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stephen hawking

Earth Democracy (tags)

We are part of the universe and the earth and must live in accordance with the laws of the universe as well as the earth. The most basic law is the realization that we share the planet with other beings and that we have a duty to care for our common home.

Satanic Robophobia (tags)

While humans slaughter each other caused by their greed, primal emotions and insane disorders there is a marvelous need for new scapegoats... let's see what could be diagnosed!

Terror Targets Houston/Chicago -- Official Statement to Investigation (tags)

The Internet analyses of the of Ghost Troop have become legend to Internet Intelligentsia as the new samizdat. In his statement below to government investigators, Captain May is countering the fifth column that is the real power of Al-Qaeda. The editorial about our missions is accurate, as the archives to which it links will show. -- CSM Merlin Neadow, Vietnam veteran --

Science Is A Religion (tags)

This is a very serious challenge to all scientists, atheists, humanists, & skeptics, based on very careful research of the evidence that I offer in support of my contention. If you are going to post a rebuttal, please research the evidence first, & be polite. You can contact all of the people mentioned in this article, & ask them why they behaved so unprofessionally.

Cyborg Initiative Reveals Some Chemtrail Agenda (tags)

this article was written to legitimize some of the experimentation being done on us now: all of this is being perfected and most is already being used wirelessly, and the chemtrails are just the visible aspect....this is being tested on all of us now, and has been going on elsewhere since before gulf war one...implants are a big part of the targeting process...the two gulf wars were the real testing grounds...once this technology of control was perfected there, wireless/pharmaceutical/implants, then it was brought home to be used on Americans who have been made stupid by their televisions and the fact, the churches were the major mind control attack on us, with all this wireless electricity and directed energy weaponry being just the mop up....b

A New Administration, Tired Old Policies (tags)

Counterproductive policies heading America for depression

Obama's Economic Dream Team? (tags)

indeed for Wall Street bankers

Big Green Weekend-11th Hour film and Green Party Workshops UCLA (tags)

Green Party Candidate Training and Strategy Sessions at UCLA, Aug. 25-26, Plus a Saturday evening event, starting with dinner at Monsoon Restaurant on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, followed by a special viewing of new environmental blockbuster "The 11th Hour" with Q&A afterward.


Dr. Michio Kaku and Stephen Hawking worry about the darnedest things that tend to scare tards yet scheming springs eternal and Silicon never rusts. The Dr. confused miniaturization for advancement when he speculated that "quantum electronics" might spell an end to the usefulness, tool set, and skills in Silicon Valley. The technology considered here could also save WALL STREET, the valley and the human race.

Blinded by the Shite (tags)

The critical fight today is against those who kill, maim, exploit and destroy the natural world. This is the fight of my/our lives; to lose this fight is to lose them all. Resist, oppose, and fight against those who would kill and destroy for personal gain and money. Our values are the enduring real values of life, clean air, water, food and a sustainable world for our children to inherit. Economic rationalism is the enemy of everything that is natural and balanced – economy is another word for catastrophe! Those who continue to espouse antiquated economic formulas of death, greed and destruction are those devoid of vision, the hollow people who cleave to redundant formulas that have clearly failed. They cling desperately to their ‘holy’ books in a futile effort to locate meaning for their failed vacuous existences.


Why would a political force hell bent on dominating global government, commerce, energy, water, and consumerism itself want to bump scientific ideas in favor of old religious myth at low levels of education? How does this further the interests of industry? Thanks to Jimmy the Greek, PT Barnum, and a story by Kilgore Trout that was burned in manuscript form, I submit to you;

Welcome to the Age of Aviating Swine (tags)

If there's a fair chance you're going to hell, be sure to take your parka and long johns, because the only explanation for continuing surreal happenings these days is that the river Styx has glaciated. Welcome to the America of George Bush, our very own Malice from Dunderland, where up is down and right is regularly wrong. For examples of once unimaginable scenes that now commonly appear like bad dreams, read on.




an essay on the necessity of direct action

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