fix articles 2351, indymedia Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : indymedia


Travail de l'idéologie (tags)

Nous ne faisons que répéter ce que d'autres ont dit avant nous...

From Indymedia to Tahrir Square (IMC History) (tags)

Harry Halpin, American University of Beirut, Lebanon, Evan Henshaw-Plath, Planetary, New Zealand, DOI: WWW '22: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022, Virtual Event, Lyon, France, April 2022

Message to Indymedia Users and Others (tags)

Re-start LA Indymedia with funding, forgetting the old data and a new file system.

Mutu: rethinking our radical media (tags)

Link out to a story about radical media

Portland Indymedia Moderates comments articles the owner doesn't like (tags)

the guy who runs this site trolls commenters who don't buy into the paranoid world view he pushes where nothing matters and you should stop using tech. When you point out what a tool he is, he freezes comments. But its' cool they've all been saved ....

Fbi forces most Indymedia to ban me (tags)

Most Indymedia, including Portland & Austin Indymedia ban me on orders from fbi assassins, violating 1st Amendment freedom of speech.

Fbi forces most Indymedia to ban me (tags)

Portland and Austin Indymedia ban me under orders from fbi assassins.

Shame on Portland Indymedia (tags)

Portland Indymedia succumbs to fbi threats and deletes many of my reports.

Fbi sly maneuvers onli8 (tags)

Fbi often blocks my publications.

Fbi threatens Austin Indymedia (tags)

Fbi threatens all INDYMEDIA groups, or shuts them down.

[France] The State Attacks Indymedia-Grenoble and Indymedia-Nantes… Solidarity! (tags)

Following the publication of a communiqué claiming responsibility for a fire in a garage at a Grenoble police depot (gendarmerie) during the night of September 20th/21st, Indymedia Grenoble and Indymedia Nantes have been threatened by the French police. The administrators of these sites have received emails from the Central Office for the Fight Against Crime Linked to Information Technology and Communication (OCLCTIC) demanding that the concerned articles be removed from the sites under (in) 24 hours, otherwise rendering the sites liable to blocking...

What in the Hell is Wrong with Portland Indymedia? (tags)

the Portland Indymedia website is the most unreliable remaining US indy website. It's up and down more than a yo-yo on acid. And that's not counting the conspiracy crap infesting the wire. What gives?

Fbi/police community is a threat to our people (tags)

Most Indymedia groups block this and most of my other reports. I am grateful for all who publish my material which is intended to serve the interests of all.

INDY's KPFK radio program being eliminated ? too ? (tags)

Indymedia on air RADIO program is being eliminated? Is this true ? Can no one share relevant information in different platforms & formats? is KPFK selecting OUT this site's representatives? Has anyone here let their audiences know this ? here?

Bernie Sanders Event Photos, Please (tags)

A plea for some photos, and an explanation about licensing.

Portland Indymedia Blocks Me As Ordered By fbi assassins (tags)

See my report below which symbolically indicts all media who prevent the publication of my reports on global high crimes committed by fbi/cia.

Indymedia and the Cyber Left (tags)

An audio interview with Todd Wolfson about Indymedia.

Open Letter to LA indymedia re hardly any more comments (tags)

changes to keep out the riff-raff repeaters were made here at and notice the lack of effort most will make to jump the hurdles and whatallittakes to respond, even if we want to we seem to say "why bother if it takes that much More effort ?"

Indymedia: run by "radical" scammers (tags)

taking readers for a ride since the WTC protests.

Chris Dixon on Indymedia On Air (tags)

Chris Dixon author of Another Politics, interviewed on Indymedia on Air on KPFK.

Fbi operative stalks, tortures, attempts murder (tags)

See evidence of the very dirty character of fbi operative who often posts on this forum and who is a serial torturer.

Indymedia On Air - Che Cafe show (tags)

Audio from Indymedia On Air, covering the Che Cafe, June 30, 2014

Indymedia being inundated by repeaters (tags)

A few commentators insist on obliterating any article they disagree or dont like by writing many repeated exhortations and insults and insure the article looses it's main points or gets overwhelmed with other-than-that-person's viewpoint. In other words, some commentators attack profusely to blot out anyone but their agreers. Unfairly, Uncivilly. Hoping to Reduce INDEPENDENCE into obedience and agreement only ???

Operation FREE SPEECH Deleted from Portland Indymedia (tags)

This is to inform IMC readers that on August 29th the article "Operation Free Speech" was deleted from one of the few operational IMCs, Portland Indymedia.


See links to recent reports on crimes committed by the fbi.

Indymedia On Air coverage of Occupy Movement and Hack Meet (tags)

Radio program on the occupations

Indymedia on Air - Occupy LA Day 3 (tags)

Tune in to KPFK 90.7 Monday nights at 8:30 to hear Indymedia on Air with hosts: Chris Burnett and Bronwyn

LA Indymedia Mobile Layout (tags)

This site now has a mobile layout. Please submit any comments here.

Interview with Sphinx from Indymedia Africa (Ambazonia) (tags)

Indymedia On Air, KPFK Los Angeles 90.7 FM - interview with Sphinx from Indymedia Africa (Ambazonia)

History of US (tags)

History of US

a View to our Goal (tags)

a View to our Goal

Indymedia dispatch from Vancouver 2010 games resistance. (tags)

Indymedia dispatch from Vancouver 2010 games resistance.

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (12-14/Nov) (tags)

Hasta la fecha, se han anunciado los siguientes retenes policiales a través de la prensa corporativa. Seguro que habrá más de los mencionados. Si usted ve un retén, favor de comunicárselo a su organización comunitaria local o reportarlo aquí en indymedia. These are the checkpoints that have been announced in the corporate press so far. There are sure to be more. If you see one, please report it to your local community organization or post it here on indymedia.

Checkpoints this weeked: Retenes este fin de semana (30-31/oct) (tags)

Hasta la fecha, se han anunciado los siguientes retenes policiales a través de la prensa corporativa. Seguro que habrá más de los mencionados. Si usted ve un retén, favor de comunicárselo a su organización comunitaria local o reportarlo aquí en indymedia. These are the checkpoints that have been announced in the corporate press so far.

There are sure to be more. If you see one, please report it to your local community organization or post it here on indymedia.

Indymedia Los Angeles 10th Anniversary Event! (tags)

On Saturday, November 14th, 2009, Los Angeles Indymedia will celebrate 10 years since the first Independent Media Center (IMC) opened its doors in Seattle to cover and support the demonstrations against the meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO). LA IMC is hosting an all day event, open to the public, encouraging current and former IMCistas to come out. There will be workshops, food, music, and community groups sharing their knowledge.

The Fight for KPFK (tags)

A recent post to indybay's Santa Cruz and Media pages should be of particular interest to LA Indymedia. Un artículo recien publicado en la pagina indybay debe ser disponible a todos en LA Indymedia.


Indymedia every so too often decides to CENSOR an article by hiding it from public view..but based on nothing more than it's own group's version of what they like politically or an article that someone there with the power of that clever click who has decided what was offered to the LA public readers now needs to be "gone !" out of sight ! Why they do this is unrevealed and non-transparent. And LA.Indymedia offer no way to reverse their discriminating acts either as there is no one ‘home’ when a letter is written to either !”

