fix articles 2352, organization Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : organization


UNRWA and Co: Netanyahu's war against the truth (tags)

Journalists and Israel critics as Hamas accomplices. The Netanyahu government has also been very successful in spreading narratives that declare anyone who supports the Palestinians in Gaza with humanitarian aid, reports on their suffering & criticizes the actions of the Israeli government as Hamas accomplices, Hamas anti-Semites.

Paraphysique des indymedia (tags)

Pour pouvoir survivre, d'une façon l'autre, il faut de la violence...

How is Corona changing the world of work? (tags)

What was born out of necessity is to become the new standard: The pandemic-related expansion of mobile work is leading to considerations to change the organization of work, to change business areas online. In addition to savings in real estate and travel costs, companies also expect this to increase flexibility.

Our goal is to protect lives and property (tags)

We can provide search and rescue, public school safety, force multiplier, and improved force protection, and all aspects of disaster relief. During man-made or natural disasters and other emergencies. USCDA will respond to requests from any Constitutional sheriff.

FemApocalypse - How underprivileged is the institutionalized woman? (tags)

"Meglio un asino vivo che un dottore morto"... Before I join the canon, for the sake of my sexuality, that puts forward women's rights for Ilse Koch (Witch of Buchenwald), I am of the opinion that the issue of gender equality requires an objective analysis, because not only women and women, men and men, Men and women but according to Dr. Edith Butler up to 16 genders have different views on this dualistic construct at first sight. Before equality between men and women, however, for logic reasons, equality between men should first be achieved.

Hunger is created (tags)

Today we produce and waste more food - although often produced in an unsustainable way - than is actually necessary to feed all of humanity. The fact that people are starving should therefore no longer exist. Hunger is created by other, full people.

The TIPH of the Iceberg, Now UN Troops? (tags)

This article looks at the foreign occupation in the Land of Israel, and urges Jews to rise-up against it.

The TIPH of the Iceberg: Foreign Occupation of Israel (tags)

This article looks at the foreign occupation in the Land of Israel, and urges Jews to rise-up against it.

“Oh Say Can You See” How the LAPD Singing the National Anthem Cost the Dodgers WS Game 7? (tags)

Divine Retribution? Poetic Justice? Giving the Flawed and Oppressive LAPD the Honor of Singing the National Anthem Before BOTH Concluding World Series Games Marred the Pre-Game 7 Excitement, Seemed to Put the Dodgers' Multi-Ethnic Team Off Their Game, and May Have Offended the Racially Diverse Astros.

International Student Exchange Donates $100,000 to Children Incorporated (tags)

Donation will expand partnership with new program to support families in U.S.

California terrorism suspect arrested (tags)

“He wanted to plan to start a huge fire in an area near where he lived and he specifically mentioned the Berkeley Hills as a potential target,” Hasib told the court in December. “That was our first indication that we were dealing with someone in the Bay Area.”

Paraphysique des indymedia, préface de Jacques (tags)

Histoire et archives...

United Ummah is the answer to global Imperialism (tags)

The only answer to global Imperialism is a United Ummah

Radio Spots Focus on Puerto Rico Crisis Ahead of Sunshine State Presidential Primary (tags)

A religious development organization is running radio spots focused on resolving Puerto Rico's debt crisis on 238 stations across Florida.

FIFA Scandal Highlights Corruption in Global Financial System ;US Banks Named Too (tags)

FIFA, Money Laundering,World Cup, Jubilee USA Network

Kiev Recognizes Ultranationalist Nazi Era Collaborators as Freedom Fighters (tags)


Cholita the Real Life Paddington Bear is Cleared for Take-Off with 33 Lions! (tags)

Funds urgently needed as ADI team prepares to collect Cholita

Rahim Kurwa, Co-author of UCSA resolution needs to disclose affiliations (tags)

Rahim Kurwa, UCLA graduate student and divestment activist is a shill for extremist anti-Israel groups

Report rips Jewish Voice for Peace for its tactics (tags)

Extremist group JVP exposed

UCLA students accused of sexual battery (tags)

Omar Arce, 22, was arrested in April after a female student accused him of sexually assaulting her

OECD Takes Strong Stance on Corporate Tax Avoidance (tags)

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a major proposal for curbing corporate tax avoidance yesterday. The OECD recommends international cooperation to prevent large corporations from avoiding taxes in the countries where they do business. The OECD plan comes amidst increased calls to crack down on corporate tax avoidance.

How to Combat ISIS Without War (tags)

The president yesterday announced his "strategy" for dealing with the threat posed by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) in Iraq and Syria. He has given terror networks and the international arms industry cause for great celebration.

Did LA pro-Israel group conceal right-wing identity from Hollywood celebs and media? (tags)

On August 23, the Los Angeles group Creative Community for Peace (CCFP) released a widely reported on statement in Billboard Magazine - “200 Hollywood Heavyweights Support Israel.” What was not reported is that CCFP is a “creative” front group for the right-wing, pro Israeli settler nonprofit StandWithUs, that has a close relationship with the Israeli government. Though CCFP carefully avoids explaining this on their website and materials, CCFP is the same legally-registered nonprofit as StandWithUs (SWU), and, as of October 2013, operated from within SWU’s LA office.

Ebola Depopulation Scam: Liberian Poor Held At Gunpoint In Quarantine Concentration Camps (tags)

The World Health Organization, CDC and international drug cartels continue their depopulation scam: ebola

Down with the latest criminal abuses by the Israeli State! (tags)

On Thursday, June 12 evening three youths; Gilad Shaar, Yifal Efrad and Naftali Frankel were abducted by two militants suspected to have links to Hamas, the Islamic political organization, while they were hitchhiking at a crossroads near Gush Etzion, an Israeli colonial settlement in Palestinian territory. From that moment, it took 18 days before the bodies of three young settlers were found. During these 18 days at least six Palestinians were killed in the West Bank (including a child), along with no less than 600 arbitrary arrests, the closure of numerous centers and associations, including burglary and theft against the foreign media (1), the closure of roads and other forms of abuse by the Israeli army against the people under the pretext of search and capture of the abductors.



Paraphysique des Indymédia, préface de Jacques (tags)

Préface de Jacques...

Anti-Defamation League's Top 10 Anti-Israeli Groups (tags)


Message to the 10th General Assembly of Salinlahi Alliance for Children's Concerns (tags)

The Special Office for the Protection of Children of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) extends warm congratulations to Salinlahi Alliance for Children's Concerns on the occasion of your 10th General Assembly on 14-16 October 2013.


Richard Silverstein, Seattle blogger and self appointed Sheriff of Palestine County

ZOA's LA Chairman Endorses Terrorism (tags)

On Friday, July 19, John Kerry announced the resumption of direct Israeli-Palestinian talks.The next day, the LA director of the Zionist Organization of America, Steven Goldberg, posted an announcement of a talk on "Why Israel and the Jewish People Need Another Kahane Now".

EU Shamelessly Declares Hezbollah a Terrorist Organization (tags)


New report rips apart Jewish voice for peace (tags)

Exposing the tactics and alliances of the extremist anti-Israel group, Jewish voice for peace

Proposition C (tags)

It's almost hidden on the ballot, but it's worth considering. It's a flawed proposition, and probably "toothless", but worth voting for.

USA/Philippines: Feminism’s March from Nation to Home (tags)

Johanna Brenner interviews Filipina feminist activist and writer Ninotchka Rosca about organizing in a transnational world.

State of the Tenant Movement – Why Do So Many Democrats Vote the Wrong Way? (tags)

Tenants Together, California's statewide organization for renters' rights, is working to empower tenants across the state. Our current campaign fights back against security deposit theft.

Paraphysique des indymédia (tags)

L'organisation de la bureaucratie est la bureaucratie de l'organisation...

Ice Skating For Human Rights. (tags)

Youth for Human Rights Florida held an event called Ice Skating for Human Rights at an indoor ice skating rink in Clearwater.

Paul Ryan's soup kitchen photo-op wrecks charity organization: Doors may close (tags)

GOP vice presidential hopeful Rep. Paul RyanPaul Ryan may have drawn a few chuckles after his somewhat awkward soup kitchen appearance, but what the organization is now facing is no laughing matter.

