fix articles 233781, north west
Massive mass actions for May 1 that were held in major U.S. cities was a resounding success. In scores of major cities like Los Angeles (30,000), Seattle, WA (6,000)San Francisco,( 10,000) New York, (10,000) . and Chicago (50,000), Filipino Americans immigrants and advocates joined up with their Latino immigrant allies to demand full rights and legalization for immigrants, a stop to ICE raids and deportations and workers rights during May 1 International Workers Day. Arturo P. Garcia, CDIR and AJLPP deputy national coordinator said: “while the bourgeois media tends to praise the police for “good behavior” and chide the rallyist for supposed the low-turn-out, immigrant groups were satisfied with the unity shown at the rally. For the third year in a row, after the repeal of the infamous HR 4437, the need for a comprehensive immigration reform and a pathways to citizenship was again thrust into the limelight and the national stage. It clearly shows the immigrant rights movement is alive and kicking, more united and consolidated.” Garcia added.
Workers/Immigrants US-Wide Rallies on May 1 (tags)
The Coalition in Defense of Immigrants Rights (CDIR) –USA and the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) announced today that mass actions for May 1 that were held in major U.S. cities was a resounding success. In scores of major cities like Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, New York.Phoenix and Chicago, Filipino Americans immigrants and advocates joined up with their Latino immigrant allies to demand full rights and legalization for immigrants, a stop to ICE raids and deportations and workers rights during May 1 International Workers Day. Arturo P. Garcia, CDIR and AJLPP deputy national coordinator said: “while the bourgeois media tends to praise the police for “good behavior” and chide the rallyist for supposed the low-turn-out, immigrant groups were satisfied with the unity shown at the marches and rallies all over the United States. For the third year in a row, after the repeal of the infamous HR 4437, the need for a comprehensive immigration reform and a pathways to citizenship was again thrust into the limelight and the national stage. It clearly shows the immigrant rights movement is alive and kicking, more united and consolidated.” Garcia added.
May 1 US-WIDE MASS Actions (tags)
The Coalition in Defense of Immigrants Rights (CDIR) –USA and the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) announced today that mass actions for May 1 will be held in major U.S. cities to commemorate International Workers Day and demand full rights and legalization for immigrants. In major cities like Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, New York and Chicago, Filipino Americans are joining up with their Latino immigrant allies to protest ICE raids and anti-immigrant bashing. They will also demand legalization and full rights for all immigrants. Joint MIWON/March 25th and April 7 Coalition March/Rally In Los Angeles, California the newly formed Filipino American For Immigration Reform (FAIR) with the Pilipino Workers Center will march form PWC in 153 Glendale, Historic Filipnotown to Macarthur Park and join the MIWON Contingent that will march form Macarthur Park to downtown Broadway.
The Struggle for Humane Immigration: Success and Challenges Speaker: Angelica Salas (tags)
Annual Program 2007: Peace with Justice Center invites you to participate in an exciting gathering of Peace Activists with one of the Humane Immigrant Rights leader, Angelica Salas. She was 29 years old when she became the executive director of CHIRLA—Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles. The Mexican-born community leader began her immigrant rights work as a volunteer for CHIRLA in 1995, when the organization consisted of only seven paid staff members. Almost eleven years later, CHIRLA has grown to become one of the leading community organizations in Los Angeles serving immigrants from all over the world. The staff of 30 runs over a dozen programs to help educate immigrants about their rights, offer legal aid referrals, train immigrant youth to become leaders, assist in employee/employer wage disputes, as well as do advocacy at the local, state and federal level. Angela has a success story to share.
French Fries in the American Southwest (tags)
Hike the Mojave Desert.
Call for CIPO-RFM Tour - West Coast and South West (tags)
Proposed tour for the Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca – Ricardo Flores Magón (CIPO-RFM)in the South West and West Coast (with proposed kick off event in Los Angeles). The CIPO-RFM is an autonomous organization of indigenous and non-indigenous people who ally themselves with the struggle for indigenous rights and social justice all over the world
(Move over 9-11 families) Meet the 'Fort Hood Families'! (tags)
A 'war blog' ... Make way '9-11 families' for the new rising stars, 'the Fort Hood Families'. As well as this new little propaganda toy of the extreme right wing, we are also being fed huge amounts of perjury and falsehoods during the war, just as we were in the lead up to the war, all intended to convince people that the war is something that its not. However the documents of the Extreme Right illustrate quite clearly that the war in Iraq should actually be renamed 'Operation Iraqi Oil'.