fix articles 241843, day at
“Earth Day at the Park” on April 22 at Carson’s Dolphin Park (tags)
The Environmental Justice Network of Southern California (EJNSC) will hold their Annual Earth Day celebration on April 22, 2010 from 3;30 PM to 6;30 at the Carson Dolphin Park at 21205 Water St. Carson, CA 90745 The “Earth Day At The Park” celebration has been an annual event of the Environmental Justice Network of Southern California (EJNSC). It consists of other environmental justice organizations, community members, professionals, ethnic organizations, faith-based groups, and youth clubs, established by People’s CORE in the South Bay in 2003. Some goals of the Earth celebrations is to educate community members on ways to be more environmentally friendly and promote environmental justice advocacy.
Protest Columbus Day at the San Juan Capistrano Mission (tags)
Protest Columbus Day at San Juan Capistrano Mission on October 12 from 10AM-12:30 PM, followed by a presentation about Columbus' and the Missionaries crimes!
Protest Columbus Day at San Juan Capistrano Mission (tags)
Protest Columbus Day at the San Juan Capistrano Mission on Saturday, October 12, from 10AM-12:30 PM.
Protest Columbus Day at San Juan Capistrano Mission (tags)
Protest Columbus Day at San Juan Capistrano Mission on Saturday, October 12, 2002, from 10AM-12:30 PM.
A Day at the Mall (in response to 9-11-02) (tags)
When this poem originally circulated on e-mail, it was headed "in response to the day." And the e-mail itself was titled "nine eleven."