Holy Land Foundation Charity Case Goes to Supreme Court (tags)

police state

Attorney Lynne Stewart Punished by Prison System (tags)

Political prisoner attorney Lynne Stewart, framed on false charges by Republican Bush who terrorized a jury to a false conviction, which charges were not dropped by Democrat Obama which continues to defend the frame-up, is since 8/3/12 for 45 days unable to receive visits, phone calls or commissary. Her appeal of her vicious, unconstitutional 10 year sentence needs your help.

Is Western Condemnation of Cultural Destruction Reserved Exclusively for Enemies? (tags)

Djulfa’s destruction, like that of the Bamiyan Buddhas and Timbuktu shrines, merits widespread coverage, unwavering condemnation, and international liability, no matter who the perpetrator is.

Grassroots to Aveda: ’Safe Fracking’ Won’t Fly: You can’t Put Lipstick on a Pig (tags)

On July 19, environmentalists rallied at Aveda stores to challenge the corporation’s support of Environmental Advocates of New York (EANY), an Albany-tied organization that has taken an increasingly prominent role in the widely disparaged industrial practice of fracking. Activists drew attention to EANY’s support for regulated fracking (or ‘safe fracking’, as the industry has called it). EANY’s Washington, D.C.-based parent organization, the National Wildlife Federation, also came in for some bruising criticism for their support of this polluting practice.

In Memoriam: Robert Miles Parker, 1939-2012 (tags)

Pioneering San Diego-based Queer artist and photographer Robert Miles Parker also founded Save Our Heritage Organization (SOHO), dedicated to preserving San Diego's historic buildings and parks against redevelopment and gentrification. His recent passing in New York, where he had relocated, was memorialized by SOHO.

May Day NYC on WBAI (tags)

LA, let's bring up our media game!

Depleting the Seas of Fish (tags)


The Way She Sees It: Jamala Rogers in San Diego (tags)

Jamala Rogers, columnist for the African-American weekly St. Louis American since 1994 and co-chair of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, spoke in San Diego November 15 to promote her book, "The Best of 'The Way I See It,'" a compilation of her columns. Among them are a ringing defense of Queer rights and a series denouncing the government response to Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath as anti-Black genocide.

Washington and Israel: Partners in State Terror (tags)

state terror

Libya and the End of Western Illusions (tags)

Five months into the bombing campaign, it is no longer possible to believe the initial official version of the events and the massacres attributed to the "Gaddafi regime". Thierry Meyssan is a French intellectual and founder of the Voltaire Network.

BTL:World Health Organization Study Links Cell Phone Use to Cancer Risk (tags)

Interview with Devra Davis, Environmental Health Trust founder and president, conducted by Scott Harris

Senseless Killings of Activists in the Philippines must be Stopped (tags)

Florita "Nang Flor" Caya, Elpidio "Jojo" Malinao, Noriel Salazar - some of the recent slain activists in the Philippines.

Police State Terror in Bahrain (tags)

police state

FCGOA's 9(b)(3) Status is in Jeopardy as a Legitimate 9(b)(3) Security Union (tags)

Who is Really Running FCGOA? Are They Assiciated With a Non-Guard Union? Is Guy James Really a Front Man for FCGOA? These Questions may soon be answered soon before a NLRB Hearing Officer.

Did You Know the FCGOA Federal Contract Guards of America Is Financially BROKE? (tags)

"Just remember you are "Gadhafi" a man living in his own world by his own rules until the broke peasants had enough. Now with the help of allied forces the tyrannical self acclaimed leaders rule comes to an end. "

Walk for Your Rights! (tags)

It is the violations of basic human rights that occur every day around the world which unites groups like those which will come together in St. Petersburg, Florida to walk and speak out for human rights on Saturday, March 5th, 2011.

Remembering a Filipino Working Class Hero (tags)

February 6, 2011 marks the 10th death anniversary of our leader and slain comrade Filemon “Ka Popoy” Lagman.



Swiss banker supplies documents to WikiLeaks (tags)

Orange County Heroes Reach Out to Homeless (tags)

The Orange County's homeless population is hungry and in need of shelter. While some heroes help, why isn't everyone?

Assange: Many Top Arab Officials Are CIA Spies (tags)

“These officials are spies for the US in their countries,” reported Assange, adding that there was also information proving allegations that the US regularly sends “suspects” to some nations for torture."

Wikileaks Scientology Crimes Motivated (tags)

The world-wide phenomena known as Wikileaks has captured the fascination of citizens and governments alike, but what was the motivation for human rights and freedom of speech advocates to launch the Wikileaks organization? A documentary covers the foundations of this phenomenally beneficial organization.

Cyberattacks Are Retaliation for Pressure on WikiLeaks (tags)

"The group, which gained notoriety for their cyberattacks on targets as diverse as the Church of Scientology and the rock musician Gene Simmons, released two manifestos over the weekend vowing revenge against enemies of WikiLeaks. “We fight for the same reasons,” said one. “We want transparency and we counter censorship.” This may get interesting.

Massive Fraud in Haiti's Sham Elections (tags)

sham elections

Open Season on Muslims in America (tags)

targeting innocent Muslims

Church Program Honors Southern Poverty Law Center (tags)

Though the guest of honor, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) director Morris Dees, didn't show up — his mother-in-law was terminally ill and he canceled with less than a day’s notice — the September 22 program honoring the Center went on anyway, with the group’s president, Richard Cohen, the main attraction. Cohen and other SPLC staff members discussed the group’s history, its spectacular lawsuits holding the Ku Klux Klan and other white-supremacist organizations responsible for the deaths of people of color, and the links between the ultra-radical Right and the supposedly “respectable” Tea Party.


Its not too late to find 2 hours to donate on World Homeless Day/Week 10/10/10 at your local food distribution program to people living outside. View a music video created and donated for World Homeless Day by the homeless in London Heroes & Villains

The Secret World of Chinese Communism? (tags)

Commentary on New York Review of Books article on the Chinese Communist Party by Ian Johnson

The world turned its back on Rwanda in 1994? (tags)

Paul Kagame has been blackmailing the Western world for "turning its back on Rwanda" in 1994 ever since, but this 1994 news clip reports that he actually threatened to fire on UN peacekeepers as though they were enemy combatants, if they tried to stand between him and his Rwandan Patriotic Front Army and the government's Rwandan Army.

Fear of Crash: Book Review (tags)

In "Crisis without Resistance," Werner Seppmann analyzes the "intimidation offensive of capital." "The attack on the living standards of wage-earners becomes an essential component of capital accumulation." Fear of falling is a reason for defensive conduct of crisis victims.

USSA Stays Strong (tags)

The United States Student Association (USSA), representing more than 4 million students nationwide has opposed Congress' legislative tying together of educational funding and the funding of war. Their own 63rd Congress convenes at UCLA July 15-20. Call for interviews.

Threatened Academic and Expression Freedoms at the University of Ottawa (tags)

threatened freedoms on campus

Freedom of Association Restrictions and Discrimination in Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

destructive Israeli policies

Notes from the La Mesa Al aAwda Palestinian right to Return Conference (tags)

Read the full conferce report here:

Filipino teachers form organization to pursue justice vs recruiter (tags)

February 12, 2010 Baton Rouge, Louisiana–Filipino migrant teachers who are in a struggle against their recruitment agency on allegations of overcharges and exploitation have banded together to form an advocacy and campaigns organization to consolidate their growing movement.


USA defends free trade but practices protectionism; now Americans will have to support the authorized retaliations for WTO.

People's CORE Successfully Ends Relief and Fund Drive (tags)

People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment with co-organizer Alliance Philippines, Los Angeles, ended its relief and fund drive to help the victims of the back to back floods that deluged the Philippines in October-November, 2009. Final Report The campaign which was launched on September 21, 2009 ended on December 31, 2009. The Relief and Fund Drive in Southern California and the Bay Area received a total donation of $6,469.43. The financial aid and 174 “Balikbayan” boxes of used and brand new clothing, shoes, canned goods and medicines were sent to the Philippine-based non-profit organization, AKAP (Ang Kalusugan para sa Pinoy) for assistance to the flood victims.

