fix articles 24355, three mile island Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : three mile island

three mile island

Last Summer's 'Mysterious' Nuclear Explosion (tags)

A 'mysterious' nuclear explosion in Russia last August still begs out attention.

Three Mile Island Nuke Plant Finally Shutting Down (tags)

The notorious Three Mile Island nuke plant is finally shutting down for good.

Nuke Plant Closures Increase (tags)

Two US nuke plants closed in 2018, and more will shut down in coming years.

Nuke Plants Cause Excess CancerDeaths When Running, Rates Decline When They Shut Down (tags)

A recent study showed that nuclear power plants cause excess cancer caused by their routine radioactive releases when operating. The rates decline after they shut down.

For a World Free of Nuclear Risks (tags)

The International Uranium Film Festival will return this year to USA and show lots of films about nuclear power and uranium risks. And it kindly asks for your support and participation.

Greedy Animal Researchers Hide Truth About Alzheimer's From Public (tags)

The prime causes of Alzheimer's are known and are the homocysteine, trioxypurine and animal fat in meat and fish. These 3 block the arteries of the brain.

Oldest US Nuke Plant Going Way of the Dinosauers (tags)

Next October the Oyster Creek nuclear plant in New Jersey, the oldest in the US, will be closing after nearly 50 years of running and releasing radiation into the environment that has likely harmed untold number of people.

Last of California's nuclear power plants is on its way out (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free future. Here is out January 2018 report:

Do Nukes Kill? (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our December 2017 report: Nuclear Shutdown News December 2017

Nation's Worst Meltdown Was In LA (tags)

July 1959: The nation's worst nuclear meltdown happened 20 miles from downtown LA.

Nuclear Shutdown News June 2017 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline of the nuclear industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those working for a nuclear free world. Here is our June 2017 report:

Nuclear Shutdown News February 2017 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free world. Here is out February 2017 report:

Nuclear Shutdown News January 2017 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry, in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who're working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our January 2017 report


In April 2016 the International Uranium Film Festival was held for the first time in Hollywood and it was a great event. Now the Uranium Film Festival plans to return to California and  Hollywood in Spring 2017.  We will bring a selection of  new breath taking movies and must see documentaries  about the nuclear power question - from nuclear bombs to nuclear waste - to Hollywood. In addition we are planning  a nuclear panel discussion with nuclear experts and socially & environmentally responsible personalities, like we did in 2016. For that the festival needs supporters and sponsors.

Nuclear Shutdown News September 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our September 2016 edition:

Nuclear Shutdown News, November 2015 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US and global nuclear industry. In addition, it highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world. Here's our November report.

Nuclear Shutdown News October2015 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free future.

Prime Cause Of Alzheimer's: Homocysteine In Mammal, Bird and Fish Flesh (tags)

There are many causes of Alzheimer's but the primary one is homocysteine, a protein in mammal, bird and fish flesh. The metabolism of homocysteine causes amyloid plaque to build up over a lifetime in the brain.


On February 20 a Federal Court of Appeals in Washington DC rejected an attempt by Pacific Gas & Electric and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to quash a lawsuit filed by environmental group Friends Of the Earth (FOE).

Nuclear Shutdown News February 2015 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the continuing decline of the US nuclear industry, and the people working for better energy alternatives.

Death of Dr. Ernest Sternglass (tags)

Dr. Ernest Sternglass died on February 12 at age 91. Dr. Sternglass was author of Secret Fallout:From Hiroshima to Three Mile Island. Dr. Sternglass was a pioneer in pointing out the links between radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons and commercial reactors and the development of cancer and other health problems.

NPR And Alzheimer's (tags)

NPR's 200 million dollar investment in McDonald's stock makes its news coverage often nonexistent in regards to the toxins, environmental devastation, energy waste, and animal agony involved in murdering trillions of animals, birds, and fishes for human appetites..

Atomic Cannes Now In Rio de Janeiro (tags)

Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima: The 4th International Uranium Film Festival Rio de Janeiro, "the Atomic Cannes" starts May 14th in Rio's famous Modern Art Museum (MAM).


What will be the next nuclear plants to shut down? Nixon knows.

32 Causes Of Memory Loss and Brain Deterioration (tags)

Radio and tv making hundreds of billions from meat and fish advertising are not reliable sources of health information. There are many ways to counteract past brain injuries.

Alzheimer's Senility, Dementia: Caused by Meat, Fish, Alcohol, Aluminum, Mercury (tags)

Homocysteine, uric acid, animal fat or cholesterol, mercury, lead, and many other metals are some of the many compounds present in meat and fish which harm the brain. Aluminum compounds and alcohol consumption as well cause loss of brain function

The Irradiated Sailors of Fukushima (tags)

The Irradiated Sailors of Fukushima

Fukushima Keeps Pouring Poisons Into Pacific (tags)

The plume of radioactive waters to hit the California coastline in 2014. Please avoid all ocean fish with their high radiation levels



Obama Year Three: Continuing His Rogue Agenda (tags)

police state

Lies, Damn Lies, and Safe Nuclear Power (tags)

nuclear terrorism

Re-visiting Uncle Ted & A Few FC Targets (tags)

Revisiting writings of Ted K, whether we disagree with his actions or not is irrelevant. The point is there are lessons to be learned in strategy and where the collective eco-activist movement is heading.

Fukushima Elevated to Level 7 (tags)

nuclear disaster

Fukushima Meltdown Confirmed (tags)

nuclear disaster

Updating Japan's Nuclear Disaster (tags)

nuclear disaster

TMI Anniversary-anti-nuke (tags)

Three Mile Island anniversary...LA, Monday protest

Our Solidarity with the People of Japan (tags)

PHILIPPINES: The Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses, PLM) expresses its deepest concern and sends its condolences to all the families and victims of the earthquake and tsunami that hit the North-Eastern coast of Japan last Friday. Our thoughts are also with all our Japanese friends and comrades and we pledge our solidarity and support to them in these dark hours.

