fix articles 2423, longer Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : longer


Le genre humain comme vraie diversité (tags)

Quand tout pue et produit de la haine...

Defund homeless industrial complex (tags)

U.S. Supreme Court ruling that cities no longer need to offer shelter to homeless means taxpayers no longer need to pay for it.

Our Zone of Interest: The Noise of Permanent Warfare (tags)

Wars (especially when marketed as humanitarian, defensive, or “against terror”) are, in essence, criminal means to “easy money”, which is what keeps today’s financial bubbles inflated to record-breaking highs while the actual economic conditions of millions of workers (or “inactive workforce”) are cratering at an equally record-breaking pace.

All people are reporters (tags)

What is missing in the mainstream media landscape are background reports, essays, longer interviews, travel reports and what is called "investigative journalism". What is perhaps boring are ideology-critical internal debates about the right line, i.e. hermetic, exclusionary language. Many people know that Marxian political economy is back in fashion. But it needs an update.

Learning for life (tags)

The winners of the digital revolution include hairdressers, plumbers, care and service workers and professions that have something to do with creativity and responsibility (1). It's starting to work in my head. If that is the case, then it is fair to ask whether we still need compulsory education. Why should we all be forced to go to school and learn things that we don't need in our lives?

Instrumental Reason and Left Politics (tags)

In the neoliberal variant of capitalism, postmodern pluralism dominates and with it a reason that is no longer trusted to understand the whole.. For instrumental reason, the actual world is always the best of all possible worlds since the question of a better world cannot arise in it. No problem arises that makes another, not yet existing world necessary or desirable.

The UN Charter must be the heart and coul of any new peace architecture (tags)

The Ukrainian war will also end one day, and we will have to strive again for a new peace order to "save future generations from the scourge of war." A peaceful and fair world for the soon to be 10 billion inhabitants of the earth, 9 billion from the 'Global South', must be built on the principles of the UN Charter. The UN Charter must therefore be at the center of every peace movement.

Senile Economics: Bubble Ontology and the Pull of Gravity (tags)

The entire banking system is closing in on folding, which is why it so desperately needs new inflationary liquidity to keep afloat. The Great Reset is our owners’ authoritarian attempt to respond to this systemic threat by taking control of the collateral (our lives).

Paraphysique du capital abîme spectacularisé (tags)

Spectacularisation du capital, capital de la spectacularisation...

Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness! (tags)

Almost no one asks what an economic policy looks like that no longer subordinates everything to economic growth: How to reduce the debt mountain to a reasonable level without GDP growth? How can pensions be secured without GDP growth and employment be guaranteed?

Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness (tags)

History teaches that major course corrections usually emerge from crises. However, far-sighted economists and politicians should start thinking today about how to shape a future without debt crises, without ecological and social exploitation, and without compulsive growth.

Rodomonte (tags)

C'est une jeunesse numérisée...

The definitive end of the commons as we know it (tags)

What we are witnessing is the end of the polity as we know it. The ultimate extinction of public spirit. Parallel societies will remain. We will probably have to live with division. And die.

From Reagan to Trump (tags)

The 1960s, when incomes rose for almost all workers, ended with a massive wave of strikes. Since the 1980s, the incomes of most Americans have fallen, working hours have risen massively, and job security has become a foreign word. But strikes have been extremely rare.

Will Orwell's prediction in `1984' become reality? (tags)

Basic elements of a development such as Orwell describes are emerging from the fog of current war propaganda, as it is being pursued by the West, attempts to drive the population into acceptance of a constant exceptional situation where war appears as the guarantor of peace.

A good future beyond the market and the state (tags)

In the midst of a blindly globalized society, we are atomized workers and consumers divided by competition, who are in contact with each other primarily through monetary and labor relations and only exceptionally and temporarily represent common interests. We become increasingly helpless...

The road to barbarism (tags)

Capital is losing its capacity for productive investment and is turning to the financial markets, which are more profitable. It is with this money that the war machine and the trade deficit are financed. The US is under great pressure to constantly show that it is in control.

The big crash isn't just hitting the stock markets (tags)

The author reminds us that "never in history has a crisis been solved by printing money." The states and central banks had "maneuvered themselves into a dead end from which they can no longer get out" through their own fault.

The new school and Farewell to capitalism (tags)

"You can never solve problems with the same way of thinking that created them." That is why copyright reform, patent and property law, and many other regulations of the material "goods economy" that have grown up in the industrial age are not suitable for meeting the challenges

The Invention of Reality and the Second Phase (tags)

Being human thus becomes an unsolvable task in the technocratic society... An immense pressure to conform can arise in a technocratic society, since the devaluation of the subjective is accompanied by a suppression of needs, which, when an entire population is affected, leads less to rebelliousness than to social conformity.