Town-Hall Meeting Bitterly Critical of Pride Board (tags)

San Diego's annual Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender Pride celebrations have been jeopardized by a community controversy over a $5,000 payment authorized by the board to its chair, Dr. Philip Princetta. The board fired Pride's executive director, Ron deHarte, on January 5, one day after he wrote a letter calling the payment "self-dealing" and questioning its legality. Two other Pride staff members resigned in support, and on Sunday, January 10 members of San Diego's Queer and Queer-allied communities had a chance to weigh in on the controversy. With none of the current board members there to hear the community speakers or express their own version of the events, the meeting turned into a series of condemnations of the board members and a vote to ask that deHarte be reinstated — but many people there were frustrated that the structure of the board doesn't give the community any recourse that doesn't also hurt the Pride events themselves.

Pride Goeth Before a Fall (tags)

The current controversy over San Diego LGBT Pride is not only jeopardizing the future of the Pride events and potentially pitting board members against community volunteers in a potentially ruinous conflict, it's also opening doors for a real reconsideration of how Pride should be run and what its purpose should be. The author argues for an end to the self-perpetuating board of directors that currently runs Pride, a membership organization made up of volunteers and contributors, and a rethinking of the Pride events to emphasize community outreach and a celebration of Pride's liberationist origins as well as moneymaking and entertainment.

Animal Liberation Forum 2010 in Long Beach, CA (tags)

CAT will be holding a 2nd annual Animal Liberation Forum in Spring 2010 (April 15-18, 2010). We are currently looking for speakers and organizations to participate and are asking those who are interested to send us an application (see below)

"Skilled, Professional Management" Grace Aaron Style: No KPFK: Transmitter Down (tags)

Item 5 of the Committee to Strengthen KPFK's slick slate mailer in 2008 promised, "Skilled, Professional Management." Since their victory, they have repeatedly told us they brought it to us. Now we see the result: KPFK Off the Air.

Israel has created a monster on the West Bank with their settlers and Yesha council. (tags)

Israel may have thought it was creating “facts on the ground” but now it discovers that it has a terrorist organization, outside the law, on its hands.

AARP's Tradition of Betrayal (tags)

they choose profits over member interests


On Saturday, October 10, a hushed crowd of Gabriela Network (GABNet) members, alumni, supporters, and political allied sat in the USD Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice. The strum of a guitar and the lone voice of woman singing opened up the festivities of GABNet's 20th Anniversary.


Organizers ratify Constitution, launch agenda, begin global movement for radical democracy anew.

Honduras Resistance Warns of Provocateurs on the Internet (tags)

"A statement by the National Resistance Front Against the Coup d’Etat The Communication Commission of the National Resistance Front Against the Coup d’Etat wishes to correct and reject some messages on the Internet authored by Mr. Georges Francoise Godoy, supposedly an Argentine-French citizen who frequents the information networks on the Internet of the resistance. In a message distributed via Internet dated September 14, Mr. Godoy promotes a website named which makes it appear as if, under the banner of the National Resistance Front Against the Coup d’Etat, there is a so-called “Revolutionary Army of the Honduran People, Paramilitary Battallion Isis Obed Murillo,” whose commander is said to be President Zelaya. In said website there appears a “Communiqué #1” according to which this supposed organization has decided to attack members of the coup regime and their families militarily. As authorized spokespersons of the Frente, this Communications Commission rejects as false the claims being circulated in respect to the existence of the mentioned armed front. We are going to repeat what we have said for eighty days: The National Resistance Front Against the Coup d’Etat is a public organization that uses only nonviolent methods. Since the beginning our organization agreed to fight against the usurper regime with peaceful methods and without arms. As such: WE DO NOT HAVE ANY ARMED OR PARAMILITARY FRONT. And whoever tries to make it appear to the contrary exposes our leadership to military and police repression. Consequently, we alert all compañeros and compañeras who use the Internet and other media to reject the messages of provocateurs who try to deceive about the essence of our struggle."

These are the Coup Leaders, They Will be Judged! (tags)

Their pictures at:

These are the coup leaders (tags)

"1. All of these people used their positions to plot, cause, or finance the breakdown of constitutional order with the kidnapping and extradition of President Zelaya, which culminated in the coup.??2. They are directly responsible for the deaths, injuries, imprisonment, and the unease imposed upon Honduran society; they have destroyed democracy and ruined Honduras' image nationally and internationally.??3. The coup leaders reactivated the anti-terrorist and anti-communist organization called the Alliance for Honduras' Progress (APROH), which operated in the 1980s. Their greed and lack of culture prevented them from understanding that the people are free to choose the political and ideological system that will offer them security and well-being."

Come to Palestine! (tags)

Thinking of Coming to Palestine? Interested in Being a Responsible Solidarity Activist? Palestine Solidarity Project Needs YOU!

ANSWEr trashes cities then cries "first amendment" (tags)

ANSWER's been trashing the urban environemnt for years- now they are upset that they are getting fined.

Dissolve the UNRWA (tags)

In this difficult economic climate, as American citizens are seeking ways to cut costs, the U.S. government must consider ways to eliminate waste. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is not only a wasteful expenditure but, unbeknownst to most U.S. taxpayers, this U.S.-funded agency serves as an incubator for Arab-Palestinian terrorists. In the 60 years of its existence, UNRWA has done little to rehabilitate and settle the Palestinian-Arab refugees and much to foster incitement, hate, and terror against Israel.

Come to Palestine! (tags)

Thinking of Coming to Palestine? Interested in Being a Responsible Solidarity Activist? Palestine Solidarity Project Needs YOU!

A Union for the Jobless (tags)

With unemployment in LA over 10%, and probably closer to 20% in our working class communities, the time has come for an organization for the unemployed. Harry Kelber is a writer whose been in the labor movement since the 1930s, a real veteran.

What They Don't Tell You About Leftist Delegations (tags)

Know before you go.

Investigation into Oakland non profit housing organization underway (tags)

Activists are pleased that an investigation into Oakland Community Housing, Inc. (OCHI) is underway, but are deeply disappointed that their demands to have more oversight instituted over the way non profit housing organizations are spending millions in tax payer dollars on their housing projects, has been rejected by Oakland City officials!

Why is PETA suing animal rights organizations? (tags)

If dressing up like clan members, exploiting women in protests, investing in the animal industry, or euthanizing 80-97% of 'rescued' animals doesn't change your mind about PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, perhaps their recent lawsuit will get your attention.

Scientology Cult Targets Haiti for Slave Labor (tags)

The Scientology organization has increasingly targeted poor countries such as Haiti in its recruitment efforts. Why would this money-hungry crime-cult be interested in one of the world's poorest countries? The answer: Because they want to bring Haitians in to the USA on "religious worker" visas to serve as unpaid laborers.

Criminal Injustice Against the Holy Land Foundation Charity (tags)

targeting innocent Muslims

Germany | Day of Action for the militant group trial (tags)

DECENTRALISED Action DAY for the militant group trial 13th 2008 Get involved with your own actions on the day of decentralised actions for the Militant Group Trial.

DAMAYAN PRE-X Mas Activities (tags)

/ Strengthen our mutual support through expanding and consolidating our organization // Annual board election and annual membership meeting // Holiday dinner, music and dancing to have fun and build community despite the hard times //

Scholars for 9-11 Truth & Justice Misrepresented in Draft Bill Sent to 8 House Members (tags)

On October 18, 2008, an OpEdNews article titled, "8 House Members View Draft Bill on Independent Science/Tech Probe of WTC 1, 2, 7 Collapses," was published by four members of the group Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice ( The authors of the article and draft bill are not spokespersons for Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice, and therefore are individually responsible for it. Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice does not endorse the draft bill due to the inclusion of numerous unscientific claims and misrepresentations, and condemns in the strongest of terms any associations between the organization and the claims presented by the authors of this bill. As stated at the front page of their website, Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice "take[s] care to present the strongest, most credible research available..."

San Diego Community Leader Accused of Breaking Law (tags)

Popular San Diego community activist Leo Wilson is being accused of practicing law without a license, involving a heated controversy over the balloting on by-laws revisions for the Hillcrest Business Association (HBA).

