fix articles 23785, urban institute
Growing Homelessness in America (tags)
Washington's indifference to a growing problem
Census Bureau Confirms Rising Poverty, Falling Incomes, and Growing Numbers of Uninsured (tags)
growing poverty and despair in America
September-October 2009 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
Deporting Fathers in the Name of Homeland Security (tags)
Via deportations, the U.S. government is destroying families and harming children. Roxroy Salmon's case is one of many thousands.
The laws criminalizing homelessness may have a subterranean purpose.
BTL:Bush-GOP Tax Cuts Benefit Wealthy While Jeopardizing U.S. Economic Future (tags)
Interview with Len Berman, director of the Tax Policy Center, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
October 05 U.S. Immigrant News Alert! (tags)
First They Come to the "Illegals".... The worsen situations of U.S. immigrant rights! "Injury To One Is Injury to All!"
Facts About Undocumented Immigrants (tags)
The Antis will have you believe that undocs drain the US economy, but facts show that they pay more into the Tax machine then they take out.
Voices Of The Lost And Forgotten - Pt. Three: The children's voices (tags)
These are some of the voices of the children lost in a world of poverty, homelessness and despair. Their voices are the most painful to listen to. Everyone needs to hear their stories to fully understand the nightmare of homelessness and poverty from a child’s perspective.
Illegals cost Arizona $1.3 billion, report says (tags)
Long Queues At US Drive-In Soup Kitchens (tags)
George Bush's America while American's lose their jobs, their homes, and their dignity. OK you neocon appologists...lets hear from YOU.
Liberty: Solutions--Solving the tenacious problem of homelessness (tags)
Libertarians have SOLVED homelessness! Just eliminate all zoning laws, land-use regulations, growth-control measures, and building codes that increse housing costs -- but don't be surprised when your matchstick house collapses in an earthquake or becomes poisoned by the chemical factory next-door -- "Live and let live"
BTL:Medicare Drug Benefit Legislation not a Cure-All for... (tags)
...Failing Healthcare System. Interview with Dr. Quentin Young, Physicians for a National Health Program, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Solving the tenacious problem of homelessness (tags)
The Libertarian Party thinks it has the answer the homeless are in dire need of: elimination of all zoning laws, land-use regulations, growth-control measures, building codes, and rent control laws.
Which Direction is the US Heading? (tags)
For non-economists, income millionaires obviously have much less reason to spend this extra money than households keeping their heads above water with several jobs.. When Bush began his term of office, the Budget Office forecast surplus of $3 trillion..
Bush plans $ 600 billion gift to rich (tags)
The battle over how best to boost a sagging economy became a matter of public debate last week with Democrats in the House of Representatives and President Bush introducing competing plans.