No more news in English at Indymedia Athens (Greece). (tags)

Attention, attention! No more news in English at Indymedia Athens (Greece). The latest reports speak of fear and violence,

Dethrone the Dollar (tags)

Political countervailing power of the G-millions against the economism of the neoliberals can only be formed with a long breath.. The grass grows from below; words fall empty from the top.

Greek government attaks indymedia! (tags)

Indymedia is ours and it will be alive as much as we need it to change the world

It’s Still a Military Coup in Honduras (tags)

"We’ve already praised the singular work of TeleSur, and also of the courageous Hondurans who have broken the information blockade from below, filming coup abuses and the massive protests against them on their cell phones and uploading important videos to YouTube. And we’ve cheered as many corporate media organizations have become dependent on those reports-from-below in their own coverage. I’d like to add another media that deserves such recognition: Few have done the heavy lifting that Chiapas Indymedia has done, mainly in Spanish, to publish the communiqués, photos and videos that document the massive and organized nature of the Honduran grassroots movements with which it has worked and supported for years. (While the world mostly ignored Honduras in recent years, Chiapas Indymedia was shipping community radio transmitters and organizing communications workshops among Catrachos; that planting and cultivating bears significant fruit today in the information that does break out from behind the walls of censorship and simulation)."

Indymedia, Thank You! (tags)

A note thanking visitors to indymedia sites that have taken the time to view WHY KERALA, GRAMPA? 87minutes

The First LA Indymedia Journalism Workshop Was A Huge Success! (tags)

A diverse group of people participated in the first LA Indymedia Community Journalism Workshop on April 4, 2009 at the Institute for Multimedia Literacy at USC.

INDYMEDIA is censoring political speech or 'other' non-hateful opinions...what are rules ? (tags)

Indymedia staff has made "hidden" 3 comments that questions the value or depiction of some pix of Gaza travellers pretending to be heroes. What are the censorship rules here ? Who decides what is hidden and what is varied and diverse and even divergent speech? When the free censor each other, no one remains standing or breathing any free air. Check it out.

Is INDYMEDIA SHAPE SHIFTING PHOTOS after publishing one, inserting another ? (tags)

Indy had a photo of a woman looking like she was in some sort of agony, so a comment was posted questionning this pix. Then the pix changed...huh????? is this permitted? what are the rules and guidelines for shape shifting pix or stories AFTER they are published here ? What games are being played that this website encourages or allows?

LA Indymedia Site Attacked by Hackers. (tags)

Friday, January 16, 2009 – For close to 30 minutes on Wednesday users trying to access the familiar LA Indymedia homepage instead saw a different image on their computer screens . The site had been the victim of hackers. The image below is a screen grab of the hackers attack.

Indymedia UK hides my rahm emanuel entry (tags)

How ironic that Indymedia UK should censor my post on wikipedias deletion of Rahm Emanuels fathers article!

Detienen y Torturan a compañero de Indymedia Alto Valle (tags)

Neuquén: Entrevista a integrante de Indymedia Alto Valle, detenido y golpeado por la policia Monday, Oct. 20, 2008 at 10:29 PM Entrevista realizada pocas horas despues que la policia de Neuquén reprimiera ferozmente una toma de tierras en el barrio Confluencia. audio: MP3 at 889.5 kibibytes

Indymedia On Air for Aug 11, 2008 (part 2) (tags)

Former Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg talks about civil rights; the Vancouver Sun sues Palestine activists over a newspaper parody

Indymedia On Air for Aug 11, 2008 (part 1) (tags)

Former Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg talks about civil rights; the Vancouver Sun sues Palestine activists over a newspaper parody

Indymedia On Air for July 21, 2008 (part 3) (tags)

Indymedia On Air talks to three independent publishers about reading and the future of the book

Indymedia On Air for July 21, 2008 (part 2) (tags)

Indymedia On Air talks to three independent publishers about reading and the future of the book

Indymedia On Air for July 21, 2008 (part 1) (tags)

Indymedia On Air talks to three independent publishers about reading and the future of the book

LA Indymedia Workshop June 28th at the LA Social Forum (tags)

What is alternative media and how is it important in the current political and social condition? How can the Indymedia network find new outlets and reach a larger audience?

LA Indymedia Film Night Report Back (tags)

ECHO PARK, May 16, 2008 – The LA Indymedia screening of the film Bastards of the Party at Café Mariposa in Echo Park was by all accounts a success.

How business starves the world's poor (tags)

How business starves the world's poor

Indymedia On Air March 13, 2006 p2 (tags)

Sweatshops: Part 2 of 2

Indymedia On Air March 13, 2006 p1 (tags)

Sweatshops: Part 1 of 2

Anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial now acceptable on IM-UK (tags)

An Indymedia UK moderator disseminates antisemitic material and defends its holocaust-denying author.

KPFK: Welcome to the Madhouse (tags)

Indymedia interferes with KPFK and Censors speech (tags)

This post was taken down by Indymedia - why? Isn't this a free speech forum.

NYC Indymedia Totally Bans My Articles from Publication (tags)

In the quiet secrecy of what seems to be a conspiratorial siege mentality NYC Indymedia has unofficially but secretly banned my writing from being published on the Open News Wire entirely.

"Cargo-Cult Leninism" Part Two (tags)

Many so-called "Marxist" organizations today are plagued by "cargo-cult" leninism. They repeat words and phrases without understanding what they really mean. Why do people drink the kool-aid? Because they WANT to believe that things are OK.

Indymedia On Air - July 16, 2007, Part 2 (tags)

Transgenders in the workplace, part 2

Indymedia On Air - July 16, 2007, Part 1 (tags)

Transgenders in the workplace

Indymedia On Air - July 9, 2007, Part 2 (tags)

The lives of transgender people in Los Angeles

Indymedia On Air - July 9, 2007, Part 1 (tags)

The lives of transgender people in Los Angeles

Indymedia On Air - June 11, 2007, Part 2 (tags)

Part 2: Continued interview with Molefi Ndlovu of South Africa Indymedia; Interview with Dr. Joseph Gerson of AFSC and author of Empire and the Bomb

Indymedia On Air - June 11, 2007, Part 1 (tags)

Part 1: Media Minutes; interview with Molefi Ndlovu of South Africa Indymedia, by Sokari Ekine of Pambazuka News

LA-IMC film screening report back (tags)

In solidarity with the people of Oaxaca and independent filmmakers from Mexico, Mal de Ojo TV, the Los Angeles Indymedia Center held a screening of the film: Compromiso Cumplido, True to my Pledge, this past Thursday.

Indymedia On Air - May 14, 2007 (part 2) (tags)

Part 2: UNICEF/One World audio awards; Deconstructing coffee; UpBeet Gardener; Commentary on May 1 police violence (27 mins)

Indymedia On Air - May 14, 2007 (part 1) (tags)

Part 1: Media Minutes; Deconstructing coffee (27 minutes)

Kenya Indymedia coverage of the 2007 World Social Forum (tags)

Kenya Indymedia coverage of the 2007 World Social Forum

Help Indymedia Ireland get back online (tags)

Help Ireland Indymedia get back online and cover important issues like Shell's takeover of Ireland's natural resources and US military flights through Shannon airport.