Here Is Why The Mail Is So Messed Up... (tags)

and why it has become so expensive...try to get in touch with thte postal inspector to file a complaint about slow or missing mail though....these cops are all tax enforcers and this is a good example of that...the illegal marijuana tax act of 1937 is being enforced by people who are supposed to be serving america, but actually serve zion....b


ANNOUNCING THE AUGUST 12TH OFFICIAL OPENING OF ‘THE JULES VERNE FESTIVAL’S PORTHOLE’ AT 7+FIG! The Jules Verne Festival’s Porthole, a free-access permanent Screen Lounge, created by filmmakers, explorers and conservationists, Jean-Christophe Jeauffre and Frédéric Dieudonné, will bring the wonders of our Planet Earth to the children of Los Angeles! The official opening and ribbon–cutting of ‘The Jules Verne Festival’s Porthole’, the new cultural space created by The Jules Verne Adventures organization, is slated for Tuesday, August 12 at 4:00 PM at the site in the up-scale 7th + FIG, 735 S. Figueroa Street, downtown Los Angeles. The Jules Verne Festival Porthole opening will be co-hosted by Brookfield Properties, the founding sponsor of the site. The Jules Verne Festival’s Porthole, a free-access permanent Screen Lounge, created by filmmakers and conservationists, Jean-Christophe Jeauffre and Frédéric Dieudonné will bring the wonders of our Planet Earth to the children of Los Angeles and other visitors. The new space will present documentaries, movies, workshops, and meetings with the Explorers, Filmmakers, Conservationists and a great deal more.

Interview with Cop Watch LA Member Joaquin Cienfuegos for the Affinity Project (tags)

This interview was done in the summer of 2006. Joaquin is currently working with the Revolutionary Autonomous Communities (which at the time of the interview was in the process of being created) and the Guerrilla Chapter of Cop Watch Los Angeles.

Hunger in Abundance (tags)

The price explosion has nothng to do with a shortage in grain. After the quasi-collapse of the US financial markets, international ivnestors floated a considerable part of their funds in raw material- and food branches.

Kidnapped Panchen Lama's Birthday (tags)

April 25th is the Birthday of a little boy kidnapped by the Chinese government...perhaps a nice birthday present for him would be your signature on this petition...

Behind Bars: The Travails of a Political Prisoner, Randall Echanis, KMP (tags)

Randall Echanis, of the militant peasant organization the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas, is not the only political prisoner of the Arroyo regime. There are currently 240 prisoners in detention by the count of Samahan ng mga Ex-Detainee Laban sa Detensyon at para sa Amnestiya (SELDA), an organization dedicated to helping political prisoners.

Boston-area convicts linked to CIA nexus (tags)

During the late 1980s and early 1990s, the CIA used al-Kifah to support covert operations overseas. With the full backing of the U.S. government, the organization set up branches in more than thirty American cities to raise funds and recruit fighters for the CIA’s anti-Soviet Afghan jihad. In the early 90s, once again with U.S. support and encouragement, al-Kifah shifted its focus to the Balkans, helping to instigate a civil war in Bosnia in 1992. This case, like so many others, proves the government’s so-called “war on terror” is really a chase for its own tail. As long as the truth is buried and the media remains silent, the hopeless pursuit will continue.

San Diego Hosts Alternative King Day Event (tags)

Though only 30 people attended San Diego's alternative Martin Luther King, Jr. commemorative cvelebration January 21, it represented an important challenge to the way King's "official" celebrations have been co-opted by his enemies: the police, the military and the poltiical establishment.

Communist Party of the Philippines pursues a violent course against its left opponents (tags)

In the Philippines, one of the poorest countries in Asia, 40 percent of the people live in poverty. Conditions there have sparked a large radical movement, heavily repressed by the government.

First Openly Gay Young Democrats President Interviewed (tags)

David Hardt, recently elected president of the national Young Democrats and the first openly Gay man to hold that position, came to San Diego December 6 for a Young Stonewall Democrats' fundraiser and did this interview with Zenger's Newsmagazine. He discussed the future of the Democratic party and the Queer presence within it.

Venezuela: Interview with an indigenous activist (tags)

* As part of the 2.300 delegates in the second Zapatista and indigenous community’s international reunion, which took place last July in Mexico, members of the wayuu community delivered a truly important message: Venezuelan indigenous community’s situation is very different than the declared by the government people in Caracas. El Libertario talked about the experience with Jorge Montiel, member of the Maikiralasa’lii.

Beytushebab Massacre: Lies and Crimes of Turkish Militarists (tags)

On September 29th, Turkish news agencies informed the Turkish and world public about a so-called PKK attack in which 12 people of Kurdish origin (7 of whom were Village Guards working for the “security” forces) were said to have lost their lives. They were mowed down in their minibus near the village of Hemkan attached to Beytushebab town of Shirnak province neighboring Iraq.

Oct. 19-21 IMF/WB actions update #3 (tags)

This update provides a quick glimpse into how the organizing for the October 19-21 mobilization against the IMF/World Bank annual meetings is going. Read it to find out about our outreach activities, new endorsers of the mobilization, how to plug in, and more.

Books Through Bars needs volunteers (tags)

Starting a books to prisoners organization and need volunteers

"Cargo-Cult Leninism" vs. Political Transparency (tags)

Many "Marxist" organizations today are plagued by "cargo-cult" ideology. Why do people want to drink the kool-aid? Because the WANT to believe that things are OK. What is the solution? We need mass democracy!

Africanist Movement establishes program for 2007 Sierra Leone elections (tags)

The Africanist Movement, an organization based in several territories in West Africa, launches its revolutionary national democratic program that will provide solutions for the desperate problems facing African people and expose the neocolonial petty bourgeoisie contending for power through the electoral process. This general campaign is occurring during the election season in Sierra Leone, where in early August members of parliament and a new president will be elected.

Fair Housing and Homeownership Rights (tags)

The Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles is now conducting presentations on fair housing and home ownership rights.

show me da' money (tags)

a stunning exposé

G4 process is undemocratic, No WTO deal in Potsdam! (tags)

Trade ministers of the G4 countries (the European Union, the United States, Brazil and India) are meeting in Potsdam, Germany, this week try to stitch together a trade deal to which each of them could agree.

Alternative Energy (tags)

Considering all products products & services relating to Green Technologies, including:  Renewable Energy Production and Sustainable Living We would like to represent your company,  with our on-line e-commerce system. Our interest is helping you get your products and services out to buyers 24-hours a day Our goal is to drop ship products, for “just-in-time” deliveries for all orders. At this time, we will not be a stocking distributor.  Buyers can place their order in our e-commerce system, and we'll send them a receipt, but we will not collect funds from your customers. We will send the sales department at your company a copy of the buyer's receipt for an order, and you will contact the buyer to take payment and arrange their shipping.

Mujeres de la Tierra presentation at LA Greens, M16 (tags)

Los Angeles Greens present a talk by Irma Muñoz who started the first Latina Environmental organization in the country.


On May 1, 2007, hundreds of thousands of people across the United States will once again take to the street to oppose recent US legislation which threatens the human rights, civil liberties and welfare of all immigrants and their communities. For far too long the issue of how migration impacts women have not been given its due. In fact, women migrants--including Filipinas--are the most vulnerable of the population:


WOMEN party-list Babae para sa Kaunlaran (BABAE KA) today categorically denied that it is a stooge of Malacañang even as it challenged Gabriela party-list to file a formal complaint. Sally Dagami, BABAE KA chairperson, said that, “For the nth time, we want the Filipino people to know that BABAE KA party-list is not a Malacañang-backed organization. BABAE KA has not requested and has not received a single centavo from the government.”

Pitfalls of the Party-List Law (Conclusion) (tags)

The present party-list system has shortcomings that make it impossible to truly represent marginalized sectors, an expert on election laws told Bulatlat in an interview.

Ralph's Drops S.O.S. Funding (tags)

Below is part of an email sent out by Save Our State.

A Minuteman meets his hour of crisis (tags)

Minuteman Project co-founder Jim Gilchrist is battling three of his board members in court for control of the organization. By Jennifer Delson, Times Staff Writer March 11, 2007

Low Intensity War in Chiapas (tags)

The situation in Chiapas is very tense and everyday it worsens. This letter is an invitation for all of us, in each of our places and in our own way, to do everything possible to stop paramilitary aggressions in Chiapas. Here in Northern California we are organizing ourselves to spread the word as much as possible and pressure the Mexican government through international public opinion. Below you will find an article explaining the situation. Please send it out to as many people as possible. There is also, in Radio Zapatista's webpage (www.radiozapatista) audios from Morelia's Good Government Council and from the autonomous Municipal Council of Vicente Guerrero, as well as recent programs (in English and in Spanish) on the situation.

