the Democratic Left (tags)
While the Commission on Elections has yet to announce the official results of the 2013 partylist elections, we would like to thank the Filipino voters and everyone who have made Akbayan Partylist's sixth straight electoral victory possible.
PSA Warning: Sexual Assailants Likely to be Presient at Santa Ana Writing Event (tags)
Women for OC has waived all objections to sexual predators tabling Great American Write-in
The Unstoppable Dreamers (tags)
"Courage begets more courage. One sacrifice inspires another... instead of deciding it was advantageous to cave to anti-immigrant racists, Obama looked for a way to please a mobilized and dissatisfied Latino base. We have the DREAMers to thank.."
HURRAY for courageous Wikileakers (tags)
Wki-leaks has done what many of us wish we could... OPEN UP THE WORLD OF misinformation, lies, deceits, manipulations, fake diplomacy, propaganda and allllll that is spoken, written that is "not in our name" appropriate. Wow, some of us are very impressed and want these computer workers SUPPORTED, complimented, helped, and given any and every service or help we can each offer... to keep them doing the good work they have been so dedicated to providing to all "the people" including "the American People" too... good ! work ! help protect and increase Free Speech as exposure is not intended to harm but REVEAL what is being done for us that is hurtful and against most of us.
For Painter
May Day March in Downtown Santa Ana Attracts an Estimated 1,000 People (tags)
"Another world is possible without borders!"
Joseph Stiglitz: Harsh lessons we may need to learn again (tags)
"The best that can be said for 2009 is that it could have been worse, that we pulled back from the precipice on which we seemed to be perched in late 2008, and that 2010 will almost surely be better for most countries around the world. ,,"
The Prison Walls Will Crumble - Sept 12th (tags)
On September 12th, there will an event, known as Running Down the Walls, that will be held in 14 cities and prisons throughout North America in support of Political Prisoners.
Major increase in violent deaths of Mexican Troops and Federal Police in Michoacan (tags)
In response to a major increase in death and violence in the Mexican President’s home state of Michoacán President Felipe Calderon sent more than 5,500 more troops and federal police to protect, defend and support federal forces and other Mexican law enforcement personal who have taken a stand against the Mexican Drug Cartel known as La Familia.
Memorial Day: Counting Lives Lost to Stop Inflicting Grief upon Others (tags)
Memorial Day honors war dead. Unlike most U.S. war memorials, a stunning exhibit at De Anza College dramatizes not only American lives lost in the war in Iraq, but Iraqi lives lost as well. There is one figure for each confirmed fatality. But the ratio of 1:22 American to Iraqi deaths is extremely conservative.
Can the erotic service providers please speak? (tags)
sex workers protest craigslist
San Francisco Youths Protest ICE Raids on Día de los Muertos (tags)
For many Mexican immigrants, Día de los Muertos is a day to remember not only the dead, but also the disappeared – those who have been seized in sweeping raids by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). On Halloween day, San Francisco youths protested the raids in front of ICE offices.
Number of Pets Abandoned up 22%, BUT the Number of Pets KILLED UP 37% (IN 2008) (tags)
ED BOKS Claims that LA is 95% No-Kill, IN SPITE of a 37% Increase in KILLING!
Reporter looking for Families Torn Apart by Immigration Law (tags)
The following was passed on to me by the folks at Immigration Detention Watch Network in regards to a request by a reporter who is interested in making a documentary on families who have been negatively affected by U.S. Immigration laws.
A Forum Topix post also known as A Sh*thead War. (Jer. 6:14; 8:11) 5/10 "A Nation of Sh*theads" 5/11 Anthrax Canadian-style. 5/14 Fire? Rain? The Choice Remains!
Global Warming Contrarians Exposed - Must See Free Video (tags)
An extremely informative, in-depth account of four of the major global warming "confusionists" is available free-online.
OC Peace Coalition & Military Families Speak Out Presidents' Day Action--Nixon Library! (tags)
Global Warming Contrarians Exposed (tags)
An extremely informative, in-depth account of four of the major global warming "confusionists" is available free-online.
Stop the war in Mindanao (tags)
Proof of MNLF coddling Jemaah Islamiah (JI) and Abu Sayyaf (ASG) terrorist groups must be presented; US Troops Out
3/24 : Film Debut "Resistir Para Existir" & Cucapa Solidarity Statement (CWLA)
The Peoples’ Counter State of the Union Message (tags)
George W. Bush, the Liar-in-Chief, did his thing on Tuesday night, Jan. 23, 2007. He delivered another one of his so-called “State of the Union” messages to the Congress, on Capitol Hill. Outside the building, however, by the reflective pool, activists, like: Col. Ann Wright, Medea Benjamin, Jeffrey Milliard and Travis Morales, offered a true representation of the state of our nation. They demanded an end to the Iraqi War and bringing our troops home.