Indymedia On Air - Jan 8, 2007, part 2 (tags)

Part 2: reading and readers in our society, geosequestration

Indymedia On Air - Jan 8, 2007 (tags)

US marijuana policy, reading and readers in our society, geosequestration

Corporations taking over New Jersey's toll-roads (tags)

Corporations taking over New Jersey's toll-roads

Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic (tags)

Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic

five years of infamy: close Guantanamo (tags)

five years of infamy: close Guantanamo

More Americans hungry, homeless in 2006 (tags)

More Americans hungry, homeless in 2006

Mourning for Pinochet-US establishment shows its affinity for fascism (tags)

Mourning for Pinochet-US establishment shows its affinity for fascism

Indymedia On Air - Dec 12, 2006 (tags)

Defending Civil Liberties and Resisting the Empire Clamor magazine to stop publishing

Mexican journalists give recognition to Indymedia Mexico and to Brad Will (tags)

* The Journalists Club of Mexico (El Club de Periodistas de Mexico) and the Antonio Sáenz de Miera Foundation recognize the "cooperation without orders" of Indymedia Mexico. * Bradley Ronald Will, murdered in Oaxaca, receives a posthumous recognition for his important informative work.

Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of the Lord Rees-Mogg ? (tags)

James Dale Davidson is besides being a co-author and business partner of Lord Rees-Mogg,founder of the National Tapayers Union that other wealthy American scoundrels such as Steve Forbes and Richard Mellon-Scaife have backed or been a part of.He was also the leading promoter of the Clinton smear campaign along with Richard Mellon-Scaife who claimed Clinton killed his own childhood friend Vince Foster. The good Lard Rees-Mogg on the other hand at the same time was humorously enough hot on the trail of Monica Lewinsky's stained dress as you will find in a link below on this indymedia post.Apparently Luciane Goldberg is his kinda woman.

violent video game effects linger in brain (tags)

violent video game effects linger in brain

Iraq conquest longer in duration than WWII (tags)

Iraq conquest longer in duration than WWII

Scientists fret over missing grey whales (tags)

Scientists fret over missing grey whales

Fewer polar bear cubs survive in Alaska (tags)

Fewer polar bear cubs survive in Alaska

Marijuana, the anti-drug (tags)

Marijuana, the anti-drug

fbi/cia world inhumane domination.the fox is in the hen House. (tags)

the fbi and the cia now murder, imprison and torture people worldwide (for no acceptable cause); the media attempt to cover-up my documentations of fbi/cia domestic terror tactics.

Insurance companies looking to outsource health care (tags)

Insurance companies looking to outsource health care to the developing world.

US to screen all who enter, leave country (tags)

indymedia mp3 radio (tags)

mp3 indymedia

US casualties mount in Iraq and Afghanistan (tags)

US casualties mount in Iraq and Afghanistan

NYC Indymedia Protest of Mexican Consulate! (tags)

Photos from NYC Indymedia Protest at Mexican Consulate!

A Lesson from Brad Will (tags)

Brad Will, a New York Indymedia reporter, is gunned down in Oaxaca. And maybe he has something to say to us, if we're listening.

4:00 pm Sat.Today Protest killing of Indymedia Reporter (tags)

4:00 pm Sat.Today Protest killing of Indymedia Reporter

Indymedia: Brad Will, Bravery, Our Common Struggle (tags)

I think we should all take a look at what is so important about indymedia work and why it is so important and what it means to each one of us. I hope that we draw courage of conviction from Brad's example and that we stand together throughout the indymedia network and as individuals to redouble our efforts. I think you all know that it could have been any one of us. But, it is so much easier for them to take us one at a time. We stand much more strongly together in what we can all be proud of. Our brave common struggle. Indymedia.

Kenneth Lay's conviction erased from record (tags)

Kenneth Lay's conviction erased from record

The Dow's phony new high (tags)

The Dow's phony new high

Profiteering (tags)


Indymedia stream (tags)


How did we sink so low in 6 years? (tags)

How did we sink so low in 6 years?

Indymedia On Air September 4, 2006 (tags)

Fair Trade: what it is and how to do it

Earth may be at warmest point in million years (tags)

Earth may be at warmest point in million years

Bush, GOP rebels agree on detainee bill (tags)

Bush, GOP rebels agree on detainee bill

rack space scandle spreading (tags)

where they ever realy missing?

Indymedia On Air August 14, 2006 (tags)

Global warming as a human rights violation; Bias in media coverage of the Middle East.

Indymedia On Air July 10, 2006 (tags)

Eric Leaver of the Institute for Policy Studies on Bush foreign policy; Poverty, War and Globalization in Lebanon

:: CENSURADOS (tags)

• No es la primera vez que esto nos pasa, pero si es la primera por tan largo tiempo. Hemos alertado a los y las compañeras de Indymedia, que nos dijeron, que no somos los únicos y que se informaría a todos los “Indymedieros” a través de un aviso en la entrada de la la página. Calculamos que prontamente aparecerá el comunicado.

US House votes to cut the estate tax (tags)

US House votes to cut the estate tax

Three prisoners commit suicide at Guantanamo Bay (tags)

Three prisoners commit suicide at Guantanamo Bay

Why Americans should be packing their bags NOW (tags)

Why Americans should be packing their bags NOW

1,400 targeted killings in Baghdad last month (tags)

1,400 targeted killings in Baghdad last month

Denver ruling lets City regulate assault weapons, handguns (tags)

Denver ruling lets City regulate assault weapons, handguns

56 vanish from Baghdad (tags)

56 vanish from Baghdad

Help Us with a Book about Indymedia (tags)

This book would not attempt to be the definitive statement on Indymedia. Rather, it would be an overview of some of the triumphs and struggles of the network over the past five-and-a-half years. Its entries would range from dramatic, stream-of-thought, first-person pieces to more analytic chapters on the meaning of Indymedia. The book, while thoughtful, would avoid being overly academic and would be graphic/picture heavy. For full proposal, see:

EU members want to ban Iranian president from World Cup (tags)

EU members want to ban Iranian president from World Cup

Swiss injection rooms lead the way (tags)

Swiss injection rooms lead the way

covert operations underway in Somalia (tags)

covert operations underway in Somalia

Micheal O'Riordan. Facing political facts (tags)

Micheal O'Riordan, the leader of the Irish Communist party has just died. He was one of the Irish men who fought in the Spanish civil war against Franco. This gave him a certain aura. In the past ten years he has become a sort of warm and fuzzy symbol for the social democratic left, and the leadership of such outfits as Sinn Fein. The correspondence on Indymedia in Ireland about him is pretty much subservient. What a wonderful and determined man of the left he was; along these lines. In order to bring some balance to the discussion I sent the comments below to Irish Indymedia. I felt that it was necessary to take a stand. It is not acceptable to let the lives of the millions of workers and revolutionaries who were slaughtered by Stalinism to go unmentioned. Nor can it be ignored that Stalinism was a catastrophe in other ways. Its disastrous failure ushered in the new capitalist regimes in the former Stalinist world with all the horrors these are bringing with them.