Police Raid Home Of Former Minutemen Spokeswoman (tags)

SAN DIEGO -- San Diego police raided the home Thursday of the former spokeswoman for the San Diego Minutemen movement.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia

BTL:NOW Challenges Bush Appointment of Anti-Contraception Doctor to... (tags)

...Head Federal Family Planning Office~Interview with Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Proposals for APPO Congress (tags)

These proposals presented to the APPO Constitutional Congress held from Friday to Sunday, November 10-12, are based on traditional indigenous horizontal structures.



Minutemen suffer defeat at Columbia University (tags)

A major demonstration last night resulted in a serious setback for the Minutemen organization, when Jim Gilchrist's speech was disrupted and the event shut down by militant demonstrators.

During a public protest, politicians and ex-employee closed Coca Cola's offices in Mexico (tags)

Coca Cola FEMSA is accused of discriminating a manager for being homosexual • Openly Gay Federal Congressman supports the plaintiff in symbolic act. • ALTERNATIVA liberal political party, Mexico City’s Leader, was there as well. • The Gay Pride Organization Committee backs Roberto Mendoza.

New! Vote Peace lawn signs now available! (tags)

Inform your friends and neighbors about the growing voting block for peace with one of these colorful lawn signs from

2006 Student/Farmworker Alliance Encuentro; Immokalee, Fl; Sep 21-24 (tags)

Student/Famworker Alliance is a national network of youth and students organizing in solidarity with farmworkers to eliminate sweatshop conditions and modern-day slavery in the fields. We work in partnership with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a membership-led organization of mostly Latino, Haitian, and Mayan Indian low-wage immigrant workers in Southwest Florida. Together we won the Taco Bell Boycott in 2005. For more information, visit

Some Courageious Thinking People in Israel (tags)

We wanted to protest the foolishness of this war," attorney Yifat Solel, who also serves on the Meretz board of directors, told Haaretz. "It's obvious that a military operation would cause the harming of innocents, and that the most significant achievement would be reached only through diplomatic negotiations."

Lies, Double Standards, and Culpable Fallacies (tags)

"Lebanon is being sold for the price of a word: Terrorism. What a bad joke!" by Beirut artist and blogger Mazen Kerbaj. View more of his work. The following is a list - by no means exhaustive - of lies, double standards, and culpable fallacies perpetrated by US and Israeli officials.

The Minutemen $cam (tags)

A growing number of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps leaders and volunteers are questioning the whereabouts of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of dollars in donations collected in the past 15 months, challenging the organization's leadership over financial accountability.

Ex-border agents plead guilty to bribery (tags)

You can always trust a cop to be honest!!!! Yea Sure!!!!

Joaquin Cienfuegos: Report from the Struggles in Mexico 06/16/06-06/29/06 (tags)

The following is a correspondence from joaquin Cienfuegos, traveling throughout Mexico reporting on the struggles on the streets, the anarchist movement, the Other Campaign, the Zapatista’s, and the over all radical climate that is building. More updates to come. All messages are free for broad distribution and will be sent across the net. Please forward, and let this be an inspiration to a growing movement in North America towards internationalism.

Spain to Negotiate With Basque Separatists (tags)

Pesante-USA reprinted the story about Spain's peace talks with ETA. Meanwhile in the Philippines, the US-Arroyo regime sabotaged the peace negotiaitons and conducted large scale counter -insurgency operations against the NPA. While in Spain, In a politically risky move aimed at ending Europe's last armed conflict, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero announced Thursday that he would open peace talks with ETA, the outlawed Basque guerrilla organization. The talks follow ETA's declaration in March of a "permanent" cease-fire in the group's four-decade fight for independence. Together, the developments represent what many here believe to be the best chance in years for a lasting peace.

Cyber-protests grow over soccer sex slaves (tags)

Chimpy W. Bushitler does it again - refuses to stop his slick oil buddies from getting illegal prostitutes.

Letter to comrade Edward (The Road to Information War) (tags)

A longer-term view of the tasks of building anti-imperialist and revolutionary organization in the U.S. in the early 21st century: (1) Work to build an open community of activists (2) Develop national reach via the internet (indymedia newswires, email lists, etc) (3) Develop theoretical tools that will allow us to think about and talk about our long-term goal

If an FBI Agent Knocks (tags)

Federal Investigators and Your Rights By: Center for Constitutional Rights

CDIR –People’s CORE : ALL OUT FOR April 15 Mass Student Action and May 1 Nati (tags)

It's important at this critical moment for us- the Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR)-a coalition of peoples immigrant organizations in Los Angeles advocating for immigrant rights; People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment(People’s CORE), a non-profit organization in Southern California and the ANSWER Coalition to keep up the pressure and continue to focus on the streets and the mass action of the people and never allow the politicians to decide how much equality or how much inequality, or how much repression, should be meted out to the millions of hard working immigrant families.


This past weekend saw demonstrations all around the world with hundreds of thousands taking to the streets to protest the third anniversary of the War in Iraq. But something new is happening.


Thretening with the Checkbook (tags)

In 1984 the US cancelled its membership in the UN organization for education, science and culture (UNESCO) Down-is-up America,. the land of reversible cups, harvests fear and mockery as long as arrogance marginalizes criticism in the multipolar world.

BTL:Filibuster is Last Hope for Opponents of Alito Supreme Court Confirmation (tags)

Interview with Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Cats abandoned, need help (tags)

In the San Gabrial Mountains above Azusa, California, 11 or more domestic cats have been abandoned because their care givers have been evicted from the Camp Follows area, leaving a lot of cats behind to starve.

Haiti: $100,000 NED Grant to Batay Ouvriye- Anti-Aristide "leftists" (tags)

Recently declassified National Endowment for Democracy (NED) documents reveal that a "leftist" workers' organization, Batay Ouvriye (BO), which promoted and called for the overthrow of the constitutionally elected government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, was the targeted beneficiary of a US $99,965 NED grant routed through the AFL-CIO's American Center for International Solidarity (ACILS). Listed in NED's "Summary of Projects Approved in FY 2005" for Haiti, the grant states, "ACILS will work with the May 1st Union Federation- Batay Ouvriye [ESPM-BO] to train workers to organize and educate fellow workers."

BTL:Poor Nations Condemn World Trade Organization Agreements as Unfair (tags)

Interview with Anuradha Mittal, executive director of the Oakland Institute, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

READ THIS! (tags)

Since the September 11th attacks, racist groups have gained increasing size and political power.

The World Can’t Wait--Drive Out the Bush Regime (tags)

Today, The World Can’t Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime organization placed a full page ad in The New York Times calling for George Bush to step down from office, and take his program with him. Similar calls for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, or Dick Cheney have appeared, but this is the first time an organization has run an ad in a national media outlet calling for the removal of the entire Bush regime and their program from power.

Terrorism comes to Duke (tags)

The ISM at Duke: The Saga Continues

Glendale Hilton Hotel Union NOW (tags)

The pain of the beast is felt disturbingly closer to home, as America's favorite resort family, the Hiltons, step all over the rights of people not too far from Hollywood.

Human Traffic Denounced (tags)

Human Traffic Denounced

Privatization and the World Trade Organization (tags)

Competence, efficiency and user-friendliness are in no way "natural" domains of private service providers.. Why should private investors be interested in maintaining the long-term infrastructure?

The Mother of All Anti-War Rallies (tags)

The Anti-Iraqi War rally in Washington, DC., today, 09/24/05, put on by the “United for Peace and Justice” organization, was a highly-spirited event. The Ellipse was overflowing with protesters and the march around the White House seemed to go on forever. MP, George Galloway, blasted George W. Bush and Tony Blair as “war criminals.” He said that we owe it to the world to make it clear that these “war criminals are not acting in our name!”

What kind of organization does the antiwar movement need? (tags)

An organization capable of overthrowing the system of imperialist rule cannot be built on a foundation of sand. Only principled, transparent and long-term collaboration between serious activists can: (1) organize a decisive break from the confinement of liberal-imperialist politics, (2) mobilize the masses in their millions and (3) chart the couse forward to a world without imperialist war or capitalist exploitation

HSUS Pleads with Federal, State, Local Agencies (tags)

HSUS Pleads with Federal, State, Local Agencies to Help Rescue Thousands of Stranded Pets


Do not give any money to the Red Cross unless you support the expansion of empire abroad and police state at home. Find a smaller trustworthy organization in the local area of New Orleans and make your onation to them...