War Monger George W. Hitler out of touch with the public. (tags)
Bush favors temporary rise in GIs in Iraq
Undeserved Forgiveness ? (tags)
Interesting story of forgiveness in the face of terror.
HIV is a Gay Disease (!?!) (tags)
A controversial new campaign by the LA Gay & Lesbian Center merits discussion.
Straightening the Dogs' legs (Attempting the Impossible) (tags)
If little bunches of speedsters then show up, it will be proper to say: here are some of those men who only appear once every five hundred years. As we once recalled to the cold Zinoviev, who used to say that referring to Lenin. We will wait for them to be embalmed. We don't feel we deserve such an honour.
Lebanese Civilians 2 March SOUTH (tags)
After August 12, the campaign will continue with a series of civil actions, leading to an August 19 civilian march to reclaim the South. "Working together, in solidarity, we will overcome the complacency, inaction, and complicity of the international community and we will deny Israel its goal of removing Lebanese from their land and destroying the fabric of our country," explained Samah Idriss, writer and co-organizer of this campaign.
Visiting the SCF: Report Back (tags)
Impressions from my second visit to the farm (I'm from Sonoma County)
The Language of Life: Reflections on the South Central Farm (tags)
"...The root cause of the problems that threaten life on earth is the concept of land title acquired and maintained by force. Since modern civilization is based on this concept, it does not hold the key to peace." - Hopi Elder Martin Gashweseoma
On Killings and Church Persecution (tags)
Pesante published a press statement of PCPR to inform the public in the US on the killings and persuction of the US-Arroyo regime of church people. To date there are about 15 churchpeople who have been killed under Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s regime. All of them, members of the clergy, church workers and lay leaders, were active social justice advocates.We pay the highest respect unto the martyrs of the church and the people. As the good book stated, “God’s faithful people are dragged off and killed and no one even cares. Evil sweeps them away, but in death they find peace for obeying God.” (Isaiah 57:1-2) Lastly, we also call on the churchpeople to be steadfast in their commitment for the cause of truth, justice, peace and genuine democracy.
The Most Important Place (tags)
"They can’t take away the Farm”, a child had told her, “because where will the lizards go”?
Carl Bernstein Says It's Impeachment Time! (tags)
It's Impeachment Time ! Carl Bernstein has this to say in Vanity Fair.....
America's heart turned black (tags)
a heart turned black
Sinking News Ships: But it's not the Rats Who Will be Leaving (tags)
Three big metro dailies are cutting back on staffing, in another cycle of less reporting, less news, fewer readers and lower profits. At this point, it almost doesn’t matter though—they’ve gotten so bad already.
BAHRC Medics in Lousiana Call For Licensed Volunteer MD's (and possibly NP's) (tags)
Hey Everyone, This is Michael K writing from Algiers in New Orleans. We have had a tremendous outpouring of support, in terms of materials and spirit, from from folks in the immediate community, the local region, and nation-wide. The main concern now is for medical personal who can prescribe meds. Under the Louisiana state of emergency, all MDs who have active medical licenses in their home state have instant prescribing privileges here in Louisiana--simply bring copies of your license and DEA. I am not sure if this applies to NPs--could someone check on this? I will have to leave Saturday or Sunday, and at this time, I've been the only physician regularly working in the clinic...We desperately need a prescribing clinician to be able to commit to being here for a bit of time... thanks michael k BAY AREA RADICAL HEALTH COLLECTIVE 415-702-5872
Join The SECOND Virtual Sit-In Against The MinuteMen (tags)
Join the and Electronic Disturbance Theater Virtual Sit-In Against Anti-Immigrant Websites, from Tuesday July 20th -Thursday, July 22nd To join, click here:
To the People of Mexico / To the Peoples of the World June 19, 2005 / Brothers and Sisters: As of today, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation has declared, throughout all rebel territory, a GENERAL RED ALERT Based on this, we are informing you:
EZLN Communique: Red Alert - EZLN declara alerta roja general (tags)
Communique of the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee - General Comand of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. - Translated by irlandesa.
Zapatistas declare RED ALERT fearing military offensive (tags)
The Zapatistas haev declared a RED ALERT and have evacuated numerous of their "Councils of Good Government" to safety. Few other details presently available.
Deborah Koons Garcia comes to LA (tags)
"My goal was to make a film that gave the average person a clear understanding of how genetic engineering works, from the cellular level to the global level,” says Deborah Garcia, producer and director of the film. “I'm hoping this film can be a combination of SILENT SPRING, and THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS. Once you see it you'll feel compelled to act, even if that means just changing the kind of food you eat."
January 2005 U.S. Immigrant Alert! Newsletter (tags)
Please donwload our latest January 2005 U.S. Immigrant Alert! Newsletter
Iraq for Fun and Profiteering (tags)
Bush’s war in Iraq has brought us the Brits, the Poles, the Bulgarians, the Hondurans. Now it’s bringing us the Nigerians. Scammers that is.
