fix articles 2429, a world Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : a world

a world

GA AS P (tags)

The new name for this murderous nation:

March Against Air France (tags)

Join The Bunny Alliance and Empty Cages LA for a protest against Air France – KLM. Air France-KLM is the number one transporter of animals to laboratories, and the number one Airline deporting asylum seekers and migrants out of France. Take a stand against the import of animals to labs, and the deportation of migrants!

Rejecting TTIP, AFDL-CIO's Trumka Calls for "Global New Deal" (tags)

The demonization of anyone who talks about the dangers of concentrated wealth is based on a misreading of both the past and the present. Such talk isn’t un-American; it’s very much in the American tradition. So who will be this generation’s Teddy Roosevelt? (Paul Krugman)

9-11 has to be remembered now....and again... (tags)

9-11 has not been mentioned one time in all the current political campaigning....heard anything at all ? 9-11 is barely ever mentioned in mass media news any more. 9-11 is put away conveniently so everyone can pretend that ....we are now 'safe' ...and need not think, nor remember, nor dis-cover, nor explore, nor expose and not discuss-talk about what we worry about becaues it has not been fully investigated nor revealed... "No, dont discuss that's old news !" + "not now, not any more, that's the long ago Past...." they often say so easily & repeatedly. What is wrong with this distracting atmosphere we are breathing in daily ?

Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact more draconian than NAFTA (tags)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is intended to be a new floor in the ongoing effort to lock in the domination of industrialists and financiers through the multi-national corporations that they control.

The magical world of voodoo 'economists' (tags)

It?s not just the 21st century they want to turn the clock back on ? health-care reform, global warming and the financial regulations passed in the wake of the recent financial crises and accounting scandals.

IMF Considers Replacing the Dollar as Key Currency (tags)

More stability and efficiency will be created and money and the credit system de-politicized. In stress situations, a world central bank could serve as creditor "of last resort" to provide the necessary liquidity in the whole system in case of grave shocks.

'Making Cents: Life Below the Bottom Rung' (tags)

A new series of oil paintings examining the daily existence of people making a living in the worst working conditions in the global economy.

The Anarchist School: Education For Equality (tags)

* The following text, published in # 57 of El Libertario, Venezuela, condenses the vision of the theme of the author, who died in the middle of 2009, who thanks to the work developed in her Free School Paideia, in Mérida, Spain, was a contemporary exponent recognized for the practice and the theory of libertarian education.

The Blood of the Black Sheep (tags)

Crisis and Catharsis. Capitalism begins its great self-purging to remain what it is. The Wall Street boys and girls have not forgotten how to make money amid crisis. The speculation bubbles burst. The fictional wealth dissolves in thin air thanks to falling home prices and stock prices.

USA's Killing & Torturing Spree Must Be Stopped (tags)

The USA assassins, including the serial killersin the fbi/cia, have gone too far in their murderous global crimes spree, and the miscreants must now deal with the emerging indominable human spirit which conquers all technology in defense of Mankind.

Tacoma: Wells Fargo Attacked (tags)

Article below:

Cults of Unreason and the End of Species (tags)

People today seem perplexed as civilisation as we know it plummets into the abyss. Yet, in the broad sense, the future is entirely predicable. The much lauded system of economic rationalism has resulted in huge disparities in wealth comparable to ancient societies; the wealth of Pharaoh-God-Kings of the past was staggering and in stark contrast to the wealth of their subjects. The peoples’ living standards were maintained at ‘adequate‘ levels to ensure a fit work/slave force for their rulers – remind you of anything, are you able to draw any comparisons today? In fact ancient Egypt (utilising modern poverty statistics) would have fared better in the social sense than most of today’s societies. So much for economic rationalism and laissez-faire capitalism! The inequity of today’s economic reality is far from mysterious; however, one mystery remains, the masses of today tolerate far greater inequities than the masses of yesterday.

Christianity without Christ (tags)

Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) sought to introduce Christianity into Christendom when the state religion had become confortable and indistinguishable from the world. Kierkegaard like Boff calls us to authenticity in a world of reversible cups and self-righteousness.



Cold Warriors Shift Ground on Nuclear Weapons (tags)

The truth that if we are to have a human future the US must lead the way in abolishing nuclear weapons has been frequently ridiculed and violently opposed. This truth may now be entering the stage of being self-evident.