Radio Haiti's Jean Dominique's assassination (tags)

Further investigation into the assassination of Jean Dominique reveals imported sugar and ethanol were being challenged by agronomist radio host Jean before he was killed..

Beginning the Discussion on Goals and Strategy - SCAF (LA) (tags)

Beginning the discussion on Goals and Strategy [and structure] -- Southern California Anarchist Federation (Los Angeles Chapter)

SOS Comes Out Against the Police and Outlines New Vigilante Tactics (tags)

It seems that SOS now knows that their Nazi ties have been exposed, and they do not like that the people of this country do not agree with the racist position.

Hey, Joe: An Open Letter to Joe Turner and SOS (tags)

Joe Turner of "Save our State" has a "new" strategy." One that will lead to the same old tragedy, based as it is on the premises of ethnic cleansing and a resort to Storm Trooper style violence. More below.

Comment Regarding Venice Food Not Bombs (tags)

Comment received regarding a post by Barbara Peck.

London: FALSE FLAG OPERATION - Ralph Shoneman and Mya Shone (tags)

* Sketch of London bombing timeline

SOS to Exploit Racial Tensions in L.A. (tags)

The following was posted on the SOS website and was written by SOS founder, Joe Turner.

SOS not Welcome with CA Minutemen? (tags)

This is a press release, from May 3, 2005 is from Friends of the Border Patrol. FBP is a California based Minuteman organization.

The FBI looks (tags)

What this means for you, your friends and organizations is foreboding.

BS ALERT (tags)

The Center For Consumer Freedom have several websites (,, etc..) and runs commercials to inform and protect us from "the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, militant activists, meddling bureaucrats, and violent radicals" but are in fact a fake front for corporate America and FOX news that want us to buy their products (oh and die from diabetes, cancer, heart disease and liver failure.)

America against Washington (tags)

The Organization of American States rejected the US proposal. The "principle of non-intervention" was affirmed, not "supervision of democracy."

GABRIELA Network & Allies Across the U.S. Protest War "Of" Terror in the Philipp (tags)

GABRIELA Network, a US-Philippine women's solidarity mass organization est. 1989, leads first nationwide protest against human rights violations and political killings in the Philippines.

Protest Against MinuteMen - Garden Grove (tags)

Protest MinuteMen in Garden Grove, May 25th


In response to the June 3rd-9th Organization of American States meeting in Fort Lauderdale Florida, South Floridian activists are organizing to protest the OAS on four points: the FTAA/CAFTAA (the OAS created their "Summit of the America"); human rights violations and environmental issues the OAS ignores; and OAS failure to impede foreign (mostly U.S.) domination of Western Third World Countries. The protest will be held Sunday, June 5th, as part of a weekend of related events.

Anti-Immigrant Groups to Invade D.C. Take Action! (tags)

Anti-immigrant groups are going to D.C. to spread xenophobia. What you can do in LA to support immigrant rights!

BTL:Bush Administration May Reject Ratification of... (tags)

...International Tobacco Control Treaty ~ Interview with Derek Yach, one of the principle drafters of the International Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Media Monopoly and Lies by Fox News (tags)

A broad overview of media bias and racism focusing on a recent broadcast by Fox 29 News (Philadelphia) implicating the MOVE Organization in a 2002 murder.



. (tags)


Tsunami Relief Benefit Show @ Saddleback College Fri Feb 11! (tags)


Tsunami Relief Benefit Show @ Saddleback College Fri Feb 11! (tags)


Tsunami Relief Benefit Show @ Saddleback College Friday Feb 11 (tags)


Antelope Valley Radical Network (tags)

The Antelope Valley Radical Network is made up of groups and individuals actively engaged in creating a healthier and more sustainable Antelope Valley, based on the principles of autonomy, self organization, and mutual aid. The purpose of this network is for local projects to find common ground and to work together against the overall problems, which are threatening our community. From poverty to police brutality, urbanization to unemployment, the problems are rampant, yet we will work to defend our communities from this ongoing repression.

Revolutionary Anarchism and Political Parties (tags)

For a long time there has been an erroneous conception regarding anarchists' views on parties. In this document, we, as revolutionary anarchists, wish to clarify the matter a little.

Holiday Funding Appeal on behalf of The NewStandard (tags)

This is an urgent appeal on behalf of a very important online news organization -- a fledgling participatory economics collective called The NewStandard -- which is presently at risk of having to close down for lack of funds.

Friends of the Raymond Theatre Receives 2004 President's Award from California Preservatio (tags)

Nothing is going to be done over the stolen election until we go Ukranian (tags)

Instead of sitting around complaining,waiting for some group to do something, or hoping for heated buses to show up for a one day protest somewhere we need to get into the streets and stay there until we get justice.

Road Ahead: Nonpartisan Alliance vs the Right (tags)

[A summary of the independent intervention by the left in Chicago, the lessons learned, and future prospects]

Globalization & Civilization Teach-In (tags)


CNP? Religious Right and Bush (tags)

Who Is The Council For National Policy And What Are They Up To? And Why Don’t They Want You To Know?

CNP - The Greastest Danger Behind The Bush Agenda (tags)

Who Is The Council For National Policy And What Are They Up To? And Why Don’t They Want You To Know?

Possible Next Steps for the Million Worker March (tags)

Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to make the MWM a reality. I look forward to seeing everyone in DC. As hard as we have worked, we must work harder still to guarantee the continuation of this great movement for the independent organization of workers and the working class.

Rumsfeld at Magic Castle (tags)

Word on the street is that this will be an occasion for actions, demonstrations, and protests! Donald H. Rumsfeld and the Magic Castle are pleased to invite you to an evening of illusions at the venerable Academy of Magic Arts for a once in a lifetime performance.  Following will be a press conference.

National Alliance of Black Panthers seeking to establish Chapter in LA (tags)

the National Alliiance of Black Panthers is seeking bold individuals from the LA area to help implement it's national agenda there. The organization is open to all people.

It’s a crime to criticize Kofi Annan ? (tags)

to criticize Kofi Annan (who, for cakes supported with stoicism, is able to inhale to the beatification) is a crime of lese-maiesty?


POIRIER SALES is an online terror group targeting Americans, British, Israeli, Military , and Law Enforcement. Shut them down!

Aw shit!!!!!!! (tags)

Boycott Poirier Sales: NEXUS OF TERROR IN MA by Alan Weiss Appliance Shop, POIRIER SALES hosts the website of an organization that openly calls for genocide against Americans and Israelis.

Weapons found in Iraq! (tags)

stunning events from Iraq!

Jones versus the ashtray (tags)

Brazil and Argentina believe that the FTAA for 2005 is not possible (tags)

Brazilian Chancellor, Celso Amorim, and the Argentinean sub-secretary of Economic Integration, Eduardo Sigal, stated that the current situation of the FTAA negotiations makes impossible that the trade agreement will start working as it was expected on the beginning of 2005.

The First Day (tags)

New organization to raise funds for a great cause.

Spirit of the Radio (Clear Channel and What is Being Done About It) (tags)

This Article Examines Clear Channel Communications and how Internet Radio is being used to resist censorship.

Example of Moral Choices (tags)

Many people want to act morally, and then feel that in the workplace they cannot. A letter I sent seems to work well. With alteration to the specific topics, supervisors with even a little sense of morality will usually respect this type of letter.

Organized Labor Rallies Against War (tags)

Hundreds of trade unionists, members of U.S. Labor Against the War, march together in solidarity to demand "Money for jobs and education! End the Occupation!"

A century of What to do? of Lenin: A critical defense at the light of the Argentinazo (tags)


Urgent action to save the lives of two women (tags)

The lives of Nazila and Farideh are in great danger

The Ruckus Society rethinks the U.S. anti-corporate globalization movement (tags)

“Close your eyes,” directs a young workshop facilitator. In the sticky heat of a secluded Florida campground, under a large open-air tent, a group of activists closes their eyes. “Now I want you to picture an anti-corporate globalization activist.” The campers furrow their collective brows. “Okay,” says the facilitator, after a brief pause, “how many saw a white person?”