It's Not Your Government. (tags)
Parallel strategy of Engagement. People who play chess, a martial game, know about trying to think like the enemy. It's almost essential to not be waxed on a consistant basis. All you need to know, is what the enemy's end game is.
The Progressive Muslim Union, North America (tags)
Regarding the formation of the Progressive Muslim Union of North America
All of us who have resisted the Bush administration’s militaristic and illegal invasions are “insurgents.” We will hold George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, et. al., accountable for every single death that they cause, and we will continue to demand the truth from the press.
Kerry is more than just a County! (tags)
Defend yourself from self-defeat, Don't let Bush lull you into other four years!
Maybe Now We're the Silent Majority (tags)
The Bush administration’s campaign to equate criticism of the president with treason or disloyalty, and to harass and intimidate dissenters may be scaring much of the public into silence. If so, he may be in for a big surprise on November 2: Revenge of the silenced.
This Santa Monica candlelight vigil was one of many held around the United States tonight to honor men and women, soldiers and civilians, who have lost their lives in the war in Iraq.
1000: A Number So Sickeningly Predictable (tags)
With 13 Americans killed so far this week, and 997 U.S soldiers dead in Iraq so far, it’s all to predictable that by midweek, the 1000 mark will be reached or passed. This is George Bush’s War. He wants it this way. But when will John Kerry join other Americans in saying Enough instead of “Four More Years”?
225 UGSOA Members are Voting to Stop Dues Payments to UGSOA (tags)
Byrd's Fable Fits Perfectly (tags)
"Those who have dared to expose the nakedness of the administration's policies in Iraq have been subjected to scorn. Those who have noticed the elephant in the room - that is, the fact that this war was based on falsehoods - have had our patriotism questioned. Those who have spoken aloud the thought shared by hundreds of thousands of military families across this country, that our troops should return quickly and safely from the dangers half a world away, have been accused of cowardice. We have then seen the untruths, the dissembling, the fabrication, the misleading inferences surrounding this rush to war in Iraq wrapped quickly in the flag."
5 PM Friday: Humanitarian Travelers to Iraq (tags)
Support Local Civilians Who Have Traveled to Iraq for Humanitarian Purposes Fight U.S. Government's Pursuit of Charges Against Those Making Similar Trips 5:00 PM, Friday, November 14th
Transgenders: LA Times Still Doesn’t Get It. (tags)
Times "Readers Representative" defends use of male pronoun-refences to dead trans woman, states meeting with queer rights group would be unproductive.
Tales Of Terror Under Saddam's Regime Emerge (tags)
"Our first goal is to tell as many people as we can what has happened to their missing relatives," Edrisy said as he stood among the documents. "We need to show if people were prisoners or, if they were killed, where they are buried. "Then we want to punish those who have done this."
L A Zoo Elephant Friends to be Parted After 17 Years (tags)
For the Elephants...
ACTION ALERT: Academy Awards Peace Action (tags)
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has enacted an unofficial blacklist of Hollywood stars, who will not be allowed to speak and "use the Awards as a platform to air anti-war views." Please come out and show your support for those in our entertainment community who have demonstrated the strength and courage to risk their careers and speak out for peace.
ANSWER Coalition Statement (tags)
The Thug, the Thief, and the King (tags)
An excerpt from an article in the Guerilla News Network. Follow the link for the original.
The sad state of Los Angeles Indymedia (tags)
MAY 19, 2002--Led by "Power," a giant puppet of an old woman, 10 members of the Old Women's Project demonstrated today in San Diego's Balboa Park in support of "brave Israeli voices for peace."
NESARA World Prosperity Programs and Funding Due to Burst Forth Gloriously! Dov (tags)
I and MANY other people in our network KNOW people who have gone to the banks and received their access to some of their grievance money as well as the small amounts "per unit". I know most of the U.S. Senators received their deliveries for the big program during December, 1999. I know of a family in a small town in Oregon who received their delivery in January 2000 and others who have received since then. I and my network know people who have received who are in the claims as well as the prosperity programs.
IPPN Executive Committee Statement (tags)
"The progressive movement must stand firm at this dangerous time in opposition to the scapegoating of Arab and Islamic people, in support of basic civil and democratic rights, and for a U.S. foreign policy which is about justice, fair trade, environmental sustainability and a raising of the living standards of all people, especially those in the countries of the Global South."
Understanding Strengths in Org's We May Criticize (tags)
Allowing that many people have abilities and that our lives or up-bringing may bring out the worst in us at times, clouding the good work other people do.
San Ysidro Beach Memorial to Border Crossers who have lost their lives (tags)
San Ysidro Beach Memorial to Border Crossers who have lost their lives
Rev. Jesse Jackson announced today he is back
September Portable Calendar (tags)
The Activists Hand Calendar for September.
Vote Green! Nader and LaDuke in 2000! (tags)