Democracy and COVID10 (tags)

Lockdown and curfews, state of emergency and tracing apps, compulsory testing and quarantines, serial stops, compulsory masks, short-time work and mass unemployment, waves of bankruptcies and extended poverty traps: the COVID-19 disaster has escalated the chronic crisis of capital utilization with falling profits.

Economics in the times of the coronavirus (tags)

Most people’s thinking is determined by the development of the Covid-19 crisis, the return of “the hour of executive power” (Gerhard A. Ritter), i.e. state of exception legislation, and the fears which it evokes as well as the economic measures in response to the health crisis.

Democracy - a Plea toStrengthen It and Fight for It (tags)

We as democrats must take care of democracy as a learning system. If we do not do so, democracy will wither away.

Sowing Egoism and Harvesting Trump (tags)

Thomas Straubhaar urges rethinking globalization and inequality. "We have believed too long in the theory that free trade, free entrepreneurship and little state automatically lead to balance and that everyone would be rewarded in the end...We need a new reconciliation of social values."

On Health Care and So Much More, the Nordics Show that Equality Works (tags)

Forget the Noprdic diet. Try the Nordic tax plan. French, Japanese, and Scandinavian people don't live longer because they eat more nutritious food. They live longer because they live in more equal societies. The 26 community centers in Vancouver B.C. make all the difference.

Tourisme de masse, pollution de masse (tags)

L'impérialisme touristique...

Puerto Rico Cuts Services as Budget Gap Grows (tags)

Puerto Rico's government continues to cut public services as the economic crisis worsens. The Government Development Bank announced this week that the island's budget gap is $2 billion higher than expected. The prison system in Puerto Rico can no longer pay a vendor that feeds inmates. Some special education teachers are no longer being paid.

Quandary & Crisis Facing USA (tags)

My opinion follows on serious economic and political challenges on the horizon.

Abe calls Fukushima seawater contamination „negligible“ (tags)

At an official visit to Fukushima prefecture this Sunday, Japanese head of state Abe described radiation levels by the damaged nuclear reactors as minor and insignificant. The visit intended to persuade local mayors to return to their evacuated villages and culminated in a bathing session at Fukushima beach reminiscent of Obama´s lobbying for Caribbean drilling before the incident in the American-made reactors. Abe though allowed no photographers except on-site CCTV circuits as to keep it a national affair. The senior official stated on demand that the schedule had nothing to do with the fact that waste-water tanks on the damaged site were flushed into the Pacific Ocean several weeks ago.

Why The Actual Artists Keep Fleeing What Once Was The Los Angeles Arts District (tags)

Why The Actual Artists Keep Fleeing What Once Was The Los Angeles Arts District

Mumia Update (tags)


Reinvented War Criminal Tony Blair Resigns As Middle East Envoy (tags)


Terrorist Crimes Against Humanity (tags)

state terrorism

Debating Syria (tags)


World Leaders Declare America and Israel Pariah States: A Fable (tags)

police states

Cyprus Postmortems (tags)

class war

Fending off university-attacking zombies (tags)

Last week, David Naylor, the president of the University of Toronto, made a speech to Empire Club of Canada members about what he describes as educational zombies — government and industry calls for more job-specific education at universities...

Corporate Culture is a Dog and Pony Show (tags)

Every CEO is a little Caesar.

Institutionalized Inequality in America (tags)

class war

Rodomonte (tags)

La révolution de la poésie est la poésie de la révolution...

Le virtuel et le réel (tags)

Le réel est devenu virtuel, le virtuel est devenu réel...

Are Republican election predictions honest or flights of fancy? (tags)

Many Conservatives and Republicans, the two are far from being the same thing, have taken the option that the Supreme Court upholding Obama Care will sway the elections on all levels in their direction.

Palestinian Footballer Near Death (tags)


Occupy America for Change (tags)

class war

Generation Written Off (tags)

Masses of young people are no longer reserved about a social system that writes them off and denies them work and existential security. "Prosperity for all" is no longer a promise of the dominant economy.


The Alliance News (AN) learned today through media reports from Manila that President Benigno Aquino III left the country unannounced on Thursday night to hold unprecedented talks with a Muslim rebel leader in Japan. According to AN, Mr. Aquino met for two hours with Murad Ebrahim, chair of the secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), in a hotel near the Narita airport in Tokyo on Thursday evening, the first time a Philippine president has met face-to-face with a leader of the rebel group since on-and-off peace talks started 14 years ago. The MILF called Mr. Aquino?s effort a ?grand gesture? that gave ?a tremendous boost to the peace process.? Ghadzali Jaafar, the MILF political affairs chief, said it was ?a fruitful meeting.?