Snuggly, the security bear (tags)

Snuggly, the security bear

America's worsening healthcare travesty (tags)

America's worsening healthcare travesty

Pentagon releases phony video of "Flight 77" (tags)

Pentagon releases phony video of "Flight 77"

The freefalling dollar and Bush's war on the Middle class (tags)

The freefalling dollar and Bush's war on the Middle class

Dollar takes a pounding (tags)

Dollar takes a pounding

CNN: Moussaoui defiant at sentencing (tags)

News Junkie Scott's Blog (5/09/06)

Use it or lose it: Auto capacity 50% (tags)

News Junkie Scott's Blog (5/07/06)

Photos Essay from Immigrants Rights March (tags)

Immigrants Rights LA Photo Essay - Part 1

Washington offers no relief from soaring gas prices (tags)

News Junkie Scott's Blog (5/01/06)

Proof emerges of an enormous betrayal (tags)

Proof emerges of an enormous betrayal

Armed siege of steel mill reveals escalating class war (tags)

Armed siege of steel mill reveals escalating class war

Call for Reporters on Saturday (tags)

The largest demo in LA history may occur on Saturday.

Building democracy, one dead baby at a time (tags)

Building democracy, one dead baby at a time

CUT the CRAP --THIS is a MISSILE (tags)


News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/20/06) (tags)

Seattle Indymedia now ruthlessly censoring this news blog

FBI Charles Rasner names Austin Indymedia, Food Not Bombs Terrorist (tags)

And then a perpetrator or bunglar on the side of militaristic over reaction in the Waco tragedy has the nerve to call indymedia free speech supporters and a group 'food not bombs' that gives away vegetarian meals 'terrorists' ! ? Truly when the Bush Regime confines 'free speech' to a cage or 'corral' what more does Mr. Rasner want in his rage to gut the Constitution and the First Amendent ?

FBI names Austin Indymedia, Food Not Bombs and “Anarchists” to Domestic Terrorist Watch Li (tags)

Austin's highly unprofessional FBI field office, famously staffed with bumbling losers, names IndyMedia a terrorist org...

News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/06/06) (tags)

Iraqi academics and professionals assassinated by death squads.

Racial profiling on IMC (tags)

news of deception

Remembering what matters (tags)

[This post was promoted from a comment to a lead post. The original post to which is was a comment was, basically, a troll post. The statement here, however, is relevant to the trolling that has been going on lately, where anti-Mexican agitators are posting stories about Mexico on this newswire, particularly stories about rape. What they're doing is a not-so-subtle campaign to bad-jacket people of Mexican descent. -eds]

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/22/06) (tags)

Drug prices rise under Medicare plan

Major bird flu summit coming in six days (tags)

Major bird flu summit coming in six days

Fakey, flakey 911 footage (tags)

Fakey, flakey 911 footage

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/16/06) (tags)

US/Israel puppet government of Iraq declares "bird flu alert".

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/15/06) (tags)

Israel to encircle Palestinian state.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/14/06) (tags)

Bush regime just might kill Amtrak.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/13/06) (tags)

More Science Fiction from the "Cassini Imaging Team".

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/11/06) (tags)

US trade deficit reaches all-time high

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/8/06) (tags)

Military coup d'etat brewing in Washington?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/6/06) (tags)

Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention camps.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/4/06) (tags)

Homeland Security announces "removal process" along entire US border.

quote of the day: (tags)

quote of the day:

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/1/06) (tags)

NORTHCOM prepares for possible bird flu pandemic.

Why is LA Indymedia hiding so many posts? (tags)

Is "hiding" opposing viewpoints supposed to help the democratic process?! Hypocracy.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/27/06) (tags)

New Orleans could lose 80% of its Black population

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/23/06) (tags)

As profits soar, oil companies pay less for gas rights.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/21/06) (tags)

Washington uses New Orleans to push for dismantling of public education.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/19/06) (tags)

Warmer seas will wipe out plankton.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/18/06) (tags)

Latest Bush dictatorship mega-catastrophe is now pharmaceuticals.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/16/06) (tags)

New Iranian war rhetoric from John McCain.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/10/06) (tags)

Senate moves towards forced vaccinations.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/5/06) (tags)

Indymedia and the memory of Raoul Wallenberg.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/28/05) (tags)

VMann comments on the 7/7 coverup.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/14/05) (tags)

Oliver Stone's 9/11 movie won't show planes striking the WTC.

Indymedia nonsense and intolerance (tags)

The level of fear regarding the content of posts has really skyrocketed around here. Not content to merely delete certain posts that don't toe the party line around here, the indymedia Gestapo is now deleting entire threads. Whatever thread contained the several posts of johnk calling me a racist and my clear refurations from just last night has been purged. Johnk, how is it over there at the ministry of truth? Don't you feel just a little bit silly?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/09/05) (tags)

European governments make peace with illegal renditions

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/27/05) (tags)

Berlin stadium holds terror drill.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/21/05) (tags)

New revelations of US military use of white phosphorus in Iraq.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/16/05) (tags)

Senate approves $500 billion war budget.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/14/05) (tags)

Guantanamo inmates to lose all rights.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/11/05) (tags) offering two versions of same Jordan bombs story.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/5/05) (tags)

Huge iceberg breaks apart in Antarctica.

2 Indymedia journalists detained in Argentina Nov. 4 (tags)

Urgent: two journalists detained in the repression by the police in Mar del Plata The Alternative Media Network of Buenos Aires, Argentina November 4th, 2005

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/1/05) (tags)

Delphi demands US auto workers accept poverty wages.

Indymedia reporter on the ground in Iraq (tags)

fantastic blog by Indymedia journalist on the ground in Iraq.

On-line newspaper renowned for Katrina journalism needs your help (tags)

The NewStandard ( is facing a key crossroads and needs the help of Los Angeles Indymedia readers.

Ressurrecting Climate Indy (tags)

The global importance of reporting on climate issues and community climate action/protests cannot be overstated. To this end, I am proposing the resurrection of climate indymedia.

LA Indymedia Gets 2 Million and a Half Hits in September (tags)

Usage Statistics for

15,000 at march according to LAPD (tags)

The LA Times article about the march cites a police estimate of 15,000 people, so indymedia should up its figure!

Speaking Truth to Power (tags)

I would like to acknowledge the following professors for this dialogue and article about a sensitive issue in the Chicano movement: Mario Barrera of Berkeley, Noam Chomsky of MIT, Chuck O’Connell of UC Irvine, and Jorge Mariscal of UC San Diego.

The land of milk of honey (BKH) (tags)

I am exhausted and thus taking the weekend off as a revolutionary columnist, but there are still a few things I wanted to get off my chest, just on the off chance that maybe Indymedia might be knocked off line before Monday so as tired as I am today I thought I would still get a few things written down

Indymedia Evens the Score (tags)

The right-wing controlled media in the United States is the biggest reason why this fascist regime was able to hijack two Presidential elections and to invade an innocent country and slaughter its people indiscriminately to seize control of their oil.