'Neo-Nazis' Begin Campaign (tags)

"At first look these flyers looked like mild-mannered hate, but if you look at their Web site you can see they are in fact neo-Nazi's," said Sutter Creek United Methodist Church Pastor Andrew Bear, who received the flyers at his home.

March, Rally in Inglewood (tags)

This is a 105 seconds long video of the march and the rally in Inglewood California, today from 12 PM to 2 PM.

(2) Inglewood, Massive March (tags)

Today, from 12 PM to 2 PM, more than twenty thousands people marched in the streets of Inglewood, California, to support the striking workers from Vons/Pavilions and the locked out workers from Albertsons and Ralphs supermarkets.

Indymedia really IS financed by Communists! (tags)

In the wake of the anarcho-socialist invasion of Miami to protest the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) meetings, it is important to understand how such events are organized. Independent Media Centers (or IMC or Indymedia) are the “cyber-grapevine,” the “CNN,” and the “Clear Channel,” for just about every lunatic leftist fringe group dedicated to eliminating capitalism from the world. Indymedia is the institution developed so the anarcho-socialists can communicate with each other and coordinate their activities. In fact, no less an authority than Mother Jones magazine paid tribute to IMC in their November 17 edition, observing that, "The global antiwar protests that surprised the world on February 15 grew out of the networks built by years of globalization activism, from Indymedia to the World Social Forum.”

IndyVoter opens its doors (tags) aka The League of Independent Voters is kicking off. IndyVoter is a new progressive grassroots network that aims to get the under 35 crowd into the electoral process. It's part, part, part IndyMedia and all about social justice and empowerment of the people for the people. Check us out for more info, and PLEASE join us for a kick ass future in 2004!

Moderate Group Surfaces To Take On Conservative Opposition (tags)

Mr. Woods challenged the Club fog Growth to disclose who its donors are; "Don't come into Arizona in secret. Tell us exactly where your donations are coming from or stay out of Arizona."

Southwest showdown: Republican vs Republican (tags)

Grant Woods says that "mainstream" Arizonans support increased spending for key issues like education, health care and Child Protective Services -- that's why he's fight the Washington, D.C.-based "Club for Growth" who will spend $1 million in Arizona to oust moderate Republicans in the 2004 elections.

"Election Guardians Meeting" - Cabazon, CA (tags)

Election Guardians is a non-partisan, non-profit organization whose mission is to restore and institutionalize a voting system that is free of fraud and manipulation.

Event: Fight the Power, Build the Power (tags)

Join Traci Harris and Roy San Filippo, members of Bring the Ruckus, for a discussion of white abolitionism, dual power, anti-authoritarian cadre organization and revolutionary feminism.

Ashcroft's selective prosecution of Greenpeace, etc. (tags)

Students, Nuns and Sailor-Mongers, Beware

Lawmaker disavows anti-Jewish comment (tags)

Rep. Max Burns (BA-R) tries to mend fences after failing to condemn supporter's "jew boy" remark about a political rival.


Israeli Soldiers Make Death Threats to Berkeley Based Non-Profit After Israel-Palestine Debate on UC Campus

Possible solutions for Ju-jitsuing War and Alienation (tags)

intellectual self-defense; informal resistance consciousness and pros/cons of formal organization; the meta game; wizards of Is; An explanation for Perpetual War; a new imagination; liberation of our desire and an obstacle; Continue war, or understand and implement liberatory desires? spirit liberation and psychological ju-jitsu; 'crazy' people; a personal example: jumping into my fear; another example: 'Good Peasant, Bad Peasant'; the problem of institutionalized fear.

Lefty Hooligan Breaks it Down for Activists (tags)

You can't tell the players without a program. Lefty Hooligan, an old timer in the left scene, breaks it all down for you. This article is a few years old, but nothing much has changed, and the various organizations discussed are still around. Cults of personality tend to have long lives. Just look at Lyndon Larouche's longevity.

Hempseed Pancake Brunch Announced in Support of Osburns (tags)

A Hempseed Pancake Brunch and Festival will be held in support of medical marijuana defendants Lynn and Judy Osburn on Sunday, October 5 from noon to 6 PM at the Topanga Community Club. Come one, come all!

Israeli Irgun terrorist group (tags)

The History of the birth of the state of Israel is complex and involved. Many have sacrificed much to bring the Jewish State into existence. One such body was the Irgun also know as the Etzel group. The Irgun was a military group that refused to bow to political pressures in securing a state for the Jewish people. Much of the modern Israeli politics today stem from the Irgun and the organization from which they broke, the Hagganah.

Continue contacting Microsoft about George Bullock. (tags)

If Microsoft employes KOBE, and KOBE posts while at work, then Microsoft is responsible for KOBE's crimes.

The Far Right and Anti-Mexican Racism (tags)

Sensing the impending end of their white privilege, Right-Wing ideologues have been using racist imagery created by the John Birch Society and others. Patrick J. Buchanan wrote that MECA is "a Chicano version of the white-supremacist Aryan Nation... and is unabashedly racist and anti-American"

Activists Discover GPS Trackers Hidden in Their Cars (tags)

When Nicosia brought his device to GPS Solutions, a Boulder-based software developer of high-accuracy GPS technology, chief engineer Jim Johnson confirmed their suspicion. "This is definitely a GPS board," says Johnson, referring to one of the components of the device.

With the resistance of iranian people (tags)

The Charter of the Organization of Iranian People's Fedayee Guerrillas on the Treshhold of the Twent First Century

Want to Protest an Oppressive Government? Move to Iran! (tags)

Want to protest against an oppressive government. Then you should consider moving to Tehran. In contrast to the USA, they actually do have an oppressive government over there. Young Iranians Are Chafing Under Aging Clerics' Edicts

Revolutionary Anarchism: Book Release Event (tags)

Book Release Event and Discussion at Flor y Canto, Sat June 14th, 7PM

Hamas' Israeli Roots (tags)

Since coming to power, Sharon has done everything to ensure the collapse of Arafat and the Palestinian Authority. If successful, it would either bring Hamas to power or lead to political chaos within the terrorities.

Revolutionary Anarchism (tags)

Book Release Event: A New World in Our Hearts 8 Years of Writings From the Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation

Rep. Ron Paul outraged by UN flag display (tags)

"If we continue down the U.N. path, America as we know it will cease to exist"

Virtual Protest Against Anti-Muslim, Anti-Arab, and Anti-Anarchist Hate Organization (tags)

KOBE is an online hate organization targeting Arabs, Muslims, and Anarchists. KOBE calls for genocide against Muslims, the creation of concentration camps in the US, and cyber warfare against dissident websites.


Protest Against Anti-Muslim, Anti-Arab, and Anti-Anarchist Hate Organization KOBE

Proof of kobe crimes (tags)

Let there be no question about the tru nature of the kobe organization or the individual members.

World cracks down on Big Tobacco (tags)

To slow the spread of smoking, especially in poor nations, where smoking rates are soaring, the World Health Organization in Geneva voted for unprecedented and potentially deep restrictions on tobacco products.

Protest Against Anti-Muslim, Anti-Arab, and Anti-Anarchist Hate Organization KOBE (tags)

May 24 @ 1:00 PM


Shut down KOBE, Harbor City Hate Organization.

Boycott of Computers NLA Reinstated (tags)

Computers NLA falsely stated that it no longer hosts the KOBEHQ website in an effort to end the boycott.



Capitalism: A Very Special Delirium (tags)

Capitalism: A Very Special Delirium an interview with Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in: "Chaosophy", ed. Sylvere Lothringer, Autonomedia/Semiotexte 1995 with permission by the publishers

test (tags)


Capitalism : A very special delusion~G. DeLeuze (tags)

Capitalism: A Very Special Delirium an interview with Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari

SPFPA America's Union for Security Professionals (tags)

Major SPFPA VICTORY : The Issue is Settled - 1200 Security Professionals VOTE … SPFPA : Fatal Setback for Embattled Phony SEIU Scam Union NUSP !

How the Reformists attempt to liquidate the anti-war movement (tags)

Recent New York Times article outlines a well-organized, massive and concerted effort by the reformist wing of the antiwar movement to derail the antiwar movement and turn activists into election fodder for the Democratic Party.