Israeli Racism (tags)

hate indoctrination

Meditations on God, Faith and the Enlightenment (tags)

Christmas should be a time for the poor, for restructuring the economy so it does not only benefit a few and so public necessities like education, health care and housing are rights and not privileges. We are living in a dark age when financiers deny their responsibility.

a mesage from jean Victoria Norloch (tags)

wish you all to find the wisdom within your hearrts to heed the warnings of our brother - there will be safe haven is the planet declares war on the people

Government Stimulus Plans are `Not Enough': Joseph Stiglitz (tags)

Governments have to do more than just spend money, says Stiglitz.

Obama and the illusion of a post-racial America (tags)

His candidacy is seen as an indication that racial barriers no longer exist. Many see progress in the fact that a black man can run a campaign in which race is incidental. Yet it’s taken Obama’s embrace of post-racialism to lend viability to his campaign. Some activists see him as the culmination of a trend of black leaders moving away from the communities they’ve traditionally served and closer to the political and corporate power that dominates the Democratic Party.

The Devastation of Glabalizattion (tags)

The most devastating affects of Globalization; Culture loss, environmental destruction.

Workers of the World, Relax! (tags)

All the labor-saving technologies were going to usher in the Age of Leisure. However people are working longer and harder. This new movie by Conrad Schmidt could make us critical philosophers and free us from a sense of helplessness.

How Much Democracy is Left? (tags)

Politics no longer determines the econmy; the mammoth econmy defines politics. The US has long been a plutocracy instead of a democracy and has prescribed this system of capital rule for the whole world. Capital rule is always central rule

Crisis Populism and Rose-Colored Glasses (tags)

When it concerns socializing the losses of the financial disaster, the head of Deutsche Bank no longer believes in the "self-healing power of the market." The bankruptcy of neoliberalism is blatant.

Breaking the Silence - Israeli Soldiers Speak (tags)

They no longer will kill Palestinians

Academic Capitalism (tags)

The academic world changes fundamentally when universities are understood as businesses. Rectors become CEOs and researchers and teachers become point chasers through conditioning.

Stick a Fork in Global Warming (tags)

Research conducted from the mid 90s to 2005 by a team from the University of East Anglia shows that the North Atlantic Ocean is only absorbing half of the CO2 that it used to.(1) Another research project from the same University published in May, 2007 found that the southern oceans are no longer absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. But to make things worse, they are starting to release it back into the air.(2)

The Future of Work-driven Society (tags)

When less and less time needs to be spent working for a living in Western industrialised countries, this partial freedom of gainful occupation is increasingly becoming a problem for those dismissed. The vision of working less and living longer is a utopia that is also realistic.

Iraq is gone (tags)

So let's get to hell out.

Bush Report card (tags)

Fails all sublects, including one to come.

why bother? Nothing really happened (tags)

why bother? Nothing really happened

The WORST Thing That Could Possibly Happen To Climate Has Begun (tags)

A team of Researchers from the British Antarctic Survey has published their research into CO2 and the oceans Friday in the journal Science. They have found that the southern oceans are no longer absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. But to make things worse, they are starting to release it back into the air.

Failed Logic and Rhetoric in the USA (tags)

Hillary Clinton and the neo-cons have much in common, their policies in relation to a continued presence in Iraq (oil theft) are similar as are their inept, amateurish and transparent attempts at rhetoric. Hillary’s latest offering was a statement to the effect that the Bush regime has dug a “deep hole” in Iraq that would take some time for “us” to emerge from! Notice the tactic of blame laying [political capital] while at the same time ensuring continued presence in Iraq on the basis that “we” would be rectifying all of Bush’s mistakes – very good Hillary, continued neo-colonial occupation and oil appropriation has nothing to do with it! Are Americans so stupid that they no longer recognise horseshit when they see or smell it?

Bush shoots Lincoln (tags)

and will destroy the Republiban Party forever

Diverse Political Views Unite in Opposition to Bush Policies and Wars (tags)

Conservative Christian anti-NWO activist and radio talk show host , Alex Jones, Meets with World Can't Wait's Sunsara Taylor to DIscuss Taking Back America from the Bush Regime

Iraq no longer exists (tags)

Our boys are dying for nothing

saving the world (tags)

This truth becomes obvious and spreads exponentially- as fast as a consideration of patience and an acknowledged want of truth (divinity).

