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Livestreamer @PMBeers interviews Bundy Ranch supporters during BLM stand-off (tags)

In April 2014, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) acted on a court order to seize the cattle of southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. Hundreds of western men and women traveled to Bunkersville, NV to stand with Cliven Bundy against federal tyranny. Several reporters from Los Angeles People's Media went to the site of the #BundyRanch #RangeWar to interview the supporters of the Bundy family about the stand-off.

Of duty cops are allowed to park illegally? Damn right! (tags)

Off duty cops allowed to park illegally? From this bomb scare in Time Square it sounds like it!

Southern California Anarchist Convergence draws over 50 (tags)

RIVERSIDE - This weekend's Southern California Anarchist Convergence attracted upwards of fifty people. The participants met to share food and water, have fun, discuss, network, and strategize. Primary organizers included the Riverside and Temecula chapters of Food Not Bombs, who spread the invitation to "revolutionaries from all over Southern California, food not bombs, and radicals" primarily via internet.

More Racist Moves by the Police of Orange County (tags)

The City of Orange, CA will be passing an ordinance Saturday, January 11th criminalizing day laborers. The City of Orange has a memo of understanding with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) stating that the local police force can and will cooperate with ICE in the aprehension of criminalized "illegal" immigrants.

Disabled Conscientious Objector Vet Goes Before Judge Over Freedom of Speech (tags)

The Coils were reading when they noticed through a glass window a room in which two military recruiters with a stack of forms were trying to recruit a young man who Tim thought could not have been more than 17 or 18 years old.

Somebody's Watching You - Turning camera back on the cops (tags)

Somebody's Watching You A convicted felon turns cameras on the cops, putting a balance of power, he says, back in the hands of the people.


luna sol

Zionist Death Threats End Kurt Nimmo's Writing (tags)

Kurt Nimmo's Brilliant 'Another Day in the Empire' Is Gone

Need Info About Al-Jazeerah? (tags)

Can somebody clarify what is going on with Al-Jazeerah's web page(s).

Coping with disruptions in indymedia and other networked organizations (tags)

The history of a persistent and difficult person who nearly destroyed Indymedia

Did Somebody Say Keep Quiet? (tags)

We must show that when they threaten, we solidify!

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