Media Deception (tags)

The Censorship of the Corporate Press is bad enough, but we also have a problem with the so called "Independent Press," and sometimes with our supposed ally- indymedia...

Nazis, Aztlan, Indymedia (tags)

What's wrong with Aztlan, white left? Do you feel just the same about it as the SOS Nazis? Speak up, I can't hear you.

Correction to Danzantes: a very tragic accident (tags)

Correction to previous report of Danzantes accident

Right Wing Hackers Target IndyMedia (tags)

Right-wing hackers '' are taking credit for attacking several IndyMedia websites posting anti-left rhetoric. This explains how to fix the bugs, who is responsible for the attacks, and how to prevent this kind of action in the future.

Microsoft Slavery May be Ending Due to Dumping -- Debates (tags)

The popular technology website Slashdot has picked up an Indymedia article that has created quite a stir (100s of comments). Slashdot said: "This is an interesting point made by a Clayton Hallmark on IndyMedia out of Argentina. He predicts that cheap Asian computing appliances with an Open Source Operating System on a chip will be the ultimate MS killer. References to the US$220 Mobilis out of India suggest the begining of newer, more powerful, and cheaper things to come. Mr. Hallmark also points to the success of the Wal-Mart cheap PC as proof the end is near for proprietory software. Overall an in interesting and thought provoking read."

Lacking Brains or Just Fearfull? (tags)

Some indymedia writers (or those on or sound like they make sense – very few actually show any understanding of the problems that the world faces - and fewer seem to have any ability to begin to conceptualize solutions!

USA The Movie features voices of Los Angeles Indymedia (tags)

Our voices of protest will never be forgotten...

Italian INDYMEDIA Website Banned Over 'Nazi' Pope Picture (tags)

An Italian website that published a photo montage of Pope Benedict XVI dressed in a Nazi uniform was told to suspend its activities on Wednesday for offending the Roman Catholic religion, court officials said.


Un pequeño grupo está cometiendo actos de censura inaudita en un medio independiente de Argentina.

Indymedia: para todos, no para una pequeña secta (tags)

Por qué publiqué las reflexiones de Rubén . Lo explicaré públicamente, no a una pequeña camarilla de tipos y tipas que con sus nombres avalaron la CENSURA y REPRESIÓN, borrando inmediatamente las publicaciones que hice con argumentos basados ÚNICAMENTE en el "consenso" ...entre ellos…

Fear and Loathing in Portland: On Internet Security and Privacy Today (tags)

"Something is happening here, But you don't know what it is, Do you, Mr. Jones?" -- Bob Dylan With FBI swooping down to subpeona server logs at anarchist websites, I knew that Stein knew this was no time for games. But as always he was tangled up with censors who seem, worldwide, to instinctively try to blot him out before he riled the masses. I journeyed from Boulder to his little hacienda in the sun and interviewed him for Colo Indymedia...and soon was so stoned I had to agree with every word he said as he spelled out some of the problems facing the left as the goons in Washington ran roughshod over our civil liberties... gOnZo jOuRnAlIzM from the oLd sKoOl

Portland IMC responds to SF Indymedia Conflict (tags)

Portlands response, on SF IMC

accounts about the massacre in Brazil!!! (tags)

stories on the massacres in Brazil. Four indymedia volunteers are jailed!


The links below (in Portuguese) are on the slaughter of workers uncovered by the Brazilian military police. volunteers of the indymedia arrested during massacre in Brazil.

Patrick Stewart Will Have His Revenge on Cyber Collectivism (tags)


nihilism is ultimately meaningless (tags)

getting slandered by racist sociaists who can't TALK about people without detailing their race and religion and socialiial status is like getting a channukah card from jesus christ - it's a sign that you are on the GOOD side instead of the --

Down with Jason Halprin, fascist pig! (tags)

Jason Halprin runs a fake Indymedia site in Las Vegas, which violates every principle Indymedia stands for. He ruthlessly suppresses dissent and criticism. He has banned me from meetings, censored my posts, and persecuted and discriminated against me because of my revolutionary views

NYC IMC Censors Article (tags)

NYC Indymedia censors article 30 minutes after it appears.

How can I be a Nazi and a supporter of Israel? (tags)

No Indymedia in Socialist Countries (tags)

The Defense Intelligence Agency Is Waging War On Americans (Details) (tags)

In contradiction to their pledge to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, the Department of Defense is violating the First Amendment.

Rachel Corrie vs Kobe Mandell (tags)

The latest crime bill has something in it for everyone.

CKUT Radio: The Battle of Guadalajara Mexico - A Radio Documentary (tags)


NoVedades de Diciembre en La PáGina del Colectivo Nuevo Proyecto Histórico. (tags)


Victoria Indymedia Facing Shutdown in Hostile takeover (tags)

Vic-IMC's server is being shut down by its host in Vancouver. The collective is unsure why this decision was made, and how it will be implemented. It appears to be the decision of a former member of Vancouver-IMC.

Collective Indymedia Santiago which is abandoning the Indymedia Network (with all its memb (tags)

Collective Indymedia Santiago which is abandoning the Indymedia Network (with all its members).

For a Real Independent Journalism: criticism to the Indymedia Network. (tags)

For a Real Independent Journalism: criticism to the Indymedia Network. Collective Indymedia Santiago. (Official notice from the Collective Indymedia Santiago about it’s imminent expulsion from the Indymedia Network).

San Francisco Bay Indymedia "Hacked" by Pro Israel Zionists! (tags)

San Francisco Bay Indymedia "Hacked" by Pro Israel Zionists!

Spartacist League/PDC Protest Crackdown on IndyMedia (tags)

The Spartacist League, revolutionary Trotskyist party, and its fraternal political prisoner defense organization, the Partisan Defense Committee have protested the assaults on IndyMedia through their newspaper, Workers Vanguard. "...We stand in fullest solidarity with those courageous journalists who struggle to tell the truth against the repression and lies of the American imperialists." Here is the article. ---- Varlet

Web Server Takedown Called Speech Threat (tags)

Indymedia sites knocked offline- from

We The People, IndyMedia, And The Neoliberal Project (tags)

Consider for a moment how important the Internet has become as a source of news and analysis. Over the past ten years, email lists and websites have evolved into a formidable alternative to commercial media. They provide people all over the world with timely eyewitness reports on developing events, along with a broad range of analysis and opinion.

Call to Action: Stop Government Repression of Indymedia (tags)

Call for Indymedia Solidarity


DAVID GEHRIG of Urbana-Champain IMC, and "nessie", an editor at sf.indymedia, often spar back-&-forth with each other over who's the bigger CENSORSHIP ass (to put it politely). But, the fact is that they both are! HOWEVER, the URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INDYMEDIA CENTER ( has been *HIJACKED* by ARCH-ZIONIST David Gerhig & Cohorts.

FBI Shuts Down 20 Antiwar Web Sites: An Unprecedented Act of Internet Censorship (tags)

The US government move to shut down nearly two dozen antiwar, anti-globalization web sites on October 7 is an unprecedented exercise of police power against political dissent on the Internet. The World Socialist Web Site denounces the attack on the Indymedia sites and demands a halt to all such attempts at suppressing political criticism of the US government.

