fix articles 237186, not care
FRACKIN' in Baldwin Hills to Earthquake US ? huh? (tags)
The news is coming out in LA too..FRACKING...the drilling into 'shale' with chemical polluted water [wasting water by more than bucketfulls, by more than waterfallfulls] is happening in our own back yard, but where ? not far from our LAX airport - in Baldwin Hills. Scientific evidence is IN - fracking [sounds similar to f--king of the evil not pleasant kind] is correlated to EARTHQUAKES and our San Andreas is complaining loudly that he wants to burst out again, not only to warn us, but destroy parts of us too.
Argentine Power: “Nothing will matter, only money”. “The perverse is not sensitive (tags) by Silvia Paglioni – Translation special is carried out by Mrs. Alicia Vega (see other). Transcript of the dialogue between Dr. Graciela Gómez (lawyer) Estela Gamero (psychologist) and Silvia Paglioni, host of “It depends …” during the Micro “Echoes of Romang Informa” on Tuesday 22 December which was on FM 89.5 Las Américas. Graciela was referring to the tremendous unequal risky struggle (threats and squeeze) that is carried out by complaints to the Justice by lawyers, doctors, scientists, injured citizens and few journalist since over two years with respect the issue of pesticides, fumigation, transgenic soya, etc.., being Graciela Gómez, a lawyer and notary, one of the complainants with more courage to publicly defend the Argentine citizens who are helpless and bewildered as all their legal, civil and human rights are broken , by political power, business, foreign corporates.
"George Bush DOES NOT CARE About BLACK PEOPLE!" (tags)
Rapper Kayne West SPEAKS OUT / DEFIES THE LIES THE WHITE MAN TOLD HIM TO SAY, to Speak Truth about black people in this country.