Multiples Worse than Chernobyl (tags)

nuclear disaster

Full Core Meltdown in Japan? (tags)

nuclear disaster

Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #3 (tags)

"As incredible as it may sound, governments and corporations and they’re spin masters are busy trying to convince us that all is well and that nuclear energy “is still a wise and clean source for meeting our future energy demands.” Sorry Mr. Obama, but if can’t grow a pair and face your corporate masters down, you’re done and so are they."

Nuclear Meltdown in Japan (tags)


Problems with nuclear power highlighted by Gulf Disaster (tags)

Nobody’s perfect, and so mistakes do happen. But just as we couldn't conceive of our ongoing oil disaster in The Gulf, perhaps we are equally unable to appreciate the potential for a nuclear power mishap. While optimism is important, it’s sometimes a trap – just ask BP

FCGOA Pres calls For Tougher Background Checks after Terror Suspect Infiltrated. Nuke Site (tags)

Guy James President of The International Union, Federal Contract Guards of America stated that “we must always be on the alert at nuclear facilities, federal buildings , airports and other high profile buildings where terrorist groups like Al-Qaida continue to target our infrastructure. The question we face each and everyday is not if a terrorist attack like 9/11 will happen again but when will it happen. That’s why our union FCGOA continues to call on our legislatures to strengthen stiffer background checks better training standards and a higher standard of qualifications of all private security companies and security guards / security police professionals throughout the country”.

2/25 - Call Congress; "NO 3X Nuclear Loan Program!" (tags)

Pres. Obama's energy plan includes tripling the loan guarantee program to build several new nuclear reactors to the amount of 54 billion dollars. All that extra money taxpayers have falling out of their pockets can now be used to prop up the nuclear industry instead of researching truly green energy sources like wind, solar, etc..., More of the same, or did someone say change?

Another DC Stand Down-As Radioactive Groundwater Due to Hit Chesapeake Bay (tags)

Not 1 or 2 but fully all the nuclear power plants in the Chesapeake Watershed are leaking radioactive water. What's going on? Why is this a big deal for all of the US?

Good and Bad Choices for Energy Policy and the Environmental Movement 2009-2010 (tags)

Two energy/environment phenomena are being widely discussed currently. These are global warming, and its mitigation, and the nuclear resurgence – the worldwide push to supply power with nuclear power plants. Careful study of these issues leads to the following conclusions: 1. Global warming is real and is causing harm. 2. Global warming is mostly due to heat production by human industry since the 1800s, from nuclear power and fossil fuels, better termed hydrocarbons, – coal, oil, natural gas. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2 play a minor role even though they are widely claimed the cause. 3. Both nuclear and hydrocarbon-based power must be eliminated to solve the global warming problem. 4. Nuclear power advocates have commandeered the global warming/greenhouse gas formula to promote nuclear power, based upon two errors: exaggerating the role of CO2 on the one hand and incorrectly claiming that nuclear power plants do not produce CO2 on the other hand. 5. Nuclear power can not be separated from nuclear weapons, which are essential to the consistent drive for American military dominationof the world. This is the reason for nuclear power. Nuclear power does not make sense as a safe, efficient, or economical way to provide energy. 6. Solar and solar-derived (wind, wave) sources of power do not add heat to the environment and can be used to supply virtually unlimited electrical energy without causing global warming. If done properly they will open up new vistas of human freedom and cultural development. They also produce much less CO2 than either nukes or hydrocarbons.

None Dare Call It Treason (tags)

Politicians backed by powerful business interests have initiated a legislative assault to bring nuclear power back to Oklahoma. There are numerous reasons why this is a bad idea, some of which are discussed in this article. Oklahomans successfully fought off the attempt to build a nuclear reactor at Black Fox a generation ago. We will fight it again.

The Fleecing of America (tags)

Public and private looting.

F. William Engdahl's "A Century of War" - Part II (tags)

Part II of this epic book.

green vs green (tags)

On a cool spring morning a quarter century ago, a place in Pennsylvania called Three Mile Island exploded into the headlines and stopped the US nuclear power industry in its tracks. What had been billed as the clean, cheap, limitless energy source for a shining future was suddenly too hot to handle.

Pacifica Radio--the old regime's legacy at KPFA (tags)

The slow motion takeover of KPFA began in 1992 and reached its climax in 1999. During those years, the highjackers recruited assistants, trained proteges and created a culture which permeates the station to this day. It's the background of today's ongoing struggle at KPFA's Local Station Board (LSB).



Returning To The Ancient Ways (tags)


We celebrate the new Socialistic Capitalism (tags)

In a country that feeds its public ( in comparison to the corporate) social structure and common heritage into the furnace to smelt out the profit produced by the reduction of our water air and lives into waste and poisons and death.

Decisive weakness of Right-wing: Lack of public, open forums for dialogue (tags)

The hype and manipulation of emotionally-potent over-simplifications by reformers on each wing is quite similar, except for one thing: The Right-wing persists in categorically not allowing forums for open-ended dialogue.

Rickover's Statement On Coverup Of US Nuke Industry (tags)

"I feel that former President Jimmy Carter should come forth with all of the facts surrounding the Three Mile Island Accident, especially those which involved the radiation release and the dose to the public. "

BTL:GOP Energy Legislation Offers Corporate Subsidies to Build New... (tags)

...U.S. Nuclear Power Plants. Interview with Michael Mariotte, executive director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus.

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