Anarchy Is Not the Answer (tags)

Anarchy is not the answer for activists or independent media outlets that take their business of reform seriously. Independent Media groups and activists around the country (no matter how loosely organized) can not afford the luxury of either acting like, or being labeled, anarchists.


Here are 3 articles posted by Truthout on the Oct. 7 raid, in the UK , on the servers of Global Indy Media and several local IMC's, apparently instigated by one IMC's posting of a photo of an undercover agent in Europe.

Re: FBI seizes Global Indymedia Servers.(we told you this would come) (tags)

we alerted you to the fbi raiding individual servers across the US.

What's happening at indymedia? (tags)

What's happening at indymedia?

FBI orders UK ISP to hand over IMC Server (tags)

FBI orders UK ISP to hand over IMC Server

European Indymedia Servers Seized by US (tags)

US authorities are shutting down IMCs around the world.

indymedia harddisk raided!!! (tags)

Bad situation in Indy web sites around the world!!!

--Indymedia Server Raided by FBI-- (tags)

"Today at about 18:00 CET FBI raided the indymedia servers hosted by Rackspace both in US and England. At present, the italian indymedia and numerous other local IMC websites are obscured, while the reasons why the hard drives were taken are still unknown." ---------------------------

A Poem for IMCs from Zack de La Rocha (tags)

I was handed this piece of paper from Zack on the streets of New York. I am posting this for him. It's a moving poem for all the tireless work done by volunteers for the Indymedia network.

San Francisco Indymedia, expanding our horizons (tags)

our new mission

CIA Operation Against Cyprus IndyMedia (tags)

Please Repost to all IMC's

Leonard Peltier, the cult of Sherman Austin, and the role of Indymedia. (tags)

Sherman Austin is a hero on Indymedia... but Leonard Peltier is ignored and forgotten, despite being nominated for President of the US by the Peace and Freedom Party here in LA

I am Re-Born and stronger now (tags)

Like the magnificent Phoenix, I have risen from the ashes of my former life and I have grown stronger, more powerful and much more wise.

IndyMedia at the DNC '04 (tags)

Boston Independent Media Center - Democratic National Convention Projects

Are you coming to Boston for the Democratic National Convention this July? Are you planning to work with the Independent Media Center?

L.A. Indymedia Plays A Major Role In Underground Film (tags)

No Hollywood Crap. See a really independent film that was made to speak out for peace and justice. Support independent media.

Indymedia Post Used Against Protester in Quebec City (tags)

Indymedia Post Used Against Protester in Quebec City

Sony Music Entertainment Coporate Security on Indymedia? (tags)

Did the asset protection division of Sony Music Entertainment corporate security publish an article on Indymedia Los Angeles? This defence of Mr. Michael Jackson reeks of being a professional job.

Indybay Nominated for Activism Webby (tags)

Indybay was nominated for a Webby award in the Activism category. Cast your vote in the People's Voice contest! Voting ends May 7.

The Face of Hate (tags)

Pat Tillman as described on Portland IMC's hate filled web site.

FTAA Indymedia: The Miami Model (tags)

On Friday 16th April there will be a screening of the documentary The Miami Model. Produced by the FTAA Indymedia Video Collective, it is an exploration of the extreme police brutality that took place against activists opposing the FTAA and NAFTA in Miami last November.

Crying for Paris Hilton (tags)

Op Ed on Indymedia Op Eds.

Zionism- Indymedia Misconceptions (tags)

Several writers have taken to the propogandist use of the word Zionist for blaming all that is foul with Arab countries.


"I can see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country...corporations have been entroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money of the country will endeavor to prolong it's reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed.

The truth unfolds (tags)

I have finally published the names and the structure behind the harrasment campaign against me.




Indymedia comes to the Central Valley


Organizing is under way to create a new Indymedia Center in the Central Valley. Here are the details about the meetings that have been set up to organize this project.

Indymedia Becomes a Home for Disinformation and Alienation (tags)

I am concerned with the lack of reading skills on the part of Indymedia posters.

Indymedia really IS financed by Communists! (tags)

In the wake of the anarcho-socialist invasion of Miami to protest the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) meetings, it is important to understand how such events are organized. Independent Media Centers (or IMC or Indymedia) are the “cyber-grapevine,” the “CNN,” and the “Clear Channel,” for just about every lunatic leftist fringe group dedicated to eliminating capitalism from the world. Indymedia is the institution developed so the anarcho-socialists can communicate with each other and coordinate their activities. In fact, no less an authority than Mother Jones magazine paid tribute to IMC in their November 17 edition, observing that, "The global antiwar protests that surprised the world on February 15 grew out of the networks built by years of globalization activism, from Indymedia to the World Social Forum.”

Posting hate & ignorance with fresca, nonanarchist, bushadmirer. A how to: (tags)

These "TROLLS" are allways on indymedia making stupid comments and challenging everything that is not "politically conservative". Desperate to recruit others into their "clan" of hatred and conservatism.

A plea to the trolls for accurate criticism (tags)

It was inevitable to read the news anywhere on the net today without being bombarded by ignorent snarling coming from the "Send the Dixie Chicks to Guantanamo" crowd.

LA Indymedia is a COINTELPRO operation (tags)

The White Rose Journal is a better alternative to LA Indymedia

Re: London Protests/Show Your Solidarity (tags)

Re: an article in the UK Indy Media from Americans who back the anti-Bush protests, you might want to express your solitarily with them. UK IndyMedia article at:

Diebold vs. Indymedia (tags)

A recent visit by an Ohio IMCista to Diebold corporate headquarters near Green, Ohio.

Ignore list (tags)

I am a centrist

Should indymedia censor? (tags)

Why indymedia should censor.

DONATIONS needed to support FTAA/ALCA Indymedia Organizing (tags)

Many people associated with Indymedia are preparing to cover the FTAA/ALCA Ministerial meeting in Miami this coming November. Several work groups have been formed to coordinate different aspects of our effort. Since Indymedia is an all volunteer collective, to cover this historic moment in history, we are in need of funds to pay for the costs of computer, video and web radio hardware, Internet access and a public convergence space.

Bolivia: The Resistance Intensifies - "Que Se Vayan Todos" (tags)

Below are links to breaking news, eyewitness reports, related articles and live radio streaming from Bolivia, compiled by IMC-Bolivia and the Indymedia network. IMC-Bolivia has issued an urgent appeal to the global activist community and Indymedia readers everywhere for solidarity and support..including badly needed donations. Please give what you can. See donations link below.

Block Away (tags)

I am in favor of IndyMedia blocking KOBE members.

Los Angeles Indymedia noe CENSORING by IP address! (tags)

f you have been blocked, and you would like information on how to defeat this action, then visit KOBE Headquarters or e-mail me at in the meantime, write a complaint to and cite


An Indymedia center for the Central Valley in California came one step closer to reality at a meeting held last night in Modesto.

Indymedia prepares to cover FTAA/ALCA in Miami (tags)

In good self-organizing tradition, folks are preparing to cover FTAA/ALCA meeting in Miami this coming November.