Ludicrous Assumptions (tags)

Ludicrous assumptions are many but perhaps the most absurd is the assumption that those who steal the greater percentage of available wealth and continue to implement economic strategies designed to enslave are (somehow) safe and secure. From the Pacific islands to the pitch battles in Mainland China, exploited people of the world are retaliating against injustice.

The Stressed New Generation (tags)

Adults have fear of the world because they don't know how to deal with that world.. The traps are now different. They look very frightening for those over 59 because there ia a new communication system that most elders can no longer grasp.

Open Letter From Mother of Lt. Ehren Watada, Resister of Illegal War (tags)

By Carolyn Ho t r u t h o u t | Statement Thursday 22 June 2006

Veggie Pride : May 20th 2006 in Paris (tags)

Are you veggie for the animals ? Come to the Veggie Pride !

Baradei is Isareli lackey (tags)

Israel is putting itself into grave danger.

Are All Unemployed Persons Idlers? (tags)

According to the neoliberal myth, higher profits lead to increased investments and more jobs. In reality corporations repress the worsening domestic economy through take-overs. Are the unemployed, seniors, students and the disabld made invisible?

Revolutionary Options in a Non-revolutionary Country (tags)

Before It's Too Late...

George W. Falls (tags)

The unmistakable odor of failure hangs over Bush's so-called preventive war.. The Bush administration was increasingly overtaken by its own lies.. The majority of Americans in the course of 2005 noticed that president Bush stands naked,

LA Holocaust Victim 2001, Says Blaze Los Angeles in $$SS sectors (tags)

Los Angeles should be in flames, especially their courts and those fascists from Germany and Mexico and Vietnam who rape the American people in their courts.

Help save the South Central Farm (tags)

“The protection of the health and the safety of the people; the right of people to produce their means of subsistence" -- Lil' Joe

Disinformation as a Strategy of Power (Part II) (tags)

"Perpetual growth is not possible in nature or anywhere else..Globalization, the free market with its absolute competition protected by the WTO agreements doesn't have anything to do with fair competition...A global network of resistance is developing.."

Screwing Future Retirees...Again (tags)

Having failed to kill off Social Security with private accounts, conservatives in Congress are now trying to render it useless by raising the retirement age further—this time to 69. That may be okay for a Wall Street lawyer who runs half-marathons and spends two hours in the gym, but for the average American worker bee, employers have by that point pretty much ruined her or his health and body. Some “reform.” ----------------

The Hate Contagion - Column of the Americas (tags)

Humanity's challenge is to plot out a course - even if it takes a hundred years - to get to the point where one day there will no longer be legal and illegal human populations. The abolishment of slavery was once also but a dream.

Video of Trembling After Passing Blood Clot After Alabama Court Session, Nazi Stronghold (tags)

In this short video clip, filmed in early 2004, I was trembling out of fear after passing a blood clot from my head after a court session in Mobile Alabama. I never did it before or since. Dead Alabama Senator Michael Figures, Ralph Nader

The New American Slavery (tags)

How do you like it? Dry?

The Changing Principles Of War (tags)

By: Bill Gallagher 012405 1675 Words

Importance of French Workers’ Struggle to Keep 35 Hour Week Shouldn't be Underestimated (tags)

The real reason for U.S. capitalism's attempt to create anti-French sentiment is the French workers' stand for the 35 hour week at a time when U.S. and global capitalism is trying to normalize going backwards

Higher Authority: On Powerlessness and Fate (tags)

The egalitarian brutality of this natural disaster that wiped out fishing villages and exclusive beach resorts at the same time emphasized the inequality and injustice of world society with all its moral paradoxes.

Primal Fears Seize the Middle (tags)

Social justice decays to mere equal opportunities.. Demography often serves economic circles, established parties and the media as a tool for social-political demigogues in legitimating neoliberal recon-struction or dismantling the welfare state.

Preparing for a Crooked Election: Angst for Nothin’ (tags)

Question: What good are democratic solutions if democracy no longer exists? Answer: Good question. For one writer’s take on this conundrum, read on.

America in Decline (tags)

The greatest problem I have with America is not Bush in himself. Rather it is that people no longer seem to care what their political leader tells them or how many lies are spread.. Bush completely ignores Europe and Nato..


Good-hearted Christians are rising up against Bush's compassionless regime of fear, greed, and arrogant imperialism. They're reclaiming "the radical message of Christ‘s love--the perfect love that casts out fear." They're putting faith into action and urging others to join them in voting for change on November 2.