Politicians attempts to liquidate anti-war movements (tags)

Their opposition to anger is a reflection of the bourgeois fear that anger is contagious and will lead to the awakening of a class that has, it must be said, a good deal to be angry about.


Los Angeles Black Community Rally for Peace & Justice WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER!


americans are dumb

U.S. Unilateralism Worries Trade Officials (tags)


The PNAC and it`s connection to the Bush Wars (tags)

Who pulls the strings in US foreign policy< what are their goals and who pays the price.

Recovering the Power of the Global Grass Roots in the Antiwar Movement (tags)

Feel free to reprint this essay

Organize, Organize, Organize (tags)

An overview of the critically important relationship... between online activism and the explosive growth taking place in the peace movement; specifically, how the internet can serve to expand and enhance that growth, if we online activists promote the application of the various internet tools to the organizational tasks of the mass movement -and do so in an organized, coordinated way.

Exploiting the Religious Title: Costa Mesa's Trinity Broadcasting Network Fights To Annoy (tags)

Costa Mesa's Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) attempts to overstep its bounds in using the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 to conduct church services and taping outdoors -- nearby residents outraged.

Solutions for radical's radicals--those with the guts to dig deep (tags)

"...Any politics we pick up and follow, they are...alien politics...[and] do not reflect the reality of who we are, but our culture and art does. ...if we are going to use [politics] then let's recognize that's what we are doing. It's a tool. It's not an identity..."--John Trudell

Who funds the left? (tags)

Surprise! The major source of funding for the left is the 1% of richest Americans. They give more to the Democrats than to the Republicans.


The Harbor City "Mom & Pop" Computer Shop, Computers N.L.A. hosts the website of an organization that openly calls for genocide against Arabs and Muslims.

Build the Power: Revolutionary Organization Gets Off the Ground (tags)

Various people from around the country meet to develop an organization based on the Bring the Ruckus proposal released in April 2001.

Harbor City Small Business Knowingly Hosts Anti-Muslim Website (tags)

In a sign of our times, a new cyber vigilante organization has taken to the Web, setting its sights on shutting down Islamic Internet forums...

Concert Against War (tags)

International Socialist Organization presents and anti-war concert/fundraiser.

Educational Indocrination (tags)

This organization is dedicated to fighting political and social bias and indocrination in universities.

Nefarious Cabal of Fascist Geeks Rampage on the Net (tags)

Source of online harassment against Muslims and leftists identified.

School Revolutionary Party (tags)

a student organization

The OSCE in Portugal (tags)

Please check our manifesto and subscribe it if you fell it expresses what you feel. Or even best... come to Porto (portugal) by the end of November and stay for a few days. Please feel free to ask for english updates to our mailing list

Boy Scouts of America - Hitler Youth revisited? (tags)

"First they came for the trade unionists ..."

John Trudell: Excellent Demystification of US Preparations for Future Wars At Home & Away (tags)

This emerging figure of well-deserved respect goes along way towards demystifying what few, even Chomsky, have in helping individual people understand the *War Games* played upon all of us systematically, and it's about time we started to understand, just like so many indigenous peoples of the world understand.

Activist beware of ANSWER & Not in Our Name (tags)

vanguards & Authoritarians

Activist beware of ANSWER & Not in Our Name (tags)

vanguards & Authoritarians

San Diego Activist Tech Collective Targeted as "terrorists" (tags)

San Diego based is being targeted as providing material support for terrorists because they LINK to a farc website. You see where this is going, right?

leftist conservatism (tags)

I am addressing my concerns about the left's propensity to perpetuate it's own elite and their failed strategies and ideas


The Electronic Disturbance Theater will launch a FloodNet action or virtual sit in against the OAS and Mexican government, in solidarity with the families of disappeared and murdered young women of Juarez.

Open Letter To Committee to Protect Journalists (tags)

I write to inform you of specific acts and immediate threats against journalists in Venezuela, and to ask you 12 questions, as a journalist, about your organization's previous statements regarding press freedom issues in that country. I hope that your organization will take immediate action to defend these journalists at risk, and that you will offer full and honest answers to the 12 questions.

Coping with disruptions in indymedia and other networked organizations (tags)

The history of a persistent and difficult person who nearly destroyed Indymedia

Bringing the ADC Back to the Democratic Mainstream (tags)

A statement calling for the reinstatement of Michael Shehadeh, prominent civil rights activist, who was relieved of his role as Western Regional Director.

Michael Albert Debates the ISO and Marxism (tags)

Excellent debate my Michael Albert from Z Magazine with Alan Maas from the ISO. Albert skillfully articulates the failures of Marxism and the agenda of the authoritarian ISO.

Cuban socialism is democratic afterall, critics furious being proved wrong (tags)

HAVANA -- (NA) Red, white and blue national flags and slogans in favor of Fidel Castro dominated street corners in Havana Saturday as the move for a consitutional amendment got under way in support of Cuban socialism.

Cuba and International Women's Day 2002 (tags)

Cuban women have experienced great advances in their struggle for equality since the Cuban Revolution triumphed in 1959. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, their lives have been challenged in many ways. An end to Washington's blockade is the best way to help Cuban women secure a better life.


The ALLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE JOBS AND THE ENVIRONMENT (ASJE) is a network of individuals and organizations dedicated to building a world where nature is protected, the worker is respected, and unrestrained corporate power is rejected, through grassroots education, organization, and action. JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL MEETING IN PORTLAND, OREGON!

UNION BUSTING! In the Fund for Public Interest (tags)

One of the largest progressive non profits in the nation, is attempting to silence workers who tried to oganize a labor union!

Enough is Never Enough When It Comes to Profits (tags)

Next up slavery...


A general meeting of COPWATCH, a community organization that polices the police, will be held at A-Occasions infoshop in Long Beach on Wednesday January 30th at 7pm. Please join us!

Do it our way...or we will kill you (tags)

I am the General of an organization that is responsible for every major war in the last few centuries. We have killed millions, we always frame the action in some other way so as to not be seen for what we are doing, but we are doing it!! Make no mistake about it!

2nd Lady To Academia: You ARE the Weakest Link... (tags)

Articles debunking a McCarthyite attack on academia from ACTA, an organization founded by 2nd lady Lynne Cheney.

Red Cross Admits It is a Terrorist Group!!! (tags)

The International Red Cross Terrorist Organization warns US and tell them to KISS OUR ASS!

U.S. propaganda attempts to justify military aid to Colombian terror state (tags)

Once again, the shameful U.S. propaganda newspaper the NY Times lies and attempts to deceive people with its disgusting news coverage. "Plan Colombia" is $7.5 billion mostly in military aid. It is well known that the Colombian military works hand in glove with the paramilitaries.

Globetrotters, Come Home (tags)

It is time for all the globetrotters chasing after these conferences to come home. You made your point and now the hard work of organizing the unorganized needs to be done. We need a labor movement in this country, and for that, we need millions of union cards handed out. There can be no revolutionary change without organization, and that organization must be of, by and for the workingclass.

Politics, Profits Increasing Risks of Biotech Foods (tags)

"I have questions about whether the scientific community has prepared for this era" of genetically modified crops, he told the conference, sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Int'l Socialist Organization, FTAA Demo, Larsen Park , San Diego, 21 April 2001 (tags)

Int'l Socialist Organization, FTAA Demo, Larsen Park , San Diego, 21 April 2001

J20 LA: Well, At Least They Didn't Shoot Us (tags)

2000-3500 people; dissident Democrats and Greens took the stage; an enthusiastic march; hokey folk music before the Federal Building; and an unusual amount of restraint from the good 'ol head-bashin' LAPD.


"Billionaires for co-optation" is a new grass-roots organization devoted to co-optation of opposition and perpetuation of capitalism.

Greens Bring 15ft Puppet of Nader (tags)

Green activists rally behind 15ft puppet of Nader. They are protesting his exclusion from the debates.

Zapatismo, Anyone? (tags)

Not since the Zapatista uprising in January, 1994, has my hope for radical social change been so reinvigorated as by the recent uprisings here in the North around the World Trade Organization, the IMF/World Bank, and the Organization of American States.

Come help shut down the OAS! (tags)

The Organization of American States is holding their General Assembly in Windsor, Ontario from June 4th-6th. Come fight for democracy and help shut this meeting down!

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