L.A. Indymedia - The "Sherman Austin" website (tags)

L.A. Indy posts in yet ANOTHER leading article on Sherman Austin... "The more we are under attack, the more we will continue to intensify our struggle, and the more we will fight until the machine is put to rest. An injury to one is an injury to all. They may have been able to lock Sherman up, but hundreds, thousands, millions more are ready to take his place and continue fighting even stronger. "

Some right-winger has set up a phony indymedia site called (tags)

Some right-winger has set up a phony indymedia site called

Al Giordano interviews Latuff (tags)

Exclusive interview with Brazilian cartoonist Latuff for Al Giordano's Big, Left, Outside.

Cancun IMC Needs Your Help (tags)

Emergency Funds needed for the Media Center to cover the WTO in Cancun, Mexico.

Main Indymedia down again... (tags)

Just wondering if anybody knows why Indymedia is down.

Im sick and tired of HIPOCRISY here at IMC (tags)

This Newswire has fallen victim to the same censoring bullshit it protests against. The hypocrisy has become extreme.

Look for archives, to show thier lies (tags)

Well there boys and girls out in Indymedia land, its time to take on a thankless and tiring job of scouring the archives and showing the shills what they said "back in the day".

BIODEV CARTOON(amsellem) (tags)

cartoon c 2003 by charles amsellem. all rights reserved. activists may reproduce for non profit use

Indymedia's Parade of Stars! (tags)

In our ongoing effort to present to you the latest buzz from below the Beltway in Twaddle Town we bring you reader requests:

wto in montreal in july (tags)

read montreal and vancouver indymedia. then, send your activists to montreal in july

Indymedia Geneva being raided by police right now! (tags)

Check out NOW for updates on the massive protests in Evian/Geneva against the G8 summit, and the current police attack on Indymedia-geneva

PETITION : Stop Censoring IndyMedia from Google News (tags)

Please sign the 'Stop Censoring IndyMedia from Google News' Petition, and then let your friends know about it!


Way to go Indy... "open publishing" allows various jerks to post porno images, racist tirades, and genuine anti-Jewish trash like the "Protocals of the Elders of Zion " (the tract used by the Nazis)... the result?

Indymedia website in Baghdad opened Tuesday 13 May. (tags)

Free speech indymedia in Bagdad...

Confession from White Male Libertarian on Disrupting Indymedia (tags)

I thought the administartors of Indymedia might like to see it. He claims to use two different IP addresses to wage his attacks on Indymedia.

How to break a Conservative Libertarian masquerading as a Liberal (tags)

"We should provide aid and assistance to those who are our friends and simply ignore those who are not. After all if they can afford to insult us it must be because they don't need us. Let them strike out on their own. If they survive fine, if they become extinct fine."

DISCUSSION--Ways to shut down the KKKOBE website (tags)

Although in America we are allowed the freedom of speech, the constitutions places certain limits on "hate speech" that is designed to infringe upon anothers rights. We at Indymedia need to put our heads together to ORGANIZE and DISCUSS ways to get these fascist neo-cons off the web.



leave comments to thank the people at indymedia for fixing this website (tags)

over the past week this website has had technical difficulties but now everything is fixed thank the people at indy media here for fixing the problem and for this great website

Quick Activity to Support Peace Sites! (tags)

A simple and quick thing everyone can do to counter CNN, MSN and other war-mongering media, and support IndyMedia and Anti-War websites!

Indymedia Site (tags)

Indymedia Web problems .Hackers?


PLEASE READ THIS AND FORWARD TO AS MANY AS POSSIBLE: A simple and quick thing everyone can do to counter CNN, MSN and other war-mongering media, and support IndyMedia via your browser home start page!

portland indymedia dowN? (tags)

portland indymedia down?

Why was LA Indy down most of today? (tags)

LA Indymedia was not responding to pings or nameserver lookups for over 8 hours today. What was up with that? Are KOBE having a go at you? Should we mirror you?

Something amiss with Portland Indymedia (tags)

Certain types of messages are being blocked on the Portland Indymedia site. It appears that the word Vatican might be the key.

EMAIL ACTION! Evidence against Iraq faked -- Washington Post (tags)

The Washington Post is reporting that evidence against Iraq has been faked. Send email to the media, cover this story!

EMAIL: leveraging Indy to stop the war (tags)

We are in the final days. The Washington Post is reporting that U.S. and British forces are ready to fight. Take collective action now!


I was perusing the site and noticed that there are no IndyMedia sites available for countries that I have a particular interest in, such as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Oman, Qatar, U.A.E, etc. Why not? Israel is the biggest fascist state in the world and they have and Indy Media Site? This just doesn't seem to make any sense?!?

The Axis of Evil on Indymedia (tags)

The United Capitalist Front (UCF) is a coalition of right wingers, conservatives and pro-capitalists working together to divide and conquer the effectiveness of indymedia through disinformation and psychological warfare as counterinsurgency (Stay tuned for updates).

Forgeries, Denials and the Facts in-between (tags)

Confronting false charges made against Anne Frank's diary and the "infiltration" of Indymedia

The other side of the "What Really Happens" story (tags)

The detailed concerns of the corporation named in the previously installments of "What Really Happens at"

Indymedia access out in NorthWest (tags)

No indymedia access to the international, most US, and some pacific IMC sites from various places in the pacific NW.

Indymedia's Favorite Son Calls Bartenders "common". (tags)

Michael Moore, Indymedia's darling, goes on a tirade because he feels underpaid, and makes 'colorful' comments in London.

Building Bridges Radio - What's Happening in Venezuela (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 min Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON THE INDYMEDIA LINK. Listen to WBAI'S Building Bridges live on the web Mondays 7-8PM EST by goin to

Oil coup-strike-lockout is for the rich. Help President Chavez! Search Venezuela news. (tags)

In 1974 80% of oil income went to the state. Today 80% of Venezuelan oil income goes to the rich, and to "operating costs." Only 20% goes to the state. Chavez reforms will help reverse this in January 2003. This is why the coup-plotters, "strike"-promoters, and corporate media are in such a hurry to overthrow the fairly-ELECTED Chavez government. They want to prevent these reforms, and reverse others already-implemented. Reforms that help the poor and lower middle class. Massive corporate-media disinformation, destabilization campaign going on inside Venezuela. Support President Chavez! Please forward widely.

Portland Indymedia Reports on FBI Frame Up (tags)

Portland Indymedia Center is reporting on the apparent frameup of an activist. Tre Arrow was becoming increasingly more effective until the FBI stopped him with indictments that many local activists believe are a set up.


Why the fuck isn't Indymedia covering a possible imminent coup in Venezuela?



The Axis of Evil on Indymedia (tags)

Counterinsurgency disinformation progress report. The United Capitalist Front (UCF) is a coalition of right wingers, conservatives and pro-capitalists, working together to divide and conquer the effectiveness of indymedia through disinformation and psychological warfare as counterinsurgency (Stay tuned for updates).

San Diego Indymedia Meeting (tags)

photograph of indymedia working in San Diego

Hacia donde va Indymedia? (tags)

Un aporte al debate abierto por Indymedia Thessaloniki

Call for Video! (tags)

We need your Progressive Video!

Open Letter to Photographers (tags)

Calling all Picture Takers!! Calling all Picture Takers!!