RIP-OFF Massive pay cuts, longer hours loom for 6 million workers as Bush guts overtime (tags)

Women and working parents especially hard hit

Petition to Rock Fabric of Evangelical Hypocrisy (tags)

Petition to U.S. Congress Eliminates Religious Institutions from Tax Exempt Status - All Religious Texts Promoting Criminal Activity Must be Purged From Public Worship Handbooks.

What Matters To You (tags)

Why do we have elections? Does it matter if there is no choice? Has anyone noticed that the political conventions have not been held, and already the parties have decided who the candidates will be ­ with almost no input from any of the largest groups of real people: Does this matter? Hell no ­ how can it matter when people don't actually matter at all, to either of the major political groups, or in any other context in the USA today. We are officially nothing. Welcome to the world of zero influence!

U.S. Supreme Court rules that citizens no longer have the right to remain silent (tags)

Silence is now a crime.

Free Mordachai Vanunu (tags)

Vanunu is being unjustly held by the Israeli government because of his opposition to Israel's nuclear weapons. Right wing Zionists beat him while in prison in hopes to make his stay longer.

I Can No Longer Tolerate... (tags)

French Writer's commentary on forked tongued officials and how they deal with the Middle East

Arizona Is No Longer a Cowboy Libertarian- Conservative Bastion (tags)

Arizona's desert-dwelling Democrats are sick of losing, and of George W. Bush. That's why John Kerry is their man.

What weapons of mass destruction? (tags)

"Weapons of mass destruction? Oh that. We were just fooling! When I said that I was "confident that we will find evidence" of wmd's, I was just pulling your leg! Yeah... I know that I was telling anyone who would listen that Iraq had tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve gas... what's the harm in that? So it wasn't the truth? When I said that Iraq was pursuing an atomic weapons program... you didn't really BELIEVE me did you?! So now you know... we were just lying, er, pulling your leg. It was all a joke. Weapons of mass destruction? What weapons of mass destruction?"

The 42-Hour Week (tags)

"Two currencies exist for prosperity: money and time.. What we need is shorter full-time work for everyone, a new culture of contented-ness and an intelligent working hours policy oriented in the needs of people." translated from the German

Dear American People, We Have A Duty (tags)

We now face a daunting task. An unpleasant and possibly fatal realization now confronts all of us in our daily lives. Many of our most powerful leaders need to be arrested for numerous and continuing crimes against humanity. The longer this action is postponed, the more harm will be done to everyone and everything on earth. No redress of our grievances by them is possible in the current situation.

The Silencing of Dissent on Graduation Day (tags)

Text of the Rockford College, Rockford Illinois graduation speech by Chris Hedges Story published May 20, 2003

Emergence (tags)

In the sudden aftermath of the war, folks might find the following uplifting. It's taken from a longer talk given by Steven Miller, a high school teacher, at a LRNA forum in San Francisco on April 18.

The New American Peace Movement (tags)

To be proud to proclaim "I'm Pro War" ... "For death, distruction and wasted resources. That's what I stand for" ... I can't imagine. You should be on the look out for the New American Peace Sign .. this one was found @ Hollywood & Highland.

Dear American People (tags)

"The imminent threats of the needless deaths of millions of innocent people and the permanent poisoning of large amounts of land by radiation are now only a matter of days away from actually happening."

Extortion and payoff at U.N. to save the fuehrers face (tags)

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse

He's a REFUSENIK! (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Israeli refuseniks.

The Flexible Person (tags)

Hundreds of millions of people are forced to work migration between countries and continents.. People are transformed into socially uprooted vagabonds of markets..Flexibility means ..more output and more stress for less money. From German

In These Times (tags)

What has the nation become

Pt. 2, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Offered in the revolutionary spirit of Sor Juana Ine`s de la Cruz,Emma Goldman,Mother Jones, Mother Teresa,Lucy Gonzalez, Harriet Tubman, & Dorothy Day .

The Rise And Fall Of Empires (tags)

Some thoughts on the future of civilisation, from you favorite crazy sci-fi head, moi. Enjoy!

Bound for Iraq? (tags)

Dozens of tanks and other military equipment seen on rail flatbeds this morning(8/15/02).

America Did this to itself. (tags)

It is the last thing the "Flock" wants to admit. Why? Because arab terrorists are an easy target. Kind of like Hiroshima.

Drug Possession No Longer Crime in Portugal (tags)

Portugal decriminalizes possession of personal amounts of drugs.... reported anywhere in the U.S.?? Not if the ruling Taliban holds its power... rock the corporations!~!

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