A Life of Crime (tags)

The execution of the murderer, Saddam Hussein, by American organised criminals, via their proxies in Iraq, highlights the fact that criminals vying for power determine the course of the world. The coalition of Bush, Blair and Howard is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians yet these leaders commit their crimes with impunity. The defining principle is not law (as is claimed) it is brute force! Economic and military power determines who is a ‘criminal’ and who is a ‘saviour’, regardless of the similarity of the acts committed.

A World Beyond Capitalism Conference! No Charges for anything! (tags)

The Second Annual International Multiracial Alliance Building Peace Conference, known as the 2006 A World Beyond Capitalism Conference is set to begin August 26th in Portland. It will continue from August 26th-28th, 2006. There is no charge for anything!

Young People of America...Rise Up and Rebel! (tags)

...what the soldier is never told is that as a result of having gone to war there is a reasonable likelihood that he will struggle until the day he dies with nightmares depicting the horrors of war, the unrelenting grief, bitterness and resentment, despair, depression, and the anger that will have taken possession of his life...

The Suspension of Belief and the Implosion of Meaning (tags)

Existence in a post-modern world, or living in a world where text/image (signs) have imploded and offer no inherent meaning outside a consciousness that animates/endows signs which in turn deliver meaning/endowment back to the same consciousness that so desperately needs to invest in meaning! In other words, ‘reality’ is up for grabs; creating your own reality in a world of competing ‘realities’ has become the principal pursuit of modern humanity.

On the Death of Archbishop Romero (tags)

Changing the course of history.. Remembering past victims and henchment can help us recognize the victims and henchment of today..Solidarity means bringing the crucified people down from the cross.


Join May Day Virtual Sit-In! All Day Long on May 1st. Bodies On-line and Bodies in the Street Together. NO ILLEGAL BORDERS! NO ILLEGAL LAWS! CLICK HERE*CLIQUEN AQUI

My Dream to Save the World: Bishop Tutu (tags)

Bishop Tutu's dream could be lifegiving for us in down-is-up America. The vision of equality leveling the power of the machos and raising the modest could recreate our overly materialist culture where the center cannot hold.

On Idleness (tags)

Uncontrolled capitalism proved to be a completely wrong track toward the end of the 19th century. The governing church of work does everything so people only have time and strength for two things in life: work and job-hunting. The 30-hour work week could be a life-giving goal.

January 20 Call to Action: RISE Against Bush/SHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow (tags)

RISE Against Bush
SHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow

A Call for Anti-War Actions in Washington, DC, January 20, 2005

Where is the Outcry? (tags)

When the social contract, the social compromise between labor and capital, is scorned, people become wolves to one another.. The dance around the golden calf is already a disaster..

TheOne-Dimensional Ariel Sharon (tags)

"The human longing for freedom is invincible as well as the struggle for independence of oppressed nations. Ignoring this is blindness, not realism. Even George W Bush a person not less primitive and brutal than Sharon learns that narrow limits are set.."

The Voice Of Anarchy (tags)

die capitalism live anarchy

September 11- two years on (tags)


Emergence (tags)

In the sudden aftermath of the war, folks might find the following uplifting. It's taken from a longer talk given by Steven Miller, a high school teacher, at a LRNA forum in San Francisco on April 18.

A call to "flick your lights for peace" every night at 8 pm (tags)

Flick your lights at 8 pm for peace.....

Get Up, Stand Up! (tags)

To take the side of the empire is to give into our fear, to cast our lot with the past. To resist the empire is to grab onto hope, to cast our lot with the future. It is literally a choice of empire and death or resistance and life.. R.Jenson is a journalism prof in Austin,Tex

One Yorba Lindan's reflection on today's protest (tags)

This is my reflection on the OC protest and the pro-peace protests around the world.

The Reality of Manifesting a World of Trust (tags)



bricks and glass

Resisting Bush's War, Rep. Kucinich (tags)

Our children deserve a world without end. Not a war without end. Our children deserve a world free of the terror of hunger, free of the terror of poor health care, free of the terror of homelessness, free of the terror of ignorance, free of the terror of hopelessness......

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