Walk for Farmworker Justice: round-up of portland indymedia coverage (tags)

Collected portland indymedia coverage of the 2002 Walk for Farmworker Justice in Woodburn, Oregon, on July 13.

Coping with disruptions in indymedia and other networked organizations (tags)

The history of a persistent and difficult person who nearly destroyed Indymedia

The sad state of Los Angeles Indymedia (tags)


The Axis of Evil in Indymedia (tags)

A coalition of right wingers, conservatives and pro-capitalists, working together to divide and conquer the effectiveness of indymedia through disinformation and psychological warfare as counterinsurgency (Stay tuned for updates).

IMC Hamilton Interviews Barrie Zwicker, Host of VisionTV's 'The Great Deception' (tags)

Important thoughts from Barrie Zwicker during these times of state-terror.

Indymedia: an anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic Website (tags)

The site is dedicated to Jewish-Christian relations and to the ongoing conflict in Israel/palestine.

Indymedia Nederlands summoned to remove Radikal site links (tags)

Indymedia NL refuses to remove links to Radikal site despite being summoned to do so by Deutsche Bahn (German Rail)

Big Story in Today's Wash. Post on Indymedia! (tags)

Check out dc.indymedia or today's washington post for big, long, rather favorable story about indymedia

9.11 investigation: portland indymedia interviews Mike Ruppert (tags)

portland indymedia interviews with independent journalist and 9.11 researcher, Mike Ruppert, 13-14 April 2002


Indymedia is an open newswire; ANYBODY can publish a story here. Some new visitors to IMC (mainly non-activists) were not aware of the free publishing rule and distrusted IMC because of the amount of US- Zionist supremacist and racist hate posts.

Portland INdymedia down (tags)

Portland Indymedia seems to be down

9-11 Lies Uncovered by Portland Indymedia -- ALL Indymedia should do so!! (tags)


9-11 Lies Uncovered by Portland Indymedia -- ALL Indymedia should do so!! (tags)


Welcome Back LA: Watch Palestine Indymedia for 24 hr Updates (tags)

Los Angeles Indymedia: Welcome back to the Internet! We missed you very much. Below are the latest updates from This website is also the worldwide solidarity newswire for the Palestinian liberation struggle.

la indymedia is back! (tags)


RADIO IMC-LA: Indymedia Discussion - Part 2 (tags)

Part 2 in the first in a series of discussions with Indymedia participants worldwide. Includes people from IMCs in LA, Seattle, Philly, Alberta and a rep from Global Tech.

indymedia under attack world wide (tags)

indymedia under attack world wide

IMC Italy Raided this Morning (tags)

This morning around 7.00, police knocked at the doors of a few social centers: Gabrio in Torino, Cecco Rivolta in Firenze, TPO in Bologna, as well as those of the Cobas offices in Taranto. The huge mobilitation (a lot of cars, vans, and riot cops) was due to an order from Genova's attorney.

italy imc under police attack (tags)


Confirmation of Raid (tags)

Details from website raid, from SF Indymedia

Propaganda 101- How Corporate Media Lies (tags)

Most of us pretty much know how the corporate media lies to us. But here's an article that puts the current problem with the corporate media into historical context-a history of "spin" and mass deception, and precisely why we NEED Indymedia and as many other alternatives as possible.

San Diego IndyMedia (tags)

SDIMC gets official!

Safe Haven (tags)

It seems that most of the people who frequent IndyMedia are in agreement about issues regarding the war and civil liberties.

Oakland FBI Contacts Indymedia Volunteer (tags)

Information about FBI contact with Indymedia volunteer today, Nov 2 2001

Indymedia Israel Activist Eran Razgour Imprisoned As Conscientious Objector (tags)

19-year-old Eran Razgour, an activist involved with IMC Israel, was sentenced on October 28th to 42 (28+14) days imprisonment in Prison no. 4 for refusal to be enlisted.

Indymedia Comments on CNN Palestinian Footage (tags)

This email was sent to several Indymedia lists by an IMCer who was interviewed by NPR. The writer makes some important points about the entire incident and how we lie to ourselves to make the world seem like a different.

Is Israel Responsible for the Attack? (tags)

After posting "For California's Independence", resumed checking other Indymedia sites for updated information and ran across two articles at the Arizona Indymedia implicating Israel in the attacks! Read and decide for yourself!

Indymedia Sites Vanish (tags)

A number of Indymedia sites have apparently been pulled off the Web.

Messaggio a tutti gli italiani (tags)

Per chi e' interessato

Why indymedia should have ongoing reports on Colombia's civil war (tags)

This is a comment I posted in response to the article "The FARC faces the empire"

United Nations Rejects Indymedia (tags)

( apparently only full-time "businesses" are viewed as containing "journalists" ) Lorenzo Komboa Ervin and JoNina Abron tried to get freelance media credentials through several independent media sources, including San Francisco Indymedia. Read on...

Salo, or the 3 Days of Genoa (tags)

As the United States Navy’s Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. Enterprise and her battlegroup held their position off the coast of Italy to ”protect” The G8 Summit, the Italian secret police carried out a brutal attack on the journalists in the offices of IndyMedia Italy in Genoa. This brutal attack has propelled The IndyMedia Revolution into international fame. Read on to find out what the Italian secret police were really after and what this beckons for the future of The IndyMedia Revolution.

Anarchists Steal "News" Award at the Webby's (tags)

Anarchists stormed the stage at the Webby's, stealing an award for online "News" reporting. Indymedia had been nominated for an award in "Activism" ( many comments at sf link)

Indymedia's weekly PDF #10: Europeans Hate W. (tags)

Indymedia's weekly PDF #10: Europeans hate W.

Antiglobalist martyr? (tags)

Live rounds fired in Sweden

Indymedia weekly PDF #8 (tags)

Indymedia weekly PDF #8

Keep track of the growing repression against indymedia (tags)

A link to the indymedia info page on state repression against imcs :

no funcionan las listas de indymedia (tags)


Updated Links to Article on Racism at Twin Cities IndyMedia (tags)

Updated Links to article about racism at Twin Cities IndyMedia.

Racism at the Twin Cities IndyMedia (tags)

Racism at the Twin Cities IndyMedia--as experienced by a former member of the collective.

**ominous official attacks on indymedia (tags)

US government attacks and censorship undermine indymedia. Do we risk the integrity of the entire Indymedia project by complying with gag orders?

New Single For Mumia Hits 800 Downloads With Help Of World's IndyMedia Centers (tags)

More than 800 people have downloaded "Freedom of Speech," the new hip hop single by Buddha Mind, released on Groove Embassy Records ( The single, inspired by the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, is out on CD for US$5 and in MP3 format for free. All proceeds from sales of the CD single will go to the ICFFMAJ's organizing fund for Mumia.

Sydney Independent Media Centre (tags)

An open letter to the World.

Indyans International (tags)

Announcement: formation of a group designed to promote Indymedia at a local level.

A reminder to all who post (tags)

We must share our stories with mainstream message boards.

LA indymedia back on the road (tags)

thanks to a mirror site across the country, LA indymedia is back in action

One More for the Junk Pile (tags)

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