fix articles 232718, people showed up
Video & Photos from Stop AIPAC 2017 Demonstration (tags)
At least 1,000 people showed up in the bitter cold and wet Washington, DC on March 26, 2017 to protest a notorious Zionist organization, American Israel Public Affairs Committee or AIPAC, at an ANSWER sponsored demonstration. They made an excellent 9 minute video which can be seen at
Against US Occupation in Haiti - Rally (tags)
Tuesday, May 18th, between 6 PM and 8 PM, about 60 people showed up in Westwood to protest against US and French occupation in Haiti.
VIDEO: March for Zapata (tags)
A ONE MINUTE AND 10 SECONDS VIDEO.....Saturday, April 10th, about 600 people showed up to march for Zapata in Lincoln Height, at the Mexico Park, in East Los Angeles despite the gloomy and cool weather.
Saturday, April 10th, about 600 people showed up to march for Zapata in Lincoln Height, at the Mexico Park, in East Los Angeles despite the gloomy and cool weather that was perfect for picture taking.
Below find five pictures and a 1: 10 mn VIDEO about the Westwood Rally, Friday, April 9th, at 5PM. The call for the protest against US occupation in Iraq was given only a few days before. Nevertheless a lot of people showed up, about 500.
(2) Pirates Inland Against the Empire (tags)
Two hundred people showed up at the demonstration against the war in the Inland Empire, Riverside, on March 19th from 6 PMto 8:30 PM...SIX PICTURES AND A 35 SECONDS VIDEO
(2) Photos: Bush Fundraiser Protest in Riverside, Oct 15th (tags)
About a thousand people showed up at the Bush Fundraiser Protest in Riverside, Oct 15th
Despite the downpour, we got a really large turnout for the LA Peace March on March 15. Thousand of people showed up to say no to war.